Pictorial Essay: Your Life

You were born free … a bundle of tremendous potential.



You were loved, and loved unconditionally.



The concept of lack was foreign to you.



As you grew you started to question the world around you.



You hunted fireflies on warm summer nights and you put them in jars to light your room at night.



And the door to your imagination was never locked.



Einstein said, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”  But government schools were more interested in you becoming an obedient drone … and they wound up killing your joy of learning.



You were ridiculed when you challenged the status quo.



You were judged … and so learned to judge others.



And so you allowed group mentality to sway your actions and decisions.



The Powers That Be worked very hard to make you believe you have no power, no control. So, you did as you were told, and feared the consequences of what would happen if you did not. You became ruled by fear. 



But, your beliefs were formed by television programming.



And what your culture says you should believe about God …. pick one.



And by what your government wants you to believe about itself, and what you should sacrifice for blind Patriotism.



You sought news of the world … but were fed propaganda.



You were presented with continuous distractions to keep you from questioning the reality around you.



You were kept deliberately ignorant.



You were given hope … that you could effect change by voting. But hope was crushed when you realized both parties played the same hand.



So, you joined the rat race as no other options seemed evident.



You were trained to be a consumer.



You bought into The American Dream.



They fed you poison.



You acquired debt.



You ….. conformed. Is it any wonder you feel confused and hopeless?



But … you’ve felt it all your life …. that it’s all just an illusion.



You let the past dictate your present, and you worry about your future. But you only have the present … living in the moment is all you can do.  Once you realize no one has power over your thoughts … you will never again act against your will.



Just remember who you are … the same soul that was born all those years ago (though your years may be closer in age to the hands holding the baby).



But, years of conditioning almost completely eroded your sense of who you are, and the power within you. Don’t you want to change? Will you roll the red die, or the green one?



It’s your choice, completely. The labels you were given as you lived your life no longer fit. Simply choose to start believing again in your infinite potential.



You are what you believe. What you believe, you are.  Mahatma Ghandi said, “Your beliefs become your destiny”.



The Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, said;  “The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.”  So …. 



The universe is in your hands. You were born free, you will die free … but will you LIVE free?



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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September 25, 2014 9:34 am

Normally I don’t go for that stuff – but that was well done. Good enough for me to show it to my kids in fact…..like a ‘you are here’ moment.

September 25, 2014 10:04 am

hey stucky, this is kinda neat. i enjoyed it. though i think you left out the cranky old fuck stage, which for me began at age 32.

September 25, 2014 10:43 am


September 25, 2014 10:46 am

Hey, Stucky –

I dropped by for a look at TBP today and find this.

After my first experience of you, I had written you off as a complete a-hole.

My opinion has now been amended in your favor. (Which fact, I recognize, counts for exactly zip but I thought you should know.)


September 25, 2014 11:28 am

The universe is in your hands .You were born free .You will die free …..but will you live free ?

Stucky , are you on drugs ? Your beginning to sound like some new age guru . Other then that good job.

Jeebus, Son of God
Jeebus, Son of God
September 25, 2014 11:42 am


Stucky is my designated emissary on Earf so, indeed, he speaketh truth about having the world … yeah, even the universe … in his hands. What do you have in YOUR hands? Never-mind … I KNOW what you’re holding, you pervert.


September 25, 2014 11:58 am

I needed this today Stuck.

I’ve been building and sanding, fixing and sanding, patching and sanding and finally painting and now sanding for what feels like months.

I’m tired and needed some motivation to go forth and accomplish more.

Thanks for this.


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 25, 2014 12:00 pm

Simply beautiful.

Thank you.

September 25, 2014 12:05 pm

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September 25, 2014 12:28 pm

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September 25, 2014 12:33 pm

Stuck… dude you have no idea how hard I’m laughing right now…

seriously, wtf? Your post was so schmaltzich I had to go get an insulin shot…

September 25, 2014 12:49 pm

Awww, dude, don’t be like dat… someone needs a hug,…

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You know I had to… it was too tempting..

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 25, 2014 12:55 pm

On Sunday morning we were up before first light, something that happens with a lot these days as we head into Autumn. I made the children a big breakfast; creamed chipped beef on toast, fried eggs, roasted potatoes and applesauce from the first harvest of the year. They drank milk from our neighbors farm poured out of half gallon mason jars and I enjoyed watching them fill their bellies with healthy food to start the day.

