It seems there is quite a bit of hopelessness in the blogosphere lately. Many are throwing in the towel and giving up. This country seems like a lost cause, and we’re all just waiting for it to collapse into fascism, socialism, and tyranny.

The government doesn’t work anymore. Obama acts with impunity, destroying decades of diplomacy and strength, and nobody does anything to stop him before it’s too late. He’s bankrupted this nation, increased the FSA beyond sanity and reckoning, and things seem to spiral out of control at home and abroad. Obama’s allowed illegal immigrants to over-run this country, ignoring laws for his own gain and the gain of millions more parasitic democrat voters.

Are we just going to stand around and let Obama and the liberal progressives destroy what’s left of this nation? I suppose so, everyone’s giving up. Blogging and seeing reality gets nothing done. Being angry and full of hatred is counter-productive, and leads to depression when turned inward. Can anything be done? The options for taking this country back from Obama and fascists always leads to civil war, which the government has already prepared for. Is this what it’s going to take? Let me know what you think….



The leftists have destroyed damn near everything. Our religion, our culture, our civilization, our sanity. I don’t even know what it means to be an “American” anymore, as an ever-increasing portion of the country is completely alien to me.

As depressing as this is, there is an upside. I feel we’re kind of like continental Europe after World War II—i.e., bombed into oblivion; our once beautiful and charming cities reduced to rubble and ash; our people confused, traumatized and demoralized. What to do but rebuild? And if we have to rebuild, doesn’t it make sense to rebuild stronger and more beautiful?

Of course, the analogy’s far from perfect as we’re still in the midst of a destructive war. The bad guys are still in charge. And so we can’t literally rebuild our cities now because they’ll just be immediately destroyed again by the usual suspects who destroyed them in the first place (blacks, Hispanics—I’m looking at you).

But what we can start doing is planning for what happens after the denouement.

I.e., I mean eventually this evil nonsense has got to come to a head, no? And, should that happen, God willing good will triumph. (Of course that’s no guarantee, but it’s a possibility, and one which will serve as the subject of this post.)

So let’s imagine SHTF, the good guys win, the bad guys are swinging in the breeze, and we finally have the opportunity to right the wrongs that ruined us. Where do we begin?

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2014/06/part-1-opportunity/#TSAkxClozW8bY8u0.99

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June 14, 2014 12:12 pm
June 14, 2014 12:26 pm

Throwing in the towel crosses my mind more and more frequently these days.

But … not yet.

June 14, 2014 12:33 pm

Just to set the record straight ….


How a misunderstanding about Chinese characters has led many astray

There is a widespread public misconception, particularly among the New Age sector, that the Chinese word for “crisis” is composed of elements that signify “danger” and “opportunity.”

The explication of the Chinese word for crisis as made up of two components signifying danger and opportunity is due partly to wishful thinking, but mainly to a fundamental misunderstanding about how terms are formed in Mandarin and other Sinitic languages. For example, one of the most popular websites centered on this mistaken notion about the Chinese word for crisis explains: “The top part of the Chinese Ideogram for ‘Crisis’ is the symbol for ‘Danger’ …

rest of article here —-> http://pinyin.info/chinese/crisis.html

June 14, 2014 12:42 pm

After the fall, I like to think that the Remnant will somehow pull together, sort of like the movie The Book of Eli.

That is my only hope.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 14, 2014 2:09 pm

I understand the anger, the frustration, even the ennui that accompanies the kind of awakening the people who populate these blogs feel, I really do. But grown ups- not the perpetual adolescent consumer drones addicted to pharmaceuticals and celebrity culture- real grown ups get past the emotions and get on with life. Especially if you have children. While it may appear to be the time bemoan our losses, in reality it’s time to rise to the challenge and find a different path.

Stop feeding the beast, now. Wherever you can find a way to cut back, do it. I know it sounds trite, but even a garden is a first step to pulling the plug on your dependence. Stop pretending that the system is workable. If your toaster shits the bed do you pretend to make toast with it? Of course not, you either find another way to toast your bread or you learn to live without toast. Calling a congressman to complain about immigrants pouring across the border is akin to writing Santa for that new house you want- pointless. Accept reality and move on.

