Are these pictures really necessary? Oh, yes, they are.

You see, our Glorious Ni**er just gave a teleprompter speech, while stepping all over his dick.

1.  He said that while we don’t exactly know who fired the missile, that the USA is drawing conclusions.  Not kidding.

2. He said that no nation has the right to interfere in another nation’s internal decisions.  Stop laughing. He really said that.  Hey, Libyans! I said stop laughing!!

3.  Regardless, he will hold the Russians responsible because they are supplying the Ukie-Russians …. you know, the ones the Kiev-Ukies are slaughtering …. with weapons.

———- Never-mind that the USA spent $5 BILLION overthrowing the legitimately elected government of Ukraine, and replacing it with neo-Nazis, the likes of which would make a real Nazi, like Hitler, shudder.

———- Never-mind his just previous statement about not interfering with a country’s internal affairs.

———- Nevermind that the USA! USA! USA! is the Number One exporter of weapons in the world, and it’s not even close. We supply Joos with weapons killing children in Gaza.  We also supply mooslims (Egypt, especially) with weapons to kill Joos.  Therefore, using his neeegrow-logic, the USA!USA! USA! is absolutely responsible for EVERY death in the Middle East.

4.  Our Failed President points out that the Ukie-Russians have shot down other aircraft in the past few months.

———- Nevermind that those very airplanes were bombing the fuck out of Ukie-Russian villages, specifically targeting civilians,  murdering and maiming innocents by the thousands.


Now, regarding these pictures …

5. Da Crazy Niggah, Shitstain McCain, Shepard “sheep fucker” Smith, John “Just-Bomb-The-Fuck-Outta-Everybody” Bolton, CuNNt and all other Fake Newz media, and literally hordes of other hypocrites are shouting from their piss-ant pedestals —- “(Kiev) Ukraine has the right to do WHATEVER it takes to insure their territorial sovereignty!!!”

In other words, the PEOPLE of (Eastern) Ukraine should just shut the fuck up. Bend over and take it up the ass, you ungrateful motherfuckers. Your voice does not matter …. the GOVERNMENT’S voice is the only voice.  How DARE you decide how you will be ruled, and by whom!! I guess none of that should surprise us, seeing how the power-loving fascist motherfuckers who say this are running our own country in the very same manner. Our Glorious Leaders talk about ‘this and that’ being done in Eastern Ukraine as if it was only populated by horses and cattle …. to hell with actual Human Beings who call that place “home”.  They. Just. Don’t. Matter.

In other words, each and every time you hear our Glorious and Righteous Leaders say Kiev has the right to do whatever necessary, well, ……. just keep these pictures in mind.

Because what they are doing, by their words and action, is advocating MURDER at best, and possibly GENOCIDE. All because the Eastern Ukrainians  desire a life of self-determination  … a Mortal Sin in the eyes of the State, especially here in the USA! USA! USA!

Dead bodies are seen on the ground after clashes between anti-government protesters and riot policeLocal residents in the village of Luganskaya following airstrikes by Ukrainian forces (file photo)


A resident of the Old City of Homs carries belongings she retrieved from her destroyed home


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 18, 2014 2:58 pm

Absolutely senseless.

July 18, 2014 3:10 pm

Even pictures of this sort do not reflect the reality of unrestricted warfare. They are intellectually engaging, some filling the MSM requirements of “If it bleeds, it leads”.

But to the ordinary citizen who has never fought an all out ground war (or survived a ground war being fought around you on 4 sides!), these illustrations merely bring forth some sympathy for those who are bleeding, dying and obviously in distress.

I waded through body parts 66 years ago in Lebanon, searching for anyone that was still breathing.

I remember one beautiful young girl – maybe 17 – pinned beneath a fallen cornice (knocked off by Syrian mortars), still alive, but I had nothing to lever the block of granite from her (which had crushed everything from her hips down). If I had been able to remove it, before treatment could even begin, she would have bled out from the massive trauma that had essentially mashed her flat from her hips to her feet. I gave her medication for pain and held her hand until she died (about 5 minutes)..

Was I a medic? No, I was an ET2 (NCO electronic technician), heading up a boat party to evacuate Lebanese Christians from Beirut, under fire from mortars located inland. Before my party had left the destroyer I was on, the ships’ medic gave me sufficient pain meds and instruction on how to use them if I needed to. I did and it will haunt me the rest of my life.

No.. These pictures show only a tiny surface glimpse of what war can do to civilians and children when caught up in hell.

Viewing it close up and personal tend to transform one into a pacifist (except for self defense and the defense of your buds) and you never want to go through it again.. And yes, after all these years, I can still see that girls face.


Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 18, 2014 3:33 pm

Your a better man than I am Muck.

Best to you and yours.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 19, 2014 12:35 am

You ought to write more, MA, your soul will live on in your compositions. You are certainly one of the venerable old men of TBP, your teachings and experiences enlighten us and give us hope for when the body finally fails. Your generous and kind spirit washes away the sins of TBP. If the question came up, who here at TBP would you like to visit, I would visit you and be better off for it than visiting anyone else.

July 19, 2014 8:46 am

@Mr. Chen: Thank you and I am flattered by what you say. All I am is a man who has been fortunate enough to have seen and done a whole lot (and —- so far —- survived it) and everywhere I went, people in general were kind, generous and reasonably “good”.

Also, everywhere I went there were a small percentage of assholes of the worst smell and even more evil intent to achieve whatever their goals were by force and those evil men (rarely women) of the “religiously” driven variety are almost universally the worst of the lot.

We are too early out the trees to have evolved into more than very clever apes – and we are still evolving. I doubt we will ever, as a species, ever evolve mentally to the point where we stop killing each other over religion, tribal differences, territory, population pressures and migrations (in or out) by recognizing the problems and working them out instead of throwing sticks (from spears to nukes) at each other.

I’m sure we would enjoy each others company….


Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 19, 2014 12:48 pm

It may not be pertinent to TBP but since there are no rules to abide by and recalling that Stucky wrote the marvelous history of his parents’ travails and travel to the USA, I would welcome more of your recollections. You have posted a couple of commentaries that I’ve seen but nothing is a better argument for pacifism than the above narrative. People hear of the slaughter of hundreds, thousands or millions in the Civil War and the Great War and World War 2 and the mind does not comprehend. Still the urge for bloodshed wells up again in the heart of those in power and it’s “onward boys, let us kill again”.

Here we saw one man’s outrage when the cops shot his dog that was ensconced in his kennel. And we are offended to watch different cops strangle a man who posed no threat to them. But what a rush of energy we get at the prospect of satiating our blood-lust, we seek to eliminate the threat to our self esteem, ignorant of the fact that the threat is within in our self-loathing.