While they got dressed I got out the tools for the day; chain saws and files, a peavey and fuel cans, hammers and wedges, a maul, an ax, a coil of rope, earplugs and helmets, chains and a breaker bar. I hooked up a well worn pair of kevlar chaps and tossed some plastic bottles filled with water into a bucket. By the time I had finished the children had come outside and were heading out to the sugar orchard with the dogs to help me harvest firewood for the day.

During the busiest part of the Summer we rarely get up into the forested part of the property. As Fall approaches it begins to come back into focus as the site of our hardest work of the year. trees that have fallen or dropped limbs must be cut up into blocks and stacked for splitting. In many places we can make our way in with the tractor or the gator to load up the wood, but in other, like the one we were working on that day are too steep, too bouldered to be navigable by anything other than foot and here each piece must be carried out by hand. This is the kind of work where even the youngest can not only help out, but make a difference that counts.

I had selected two large rock maples for harvest, each one standing deadwood that had gone out of production in the past several years after a century and half of vigorous growth. Dropping a 100 foot tree in a densely wooded lot is a tricky proposition that requires a great deal of thought and planning. The act of harvesting trees of this size is something that takes two or more years of preparation if it’s done in a working sugar bush. The under story must be cleared and the brush pulled into bunny piles- beaver dam looking mounds of saplings and lower branches collected from the cut and placed in depressions to decompose. In the first couple of years they become home to numerous species of wildlife- rabbits, ground squirrels, field mice and nesting birds. As they decompose they fill in the low spots with a rich humus of decayed carbon that feeds the orchard. Smaller trees that are misshapen, too many of any given species in competition with the sugar maples like hemlocks and beech are felled for firewood or boards and removed in advance of the big cuts. If you scope out the proper lean of the tree to come out you can, if all goes according to plan, drop it precisely where you’d like it to fall without doing further damage to the younger trees coming up for replacement, or snapping off branches that get hung up in the canopy creating “widow makers”, dangerous deadwood waiting for stiff wind or time to bring it down with enough force to kill a man.

As the younger kids pulled brush onto the pile I set to work bringing down the maples. The first cuts remove a wedge from the side of the tree where you’d like it to fall, the second relief cut is made behind and above the wedge cut and allows the tree to topple to the forest floor. Even when done properly these kinds of cuts are extremely challenging and pose risks based on the grain of the wood, unseen hollows within the tree and a multitude of factors that simply cannot be accounted for with any degree of certainty. Everyone working in the area removes themselves to a safe difference and watches the top of the tree for signs of lean while I cut. It is one of the few times when I feel apprehension about what I am doing, but some times you have to either fish or cut bait. As they would say these days, the tree ain’t gonna cut itself. As the tree falls the sound builds; the soft snap at the butt where the grain breaks free, the movement of the leaves high up swishing like they would before a thunderstorm- then the crack of branches the displacement of air as the speed builds and the explosive report of 15 tons of carbon connecting with the earth in one final instant. The vacuum of sound that follows is immense. A few stray leaves flutter to the ground, everyone looks to each other as if to confirm that something that big just happened and then smiles break out spontaneously, five sets of white teeth sparkling in the gloamy green of the forest.

I cut the butt end into two eight foot sections for lumber, inch thick boards that will be milled and dried during the Winter for floorboards, cutting boards and chopping blocks. On a tree this size from a sugarbush the entire periphery is marked with tapping scars, dark indents where a hundred years of sap has been drained each Spring, one drop at a time. As the tree grows it not only expands in girth, but ascends upwards carrying the oldest spile marks upwards, sometimes as high as twenty feet. The boards made from these marked pieces are coveted by master furniture builders and craftsman and bring top dollar when they come to market. Above these butts we block the wood into 24″ pieces which my oldest son goes to work on with wedges and sledge hammer, splitting them into four pieces that weigh 150 pounds or more each. The younger children take a keel- a red wax crayon for marking timber- and a stout branch pre-cut to length to mark the trunk and leaders for cutting. I go to work and follow behind them, pushing the blade into the wood, a shower of creamy chips blowing into the leaves and loam.

By noon we have disassembled what took the Sun and the rain and the soil 150 years to make and begin the process of carrying it out of the woods one block at a time.

