See any difference?

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December 10, 2014 4:14 pm

One has trichinosis, and the other has drug-resistant gonorrhea?

December 10, 2014 4:24 pm

One is afraid and the other doesn’t know shit.

December 10, 2014 4:39 pm

Dow drops 400 points in 3 days an everyone freaks out. Shows you how programmed everyone is now that the market can only go up. LOL.. the bloodbath hasn’t even started yet.

December 10, 2014 4:54 pm

@TC, I’ve felt, and predicted to my hub, that the market is going to be kept at this height, maybe even higher, until after 12/31.

There are multiple different tax situations that are 100% contingent on year end balances. Not to mention that a high end of the year paints the entire year in a future historically different light. Last day of the month, quarter, and year, are a BFD for the financiers. There are bonuses and graft riding on those numbers.

January is looking scarier all the time, but Feb/March/April could be especially brutal if the Executive Order/EPA ruling hits the middle class exceptionally hard. I don’t know if they can cover up the direct effects as easily as they covered up offshoring our middle class or the vast transfers of wealth involved in Obamacare.

What do I know though? Nothing. I only know that if I was in charge of the machine I would keep it humming relatively well until after the end of the year. It would serve my purposes (wealth transfer and destruction) best.

Good luck everybody.

December 10, 2014 10:02 pm

Realizing what the truth is would be too much for most.So the whole denial thing is carried on like people are zombies.
Folks here at TBP can talk about what is coming,But we really don’t want to live in this scary future.
But at least we are brave enough to talk about it.
I go to a couple of sites every day. Heck,lots of people say Obama is doing a great job.Many are playing the blame the republicans game. What is really going on with the economy? No way.
This all shows how ignorant the public is. Man,The videos of people and what they say in Furgeson. What can a person say,just unbelievable that people are like this. Of course whitey is the problem.No looking in the mirror for these folks. So if people can’t see this crap, How can they see what the government is doing. Or the economy. Many people are happy,Ignorance is bliss.

December 11, 2014 9:04 am

“I used to be a King
And everything around me turned to rust
It’s ’cause I built my life on sand
And I watched it crumble in the dust.”