Why US Interest Rates Can Never Rise (In 1 Chilling CBO Chart)

That which cannot be sustained, will not be sustained. Math is hard.


Submitted by David Howden via Mises Canada,

It’s not just homeowners who have to worry about rising interest rates, the Federal government might soon get a taste of its own medicine.

With the Fed doing all it can to stimulate inflation, increases to interest rates are taking a front seat amongst borrowers’ fears. From the admittedly partisan Republican Senate Committee on the Budget comes this report outlining how federal interest outlays will dovetail with other expenses in the future.

To summarize:

The U.S. gross federal debt currently stands at $17.548 trillion, and net interest payments to our creditors are the fastest-growing item in the budget. In 2014, the Congressional Budget Office projects that the nation will spend $233 billion on interest payments. By the end of the budget window in 2024, however, CBO forecasts that interest payments will nearly quadruple to an astonishing $880 billion. Every dollar spent paying our creditors is a dollar wasted—money for which we get nothing in return. Interest payments threaten to crowd out every other budget item.


To put the $880 billion, single-year interest payment in perspective, here is what we currently spend on other budget items:

  • Federal Courts – $7.4 billion

  • Department of Education – $56.7 billion

  • Secret Service – $1.8 billion

  • Food Inspection – $2.3 billion

  • Census Bureau – $1.0 billion

  • Border Patrol – $12.3 billion

  • National Parks – $3.0 billion

  • NASA – $17.6 billion

  • Centers for Disease Control – $7.1 billion

  • Federal Prison System – $6.9 billion

  • Workplace Safety Inspections – $0.9 billion

  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement – $5.6 billion

  • FDA – $2.6 billion

  • Federal Highway Budget – $40.4 billion

  • Coast Guard – $10.0 billion

  • Small Business Loans – $0.9 billion

  • Veterans’ Health Care – $55.3 billion

  • FBI – $8.3 billion


Every debt incurred today will be paid off in the future. The graph above may be shocking to some, but it’s only a very small part of the picture. This is just interest on debt, and doesn’t even include the costs of repaying the principal. Of course, the principal never really gets repaid as the government just borrows afresh to paper over its old debts, but the interest must be covered lest savers stop lending money to the government.

Nor is this only a concern for the future. Last year the government spent more on interest payments (c. $700 bn.) than it did on Medicare (a little under $600 bn.).

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Hallow Man
Hallow Man
September 12, 2014 7:24 am

The FSA does not see it coming. A clear and present danger to everyone that does
See it coming. Prepare in earnest.

September 12, 2014 8:27 am

The FSA and most of the rest of the population doesn’t see it coming either.

Something wicked, this way comes.

September 12, 2014 8:41 am

If you tattooed this chart on every FSA members forehead, not 1 in 10,000 would understand what it means. The end of free shit will be a complete and total mystery to them.

September 12, 2014 9:26 am

Our rulers purchase “relative calm” and political support by distributing F S to the FSA.

Most of the wealth being transferred is NOT going to the FSA, it’s going into bank accounts of TPTB people.

The means of doing all this is DESTROYING every aspect of the complex economy that spontaneously formed from 1850 to the post-WWII period.

The people effecting this insanity are metaphorically burning down the factory in order to steal the vending machine money in the employee cafeteria.

When the FSA handouts end, we obviously expect many of those folks will sit down and die, and others will try to cut out the middle-man and take their FS direct.

September 12, 2014 9:27 am

It is childishly absurd to believe (as the main stream espouses) that FOMC governors and gov’t officials can keep interest rates from rising literally FOREVER.

The entire narrative on which this is based is more fictional than Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

September 12, 2014 9:31 am

2021 +/- 1 year for the low.

September 12, 2014 9:32 am

dc, it may be Grimm’s Fairy Tales or is it Tails, regardless, I never thought the Fed could get this far into time with the low interest rates as they are. Money and power can really get the best of anyone, always has , always will. John

September 12, 2014 10:02 am

Mine is an unpopular view, but I believe that mass optimism (or mass pessimism) comes first, and then “events” and “people” are filled in.

By this, I mean that people are collectively, INSANELY optimistic (and have been for so many years we don’t remember what pessimism even looks like, even at the 2009 low) and so people who PROMISE and PROMOTE expansionary policies are advanced and their expansionary policies meet with success and above all:

**** They are credited with leading and CONTROL, when in fact they are simply giving the mob what the mob wanted.*****

When people are subconsciously predisposed to optimism they embrace vast increases in credit creation and translate it into bull markets in stocks, junk bonds, etc.

THIS is why the Fed’s policies have appeared to “WORK.”

When the tide turns, and this unprecedented breadth and depth of mass optimism naturally inverts, NOTHING the Fed does will appear to work.