Our friends stop by later to visit- the younger children have lost interest and at this age its best to let them go- so the husband and my son and I finish up at the splitter and quickly crank out three cords or better before darkness pulls the plug on the day. The women and children are in the house, you can see the golden light of the kitchen spilling out across the granite slabs of the porch before fading away at the edge of the lawn. Inside food is being prepared, conversations run one on top of another in a pitch just under what my chain saw ears find audible and outdoors, exhausted, filthy, and gazing towards the last light in the west we stand together without a sound and regard the pile of split wood that marks our harvest.

When people visit the farm there are a couple of things they always say to us, the most frequently heard comment being, “It must be a lot of work.” I think that they mean it as a compliment and so I take it as one, but what it seems to mean underneath is that we are doing something very few people would ever want to do. We live in one of the most work averse eras in human history, as if rest and relaxation were the panacea of existence. Yes, it is hard work to provide for oneself, to seek out sustenance not in the grocery store but from the soil, to harness energy rather than tap into a source someone else maintains and provides, but it is fulfilling too in a way that no distraction or entertainment could ever approximate. It marks our place in the world as something other than a bystander or spectator, but rather as an integral part of something bigger, something older, something profound.

Later, after our friends had gone and the children were asleep in their beds, my wife and I spent some time as we always do when we’re together, talking about things. After all these years there is nothing as pleasing as to watch my wife smiling and laughing at something I have said, or telling me some story about something she did during her day and being close to each other in our own home with the dogs laying outside the door to the kitchen, fast asleep. By the time we wound things up we were both bone tired and we leaned against each other as we made our way upstairs to a rest that we had earned. I have said to my children that when I die I hope that they cremate me and spread my ashes on the fields, so that I can give back something to the land that has given so much to us. They think I am joking, but I am not. Everything is harvested in its time, energy becomes matter, matter returns to energy and the cycle continues until the end of days. I only hope that what we’ve done while we were here is as valuable as the trees we took down and that somehow we’ve grown as they have, rooted to the land.

September 25, 2014 1:00 pm

Sehr Gut Stucky! Vollig wunderbar!

September 25, 2014 1:18 pm

Hawkings said he was an atheist. He’s pissed because GOD tied him up and put him in a wheelchair.
Good job Billy , Stucky needs to be made fun of every now and then.Keeps him humble.

September 25, 2014 1:25 pm

HF , cremate me and spread ashes over the fields….. Are you serious ?*Good grief. More pagan rituals.

September 25, 2014 1:33 pm


I trolled Stuck for my own amusement, not to teach some lesson… it was just too good to pass up… it was almost like he was begging for it…

I didn’t really mean anything by it, just having some fun…

Meh… guy can’t even get cheap laughs around here anymore without getting everyone hacked off…

September 25, 2014 1:36 pm

pure genius…our little Stuck is all grown up…no more threatening those who disagree with ass-whoopings and shotguns blast…I am so proud..no snark intended.

September 25, 2014 2:07 pm

Billy , I know you were just playing with Stucky.For what it’s worth , I was to.

September 25, 2014 2:32 pm

Nice work Stucky. And thanks for that story Hardscrabble. Brings back memories of my youth.

September 25, 2014 2:51 pm

I’m currently experiencing a bit of an existential crisis myself.

It’s the latter autumn of my life, and winter approaches. The shadows in my yard are doing their serious autumn lengthening and the days grow mellower. It is the same inside – or should be.

I grapple with the question “How shall I then live?” (with apologies to Francis Schaefer). This question is beginning to haunt me as I feel myself becoming more and more angry, cynical and disillusioned with the world In which I live. Although some may consider this an appropriate response to current events, I am beginning to think that the evil is winning me over. What I absolutely do not want to be is an angry and bitter old woman, but I fear that is the direction I am heading.

How do I remain in peace while focusing on the culture of death surrounding me? Detaching emotionally would seem to be the solution, but how do you detach from the futures of your children and grandchildren and the false reality you are constantly bombarded with? And by the way, just what is reality?

To protect my own psychological health, I am going to have to withdraw much of the time I spend studying current events. I am going to opt for reading some great literature, puttering in my garden, playing with my grandchildren, feeding friends around my table, writing some memoirs, worshiping God. These seem to be ways to spend my time that are life-affirming rather than life-sucking. My preoccupation with the culture must diminish. Not end, but diminish.

