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In case you weren’t aware, Venezuelan authorities recently accused the U.S. of attempts to overthrow its government. In a press conference, U.S. State Department spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, vehemently denied such claims and then went ahead and spouted talking points so ridiculous, only a complete ignoramus could believe them. She said:

 As a matter of long-standing policy, the United States does not support political transitions by non-constitutional means.

Interesting, because it seems to me that the primary role of U.S. foreign policy throughout my lifetime has been specifically to initiate political transitions by non-constitutional means.

The line was simply too much to bear for some members of the press. One guy in particular, incredulously asked her to elaborate on her definition of “long-standing” in light of the historical reality that the U.S. government has been constantly involving itself in coups all over the world, particularly in Latin America.

What’s even more amazing than the fact that the “authorities” remain so willing to publicly spout such easily disprovable propaganda, is her reaction once see realizes she’s been caught. She backpedals and squirms, but the most disturbing thing is you can see a subtle smirk come across her face. She knows how ridiculous the statement is and can’t keep it together once she’s called out. I guess coups are funny to people in power. To those victimized by them, not so much.

Watch the clip below, and pay particularly close attention to Jen Psaki’s face from around the 57 second mark. She’s clever enough to quickly try to cover it up with a joke. Shameless:

For related articles, see:

“Stop Thanking Me for My Service” – Former U.S. Army Ranger Blasts American Foreign Policy and The Corporate State

Afghan President Hamid Karzai Slams U.S. Foreign Policy in Farewell Speech

America’s Disastrous Foreign Policy – My Thoughts on Iraq

Foreign Policy: CIA Documents Show the U.S. Helped Saddam Hussein Use Chemical Weapons

Made in the USA – How the Ukrainian Government is Giving Away Citizenships so Foreigners Can Run the Country

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger