The Fed’s Biggest Nightmare: Consumers Are “Losing Faith” Their Cost Of Living Won’t Keep Rising

When you read bullshit from the corporate mainstream media like that below, you realize how right George Carlin was:

The table has tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good honest hard working people: white collar, blue collar it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard working people continue (these are people of modest being) – continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you – they don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t care about you at all – at all – at all, and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.

That’s what the owners counted on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white, and blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes everyday, because the owners of this country know the truth. It’s called the American Dream cause you have to be asleep to believe it.

Tyler Durden's picture

Filed under “insane paragraph of the year,” Reuters pens one of the most-telling sentences of the year/decade/century, suggesting – as per the existential threat to the Fed’s meme – that consumers are worried that their cost of living won’t go up more?


via Reuters

Translation: Please dont lose faith that your cost of living will stop soaring: the Fed’s very existence depends on it.


h/t @RudyHavenstein

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December 1, 2014 8:42 pm

Americans are not ignorant. What Americans are, exactly, is resigned. Most people out here see no way out of the current toxic quagmire, and are so shell-shocked from the daily assaults on their bank accounts and living standards, that most of us are just grateful to make this month’s expenses and clear out enough to put a little away….. and then hope our PTB don’t start charging “negative interest” and that cash is not abolished, two measures proposed by Professor Kenneth Rogoff of the Harvard School of Economics… which is, IMO, a terrorist organization.

We all know we’re being destroyed and, unfortunately, most of out here are ignorant only of the true cause. Our owners will deflect our rage by directing us to the scapegoats that line up with our personal prejudices. The blacks, or the rednecks, or the religious right, or the women’s libbers, or the “rich” (anybody who has more visible “wealth” than you), or the poor, or the Russians, or whoever.

I only hope that when the time finally comes, we direct our rage towards the correct targets.

December 1, 2014 11:40 pm

We might have to go back to adding value to make money. Imagine that.

December 2, 2014 12:06 am

I believe you’ve hit the nail on the head. First we must kill the bankers.

Spartacus Rex
Spartacus Rex
December 2, 2014 12:49 am


Au contraire

Americans are indeed woefully “ignorant” of the law, and “ignorance of the law is no excuse”.

How else do you imagine that the counterfeiting Banksters could be so successful at ripping the Country off en masse?

The Sheople actually believe that FRN IOUs are actually “Dollars” (LOL) instead of correctly recognizing that FRNs are actually OBLIGATIONS for “Dollars” OWED to them either by the phederal reserve banks, or the federal gov’t, (which is why they are properly referred to as: Dollar “BILLS”, anyone NOT understand what a “Bill” is?) and yet not 1 in 100 present those FRN IOU Obligations for redemption as is provided for in law under 12 USC 411 and get their honest, lawful money U.S. Dollars OWED to them.

Obviously these counterfeited FRN IOU Obligations have since been so diluted, that no one can actually redeem such at full face value anymore, but so what? The Internal Revenue Code provides the tax write off under Title 26, for those wise enough to redeem those FRNs into actual Dollars of lawful money, thus actually realizing the enormous redemption/conversion loss, which then wipes out 98-100% of any federal/state “income tax” liabilities, ergo one not only starves the beast, but as well gives the Free Shit Army their well deserved dishonorable discharge from being yoked around their neck.

So let’s hope that it is truly mere ignorance that is keeping the Sheople in the shearing pen, because the only other excuse would be stupidity.

And I can’t fix “Stupid”.

Cheers, S. Rex

Golden Oxen
Golden Oxen
December 2, 2014 1:52 am

Yes Chicago, They are terrorists, planning and scheming all the time to screw us.

They operate with Ivy League degrees as their weapons and their special bull shit language they speak to one another about what has to be done to make us do what they wish.

“Lets Charge the Muppets to keep money in our banks.” “Let’s seize their deposits if we go under.”

“Let’s do this” “Let’s do that”

They are not scholars or economists, they are elitist swill terrorizing us, and they need a lesson taught them and soon.

Great posting Chicago, strikes the nerve as only truth can.

December 2, 2014 5:50 am

They’ve always been after the money. There is nothing but the money. The systems are now completely in place to steal everything from you and there is all but no way to stop it.

If I may take the long road to illustration —

On Nov. 27, 2014 (last week) The Kunst Museum Bern, Switzerland finally published the complete catalog of artworks found in the apartments of Cornelius Gurlitt, a German man and the only son of an early 20th century German art dealer and curator, Hildebrand Gurlitt.

