As some frequent visitors to this site are aware, I have been the reigning “TBP Thumbs-Down Champion” for about four or five years. My views on illegal drugs are not popular and have been received by, shall we say, less than overwhelming support.

All that changed recently with the article, “LLPOH: Getting Out of Dodge.” One person posted a comment that achieved an incredible 108 thumbs-down, last time I looked. In all my years of visiting this site, I have NEVER seen a comment that broke the triple-digit barrier. But here it is ……

“Wow, what a fucking coward. I guess it is easier to be a chicken shit running away to another country than staying to take a stand. I have absolutely no respect for you.”

The author of that comment went on to post 4 more consecutive comments that went on to a majority of thumbs-down votes. Unfortunately, a 6th comment received a slim majority thumbs-up, which left my record of 10 consecutive majority thumbs-down comments intact. Nonetheless, the initial comment of 108 thumbs-down votes smashes the TBP record by a huge margin.

I therefore declare that person as a “TBP Thumbs-Down Co-Champion.” And the winner is ……………… Stephanie Shepard!!!! Congratulations, Stephanie. You are in rarified company.

Jim, tell the audience what Stephanie has won for this stunning achievement.


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March 8, 2015 7:57 pm

Stephanie has won a week at Llpoh’s slave labor camp as his personal assistant.

March 8, 2015 8:25 pm

What the fuck did I do? I mind my own business, contribute, and in return I get stuck with Clammy for a week? Nope, no way Jose. I need her like a dose of the clap, which I am sure is a risk just being anywhere in the same state with her.

Stuck could use an assistant. Or maybe she could groom little bb for a week, and help polish his truck.

Someone else needs to take one for the team. I am bruised enough already.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
March 8, 2015 8:45 pm

A re-enactment:

  Stephanie Shepard
March 8, 2015 8:52 pm

I can top that with the real thing.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 8, 2015 8:51 pm


There is a “no nipple” policy, but I think even SSS will let it slide since it is in honor of Clammy. SSS has this thing about nipples which I totally understand….decorum and all.

El Coyote
El Coyote
March 8, 2015 9:03 pm

I think that last Rubens was a scene from Grapes of Wrath.

March 8, 2015 10:28 pm

Steph, I give you tons of credit. This is a rough crowd. With a very wonkish take on some pretty dense subjects. And you take a very ‘water off my back’ attitude to criticism. Kudos. T4c, never occurred to me, but I’d say by the looks of things, david was a yankee

March 8, 2015 10:59 pm

Little bb says no thanks.
Papa BB is the only one who grooms me.

El Coyote
El Coyote
March 8, 2015 11:03 pm

I believe it’s the Appian Way at Caesars where they have that David copy. I told the church lady to check out the grape cluster.

March 9, 2015 12:38 am

On the odd day when one decides to go full retard I always say go big or go home!

Love Slapshot! My boss is a former pro-soccer player and he said his road experiences were similar to Slapshot including the odd pregame fight.

March 9, 2015 7:33 pm

So NOW we’re keeping score? If I’d only known!

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
March 9, 2015 8:09 pm

What is with all the down votes in the comment section?

March 9, 2015 8:20 pm

At a guess, the new poster yourmotherwhatever is at work. The little geek is gaming the votes elsewhere, so probably here too.