Knock off the immediate payback cycle, learn to do without or prioritize. You’re hungry? Really? What do you weigh? If you aren’t whip thin, you aren’t hungry and that $8-$10 retard made sammich from Wawa is equivalent to 15-20-60 minutes of your life you aren’t ever going to get back, working for money to finance some faceless company so you can die a slow death from dietary related illness down the road.

In the end, you know who wins? The last man standing. Get the hell out of the cities because that’s like the morons who continually rebuild their houses in places called Tornado Alley standing in the rubble for the third time whining, “I never imagined this could happen again.” Sure you could. You just aren’t smart enough to plan any further than your next paycheck and you deserve what happened.

Figure out what’s really important in life and then take whatever steps are to make those things the center of your life. If you love your family more than shopping or your boss and coworkers show them that love by being there with them instead of spending the bulk of your waking hours and the best years of your life driving back and forth to a cubicle so you can make money to spend trying to show people how much you love them. That kind of crazy usually proceeds cat collecting and ziplock bags full of fingernail clippings. Don’t be that guy.

Lower your expectations when it comes to accumulating wealth and raise your standards when it comes to the people in your life. Those 150 facebook friends? They aren’t. That 7,000 sf behemoth parked in the middle of 500 other 7,000 sf behemoths? That’s not a home, that a mausoleum for all that useless crap you’ve accumulated when you should have been doing something productive.

Now I’m just pontificating because no matter how much I try, I still get sucked into it myself sometimes. It’s hard to be immune when the message is as pervasive and ubiquitous as CONSUME AND OBEY. I should probably give up the Internet too, but there’s so much I am able to glean from it that improves my life I justify keeping the connection. I still vote in the local elections even if I no longer participate in the fraudulent general elections, because good citizen. And the fact is that I still get wound up when I see things like the recent events in Iraq or the child invasion from south of the border even though I know tat there’s no point in investing my energy in things I cannot possibly change.

But there are things that I can and those are the things I spend most of my time doing. Like posting my stuff in a place where at least some of the people are already predisposed to thinking about making a change. If only one person is affected and heads in the right path, I’ve doubled my base. And every journey begins with a single step.

Is the old USA going to make a comeback? Like the magic 8 ball would say, “the future is uncertain”.

Right now the Sun is shining, we’ve got that going for us and tomorrow is another day.

Warren Celli
Warren Celli
June 14, 2014 3:00 pm

Hardscrabble, good post. I too am basically an optimist. I don’t have the same faith in the locals that you do and I believe shunning the whole ball of wax is the way to go…

“Strategy — Phase One
1. Election Boycotts:
Gaining Power: Job number one — creating a responsive to the will of the people direct democracy electoral process… Farce to force! Yes, you have to give up being controlled by farce in order to take control and gain force! This will take proactive, not passive, boycotts of the present electoral process with a reorganization outside of, and in parallel with, the corrupt system.

When you come to see that these abuses are either by design, as I strongly believe, or even not by design, it matters not. What matters is that the abuses exist, they are severe, and they are working to destroy us. Good conscience, love, and caring, compels us now — all of us — to withdraw our consent, to no longer be complicit, and to shun the present farce immoral social political system and start again to gain force outside the present system.

The power of shunning — a ‘Vote of NO Confidence’… Voting is not a civic duty, it is a civil right like free speech. Just as you are not compelled to speak, you are not compelled to vote. Not voting is a vote that has the power of context. In times of citizen satisfaction a non vote can be considered a vote of confidence in the government that is setting the policy that is providing that citizen satisfaction. In turbulent times, where the citizenry is vocally dissatisfied and has repeatedly shown its disapproval when the government has repeatedly acted against its citizen will and been non responsive to that will, a non vote can be considered a ‘Vote of NO Confidence’ in that non responsive government. There is little doubt of citizen dissatisfaction with today’s wealthy elite Xtrēvilism corporate governance and little doubt that moneyed wealthy elite corporate interests have hijacked our government. Poll after poll leaves no doubt as to citizen dissatisfaction. Non votes in today’s context can confidently be counted as ‘Votes of NO Confidence’ in this hijacked government.

