“The most serious dangers for American freedom and the American way of life do not come from without.”

Ludwig von Mises

“Full government control of all activities of the individual is virtually the goal of both national parties.”

Ludwig von Mises

“My theories explain, but cannot slow the decline of a great civilization. I set out to be a reformer, but only became the historian of decline.”

Ludwig von Mises

“Credit expansion can bring about a temporary boom. But such a fictitious prosperity must end in a general depression of trade, a slump.”

Ludwig von Mises

“The boom produces impoverishment. But still more disastrous are its moral ravages. It makes people despondent and dispirited. The more optimistic they were under the illusory prosperity of the boom, the greater is their despair and their feeling of frustration.”

Ludwig von Mises

“History does not provide any example of capital accumulation brought about by a government. As far as governments invested in the construction of roads, railroads, and other useful public works, the capital needed was provided by the savings of individual citizens and borrowed by the government.”

Ludwig von Mises


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