In fact, EVERYTHING that now “appeared to save the day” will be reinterpreted, and the New New conclusion will be that the Bernanke/Yellen Fed sowed the seeds of the catastrophe that is already baked into the cake.

Wait and watch. I think this is the correct way to understand the times in which we live.

I think these past 40 years, plus the next 10 or so, are apt to be seen (in hindsight) as the most important inflection point in human history since at least the evolution of the nation-state or the Industrial Revolution, which occurred over longer periods of time.

The collective stupidity, hubris and complacency of our times simply cannot be understood outside this context.

September 12, 2014 10:14 am

“When the tide turns, and this unprecedented breadth and depth of mass optimism naturally inverts, NOTHING the Fed does will appear to work.”

Like a rubber band, we’ll keep getting stretched until we snap. We’ve been told the great recession ended over five years ago, and yet I think deep down most people know something is wrong, they just fear the acknowledgment, so keep going along as long as they get theirs today.

Sooner or later I agree, when the snap comes there will be massive pessimism and no one knows what events will happen or where that will lead us, just more of the same insanity but worse I figure.

September 12, 2014 10:23 am

In reality, most people recognize that our spending and debt is unsustainable. What they believe, however, is that we can just print money to cover the bills, since that’s what the U.S. has done up until now (with no repercussion). There is no understanding of petrodollars, no understanding of reserve currency, even among otherwise intelligent people. They just believe this will go on forever, or that the debt will never need to be repaid.

September 12, 2014 10:50 am

The question isn’t will the US economy collapse, but when.
The economy is a giant Ponzi scam.

September 12, 2014 10:51 am

I’ve stated endlessly (to little avail) that the central problem is a misunderstanding of money in a FIAT environment.

There are two ways to increase the money supply.
1. print banknotes.
2. expand credit, which when borrowed becomes “money.”

Zimbabwe and the Wiemar Republic are examples of banknote-printing inflation. You print the banknotes, they exist physically and that doesn’t change. The only possible outcomes are A) stop printing, and prices stabilize, and B) keep printing, which dilutes each unit’s purchasing power and prices rise…rise…rise…until the banknote value detonates (wheelbarrows of banknotes to buy bread, or single banknotes with millions, billions or zillions on the face.)

What we have experienced, instead, has been 82 years of compound credit creation, with a moon-shot mania lasting at least the last 19 years, if not all the way back to 1965.

Credit has to be borrowed into monetary existence, and the form it then takes is a BOND.

The BOND (note, bill, whatever) then trades in a market, which establishes its capital value (and thus its implied interest rate.)

The value of the bond (or the OCEAN of them now in existence) is not like a number printed on the face of a banknote. The value can rise (which occurred from 1982 to 2012) and interest rates then fall the whole time. The value can also fall, however.

Falling capital value of bonds is wealth destruction, because each of those IOU’s is counted as someone’s wealth.

When you have an OCEAN of bonds already in existence, a condition that only occurred BECAUSE their interest rates were falling for 30 straight years, even the tiniest perturbation in the capital value of the NEXT BOND ISSUED ripples throughout the value of all the other bonds in the ocean.

Take IBM for example:

Today’s price is about $190/share and IBM has about a $190 billion market cap. This means that there are about a billion shares outstanding.

If everyone goes on vacation leaving only TWO traders, and one has a single IBM share and wants to sell it, and the other is willing to buy it at $189, and they agree and trade, NO MONEY MOVES IN OR OUT OF THE MARKET!

Do you see that? There is NO NET CHANGE in money.

All owners of IBM shares, every one of them on vacation somewhere, just LOST A BILLION DOLLARS.

Money didn’t change. Wealth fell a Billion Dollars.

There are many trillions of dollars in dollar-denominated bonds in existence. A small rise in interest rates causes the underlying capital value of EVERY DIME OF THAT DEBT to fall, and it can happen if the Fed monetizes a tiny amount of net debt, or it can happen spontaneously as the herd reaches a consensus that those IOU’s aren’t worth today what we thought they were yesterday.

An avalanche begins with a single snowflake.

The broad money supply of dollars is like the biggest snowmass on the biggest, steepest mountain in the galaxy. All it will take is a snowflake at the right time, and the avalanche of collapsing bond values will become a feedback loop crushing EVERYTHING, the Fed the US Treasury, Congress, the FSA, the International Bank of Settlements, the Rothschilds, the Berkshire Hathaways, etc., in its path.

There is no path ahead that allows all the existing IOU’s to stay fixed on the mountain while ever more snow (debt) is piled on top of them.

The Fed’s “success” these past 5 years has only added to the mass of the avalanche.

September 12, 2014 10:58 am

Damn it!!! Would it be possible to change math so it doesn`t happen. I`m old so it will not affect me for long. However, I worry about my grand children coming out the other side of 4th turning. Realizing that I can do very little to help them is hard.

