Guest Post by Gayle

I am not an authority on pornography. I have only looked at it five or six times in my life but that was enough to leave some lasting impressions of what it is all about. I’ve never seen a post regarding this topic on TBP, but I’ve occasionally noticed references to porn among the comments.

I understand that porn has its usefulness. As an aid to masturbation I assume it is unsurpassed. As a tool for education in sexual behaviors it has less consequence, but presents some pertinent information to the curious virgin. As an escape from the stress of everyday life it must have powerful attraction. Some couples enjoy watching it as part of their sexual routine. There are undoubtedly other functions of porn that have yet to cross my mind.

Porn’s power disturbs me in a few different ways, but especially when I consider its exploitation of women and its seduction of the young, especially boys.

I feel sympathy for the young women who are handsomely compensated for the roles they play in “adult entertainment” films. Having genitals scrutinized by close-up shots, delivering oral sex with almost clinical inspection, getting pounded by an oversized penis for what must seem an interminable period of time, faking their orgasms as well as their delight when semen is sprayed all over their faces, and probably receiving some anal penetration along the way: now that’s a job description from hell. And that’s the mild stuff. There are more imaginative ways these girls get used and abused, but thankfully I haven’t seen them. Pornography is happy to take you to any perversion your heart desires: masochism, rape, beating and violence, kiddies, bestiality, and even snuff films if that’s what turns you on. The one on the receiving end of these performances, be it a child, teenager, man, woman, or animal, never has a good day at work.

There’s plenty of material available for your reading pleasure about the effects of porn on the actors. Pornography as a vocation is usually managed by drug use and is accompanied by depression and physical pain and injury, especially among the women. STDs are routine, and HIV remains a problem.

When I work with middle-school kids, I sometimes hear remarks among them relating to pornography they have watched. The consensus among those who study such things is that the average age of first exposure to internet porn is 11. Since most kids, even the poor ones, have smart phones and/or access to someone’s home computer, they have little difficulty watching as much porn as they can get away with. I am wondering what moderate-to-heavy online porn exposure during adolescence and pre-adolescence is doing to the still-developing brains of these kids. The complete absence of personhood and relationship, much less affection, between the partners sends a strong message about the context – I should say lack of context – for sex. The fantasy aspect alone is compelling. If porn is your teacher, will you have an easy time later forming a healthy relationship with a real woman or man? It’s too soon for answers, but in time we will have a better understanding of this process. I fear this is yet another way the social fabric of our culture is being torn.

I found out too late that my much-loved second husband was a porn addict. I am unfortunately familiar with the havoc that arrives with this particular problem. It eats at a marriage from the inside out and without commitment to full honesty and support is almost impossible to conquer. Now a new trend is emerging: addiction to porn is increasing among women, as viewing online porn is becoming an equal-opportunity pastime.

Despite its popularity, the profitability of pornography is in decline at present. As with producers of other types of physical media, free internet access has eaten away at earnings. The Huffington Post reported that revenue peaked in 2005 at $13 billion, but last year was down to $5 billion. What this will mean in the long run I have no idea, but I’m certain porn is here to stay.

Below is a link to a TED talk (15 min.) titled “Why I Stopped Watching Porn”. It is not moralistic or preachy, just interesting observations, experiences, and facts. You might enjoy, or perhaps you will think he speaks nonsense.

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September 20, 2014 5:28 pm

Gayle said:
“I feel sympathy for the young women who are handsomely compensated for the roles they play in “adult entertainment” films.”

I doubt that many are handsomely compensated with much more than coke, crack or meth.

I must be an odd duck because watching other people have sex just doesn’t do it for me.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
September 20, 2014 6:20 pm

There was a great video podcast run by FORAtv (no longer running).

In one of the day’s summary episodes there was a feminist college professor who was particularly free with her words. She said she particularly enjoyed sex with lots of college aged men, but because so many were receiving the bulk of their sex ed from porn, she had to reeducate each she was with.

“I get a little tired of telling young men that I don’t always want to get fucked in the ass or have his cum all over my face.”