We have a Constitutional crisis that can not be resolved from within — the system is too corrupt… Election boycotts will be a bottom up movement and will include a concurrent revision of the Constitution made by all participants. The Constitution, like software, is in need of a serious upgrade. Past corruption has prevented revisions along the way, and the present corporate hijacking of the government has made change from within impossible. The New Constitution, fashioned and structured after the old, will include an electoral process of direct democracy with open and transparent voting on paper ballots by all citizens, hand counted by real humans — not machines! That Constitutional revision to regain control of the rule of law should also include, as a minimum; regaining of citizen control of all media, corporations, and banking.”

more here…


Deception is the strongest political force on the planet.

June 14, 2014 3:30 pm

Unless there will be a meaningful change to who controls our money supply after SHTF, I really don’t see any point in being optimistic. By meaningful I mean for the genuine benefit of the USA.

I quietly hold out hope that there are just enough powerful 1%’ers and military personnel that are quietly seething with anger at how our culture is being destroyed and that they will turn on the truly corrupt when they least expect it. Chances of that are slim to non-existent. Even if that were to happen it is going to be a long, slow road to stability after the crash. At 48 years old, I don’t think I’ll live long enough to see a return to stability.

June 14, 2014 4:47 pm

I feeling more and more like withdrawing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m giving up.

The writing has been building up on my walls for a long time. I worked at ground zero for the changeover from high-tech ruling, and building, and spending, jobs that paid well over 6 figures and economically lifted nearly every area of America (thank you Y2K!), to the time when 1000 applicants responded to one measly job that then commanded $45k. It was well on its way to happening BEFORE dotcom burst and before 9/11. Yet there are not a handful of commentators that have ever realized that aspect of the destruction of the middle class jobs. They were not all in manufacturing. The silver lining is that many of the overpaid techies from 1999 have gone on to be overpaid security drones working to destroy our country while making great money.

Anyway, a long, long, time.

Yet now, the situation is deteriorating so quickly, the horror, and disgust, and disbelief, and worse-again-than-I-could-have-believed, smacking us from every side, from every which way, from every angle, and seemingly multiple times a day.

Beaten the fuck down. The reason why people are not “standing up,” nor “doing something,” is that they are just beaten to fuck. At least that is what I see.

Everyday brings a new rule, a new regulation, a new fear, a new chant, a new promise that somebody, somewhere is going to “do something” for us.

Every. Fucking. Day.

I oft wonder how much of our collective weight gain is due to the continuous stresses raining down upon us from every level. Stay out of the sun! Terrorists! Real food Fat! School Shooters! Etc., etc.

Then throw in inspectors, regulators, license clerks, taxers, cops, city clerks, fire marshals, teachers, doctors, nurses, case workers, insurance agents.

THESE are reasons why people overeat. Continued stress brings on higher levels of cortisol in your body, higher cortisol leads to depression, belly fat, fatty liver, hormone fluctuations and failures.

Some people turn to “illicit” drugs, or doctor prescribed drugs, or alcohol, or exercise (very few), but a great number turn to FOOD as their bodies attempt to heal themselves. And then fail.

Cortisol, and the associated increase in estrogen levels, and depression, force your body into the craving of caffeine and carbs. Which only serves to make it worse. The more you eat of that shit, the more you crave it and the less you feel like being active.

Then, we go to our docs and are told to eat tons of grains a day, and very little meat and natural fat, which then makes us hungrier, angrier and fatter. So we “cheat,” and fail, and the miserable cycle begins anew.

No wonder so many give up.

Anyway, that rant is over.

Not giving up, just saving myself. And regrouping. And doubling down on preparations.

I’m like IS, I don’t really believe that at 47 now I am going to see the bright, sunny, liberated, days for myself. Not at all. I won’t even tell you what I believe because it is just to dark to let out. But truly that doesn’t matter one iota. I have two kids, one near kid, and a grandgift to plan and prepare for.

And that is as optimistic about our chances as I can get. I’m doing the right thing by them and crossing my freaking fingers.

