Where are all these people speaking Italian in Pennsylvania. They ain’t speakin Italian in West Philly. Ebonics is the official language. I’ve lived here for 51 years and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone jib jabbering in Italian. I do like meatballs. Does that count? WTF is Tagalog and when did it become a language? How come Yupik isn’t a language option in high school? How can Spanish not be the 2nd most spoken language in Texas, Arizona and the rest of the border states? I call bullshit on this chart from the ultra-lib magazine Slate.

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August 16, 2014 9:27 am

Right above the graphic it says, other than Spanish.

August 16, 2014 10:04 am

Right off the bat I’m calling BULLSHIT … because what I see in Michigan

Here is data from Michigan Census

White ——– 8.1 million
Black ——– 1,5 million
Asian ——– 208k
Injuns ——- 124k
Other ——- 195k (about 175k of those are mooslims)

Western Michigan is the most densely populated Dutch and Dutch ancestry peoples in America. Very many speak Dutch. And there’s a shit load of Germans also, and many speak German. Hey … looky here!

[imgcomment image[/img]

Now, don’t try to tell me there are more mooslim speakers (concentrated in the Detroit area) than there are Dutch/German speakers in all of Michigan. Fuck you, you liberal shit-rag!!

Here’s what I think is going on. For Germans/Dutch, seeing how they are generally smart people, ENGLISH is the first language. For the mooslims, Arabic or whatever, is their first or only language, seeing how those type of people don’t give a flying fuck about assimilating into the predominant culture.

So, the Dutch don’t count cuz they are multilingual. The mooslims are counted because they are “special” dumbfuks. Sounds about right for politically correct multicultural libtard Amerika.

August 16, 2014 10:05 am

Kind of a dumb fucking chart really.. why do 3rd most spoken language and not 4th, 5th or 6th?

August 16, 2014 2:22 pm

Tagalog is what Philippinos speak.

“assimilating into the predominant culture”?

They don’t have to, it’s America. All they are supposed to do is obey the Constitution. That’s the problem with America, rule of law has disappeared & everyone wants everyone to follow some magical notion of what they feel should be “allowed”.

August 16, 2014 8:23 pm

Whole chart is meaningless and largely inaccurate bullshit. As in, who cares?

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
August 17, 2014 3:10 pm

Jim, get out more. Every pizza shop, used to be most of Norristown, and most of the clubs.