III Percent Patriot Creed

Via Knuckledraggin

I am a III Percent Patriot.

Those before me who were known by this title took the field against the King and fought to repel the tyranny of the Crown. We had the support of many in the Colonies, but only about three percent of us took to the fields of battle with the arms of the Militiaman.

It is my turn to stand against Evil.

3 Percent. III Percent. Threepers. III’pers.

I am the Militia. I am the defender of my republic against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Mine is the final recourse, the final appeal, the final line of defense of Liberty. I am there, when words have failed.

Collectivist politics and the deliberate perversion of the Constitution are murdering the country, practiced by both major political parties, our Courts, and sadly by many of our Countrymen.

Our Government is not the problem, it is men who use Government as a vehicle for their crimes against humanity that offends the republic.

Treason exists in every institution of our Government.

Our Founding Principles are mocked and destroyed by those who would be our Masters. Our Countrymen are murdered by the State for exercising their Rights. Families are taxed and regulated into starvation. Our national defenses are lowered, making us vulnerable to the predations of the tyrannies of the world. Our Citizens are treated like criminals, while criminals and murderous terrorists are given the Rights due Citizens. Our military is abused for political agendas. The most elite and sophisticated Criminal Class in the history of the world has been granted license to steal from my Countrymen and they are beyond the law. The moral fabric of Americans is under deliberate, systematic assault by those who benefit from an immoral and amoral society. We are all enslaved to the criminal Political Class who consider us as nothing more than laborers for their every whim.

This I can not abide.

I prefer political discourse and mechanisms as established by our Founders and Framers as the means to recover our national Soul. I will fight in the political realm, and I pray we are never forced to Second Amendment remedies for the ultimate defense of our country and our lives.

The life of the republic, my beloved America, is worth more than my own life. I will defend her at all costs.

I am an American. I am a Militiaman.

Where I stand, my Countrymen are safer by my presence.

Where I go, the enemies of my republic are in peril.

Traitors fear me, with cause.

For my republic, if I must, I will fight, kill and die.

By intellect, rifle, pistol, hatchet and knife and hands.

By any means necessary.

All men die.

How we die, matters.

I will save the republic.

For I am a III Percent Patriot.
-Sam Kerodin

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March 10, 2015 12:36 pm


March 10, 2015 12:40 pm

“We” lost the middle.

And I oft wonder if we will ever reach the magical 10% support.

People are, by and large, much more voluntarily ignorant these days than the colonialists of pre-Revolutionary America.

That is my fear, I pray, daily, that I am wrong.

March 10, 2015 1:42 pm

The colonialists of pre-Revolutionary America didn’t have to face; FBI, CIA, NSA, FDA, TSA, satellites, RFID, GPS, endless spying, a powerful military that will fire on its own citizens if/when ordered to do so, a nigfuk POTUS, an armed to the teeth copfuk state ……….

I like the idea though. We might need more than 3% this time.

March 10, 2015 2:25 pm

@Admin, and yet, still, even after the Boston Massacre, 90% of them supported the King.

Yikes, it is amazing our species has survived this long.

March 10, 2015 2:27 pm

Classic violent revolution of ordinary people against our government is impossible today. In the old days, violent revolution was simply a numbers game–10000 swords always beats 100, ditto muskets–and the proles always have hugely superior numbers. But today, I don’t care how many patriots out there are willing to fight and die with their AR-15’s, a handful of tanks with air support will easily wipe them out. BUT, ultimately, every revolution is a revolution of ideas, of convincing the apathetic masses to get off their butts and stand up to their oppressors, and today it is easier for us to spread ideas than ever before. We cannot defeat our government through violence, but we DO NOT NEED TO. The way to defeat our government is no different that the way the residents of Springfield defeated the horrors of advertisements come to life…”Just Don’t Look, Just Don’t Look…” Thomas Jefferson put it this way “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…” This is not simply an “in an ideal world” abstracting…it is simple fact. No government can exist without the consent of its governed. To win a revolution we simply need a large enough percentage of Americans to withdraw their support. This WILL happen, eventually….all revolutions happen not only because of a few tireless and dedicated fighters (although they are necessary to get the ball rolling), but because they are simply inevitable…a system terribly out of balance will always come (however slowly and painfully) back to equilibrium.