So Stucky your photoessay was timely for me and confirmed for me what I must do to increase peace and kindness in my life. I won’t leave TBP but I will be participating less often.

Thank you and everybody.

T4C – I will pray for you.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 25, 2014 3:15 pm

Great post Gayle.

I’ve been limiting my comment time and even now – reading time – on sites like this for the same reason.

I’m trying to read more stuff that is less current events related and to spend more time with loved ones doing the things I love.

I’m always reminded of the phrase – garbage in garbage out – and aware of what it can do to your soul should you wallow to long in it all.

Too much doom porn is not good for us. The truth is the truth – it will be what it will be – and it will be outside of our ability to control it. Worrying too much about it is like allowing evil to win as it sucks from you the one thing you truly own and cannot replace – your time.

It’s good to be aware but not obsessed.

Good luck with your new journey.


September 25, 2014 3:26 pm

Gayle , would you pray for me .Seriously , I need all the help I can get.Something like Lord watch over bb and little bb .Keep them out of arms way.Little bb is always with me.Thanks.

September 25, 2014 3:28 pm


I suppose in the end it’s about balance and temperament. I happen to be “blessed” with a melancholy character. Others not so inclined are probably better able to hold on to their equilibrium. Oh, how often I have wished to be the carefree life of the party! Too much stern English and German in my DNA I think.

Anyway, thanks.


Confirming that your train of thought led you to the right conclusion. Take care of yourself.

September 25, 2014 3:34 pm


Of course, and happy to do so.

September 25, 2014 4:08 pm

Gayle , thank you

September 25, 2014 4:46 pm

thanks for enlightening us T4C that purportedly peer reviewed scientishism is greater than God.Hawkings ..we are truly not worthy.


Thursday, September 25, 2014
“The Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time”
Dr. Bernard Dalbergue, a former pharmaceutical industry physician with Gardasil manufacturer Merck, declares that Gardasil has “has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer”:

The full extent of the Gardasil scandal needs to be assessed: everyone knew when this vaccine was released on the American market that it would prove to be worthless! Diane Harper, a major opinion leader in the United States, was one of the first to blow the whistle, pointing out the fraud and scam of it all.

Gardasil is useless and costs a fortune! In addition, decision-makers at all levels are aware of it!

Cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralysis of the lower limbs, vaccine-induced MS and vaccine-induced encephalitis can be found, whatever the vaccine.

I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.

Gardasil appears to be literally worse than useless, because it has demonstrably harmed many girls and young women without any reduction of cervical cancer rates. Gardasil was introduced in 2006. As of 8 September 2013 there have been more than 57 million doses distributed in the United States. The result with the latest available data from the CDC:

2003: 11,745 women in the United States were diagnosed with cervical cancer
2011: 12,109 women in the United States were diagnosed with cervical cancer

Needless to say, the pro-vaxxers are already attempting to destroy Dr. Dalbergue’s reputation

Breaking: MMR vaccine, autism, CDC coverup
Aug20 by Jon Rappoport

Breaking: autism, MMR vaccine, CDC coverup

by Jon Rappoport

August 20, 2014


Sources: Age of Autism, Focus Autism Foundation—

Age of Autism 8/18 article: “Senior government scientist breaks 13 years’ silence on CDC’s vaccine-autism fraud.”

CDC research scientist comes forward, anonymously, comes clean, tells Dr. Brian Hooker that the CDC has known about the MMR vaccine connection to autism for at least 11 years.

Has known, and has intentionally covered it up.

The CDC and the US government have gone to extreme lengths to assert there is no vaccine-autism connection.

This CDC scientist has spoken with Brian Hooker, a PhD in biochemical engineering, many times.

Hooker states he has seen raw CDC data not included in any study. And the data show that:

African-American boys who receive their first MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine before the age of 36 months have a 300% increased risk for autism.

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Grand Wizard
Grand Wizard
September 25, 2014 4:48 pm

Billy, don’t forget the big Klan meeting tonight. We’re hoping to beat up some blacks and beaners.

September 25, 2014 5:07 pm

Much appreciated Stucky, nice work as usual and thought provoking as well.

Another eloquently written and refreshing story by Hardscrabble where he takes what most would think is a simple story about a necessary seasonal chore and turns the whole experience through his words into a vision of a Norman Rockwell Saturday Evening Post cover from days gone by.
Well done sir.