(Quote is not exact since I can’t find it any more–sure wish I could)

September 20, 2014 8:20 pm

“Having genitals scrutinized by close-up shots, delivering oral sex with almost clinical inspection, getting pounded by an oversized penis for what must seem an interminable period of time, faking their orgasms as well as their delight when semen is sprayed all over their faces, and probably receiving some anal penetration along the way:” ———– Gayle

Holy Bejeebus Almighty. You just forced me to watch some porn ….. to verify your comments. of course.

Yup, just like you said.

OK, I’m tired. Gotta go.

(PS. It’s Saturday. If this was a weekday, this thread would already have 50+ relies.)

September 20, 2014 8:26 pm

I saw my first soft-porn (titties only) when I was around 10 …. even back then the German magazines featured bare-nekkid women right on the cover page.

Excessive porn changes people, especially young kids.

And that’s all I’ll say about that.

September 20, 2014 8:33 pm


Serious question: do you think that men, when their sexual energies are more repressed, are likely to channel those energies elsewhere, maybe in positive ways, or maybe in destructive enterprises? I’ve wondered for a long time about the cultural implications of this.

September 20, 2014 8:39 pm

Bet this post doesn’t get a lot of comments, Gayle. Tough subject.

As novices and graduates of the pre-porn world, my wife and I were, ahem, “scientists engaged in discovering new worlds.” Fun mixed with awkward moments, then just fun.

September 20, 2014 8:44 pm

Dammit SSS! Loose thumb again! I’m going to have to stop rating comments if I cen’t even do it right.

September 20, 2014 9:19 pm

Pron in this country is controlled by a small group of Jews. They admit to loving the money they make but some (Goldstein )have said pron is used as a weapon to attack , demoralize and debase the Christian culture they live in.Goldstein says Jews hate Christ therefore they use sex as a means of subversion against the church and culture .It all on the Jewish websites. Look it up for yourselves.

September 20, 2014 9:32 pm

“… when their sexual energies are more repressed, are likely to channel those energies elsewhere, maybe in positive ways, or maybe in destructive enterprises?” —— Gayle

There was an episode of Seinfeld titled “The Contest” where all four of them made a bet who could last the longest without self-gratifying. (George won … but in the series finale he revealed that he cheated,). Anyway, the longer they abstained … the crankier they got, even fighting with each other. I think the show was on to something.

Male sexual energy repression is known in the medical world as DSB (deadly semen buildup). It is EXTREMELY dangerous. This condition of seminal fluid buildup WILL lead to impaired judgment, erratic behavior, double vision, and an overall malaise in those men who have not experienced sexual intercourse over a protracted time frame … usually no more than 7 days. While choking the chicken does relieve some of the symptoms associated with DSB, it is not a cure. The only accepted medical cure for DSB is sexual interaction with a partner. It works like this;

Billy: Man I have so much DSB that I can’t even chop any wood.

Stucky: DSB? What is that?

Billy: Deadly Semen Buildup. I just sprained my hand, so if I don’t have vaginal sex soon with something I don’t think I’ll make it.

In summary, I do not believe that it’s possible to channel those energies elsewhere in a positive way. MAYBE in the short term, never long term. Priests attempt it all the time. How does that work out?

September 20, 2014 9:33 pm

The question I have is, what does one do when Herman the One – eyed German no longer operates at normal spelunking capacity? ‘Pron’ (as bb calls it) provides this redskin some well needed distraction from the trials that accompany advanced age. Me likey.

September 20, 2014 9:39 pm

“Da Joos make me shake my vein!” ——– bb

You were doing OK for a while.

You are in danger of reverting back to Idiocy.

September 20, 2014 9:45 pm


Quick question. Will this photo, ummm, spur you to take action?
[imgcomment image[/img]

September 20, 2014 9:47 pm

Fuck you, Kraut.

I’ll be back in 10 minutes to answer your question.

September 20, 2014 10:12 pm


All those body fluids are why I could NEVER be a nurse. I could barely tolerate my sweet babies’ diapers and spit up. I don’t know how you guys do it.

September 20, 2014 10:20 pm

I don’t know anything about the Jews and if they control porn. Or anything else.

But I do know that porn fucked up my life.

Rather than go into the whole story, here’s a summary: Found porn at 10. Found the internet at 27. Lost one job. Then lost another job. Then found recovery, Then struggled on-again, off-again for many years. Now, at 43, work with other men who struggle with porn. Almost lost my marriage too many times to count. Somehow, (And maybe through her own insanity) she stuck with me. Now, things are pretty good. I finally feel like the fights and the issues we work through are what any “normal” couple go through and aren’t based around porn/sex.