For now, venting and commiserating with other enlightened ones is a needed diversion to keep me going until the day this crap starts to really fall apart.

Peace all.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
June 14, 2014 5:12 pm

Make what preparations you can (for SHTF Day), one day at a time. At least be prepared to take some of the thuggocrats with you – if they come gunning for you. BC-LR to all

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
June 14, 2014 8:11 pm

Stay nimble and stay liquid. Be ready and have the confidence to be a contrarian when it comes to finances. Be ready to buy the assets of the panicking, debt-riddled masses when the chickens come home to roost. Buy their stocks when the are half price, buy their vacation homes at half price, buy their auctioned off cars for pennies on the dollar. Most Americans have no chance. They lack the education and will to do what’s necessary to stay solvent. They will be slow bled into poverty. If you are reading this site you have a brain in your head and therefore a fighting chance. America has and still only respects those who have one thing, money. Money is not going away even if there is a paradigm shift. Earn, save, and deploy it when the time comes.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 14, 2014 8:25 pm

Radio survey: If your date had a little too much to drink and passed out, would you have sex with her?

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” — Rahm Emanuel

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 14, 2014 8:39 pm

The post says “we’re all just waiting for it to collapse into fascism, socialism, and tyranny.”

Who in their right mind doesn’t see we’ve ALREADY collapsed into fascism, socialism, and tyranny?

And come on, AWD, to say: “I feel we’re kind of like continental Europe after World War II—i.e., bombed into oblivion; our once beautiful and charming cities reduced to rubble and ash; our people confused, traumatized and demoralized.” Are you seriously comparing what things were like for those countries after the destruction of WWII to present-day America? Maybe the mental part, sure, but not the massive bombed-out shells of buildings and infrastructure (Detroit notwithstanding).

My “neck of the woods”, Northern Virginia, is an exception, I realize, to the economic troubles most large urban (and rural) areas of the country now suffer under. People here have lots of money and things are hunky-dory–for the most part. There are some store closings and the pace of growth this area profited from has slowed markedly from the 80s-00s. That growth was an aberration anyway, but people don’t recognize that, they just blindly thought the upward hockey stick of construction and jobs would go on forever.

Anyway, we aren’t Europe after WWII, although it’s not too much of a stretch to envision that kind of physical destruction should war come to our shores. There has been some discussion and TV documentaries of what a nuke would do to D.C. lately.

I don’t take our current lifestyle for granted anymore. Everyone should prepare for hard times that are certain to come.

June 15, 2014 12:23 am

It’s all planned. After the country is destroyed it will be rebuilt in some form the elite thinks it should be. Obama likes a European style society. They don’t own guns and are easier to control. Also throw in agenda 21 in the mix, as a future some want to have happen.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
June 15, 2014 1:37 am

Smile: as the price of fuel goes up, everything will become more localized and while we may not like having to walk/bike/use the bus, we will rapidly move from the alienating over scaled everything life we’re in now.

Even if you don’t have time to garden, put the time into improving your soil so that when the time goes, any seed you plant will grow like crazy. Plant fruit trees; not just on your land, but on every square foot of public space nearby. Make your micro neighborhood verdant.

June 15, 2014 1:48 pm

“Although you may find it difficult not to inject a little sanity into the lemming like rush towards death you see all around you, do NOT intercede. The old world is dying. It must and will come down. The best you can do is let it die as gracefully as possible.”-ET 101 The Cosmic Instruction Manual

June 15, 2014 1:51 pm

Mike: Don’t forget NUT trees. Nuts can be used for oil for lamps, moisturizer, and cooking. Nuts are high in protein and essential fatty acids.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
June 15, 2014 2:05 pm

You lose credibility when you try to blame all of our problems on “Obama and the liberal progressives.”

Our problems started long before Obama was even born. It’s a reflection of your own short-sightedness and your desperation to pin the blame on “somebody” that you can’t see that.

June 15, 2014 3:28 pm

Pirate Jo, I blame women like you for our problems. Women like you who vote and don’t care to have children and if you do get pregnant you murder your baby. See,it’s all your fault.