March 10, 2015 2:55 pm

Talkin’ ’bout treason:

PETITION: We The People To File Charges Against 47 U.S. Senators for Treason


March 10, 2015 2:57 pm

Other good Threeper sites are Sipseystreetirregulars and Westernrifleshooters. Enjoy!

March 10, 2015 3:02 pm

“No government can exist without the consent of its governed.” —– DRUD

Every Dictator alive is laughing at you. So are the dead ones.

“To win a revolution we simply need a large enough percentage of Americans to withdraw their support.” ——- DRUD

Have you seen the average American?? Three percent is about 10 million TBP-like Americans … can we find that many? Not if they move to Australia.

I take great comfort in this; EVERY government will eventually COLLAPSE. Some by revolution, most for other reasons. Amerika will not be an exception.

Faux Queue
Faux Queue
March 10, 2015 3:08 pm

“The colonialists of pre-Revolutionary America didn’t have to face; FBI, CIA, NSA, FDA, TSA, satellites, RFID, GPS, endless spying, a powerful military that will fire on its own citizens if/when ordered to do so, a nigfuk POTUS, an armed to the teeth copfuk state ……….”

Well, the colonists did not have private technology, lethal long range weaponry, an abundance of ammunition, an incredible list of armaments to choose from or near the rage that most patriots now harbor towards the government for the numerous crimes they have committed against its citizens. We may not have the numbers or the intimidation factor that the military does, but a determined group of people who believe what they are fighting for can accomplish tremendous things.

Give me liberty or give me death.

March 10, 2015 3:09 pm

The realistic defense is that our military understands their oath and sides with
American citizens.
I only see using my weapons to protect my family against others in a collapse where law and order may not exist.

March 10, 2015 3:09 pm

I have never been laughed at either by a live dictator nor anyone dead…it is an interesting experience. But dictators still fall under my rule..they are simply ruthless and cunning at extracting said consent. Few can make any kind of stand under threat of torture and death. I certainly could not.

Yes, Americans are both ignorant and apathetic, but a great many of them are curable. It simply takes a that small minority of devout and relentless agitators (many of them found right here…I’m sure all of us have been subject of many an eye roll because we never shut up about all this collapse stuff) to wake them up.

Exactly, every government collapses eventually–like I said, revolutions are inevitable–let’s just all try and speed it up a bit.

March 10, 2015 3:11 pm

@yahsure: that is also my hope–that there will be enough military men (and enough higher-ups) that will simply disobey their unjust orders when they come down.

March 10, 2015 3:13 pm

@yahsure, yep and probably the driving reason behind Bushie II signing the treaties with Canada and Mexico to “borrow” troops.

Think the Mexicanos will have such morality? Maybe the Canadians, but hey, most of them were kicked out of here a couple hundred years back and still remember that.

Amazing how all the little things add up to one big FUBAR. Each can be ignored and dismissed individually, and until you view the whole thing and see reality, is easily dismissed.

As easily as I was dismissed for bringing up the abject terror that the Bush agreements can bring to my home.

Cue eye-rolling and conspiracy theorist accusations.

March 10, 2015 4:55 pm

Yahsure…..there are a lot of Chris Kyle types that would shoot you between the eyes because anyone one going against the gooberment is a filthy savage. Their excuse when the dust clears is ” I was just following orders”.

March 10, 2015 6:00 pm

“No government can exist without the consent of its governed.” —– DRUD

What a load of bullshit. When has anyone ever consented to be ruled by a nation of criminals with a bloodthirsty killer Copfuk force at their disposal . Are you super shit stain’s brother or alter ego?

Cop Says “Awesome!” After Using Shotgun to Blast Family’s Dog in the Head

Cop Says “Awesome!” After Using Shotgun to Blast Family’s Dog in the Head

[imgcomment image[/img]

March 10, 2015 6:24 pm

How are the Copfuk’s salaries paid, Flash?