I think porn is the rough equivalent of the crack epidemic for the middle-class, middle-aged white guy. In other words, originally, AIDS/HIV affected mainly a certain demographic; likewise, crack cocaine also targeted a specific segment of society. Porn is doing the same thing to this new demographic. It’s destroying relationships, and it’s destroying lives. I know, #1) I lived it. and #2) Now, I see it from the other side of the wall.

I think internet porn is the great unspoken danger in our midst today.

Shit will fuck you up. And bullshit.

September 20, 2014 10:24 pm


Interesting Dr. Abrams. I suspect the Jews are more interested in the money porn brings than anything else, but what do I know?

If the good doctor is correct, the Jews need to get to work on corrupting the Muslims.

I wonder how many good Jewish boys are porn addicts?

September 20, 2014 11:33 pm


Fuck you, Stucky…

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Re: Porn.

When I was a teenager, 13 or 14, I thought it was the shit!

Got older, started playing the field and didn’t have a use for it. I was having too much fun in real life!

After I got married, never really messed with it… today, it’s damn near everywhere – that shit’s on tap. Don’t understand how guys don’t get board with it… I see some stuff, and I’m like “Well, that’s pretty plain vanilla… ”

Re: Joos and pr0n

Open secret. Everyone knows Joos run the pr0n industry – as well as Hollywood.

Thrown out of 109 countries “for no good reason”?

Yeah, at some point you might want to start thinking that maybe you got something to do with it… like the skank who bitches that every boyfriend she’s ever had was a jerk and unreasonable and…

At some point, you gotta own up to the fact that you’re responsible…

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 20, 2014 11:45 pm

If anyone can get away with broaching this topic, she would be Gayle, it’s like talking to a doctor about a physical problem. I’m also glad T4C chimes in with the supernatural aspect. bb noted that meditation is communion with evil spirits.
The church I used to go to practiced deliverance. The premise is that evil spirits inhabit the person possessed. I was willing to accept this teaching but it got to be an obsession with some in the church, spotting demons everywhere. Pastor Rick from the old Jesus freak church here in So Cal described the decline of the practice, he said it got so that if you were a bit chubby, someone would find that you had a demon of overeating.
The situation was still extant in our church. It got to be quite distracting. I decided enough was enough when I noticed I was spending too much time sharing the gospel of demons instead of the gospel of salvation.
But I nevertheless can agree that demons and evils spirits can possess a person or influence his/her spirit, thoughts, ideas, actions, understanding, comprehension, compulsions and obsessions.
Even if this idea is preposterous in your view, the reality is there, porn, like drugs, adultery, alcohol and food can become an all consuming delirium without the possibility of satiation.
I had heard somewhere that a person could get himself committed by simply repeating the words, dull, thud (and another word I can’t recall). If you watch enough porn or do enough marihuana you’ll be ready for the funny farm in no time because they will suck out your soul and you are nothing but a shell of a person just like a meth head deteriorates to an empty husk.
As for the perversions mentioned in the article, that is the same way marihuana acts on people, it is a gateway drug to heavier and harder drugs until you are sucking dick in a public toilet to pay for your next fix of porn, crack, heroin, whatever.

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 20, 2014 11:50 pm

Billy says:

Yeah, at some point you might want to start thinking that maybe you got something to do with it…
At some point, you gotta own up to the fact that you’re responsible…

What if you have a problem with Black people, I mean, they are all bad right? It couldn’t be you.

September 20, 2014 11:58 pm


This time, I agree with you. Snark aside, you’re right.

You live long enough and go far enough, eventually you see some truly unexplainable shit. Some truly evil shit out there… I know. Ran into… something… twice in my life. True shit and for real. Damn near made me shit my drawers… but, I really don’t want to discuss that. Spent the last 20 years burying those memories.

Just know that I don’t think you’re full of it on this one…

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 21, 2014 12:06 am

Aw, Billy, right back at ‘cha. Please realize TBP means you can and must fuck with anybody when they are spouting shit. I fuck with bb too, and I like that little fucker.

September 21, 2014 12:07 am


See, now there you go… you say one thing I can get on board with, and then you go and ruin it by lying on me and being a dick…

In point of fact, I have never said that ALL blacks are bad. You know this damn well. I’ve even gone out of my way to say I know there are ‘good’ ones… and other TBPers can vouch for this. You pretending I said otherwise is just blatant lying.

What I SAID, was that I know there are good ones. But, I’m not going to go through busloads of them looking for the one or two who won’t cut my throat for pocket change or because I ‘disreseckted’ him… safer that way.

Now, quit being a dick.

September 21, 2014 12:10 am

Can barely type with this shit on…

like trying to tie your bootlaces with two pair of mittens on…

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 21, 2014 12:29 am

Billy, you and I could never be friends here, it’s too much fun to mess with you. It’s like when you break up with a girl, you can’t be friends, ever, it just doesn’t work.

bb, he’s a bud, he messes with me and I mess with him but it’s all in fun.

Did you ever read Interview with the Vampire? Anne Rice has God explaining to Satan that he has a bad job to do but it’s Satan’s job and he has to do it. Your the designated redneck and I’m the designated beaner, everyone else is filling a unique or particular role, like llpoh and bb.

Billy's Norweigen Girlfriend
Billy's Norweigen Girlfriend
September 21, 2014 12:30 am

Oh, Billy, I hurt my hands too. How will we pleasure each other now?
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Billy's Cat (who takes after Billy)
Billy's Cat (who takes after Billy)
September 21, 2014 12:34 am

[imgcomment image?w=474&h=355[/img]

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 21, 2014 12:51 am

Apologies to Gayle for messing up the thread. (Hey, Billy, I guess I missed something, didn’t know you were injured.)

Come on you porn freaks, this is your opportunity to come clean, so to speak.

Nick A
Nick A
September 21, 2014 4:10 am

Porn – no interest (either of us).

Doom Porn – Now you are talking!!

Biological Catastrophe / End of life as we know it (vi novel agent) porn – Pushes ALL my buttons.

(Probably a lot to do with choice of career)

September 21, 2014 4:45 am

Sorry for spelling pron porn .I just can’t get things coordinated when I’m masturbating to porn.

Stucky , I just read that on one of the Jewish websites . It was Jews confessing their sins.They admitted they as Jews hate Christianity. They wish to destroy what they hate.That’s it.

El Coyote , I believe we could be friends. in the here and now but more likely in the next life.That’s the good thing about eternity . Plenty of time.

September 21, 2014 6:24 am

Gayle, FWIW, a mistaken vote can be corrected by choosing another vote.The vote will change,

I’ve read somewhere that roughly 40% of online content is porn , which doesn’t surprise me at all…nearly every male I know either wants to talk about women or sports , but if the subject of the decline of empire is broached, that’ s negative and thus taboo.I’ve lost long time friends over talking too much politics.I mean really why should anyone care so much about politics when porn , sports and reality TV is so readily available to distracts ones mind from the everyday drudgery of maintaining a set of healthy set values dictating common decency ….Moral turpitude is the order of the day….look for more.

Children Internet Pornography Statistics
Access to pornography is available from early on. The average age of a child’s first exposure to pornography is 11. A total of 90 percent of children ages 8-16 have viewed pornography online. Pornographers use many character names that appeal to children such as “Pokemon.”

Adult Internet Pornography Statistics
Pornography consumers access pornography both at work and at home. A total of 40 million U.S. adults regularly visit pornography websites. Ten percent of adults admit to an internet sexual addiction and 20 percent of men say they access pornography at work.

Billy's 'Norwegian X Girlfriend'
Billy's 'Norwegian X Girlfriend'
September 21, 2014 7:24 am

Dopple alert.

September 21, 2014 8:05 am

I thought, ahem…long and hard…about what I could post here but only came up with this.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 21, 2014 9:12 am

It’s another symptom of a dysfunctional society misapplying the very thing that has helped us to survive in order to retard our lives.

Most people are aware of the feelings we have when there is a sexual release being associated with chemicals released in our blood stream- serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine, etc.- and that the release of these chemicals when we are most vulnerable builds intimacy. In long term stable relationships, like a marriage where child-rearing takes years and years of mutual sacrifice and planning in close cooperation, intimacy is useful in building trust.