Cornelius was stopped in 2010 on a train from Switzerland to Germany and found to be in possession of a large amount of cash. After a year’s time the German government obtained a warrant to search Gurlitt’s modest Munich apartment where they found more than A THOUSAND works of art dating from 1940 and before. The artworks were seized on the suspicion of ‘tax evasion’.

These artworks had been handed down from his father. A great many of them came from dubious circumstances of confiscation from ‘the people’ by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party for which Hildebrand Gurlitt had been an art dealing middle man. He died in a car wreck in 1956 and most of the collection had not been seen or known of in 70 years.

It was the biggest art find since WWII.

The son, Corneilus Gurlitt died in May 2014 at the age of 81. He willed all of the remaining artworks to the Bern Museum. Many of the pieces are considered ‘looted art’, sold or stolen under persecution.

So the current German government attempted to steal from C. Gurlitt the very same art which was stolen by the Nazi’s 70 years before. Looted and relooted by government TWICE in less than a hundred years.

Except that Gurlitt outsmarted them by a mile and most of it will end up legally in a museum in Switzerland, forever after (nobody loots the Swiss).

So following this story with fascination for several years now and looking into the topic of ‘looted art’ I turned up a very interesting academic paper on the WWII looting of fine musical instruments and musical manuscripts from Austria, which contained this paragraph that rings in my head now very loudly,

– – “For those seeking to emigrate [from Nazi occupied territory] there were many economic and administrative hurdles, including the Reich flight tax, the Jewish property levy or atonement tax, a punitive tax of 25% on Jewish assets, as well as blocking of Jewish accounts. Jews filing export applications for personal, property were frequently denied by the federal monuments office under export legislation enacted in 1919 and 1923. A decree on the “Confiscation of Property of Enemies of the People and the State of Austria” was enacted on November 18, 1938, providing a legal basis for confiscation. The Ordinance Regarding the Utilization of Jewish Assets enacted on December 3, 1938 further empowered the Nazi regime to compel persecutees to surrender their property.” – –
Page 9

Sound familiar?
FATCA, FBAR, exit taxes for US citizens surrendering citizenship, a $4000 State Dept. fee to surrender citizenship, law enforcement asset seizures and forfeiture, mortgage fraud, IRS bank account seizures from citizens for *taxes owed*, cash declaration regulations when entering/exiting the US, suspicious bank transaction reportings required by law for financial institutions ~~~ etc.

Need I go on?

The similarities are striking are they not?

Just because there are no cattle cars parked in the rail yards does not mean it isn’t time to be concerned.

It has always been about the money and it always will be. Try to get your wealth and possessions out of America right now, leave and take it with you. I dare you American citizen.


Perhaps it is already much too late.

December 2, 2014 6:00 am

Excellent comment, Stanley. Well said.

December 2, 2014 9:35 am

Stanley hits it out of the park. Might I add the militarized fascist armed DHS and carious other over armed departments of our out of control government. The one difference is that many of the sheople are extremely well armed.

December 2, 2014 10:48 am

We are just so fucked. If it keeps going like this. Where there are no jobs. Or you can’t really make it on your wages. It can only last so long.
I have been looking at a reprint of a 1908 sears catalog. Amazing how many of todays products were available back then. And the prices.

Golden Oxen
Golden Oxen
December 2, 2014 11:02 am

Hi Yahsure, They sure have done a job on the value of money.

I remember 20 cent gasoline, 59 cent bakers dozen of donuts, twice the size as todays, 2,00 US Keds sneakers, 2,99 cent Wrangler jeans, brand new 2000 dollar cars and that was in the early 1960’s not 1908.

None of this effects TPTB, they just print up or steal from us all they need and more for good measure.

The one that always amazed me the most was charging the Muppets a couple of dollars to withdraw 50 bucks of there own money from their bank account.

Just amazing how they dick everybody and get away with it. Nary a peep from the sheep.

December 2, 2014 5:16 pm

Actually that line doesn’t surprise me. The sheople have been conditioned for so long that inflation is good, that they probably come to subconsciously depend on it as a sign of a healthy, growing economy. To be fair, that is accurate. The system requires eternal growth to keep chugging along.

Spartacus Rex
Spartacus Rex
December 3, 2014 12:32 am

Stanley said: ” Try to get your wealth and possessions out of America right now, leave and take it with you. I dare you American citizen.”



If you are so unwilling or otherwise incapable of defending such here in America, what leads you to presume that you will be any better equipped to do so anywhere else on the planet?

Cheers, S. Rex