I am every bit as angry about our police state, our disastrous government and the general state of our dying society. I was simply making the point that governments create nothing, everything they have, including their power, must first be extracted (by any means) from the populace.

March 10, 2015 6:36 pm


I do WISH you were correct. But, Americans are asleep at the wheel. The ONLY way I see a revolution happening is once the free shit literally stops flowing; no SNAP, no welfare, no free shit …. and for the non-free-shitters, when the ATMs stop working. Maybe then …. as long as they can tear themselves away from the Kardashians.

March 10, 2015 7:16 pm

Fighting a foreign occupying force that was using muskets and relied on wind power to bring in men and materials might be possible with 3%.

But as Stuck says above, there is currently a very large group of folks “policing” the population. And they will not be easy to overcome by 3% of the population. But it could be done. Also, there will be a certain percentage of the population that sides with the status quo.

However, I disagree in general that the military will fire on the population, at least not on a large scale. It is the various police forces that will do the dirty work. I think it more likely that the military would side with the people.

March 10, 2015 7:18 pm

I think Stuck is right that the precipitating event will be when the free shit stops flowing. The productive will be the targets of the FSA. Then it will get very interesting. I do not like the chances of the FSA in that scenario.

March 10, 2015 7:34 pm

Yes, another revolution is long overdue. The trouble is, however, that no one seems to be aware that there are two kinds of revolution: one that advances the cause of tyranny and one that advances the cause of liberty. I call one a Judeo-Bolshevik, the other, an American, revolution.
Of the thousands of slave uprisings in our history books, only three have advanced the cause of liberty.
And, without knowledge of their differences, any revolution will almost certainly be a Judeo-Bolshevik one.
My article ‘Is OWS a Bolshevik or and American…’ (http://redressone.wordpress.com/is-ows/) deals with such differences.
My article, “Pawn or Fool?” (https://redressone.wordpress.com/pwn/) deals with the historically-proven method by which American Founders conducted their revolution.

March 10, 2015 7:35 pm

DRUD says:

How are the Copfuk’s salaries paid, Flash?

Cash and property seizures, fines, and theft from the taxpayers …now if your lucky enough to survive the assault by copfuk and are subsequently reamed by a state parasite in a black robe , you can choose either to consent or not…oh sure you have that choice..consent at the barrel ..some choice.

March 10, 2015 7:51 pm

In case you were wondering Drudley, I never consented to be ruled by a tyrannical Federal government nor did I agree to enter into a contract with the signers of the US Constitution …..did you?

The actual situation today is the paradoxical one. The Constitution lacks authority yet confers immense authority in practice. There are more than enough phrases, clauses and loopholes in the Constitution and more than enough interpretations of the powers granted to support almost any action that the Congress votes to take. The U.S. Constitution doesn’t limit government power, it supports it.

This is one powerful reason why the Constitution should be ended and the Union dissolved.

Constitution of Unlimited Authority

March 10, 2015 9:09 pm

Hey Flash..ever read any Lysander Spooner ? His thoughts were pretty much on the money. People disagreed with him but couldn’t find fault in his logic .

March 10, 2015 10:31 pm

To late the America died a few years ago from hippie communism disease spreading throughout the system. Maybe something good will grow out of the collapse- maybe. There are no guarantees that a 4 th Turning will end well.

March 11, 2015 6:44 am

BUCKHED -Hey Flash..ever read any Lysander Spooner

Yes, indeed. Truth never goes out of style. a Union of consenters’…eh DUD? I’m guessing ol’ Dud is a Republican and therefore a proponent of “limited guvverrmen ” which is actually Federalese’ for limited freedom… can’t be said enough…RES!

On the part of the North, the war was carried on, not to liberate slaves, but by a government that had always perverted and violated the Constitution, to keep the slaves in bondage; and was still willing to do so, if the slaveholders could be thereby induced to stay in the Union.

