Plinking Cops

Guest Post by Fred Reed

The Symptoms Worsen

Partial index, Knockout Game a Lie? To cure a disease, begin by admitting that you have it.

Ah, the joys of escalation. In Ferguson blacks are shooting policemen as others cheer .It does a curmudgeon’s soul good: Everything gets worse, the collapse continues, and unreasoning stupidity goes thundering into the future.

We will hear I suppose that it wasn’t racial, that teens did it, that discrimination  caused it, white privilege, racism, institutional racism, slavery, colonialism, bigots, Southerners, rednecks—everything but the hatred of blacks for whites.

And thus we will avoid the unavoidable, that racial relations are a disaster, will remain a disaster, will get worse, are getting worse, and will lead to some awful denouement no matter how much we lie, preen, vituperate, chatter like Barbary apes, or admire ourselves.

It isn’t working. There is no sign that it ever will. What now?

The only solution, if there is a solution, would seem to be an amicable separation. This methinks would be greatly better than the slow-motion, intensifying racial war we now see, and pretend not to see. When the races mix, there is trouble. So, don’t mix them.

A one-sided race war of low intensity is exactly what we have, and will have. This has been multiply documented, and the documentation ignored, yet it is readily available. Most recently, there is Colin Flaherty’s  Knockout Game a Lie?: Awww, Hell No!  dealing with gang attacks of whites by blacks. It is a clever book since, being available in Kindle format only, it can (and does) contain hundreds of clickable links to original sources. It all checks out. So does Ann Coulter’s Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama: . So does Flaherty’s earlier book, ‘White Girl Bleed A Lot’: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.

The racial hostility of blacks for whites can be seen elsewhere, for example in targeting of crime, most starkly in interracial rates of rape. One of the less appealing tendencies of uncivilized masculinity, a staple of military history, is the desire to humiliate the enemy by having his women. The numbers on rape, almost entirely black on white, also check out as cold fact, being derived from the federal UCR and NCVS. This has been analyzed to death, and ignored to death, but perhaps the most readable account is Jim Goad’s For Whom the Cat Calls (the numbers of note come below the ads).

Even without the (inevitable) racial hostility, togetherheid would not work well. The races have little or nothing in common. They do not want the same things. Whites come from a literate European tradition dating at least from the Iliad in 800 BC, a tradition characterized by literature, mathematics, architecture, philosophy, and the sciences. Africa, having a very different social traditions, was barely touched by this, and today blacks still show little interest. Even in the degenerate America of today, whites put far more emphasis on education than do blacks.

The media paint the problems of blacks as consequent to discrimination, but they clearly are not. If blacks in white schools wanted to do the work, or could, whites would applaud. If in black schools they demanded thicker textbooks with bigger words and smaller pictures, no white would refuse. The illiteracy, the very high rates of illegitimacy, the crime in general, the constant killing of young black men by young black men in particular—whites do not do these. They are either genetic, and irremediable, or cultural, and remediable, if at all, only in the very long run. We live in the short run.

Would it then not be reasonable to encourage a voluntary segregation? Having only black policemen in black regions would slow the burning of cities. If we let people live among their own, let them study what they chose to study, let them police themselves and order their schools as they chose, considerable calm would fall over the country.

If the races had the choice of running their own lives apart, they would. If this is not true, why do we have to spend such effort trying to force them together?

IIt is a great fallacy to think that because we ought to love one another, we will; or that because bloodshed among groups makes no sense, it won’t happen. The disparate seldom get along, whether Tamils and Sinhalese or Hindus and Moslems or Protestants and Catholics or Jews and Palestinians. The greater the cultural and genetic difference, the greater the likelihood and intensity of conflict. Blacks and whites are very, very different.