Think about like food. We desire food and feel good when we eat because we require nourishment in order to survive. The reason so many people in the current era are morbidly obese is because they have mistaken nourishment (real food) with the act of masticating and swallowing. Pornography satiates the normal drive towards intimacy through the release of the same hormones at the time of sexual release, without the commitment to another human being. The person using porn is the spiritual equivalent of a land whale, eating big macs in order to satisfy hunger. Neither is doing what the body needs but both capitalize on out nature in order to profit someone who doesn’t care if we pollute our mind or body. People who use porn with the knowledge of what they are doing are no different than someone who knows they are poisoning themselves every time they eat processed food but give into it anyway.

Porn is like a bag of Cheetohs whereas sex with your spouse is like a grass fed filet mignon.

Jeebus, Son of God
Jeebus, Son of God
September 21, 2014 10:51 am

My beloved servant, Mr. Quinn;

Please take this message seriously.

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El Comandante
El Comandante
September 21, 2014 5:18 pm

I was bemused by the news that my 12 yo nephewhad an iPhone. I asked him how much he paid per month, he said, I don’t know. I asked him what he could do on it and he rattled off a list of features. None included my oft repeated concession: kids need their porn. I heard sometime ago and I still don’t want to believe it, a first date includes sex and children younger than you can imagine are having sexual experiences.

September 22, 2014 8:31 am

Billy calls porn tech support

September 22, 2014 4:59 pm

Here’s a thought… the guy giving the TED talk found that talking about stopping watching porn has made him an irresistible pussy magnet. Who here hasn’t seen the “tender, loving guy” shtick before?

Also, to say that all porn is misogynistic and all about male domination is just fucking ignorant. Is a lot of it like that? Sure. Is all of it like that? No. Have you never heard of FemDom? CFNM? Delayed/denied orgasm? There’s also a fair number of couples who do porn exclusively together now which tends to be more artistic and intimate. There’s a lot to choose from out there – it’s not all about exploitation for fuck’s sake.

I will agree with few things though – it’s a giant time killer, and overuse will desensitize you to reality. Like all things, with moderation can be a part of a healthy sex life, both with and without partner(s).

September 22, 2014 5:03 pm

BTW, Napoleon Hill talks about sexual energy in his epic work “Think and Grow Rich.” Most of the truly successful people of his time didn’t really get traction until after they turned 40 – Hill attributed this to wasting their time and creative instincts chasing tail. People haven’t changed – man has always been horned up and ready to get a nut, it’s just the internet has made the escape that much easier.

September 23, 2014 12:08 am

You want to talk collapse of an empire?

Look no further than the porn/Internet addicted geezers that devote their lives to commenting on this forum. The collapse occurred when we abandoned the real world of wives and children and instead chose to pontificate anonymously.

Shame on us, and all the wretched Boomer wastrels.

real llpoh
real llpoh
September 23, 2014 12:17 am

doppler alert. I do not know what a wastrel is.

September 23, 2014 12:25 am

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

And stop doppling me “real llpoh”.

PS great article jimmy q

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 23, 2014 12:36 am

Once the thought of cheetos and beer start to turn you on, you have crossed over from porn freak to fetishist.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
September 23, 2014 12:43 am

Tell me, is it true Mexicans are to goats like Billy is to sheep? Cuz that’s gross. Goats are real stinky.

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 23, 2014 12:51 am

I wonder how he convinced you the sheep had to share your matrimonial bed. Perhaps he told you , Honey, it’s not like I’m bringing a goat like the Mexicans. I can assure you that is not the case. You can classify that under: ‘just the tip’ or: ‘I could die if my erection lasts more than 20 minutes without your help’

Jackson, with thoughts about porn,
Jackson, with thoughts about porn,
September 23, 2014 1:10 am

Here’s a jingle that’s a good guide about love, life, and porn. It’s. “Too much love get’s you in a muddle, but let’s hear three cheers for a little bit of cuddle.”

As one who’s had the same interests and desires as all of you men who read and comment on TBP, and as one who’s curious about everything and has discovered a lot, I suggest that life’s greater lusty satisfactions are in cultivating your own garden and in favoring that more than It.

I’d be more candid but I’m going to have another glass of wine and forgo a gloss on lust.