September 12, 2014 11:12 am

@ overthecliff,

I don’t think it will be TEOTWAWKI.

People are resourceful, and hopefully will find work-arounds to prevent a full-scale Cultural Revolution or Rwandan/Cambodian slaughter/starvation/etc.

I worry for my kids and grandkid(s), too. I have to count on their intelligence, their common sense, and the strength of their spirits to let them bend (rather than break) as the storm passes through.

Honestly, every one of us today is here because our ancestors survived famines, plagues, wars, political repression, poor sanitation and a host of other tools of the Grim Reaper.

We can too.

September 12, 2014 12:43 pm

No we can’t , Christianity has been torn away from the public so there is no thought of GOD or His moral law which used to protect society. In it’s place is multiculturalism and diversity which only causes division and hate in society. This nation is going to burn like no other in history. When white people finally realize they are poor .Many will cut loose themselves .They will realize they tohave nothing to lose. This nation will not survive as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.Prepare according.

September 12, 2014 1:00 pm


Perhaps you’re right. I haven’t a crystal ball.

I only suggest that people “doing the wrong thing” is not new. Priests were selling indulgences prior to Martin Luther’s little diatribe, and was that moral in the eyes of the Lord? Methinks not. Social sickness is something that comes and goes, and ours today is historic.

I do concur with you that the stage is set for some real fireworks. The constant barrage of Zombie Apocalypse fiction could be an unconscious foreshadowing of life imitating art.

September 12, 2014 1:36 pm

It always amazes me that people who believe in The GOD of the bible defy or ignore his Wrath. The GOD of the old testament is the GOD of the new testament. The difference is now we are in the age of Grace.Or as some call the age of the Church but GOD has not changed. He still judges nations in Time .From my view 4th turnings are judgments from GOD.Only Satan has committed a greater Sin then America. There will be no national repentance or honoring of GOD .For what would save us has been outlawed.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
September 12, 2014 2:00 pm

There’s still the negative interest option. And for those holding cash, we have the money printing ammunition.

All bases, covered, Sir, you may proceed to Iraq III.

September 12, 2014 2:33 pm

Mr Chen , this way to early for you .You should be in bed getting your beauty sleep.

September 12, 2014 2:49 pm

Who needs God when we have Superman?

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September 12, 2014 3:50 pm

why is everyone worried about interest rates rising and the cost of supporting the debt increasing. When a bond is issued the interest rate is fixed until the bond matures thus the cost to pay the existing debt is fixed. New debt will be of shorter duration at the lower interest rates so not many new 30 year or 10 year bonds.

Don Levit
Don Levit
September 12, 2014 5:26 pm

According to Chasidic Judaism God has two main attributes
Cheesed which is kindness and Gevurah which is severity
Many people like to focus on the good stuff and overlook the consequences of repeated willful sin
I am not speaking of hell because Judaism does not believe in hell
I am referring to consequences on
This earth and in the world to come
Don Levit

September 12, 2014 5:47 pm

Hello, dc.sunsets! I see you are continuing to patiently explain the deflationary scenario here on TBP. I want to chime in with the observation that deflation is inevitable, inescapable and incrementally progressing. While the Fed had done an astounding job of partially replacing all the vaporizing money in the system, you can see things slowing down if you know where to look. Admin has done a brilliant job of tracking the progress of the slowdown.

September 12, 2014 9:09 pm

Mr levit ,so are you telling me you are Jewish?Find ,I have no problem with individual Jews. Judaism
Itself is an apostate religion and the Babylonian Talmud is satanic to the core .No believe in hell is common among apostate religions , false secular religions (Marxist , Socialism ,Nazism , Fascism ) and occults of the left.No belief in hell is probably one reason Jews in the media are in favour of homosexuality , abortions , or any other types of sexual depravity.I don’t have a lot of sympathy or empathy for Jews.For the most part Jews as a group are destroyers of civilization . Then once this is accomplished they piss and moan about being Hated.Jews as innocent victims is complete bullshit.
I do agree that we reap what we sow and willful sin has its dark consequences.

September 12, 2014 9:15 pm

Mr levit ,sorry about my spelling. I am on my smart phone which has a mind of its own.Damn thing gets on my nerves.

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 12, 2014 9:36 pm

Old Sarge said, it’s not the equipment, it’s the operator.

My boss Phil had a cartoon, the caption said, we have the latest equipment but our techs are too stupid to use it.

Stuck, that is the Mormon view, that God is a Glorified Adam, no doubt an idea that sprang from the line that says Jesus is the new Adam. It could be Nietzsche inspired Shaw and subsequently Siegel and Shuster. So here we have the American diety known as the Man of Steel.