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December 14, 2014 6:32 pm

Didn’t even watch it. After she headed up the laughable rubber stamp commission on the 2008 crisis, anyone who believes she isn’t just another insider has rocks in their head. Wall Street and their crony butt-buddies in DC aren’t dumb – that’s why they prop up a handful of these “outrage phonies” to give someone the few people who are paying attention to rally behind instead of burning the fucking place to the ground.

Dave Doe
Dave Doe
December 14, 2014 7:13 pm

What she says is correct but Washington has undergone complete capture by the monied interests.

Game Over.

December 14, 2014 7:33 pm

Sorry to disagree with TC, but wow, she at least talks a good game. LISTEN to the video, and hear her name at least one villain, Citigroup. Who else is on her list of TBTF banks, I would ask? And yes, she uses the term “too big to fail.”

I understand that Elizabeth Warren is extremely liberal, but this was an impressive and focused message. I like what she said.

December 14, 2014 7:36 pm

Thanks for the tip.
I see that in about five years Citigroup’s stock price has risen from 34 to 53.
If the company has such clout in Washington now, it’s stock price should rise even faster in the future.
I think I’ll buy a few thousand shares.

December 14, 2014 8:06 pm

Her remarks were probably prepared by Citigroup knowing that her words would mean fuck all in the grand scheme. If the TBTF banks were not going to be bailed out again by the govt. (taxpayers), there would have already been some meaningful reform. However, as admin continuously points out, the status quo is being actively preserved.

December 14, 2014 8:26 pm

Even if the Cherokee princess was the real deal, no way she would ever win the presidency, let alone the dem nomination.
Unless she promises hope and change, then maybe.

December 14, 2014 8:51 pm

I agree with TC. okay, fauxcohantas, what are you going to do about it? Talk is cheap. I am really starting to get bothered by people who waste a lot of my time pointing out obvious problems. You’re a fucking US senator, and all you got is to stand up there whining? What have you actually done? Typicsl lib, thinks tslking is action. Go away, you phony hag.

December 14, 2014 9:01 pm

I’ve always found her to be a one trick pony. She talks a good game about wall street shysters, but thats all she does. I think she is ignorant at best on other issues and someone to be feared at worst if she focuses her angst on other social issues.

December 14, 2014 9:11 pm

She defines populist politician. She will hammer one message. But she is a scary liberal. Buyer beware.

December 14, 2014 9:42 pm

When I hear her actually identify the Federal Reserve itself and actually call for its abolition, then I will take what she says with more than a grain of salt.

Most of the truly consistent voices against both TBTF and the erosion of civil liberties are in the House, actually. Justin Amash is hands down the best Congressman in D.C. today. Thomas Massie and Beto O’Rourke are also good IMO; unfortunately they are vastly outnumbered by the douchebags.

December 14, 2014 9:43 pm

Identify the Federal Reserve itself as the cause for the inequality she mentions frequently, I meant to say.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 14, 2014 10:05 pm

The solution isn’t greater regulation. The solution is letting companies fail. She’d never do that because – like all liberals – she doesn’t believe in capitalism. They think crony capitalism is all that capitalism could be. They just want to regulate the crony capitalism slightly more.

December 14, 2014 10:11 pm

I have read lately that she is more popular then Hillery. She could ride this,we hate the bankers and wall street thing to the white house. People are dumb and this could work with a sour economy.
Blame someone else.
So far i haven’t heard anything from the Republicans. I think the shock of having to perform is messing them up.

December 15, 2014 1:32 am

Cherokee Squaw

December 15, 2014 2:13 am

Think about having someone like that as a president. Limousine lib, check. Out of touch academic, check. Persecuted minority, check. What about the leadership part? Or the proven ability to run something? Zero spends his time watching sports center. I’m no romney fan, but I bet he would have showed up.

Erasmus Le Dolt
Erasmus Le Dolt
December 15, 2014 2:45 am

She may be a liberal, but she is great and a cause for optimism. She’s also brave in calling out the names of the crony insiders. She should avoid airplanes and helicopters.

Why optimism…because she’s taking on a subject Hillary will never touch and her hand is now forced. Why optimism…because this speech will compliment Senators Cruz and Paul. What could be better than these three speaking as one on a key factor in the destruction of our country. Why optimism…because her speech is a huge step forward in waking up the Sleeping Giant.

Yes, Senator Warren carries a lot of ‘too’ liberal baggage, but so what if it initiates focus of a key issue. Good luck Hillary because this Senator can really put words together that have genuine meaning.

Iska Waran,
Iska Waran,
December 15, 2014 3:07 am


She’s as phony as a three dollar bill. Even worse – a four dollar bill. I’m with Starfckr. She basically
has no redeeming qualities. Which makes her better than Hillary.

December 15, 2014 8:07 am

Think of congress kind of like a boy band. Most members just fill the slots anonymously, but this one’s a little cuter, this one’s a little edgier. The banksters farm teams are deeper than you could ever imagine, and they’ve got plenty of cute congresscritters, and plenty of edgy ones, too. As for cherokee princess, I noticed her script didn’t say squid for dinner.

December 15, 2014 8:19 am

Don’t forget the old parable. A taxpayer was getting ready to cross a river, when a scorpion asked him for a ride across. I won’t hurt you’, said the scorpion. ‘OK’, said the taxpayer. When they got to the other side, the taxpayer noticed his wallet was missing, and the middle class was destroyed. ‘You said you wouldn’t hurt me’, said the taxpayer. ‘Yes I did’ said the scorpion, ‘but my wife is a squid, and that’s just how we roll.’

Erasmus Le Dolt
Erasmus Le Dolt
December 15, 2014 12:28 pm

Senator Warren’s redeeming quality is she just called for the breakup into little pieces of Citibank. Do you have any clue what a ground breaking statement that is from any front line Senator. Could be wrong but has Cruz or Rand Paul come even close? She shows great courage and I respect that and totally support it.

December 15, 2014 1:03 pm

Erasmus and everyone else thinking she’s some kind of hero: Of course she’s going to say big political pillow talk now that the polls are showing the public being pretty pissed off about this shit right now. Hillary wouldn’t have any credibility saying it, so Warren gets the prize. It’s no different than how congress carefully juggles which critters vote for truly terrible legislation based on who is most vulnerable, etc. It’s all a load of bullshit. Warren won’t do shit. Cruz won’t do shit. Sadly, Rand Paul won’t do shit either. You guys are no different than a battered wife who keeps coming back to the same abuse. “This time is different.” Ha. Keep believing that and get chumped AGAIN.

Erasmus Le Dolt
Erasmus Le Dolt
December 15, 2014 5:01 pm

TC, ISKA and just about everybody else….I’m really, really wrong. It’s just dawned on my dim brain what might, better yet, is going on here. Warren is definitely on the inside and she’s abandoning the banks. She’s been bank negative for some time, but she just broke new ground with her attack on Citi, calling for Citi to be broken into small bits and she named crony bankers by name. That would destroy the ordinary politician.

Why would she do this?? Because she knows this derivative disaster is on the verge of collapse and I bet she knows when. If this is anywhere near accurate it means a bail-in for the banks, a massive collapse in the markets (except for Gold), and a big pile of chaos all around. Timing would be anytime between now and the upcoming Presidential election. Probably sooner than later.

That’s why the spending bill rocketed through Congress and that’s why she gave her Senate anti- bank speech. She knows the end is near. She’ll look like a hero, the obvious choice for President and Hillary will look like a bank loving bag of shit. Checkmate and then some.
Yes, pure conjecture on my part, but I’ll bet big time that’s what is going on. It’s all related to the coming bail-ins associated with a collapse of the banking system.

Again, you guys were right and I was wrong. Thanks for waking me up.

Trucos Clash of Clans
Trucos Clash of Clans
January 8, 2015 6:07 am

Try to limit game play to under a couple of hours a day.

Games are a mode of passing time or getting occupied with when you are waiting
for someone or travelling, etc. I resurrected an old series of mine this year called “How cheaters cheat”
with a new entry about aimbots.

January 8, 2015 7:00 am

48 suspicious banking deaths

If JP Morgan offers you a job: politley decline. The list of top level bankers dying under suspicious circumstances has been growing rapidly in recent months.We “suicided”some folks……..