September 25, 2014 5:20 pm

Worthless, Psychobabble B***S***. But hey, if it feels good, buy it! I’m walking away…

September 25, 2014 5:53 pm

Great job, much appreciated. You sum much of what I say to my kids so wonderfully. I will be sending this to them.
Thanks again,

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
September 25, 2014 8:50 pm

Billy dont much care fer the touchy feely. He’s more of a meth bump followed by some spray paint direct in the nose, and he don’t like mexicans or hippies AT ALL.

September 25, 2014 9:16 pm

Gayle, this place won’t darken too much but it will be darker after your gone. What is there to look forward to? A heavier concentration of Billy. He’s OK if you have a racist bent. His humor is the kind Bill Tomey once described as “makes you want to hit somebody”.

There for a while we had a heavy rotation at work and everyone who left said, I won’t forget you guys, I’ll call. We never heard from them again. And if I were unscientific about it, I would have to conclude our dumb-ass boss was the cause. They finally kicked him upstairs to stop the bleed out.

Billy has the technique and the words, what he lacks is a brain. I can’t believe he tried to patronize me saying I ended my rant on a weak note. Violence, even verbal violence is all he knows. Here’s an idea, Billy, stop reading the porn magazines, the same way your body exudes the smell of sausage, you writing stinks of a porn mentality. Do yourself a favor and do as Gayle recommends, read the literature you claim illegals love. (That was a strange claim but you must have seen some non-white reading when you were in the Army).

September 25, 2014 9:18 pm

He don’t be likin’ niggahs too much either.

September 25, 2014 9:30 pm

I tried to warn you guys but Billy was the loud one posting pics and derisive comments so that a few began to give him thumbs up and that got the ball rolling. This place is no longer a free community, it is a group held in thrall by the white equivalent of Al Sharpton, his word is gospel and none dare contradict the Grand Dragon Billy.

Stuck, I hope your not hurt, I hope you opened your eyes to this pariah. This mocking hyena. This human Ebola. This Garbage truck on Google auto-drive. This back flowing toilet. This shit stain on Old Glory.

Bye, Gayle, you held on long enough, asking you to stay on with Billy shitting the proverbial bed is too much to ask of anyone.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
September 25, 2014 9:41 pm

Chen – you ain’t doin me no favor. Billys also a wife beater and what you just typed is gonna make him real mad.

September 25, 2014 10:25 pm

Stucky that maybe your life but it damn sure ain’t mine.

Stuckys says: You ….. conformed. Is it any wonder you feel confused and hopeless?

Stucky do another cooking post.

September 25, 2014 11:30 pm

Good stuff, Sticky. Well done.

If there is one thing that absolutely mellows me out, it is a picture of a dog and a baby. Poof!!!! All’s right with the world, at least for a little while.

When I was younger and had hair, I was blonde. And when I was a kid, I had a beagle. Dumber than a box of rocks, but she was my best playmate when it was time to head out into the farmland and creek behind my house and just do “stuff.”

Actual picture of SSS and his dog.


September 26, 2014 12:08 am

“To protect my own psychological health, I am going to have to withdraw much of the time I spend studying current events. ….. I won’t leave TBP but I will be participating less often.”

Life has never been pretty, never. But, you do what you gotta do.

The people who visit and post here are a unique collection of (fill in the blank). The “lurkers” who just visit, I suspect, far outnumber loudmouths like me. But remember, you can come here and find an article or two where you can learn or have fun or just read something where you say, “I didn’t know that.”

Stay steady and stay in touch, Gayle.

September 26, 2014 12:24 am

SSS says:

Actual picture of SSS and his dog.

That is an amazingly good quality picture SSS considering how old you are. >:)

September 26, 2014 12:53 am

For Gayle

September 26, 2014 1:07 am
September 26, 2014 1:39 am

Hey all you guys dumping on Billy ,who would you rather have on your side in a war ?Who would you want on your side when the SHTF in this country?Most of you would pick Billy hands down. I know I would.
El Coyote , lighten up a bit .Don’t want you having a heart attack. Besides your the next one Iwould pick to be a friend if or when the SHTF in this country.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
September 26, 2014 2:21 am

Goes up Manana on the Diner Blog Stucky! Nice selection!


September 26, 2014 2:24 am

I miss AWD. Nice pictures Stucky.

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