Fork the Morton! DON’T VOTE!

Off the microphone of RE

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on November 4, 2014

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What IS a “Morton’s Fork“?

Morton’s Fork is a logical dilemma in which people are faced with two equally bad options. You could think of it as being “between the devil and the deep blue sea,” as the saying goes. Unless the victim of the dilemma manages to find an exception, the outcome of the situation will most probably be undesirable, as there can be no good outcome from any of the choices the victim is faced with. Many people find themselves struggling with Morton’s Fork at some point in their lives.

This term is named after Lord Chancellor John Morton, who worked in England under Henry VII. According to Morton’s logic, wealthy subjects of the Crown obviously had money to be spared for taxes, and poor subjects were clearly sitting on savings, so they could also bear high taxes. Rich and poor alike found themselves at the points of “Morton’s Fork,” paying high taxes.

Like many logical dilemmas, Morton’s Fork can have interesting implications. It sometimes comes up in game theory, with the game of bridge actually having a move called “Morton’s Fork” after the dilemma which inspires it. Mathematicians and people who study human behavior are often interested to see how people respond to such dilemmas, and how they rationalize their behavior if the outcome turns out as poorly as expected.


…Tomorrow is the First Tuesday in November, aka “Election Day” when Amerikans get to pick the scum of choice of the Demopublican Party Machines as their new leaders. I should say new Puppets not Leaders, because every last person with any chance whatsoever of actually getting elected is PWNed by so special interest, and absolutely none of them work in the interest of the people who actually vote for them, they work for whoever it is that pays their campaign bills, which these days are staggering.

About the only people who do well with the election cycle are the media companies, for the last month the Ads have been non-stop up here for the 2 jackasses running for Goobernator, and 2 other jackasses running for Senator.

The ads don’t talk about anything substantive, they are all attack ads on Buzz Issues like Abortion and local Budgets and Taxes, and on the latter 2 you can be sure whoever does get elected will not balance their budget and your taxes will go up too. Why would I vote for any of these guys? They don’t have a shred of credibility, nor does Da Goobermint either State or National.

In fact, I can go right back to before I even was old enough to vote, and back then absolutely nobody running for office was the least bit credible either, so this is nothing new. As a result, I never bothered to vote, it’s a complete waste of your time. It doesn’t matter at all who gets elected, because they don’t run the show, the folks behind the curtain shoveling the money at them run the show.

It’s quite easy to see how utterly stupid the whole process is, good grief we elected an ACTOR (and not a very good one) in Ronald Rayguns TWICE. WTF does an Actor know about Law or Goobermint?

Then you have your Family Dynasty people who get elected Generation after Generation…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

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November 4, 2014 9:01 am

Why is it necessary to listen to a rant, when I could have read it far more faster? Reading it allows someone to think about the quality of the work as they progress through an article, as opposed to waiting while some dull witted radioesque shock jock substitutes tenor, volume and jockularity for quality.

Anyone dullard can voice a thought and enjoy the sound of their own voice, but even a dullard, upon writing down something incoherent and stupid, upon rereading said sentence, understands that they are a dullard.

Doing audio just allows tonal, semantic and logic tricks to hide this fact from first the perpetrators themselves, slows down the entire process of assimilation, and is designed to hide the ignorance of the author, them not being required to check their logic at the end of their spewing nonsense out with the beginning.

There is a reason why depositions are given verbally, and then every word is written down, that the quality and factual correctness of such verbal schenanigans might be checked and verified, or not, in the written record.

So while the lowest common denominator (i.e. those who can’t read faster than this hypothetical dullard can speak) might love such stunts, this blog doesn’t strike me as one that caters to such folk.

So why the desire to bring it down to this level? Isn’t the talking head show we are about to be subjected to this evening bad enough, that we need someone even less qualified than a maroon doused in makeup, dressed to the T, feeding the corporate line to the American people with a smile and far better tonal quality and understanding that what this example of from the sheeple contingent is capable of?

November 4, 2014 9:15 am

What do you call negro that mixes cement with a rake? A mortar forker!

I agree with John above – I can read – but I have no interest in listening audio or video – especially if it’s more than 2 minutes.

November 4, 2014 9:29 am

John says: Why is it necessary to listen to a rant, when I could have read it far more faster?

John who the hell told you it was necessary to listen to RE’s rant? There are no absolute requirements to participate in every thread on this blog. If subject matter is recorded as above and it insults your delicate sensibilities just move the fuck on down the line. It’s easy Bro don’t make it complicated.

November 4, 2014 11:50 am

“John who the hell told you it was necessary to listen to RE’s rant?”

No one. And I didn’t. Why would I? A known suburban sheeple, firmly entrenched in BAU, pretending it knows….anything?

There are enough know nothing talking heads in the world, my comment was on the format designed for the dumb and dumber sheeple set. I understand folks doing that when they know their audience is as stupid as they are, but it is obvious to me that this isn’t the case around here.

November 4, 2014 7:39 pm

Where does the THINKING part come in? While I recognize the value of a medium that can be created by sheeple without thinking about it, and how that is designed for consumption by other sheeple, that is just a substandard MSM imitation, and I doubt many of us wander the internet looking for critical thinking want more of that.

Listen in traffic? So you are aiming for the commuting American sheeple market, as opposed to the apartment dwelling grocery shopping market? Good for you…so why waste our time here, where most of the topics are written down for those who can THINK?

Go find your ilk and try and sell them…whatever recipe, apartment dwelling suburban version of BAU you live and advocate? They aren’t hard to find…

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November 4, 2014 9:26 pm

I enjoy the rants.
Thanks RE.

November 4, 2014 9:28 pm

I’m trying to like John because the stuff he says would suit Billy to a T. The Master Debater was invincible in the barracks but once he had to put his thoughts to paper and present his ideas logically, he didn’t find it as easy to push a pencil around like he did the recruits.

However, John already made point A and now I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Will he turn out to be a one trick pony like Billy? At least Billy can cook.

November 4, 2014 10:12 pm

I can’t cook, beyond the basics of what I learned as a bachelor. But I haven’t been a bachelor for a long time, and a suburban sheeple ever.

November 4, 2014 10:27 pm

Billy killed people.
Billy knows hunting.
Billy bagged a couple of Skandies.
Billy has a homestead and he’s got skills.
Billy can cook his ass off even though he’s not a bachelor.

Do you have any references, John?

November 5, 2014 12:13 am

John ain’t killed people.
John been hunting.
John ain’t bagged sandies.
John grew up on a farm, doesn’t know what a homestead is unless it is the same farm that has been in the family for a few generations.
Can’t cook my ass off, but certainly when food is viewed as fuel, don’t know that spending hours making 200 calories into 200 calories that tastes different matters much.

And you wouldn’t like my references, they don’t have near my mad skillz on the interwebz.

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November 5, 2014 8:17 am

Soundcloud is a cookie planting app. fathered by “disque” (disqus) one of the worst offenders re privacy. Not that any other offers are better, just sayin`… .
Be safe …. and well,
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November 6, 2014 11:10 pm

Don’t be a stranger, John.
I wish I could post kitty pics.