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Hollow man
Hollow man
June 26, 2014 11:00 pm

I can sit in my front yard and shoot dove all day long along with quail and ocassional deer. We ride dirt bikes jump in the redneck pool. Then we go soot pistols. No one calls the cops. We out in the country of west texas.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
June 26, 2014 11:17 pm

What on The Great Pug Budda’s green earth is a “soot pistol?” I might want one, but only after I know for sure what it is.

June 26, 2014 11:31 pm

A “soot pistol” is very similar to “shoot pistols” but only after too much beer.

Here’s another little lesson in speaking Texan for ya’:

It’ actually coldbeer, one word, and it sounds more like colebeer than “cold beer”

Proper usage would be something like: “Hey, Joe Ed, you want a colebeer?”

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 27, 2014 12:15 am

Hollow man says:

“We out in the country of west texas.”


June 27, 2014 4:50 am

What and where is Real America?

Had to lol at 5 min mark as Mr. Whittle pointed out the insanity of bureaucratic, government advise; “You have the right and the obligation to work safely.” Stupid is as stupid does.

Monday, in the third-world nation, AKA Florida, someone didn’t exercise their “right” much less their “obligation” to work safely.

Florida man died Monday after falling into a giant wood chipper;

No doubt, victim of the horrendous accident had not indulged in drugs or alcohol while working and was not residing/working in the USA illegally. Sure.

As a 6th generation Floridian, this sort of insanity was reason enough to flee Florida. Only wish we’d left when the kids were young.

When people live in a “gated” community, where homes are bought for no less than $250,000 and the streets are littered with garbage and Drug paraphernalia, it’s way past time to leave. Matters not if its Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, California, etc.

My only hope is that collectivist, socialist nut-jobs stay east of the Mississippi river, unless they flee to California which is doomed already.

June 27, 2014 7:27 am

what ‘Merca need is more diversity…it’s our strength.

Immigration and sexual exploitation
The sexual exploitation of children is on the rise in America according to the FBI:

It is ludicrous to attempt to blame the increase on “social media”. The real reason is immigration. There are four reasons why immigration is the primary cause of the increase in sexual exploitation:

The stepfather effect: Men are far more likely to sexually exploit and abuse children of different races than children of their own race. The protective instinct all men is feel towards children is reduced due to the lack of visible genetic connection to the children.
The color effect: In America, blacks, and particularly Hispanics, are much more likely to molest children than whites. Blacks are 1.85x more likely to molest children, and Hispanics are 2.35x more likely to do so. So, the more People of Color there are in a society, the more sexual exploitation of children there will be.
The broken family effect: Immigration usually separates a nuclear family from an extended family, and often separates an individual from his nuclear family for extended periods of time. If they are children without the protection of a family, these individuals are more readily victimized. If they are adults, these individuals without the civilizing influence of a family more readily behave in a predatory manner, including a sexually exploitative one.
The cultural effect: Many immigrants come from cultures where it is acceptable to marry young girls as young as eight. The fact that they have changed their geographical location does not magically change their cultural values. They simply view underage girls as viable sexual objects in a way that no normal American does.

Since mass immigration, especially the immigration of unaccompanied children, has been on the rise, we can safely expect the sexual exploitation of children to continue to exponentially increase until the mass repatriations finally begin. The problem isn’t limited to America either; in the UK, there are many networks of “Asians” (mostly Pakistanis) who have been systematically preying upon British girls for years, luring them in with presents and handsome young boyfriends, then gang-raping them and turning them into prostitutes.

Now that the economy is in depression, both observably and statistically, one cannot even argue for the economic benefits of immigration. Mass immigration is a societally destructive force, and the only civilized long-term solution is the mass repatriation of the various immigrants to their native lands.

Hollow man
Hollow man
June 27, 2014 8:13 am

Between denver city and seminole. We don’t spell well in west texas. Lol

June 27, 2014 8:23 am
June 27, 2014 8:47 am

for your own safety , they say.

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 27, 2014 9:03 am


Good post. +1.

You forgot female genital mutilation. I know it’s way more widespread in the UK than it is here (at least, going by what the Lamestream Media reports… for all I know, it could be 1000X WORSE, but it’s not getting any airplay because it wouldn’t make those loveable rascals – the “immigrants” or more fashionably, the “migrants” – look very good.

That shit is just repugnant. The egalitarians and blenders preach to us that all cultures beez eekul an sheeit… but “somehow” omit shit like “marrying” children as young as 8 or 12 (that’s just fucking sick) or cutting on females’ junk for some ooga-booga “ritual” or some shit – which is even more repugnant and depraved… who would even DO that shit?!? Honestly, that horrifying shit wouldn’t even enter my mind on my worst day… and those disgusting, low-IQ Homo Erectus pukes do that shit as a matter of course…

Tha fuck is WRONG with you!?!

Crossing a border doesn’t change values or cultures… all’s it does is bring whatever shithole you crawled out of HERE… only HERE has mo’ Free Shit and you don’t have to chase your dinner…

June 27, 2014 9:41 am

Great post. Working on my brother’s farm in the 70’s we rode in the bed of pickup trucks, freely shot at rabbits in the back yard, sprayed malthion and chloridane without the an OSHA approved mask, ran all sorts of farm equipment without any special training and licenses and yet me and my younger brother who was barely a teen somehow survived. We also had huge bonfires, shot off tons of fireworks, worked in the sun without sunscreen, and some people actually smoked non filtered cigarettes. Amazing we actually lived to talk about it. What we didn’t have was in intrusive government, a militarized police force, helicopter parents and nosy neighbors. my how times have changed.

June 27, 2014 11:42 am

San Fran Nan greats her new constituents at the border, bearing gifts of pink thongs and orange jumpsuits..


Billy….[imgcomment image[/img]

June 27, 2014 11:43 am

the silly bitch again….more argument against the popular vote..

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 27, 2014 12:05 pm

flash and bob…

this is totally unrelated to anything… gotta go… here, listen to this..

June 27, 2014 12:18 pm

Interesting choice of music:

“Oar is a 1969 solo album by Moby Grape co-founder Skip Spence. It is Spence’s only solo album, recorded over seven days in Nashville, on which Spence plays all of the instruments.[2]

Described as “one of the most harrowing documents of pain and confusion ever made”,[6] the album was recorded after Spence had spent six months in Bellevue Hospital. Spence had been committed to Bellevue following a delusion-driven attempt to attack Moby Grape bandmates Don Stevenson and Jerry Miller with a fire axe.[2][7″


June 27, 2014 4:08 pm

nice bluesy sound, but more my speed here:

June 27, 2014 4:11 pm

an analogy for the Republic..