No principle, that is possible to be named, can be more self-evidently false than this; or more self-evidently fatal to all political freedom. Yet it triumphed in the field, and is now assumed to be established. If it really be established, the number of slaves, instead of having been diminished by the war, has been greatly increased; for a man, thus subjected to a government that he does not want, is a slave. And there is no difference, in principle — but only in degree — between political and chattel slavery. The former, no less than the latter, denies a man’s ownership of himself and the products of his labor; and asserts that other men may own him, and dispose of him and his property, for their uses, and at their pleasure.

Lysander Spooner

March 11, 2015 6:46 am

quotes came from:
The Libertarian Principle of Secession

Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.


March 11, 2015 9:11 am

It is possible to make people afraid to work for the government.

March 11, 2015 9:25 am

Dear Sensetti and other self-deluded supporters of the Party of Stupid…Republicans Eat Shit!

A Reply to Sara Hoyt – Update 3-10-15
By J.M.


Thanks to good old Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit for the link.

This letter is in response to the article Author Sara Hoyt wrote on her website According To Hoyt, in which she requested the angry and betrayed masses composing the Republican’s voting base “hang tough” and “suffer through Vally Forge.”

What follows is our reply:

Ma’am, we like your writing, and hold you in high regard, but, we’re going to be brutally honest with you. (Because we’re candid with people we respect).

You’re out of your pretty little skull if you think we will ever give the Republican Party another hay-penny or vote after what they just did. These hucksters spent the better part of a year lying to us about their intentions and heaping layer upon layer of scorn on our cherished beliefs. The traitors campaigned on stopping illegal Amnesty and Obamacare. FULL STOP. These GOP charlatans had one. single. job. – and we empowered them in every way necessary to do exactly that. They could have done nothing. NOTHING. End of story. Nothing. They could have packed the bags, gone home, and won the day for liberty.

But no – the Chamber of Commerce would have NONE OF THAT.

Instead of winning, the Republicans not only crossed boundaries to cooperate with the Democrats, (to make brutally certain they eviscerated us ugly tea party muppets), they then collaborated with the house minority to shield Boehnor from what should have been a career ending backstab. This betrayal is 1856 bad. What you just witnessed friends, was the death of a political party – the Neo-Whig Party tore it’s wrists open – live… and in real time.

This act of throat slitting was beyond contemptible. It was beyond the pale, and nearly beyond our ability to properly express with mere words. Murderous rage given a voice. The literary equivalent of **Munch’s “The Scream.” Some things you don’t come back from Mrs Hoyt. Sometimes the damage done is irreparable. For example: Introducing twenty-million-plus Mexican statists. Congratulations – the Republican party just effectively swung Texas blue. Be patient? Suffer through? Persevere? TO WHAT END!!!! This cannot be undone!!!! This will never be FIXED! This play was for the entire game ma’am!

(We won’t even go into how badly this shredded the last tatters of our rent constitution. OK, we lied – we’ll do just that – The legislative branch, due to the willful and deliberate actions of the Republican party, just canonized Obama’s executive overreach! It’s now precedent! They gave their imprimatur to Hussein’s lawlessness! It will forevermore be used to justify scores more usurpations).

After this… after enduring the willing hate hurled at us by the establishment… you would have us… “ONE LAST TIME!” dine on grilled scat courtesy of our Republican Chefs? Ma’am… with all due respect… you are asking too much of this old man and his family. We will self-edit our true feelings on your “plan,” out of professional respect for your body of work – and the assumption that you accidentally tripped tonight and cracked your head on the tile floor. Please seek immediate medical treatment. This is looking more and more like a concussion.

Finally, we’re going to take “issue” with the whole “We are making conservative inroads into the Republican party” business. Would you please go examine who all “signed off” to allow these various travesties to even come TO a vote? Red State has the numbers – the REAL vote took place procedurally in both the house and senate. The sham votes on the actual legislation – as outrageous as they may be – were engineered to “protect” as many Republicans as possible. This whole thing was a preordained farce from the second the 2014 campaign season started. The number of RINOS, traitors, owned and black-mailed are far greater than the actual vote would indicate. (Or do we need to remind you that these “Stalwarts of Modern American Conservatism” re-coronated Boehnor as their near first official act)?

This is ruinous. We are now doomed to have our voice negated whole-cloth by an unending Tsunami of illegals, who vote reliably statist… no Ma’am. You’re trying to lead us somewhere we won’t… no… CAN’T follow you. We have honor and principle – the Republican party has neither. We cannot ever again condone these lying weasels. And frankly, that’s pretty unfair to liars and weasels. We don’t know if it’s fair to ANY word in any language really. Perhaps we need to invent one for the Republicans. Something that accurately reflects the hatred we feel towards them.

How about we settle on “OMNILOATH?”

Such is the magnitude of this betrayal that even the “We Republicans are Less Evil than the Democrats” argument fails on it’s face. From our way of seeing things, funding the ACA coupled with introducing millions of foreign voters was a blow the likes of which America has not suffered since Woodrow Wilson dismembered the Senate. Less evil? How about “Equally Evil AND Stupid?”

We are done with seeking peaceful redress of our grievances, and through looking for “President Washington.” We’re seeking our “General Washington” – and searching for him now – not in another thirty years after Google has filled is quota of H1B Visas. We’ve been convinced he’s required before we can shuffle onward to “President Washington.”

No more Ma’am. Just… no more. This is intolerable. You cannot… EVER put a Goddamned cherry on top of this shit-cream-sundae. Not with all the maraschino cherries in all the galaxies and parallel universes combined.

March 11, 2015 9:48 am

JohnH above gives a link to his website ….. https://redressone.wordpress.com

I’ve sent some time reading his articles. They are really QUITE GOOD! I hope more than a few people check it out.

Here are a couple sample paragraphs;


“Let me tell you of the people who will not survive a social breakdown: those who stock up on food items, buy piles of gold, guns and ammunition, and move to the country side. It is alarming how short-sighted they are. As noted, when it happens, starving men will roam city and country-side like a cloud of locusts looking for food. As soon as one starving man learns of the booty locked up in a survivalist’s home, every starving man within fifteen miles will know about it; and, the minute our survivalist leaves his house for an errand or falls asleep, is the minute he will be eliminated from the gene pool, plundered to the bone, or both – if not sooner.”


I am living proof that people do not have to “grow old”: they do not have to suffer from arthritis, gout, diabetes, physical degeneration or a hundred other ailments; they can retain the vitality of youth into their seventies (as I am doing), or beyond.

My condition is the result of following several principles of health, namely, 1) physical detoxification; 2) gradual correction of bad habits; 3) raw and 4) organic food; 5) supplementation; 6) proper food combining; 7) variety of food; 8) mental health; 9) heavy or mild exercise (depending on whether I’m addicted to it or not, respectively); and 10) plenty of revenge: a form of mental detoxification. A concise summary is below.

I am playing with the conclusion that, if a person breathes, he has the capacity to reduce his biological age by following the principles listed above. These principles will benefit everyone, regardless of age. It is especially important for children and mothers-to-be. If they do not receive proper nutrition while they are growing, they cannot develop to their full potential.


JohnH …. nicely done!!

March 11, 2015 10:44 am

Stucky, first off, of course Americans are asleep at the switch and have been for generations and that in itself is what allows the oligarchs to run things….being asleep at the switch is implicit consent…it has always been the same. Most people just want to go along to get along and that is what your typical dictator thrives on.
Secondly, I believe exactly what you describe will happen…hell, it nearly happened in 2008. Banks fail, credit freezes, JIT deliveries begin to slow, then stop. Then it will not just be the Free Shit Army that takes to the streets, but all the folks who have no idea how to function without grocery stores (hell, I count myself among them, though I like to believe I’m more awake and prepared than most). That is collapse/revolution whatever you want to call it. It is inevitable because our system—our entire societal paradigm–is unsustainable, it MUST eventually fail and fail catastrophically. All that can really be done is to speed it along–like a band-aid, I believe faster is better…but either way this band-aid will hurt like hell and possibly kill millions. I can make zero predictions as to when this process begins or how long it takes to play out, however.
In my original post, I still believe, I was speaking a fundamental truth, but, admittedly, a very impractical one. The people are ALWAYS asleep at the switch, until it is too late. This same process has played out many times throughout history.

March 11, 2015 11:32 am

DRUD, say you’re asleep on public, transit, let’s say a bus, and unbeknownst to you (because you’re asleep , right?) a gang of urban youtz boards the bus and noticing you aren’t aware of your surroundings , takes the opportunity to knock you in the head and rob you. Should this not, according to your defining term, also to be considered giving”implicit consent ?”

March 11, 2015 11:49 am

Stucky there will not be a revolution after the free shit armies supply train derails. There will be a complete break down of society.

March 11, 2015 2:17 pm

Flash, in your analogy, the youtz in question have a perpetrated an illegal and immoral act (malum in se AND malum prohibitum)…the first flaw in your analogy is that while government commits immoral acts all the time, they are typically no illegal…those who make the laws are almost always themselves exempt from them. A better analogy would be a gang of police tazer me while asleep and steal my shit (is that really so far from reality these days)…since, I could never count on justice form courts, the ONLY defense in such a scenario would be that the rest of the passengers on the bus are 1) awake 2) liberty and community minded 3) prepared to act (armed??? it depends on the individuals, but for the most part yes) and 4) greatly outnumber the police. That’s the point: only 4 is always true…we need to work on the first three, in the order I listed them.

March 11, 2015 2:18 pm

Sensetti, exactly true. That was a point I was planning to make as well, but got sidetracked.

March 11, 2015 3:25 pm

Ah, love the “when,” if you have read “When Money Dies,” which is a PHENOMENAL account of what happens in the (relatively) modern world when supply lines break down due to fiat destruction,

Don’t wait around looking for this magical, “free shit stopping,” I doubt it happens, at least in the initial breakdown. By the time the pensions and EBT and disability stops, so, too, will lots of government current employee pay.

So, if history and “When Money Dies” is to be an indicator, what will happen is that STUFF will stop long before the gravy train dies.

When stuff stops, prices go up, no matter what the BLS statistics tell the rich guys (who can travel to other countries to buy their necessities anyway) and money becomes worth – less.

Then, slowly at first, the government will respond by increasing the payouts, which will increase the expenses, which will increase the prices, which will increase the expenses.

At first our loyal fellow sheep will BELIEVE, they will BELIEVE, it is only the “evil” “them” (insert favorite hated group, black, Hispanic, Asian, Arab, Jew, small business guy, greedy foreigners, pick one or more) causing ALL the problems and Godverment has got ya’ covered.

Which will lead to increased crime, more going Galt, more fleeing assets.

All this will take place LONG before the free shit slows.

Why do we continue to pretend that the free shit army are our financial problem? The government, and their future promises, and their expensive Oligarchs, cost us many more trillion a day, but we keep hating fellow victims of our current regime. Breaks my heart, anyway.

And, just to further solidify my timeline guesstimate, Argentina and Venezuela have been going down that EXACT path.

Free shit & government pensions/expenses won’t stop, my friends, at least not at first. First comes the scarcity (unless you really think China will never stop trading needed their own (and others) irreplaceable commodities/assets for our growingly worthless, murderous, fiat), then the price increases/inflation, then more destruction of business & neighborhoods, THEN increases in free shit (that still won’t cover it)…

The only way it stops is if an EMP, nuke or solar flare takes out our entire grid – and the governments control. Even then I would guess no control would be sacrificed and our asses would still be herded the way they want them to be.

So it goes..

Yep, my getting out the ‘burbs starts to happen the day the store shelves start going empty – while life is still normal and most think that the disruption is temporary.

I’ll be out if I can. And I’m a realist enough to know that will only be buying me time. So it goes…

March 11, 2015 3:47 pm

Nice try DRUD , while is easily demonstrated that government commits illegal acts everyday, from theft fraud to murder, it has nothing to do with rule by consent which you posit we all give to our overlords.

Since you seem to know so much about the type of government every American has consented to, would you care to pontificate on which came first , the barrel of the state’s gun or a subject of the state’s consent?

March 11, 2015 10:59 pm

Where are they?
Who here knows two who will stand with them?
Seven more who will support them?