Separation does not imply disadvantage. The assertion that “separate is inherently unequal” is a catchiphrastic embodiment of the Supreme Court’s characteristic blowing in the political wind. A college for girls is not inherently inferior to a college for boys, nor a yeshiva for Jews inherently inferior to a parish school for Catholics. And maybe it is the business of girls and boys, Catholics and Jews, to decide what and where they want to study—not the government’s business.

And so with segregation. While a comfortable distance would make for peace, black policemen should get the same pay and equipment as white, black teachers the same pay as white, and black schools equal facilities and any books and curricula they want.

Autonomy in setting policy for police would further reduce anger. For example, blacks are unhappy because so many of them are in prison, frequently on drug charges. Why not make arrests a local option? If the residents of black neighborhoods wanted their police to arrest drug dealers, they could do so. If they wanted to ignore dealers, or dealers in some drugs, they could do that too. We might call this “choice,” or “freedom.”

Washington, with its hothouse isolation from America, ruled by the exotic orchids flowering in the Senate and by billionaire hustlers, may believe that America is what the talking heads tell us it should be. If you savagely punish anyone who points out that you have cancer, they stop pointing—but you don’t stop having cancer. Maybe we should think about this.

Anger hangs over the country. Not everyone white is a professor or collegiate sophomore or network anchor. Not every white—not by a long shot—in Congress or the federal bureaucracy is a Mother Jones liberal, not in private conversation. They say aloud what they have to say. But in the Great Plains and small-town South, in corner bars in Chicago and Denver, in the black enclave of the cities, a lot of people are ready to rumble. Read the comments section of the St. Louis papers after the riots. We can call the commenters whatever names we choose but when we finish, they will still be there. The shooting of policemen for racial reason–at least four to date–is not a good sign. We will do nothing about it but chatter.

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March 15, 2015 6:04 pm

Our present lopsided “civil-rights (for some)” situation is a result of a uniquely white characteristic–externalized altruism. NO other race looks out for the well-being of others of different races like whites (Caucasians). So-called “civil-rights (for some)” laws were formulated and passed by (dead) white (males), putting “our own kind” at a disadvantage, especially when it comes to college admissions, job acquisition and promotions, scholarships and contract awards, and other competitive endeavors–that old bugaboo “affirmative action” rears its ugly head…No longer is hard work and determination enough. If you are white, you are now a third-class citizen in your own country and will be “passed over” for any promotion despite a superior intellect…you see, we must give minorities an “advantage”, despite their lack of qualifications…
Every other race has “members-only” groups that promote the well-being and advancement of their respective races. It is only whites who are castigated and “put upon” for even considering the well-being of our own kind.
This has to stop. It is long overdue for us whites to turn our altruism inward,and look out for our own kind…
Whites have every right to form and promote groups that advance our own interests.
It is interesting to note that today’s “civil-rights (for some)” protections are not extended or available to whites. Only “people of color” (who, by the justice department’s (actually “just us department”) own criteria are covered by “civil-rights (for some)” statutes and can never be “racist”.
The only thing us white people are good for is “paying the bills” (as taxpayers) and keeping things running…
Voluntary segregation of the races is an idea whose time has come. Enough of the “social engineering”, already…

March 15, 2015 7:57 pm

Won’t work, fred. See, south africa. Only solution I see, number#1, STOP IMPORTING MORE. number#2, stop paying them to procreate. number#3, make it a policy priority to ensure adequate levels of gainful blue collar employment. number#4, expect them to obey the law, and punish them appropriately if they decide to disregard. Number#5, stop promoting thug culture. Number#6, stop making excuses. It was working

March 15, 2015 7:58 pm

Fred goes into the ditch.

How does he propose to:
1. Separate people of different races and then
2. Pay the cops, teachers, etc. the same between enclaves?

I thought Fred had a clue from where money (AKA capital, wealth) comes from.

March 15, 2015 8:32 pm

The problem ahead for Negros, Homos and Joos is they are Pom Pom Chearleaders for the Government.

They will be given one last chance to join civil diisobediance movements when the Soverign Debt crises hits full swing. But they will fail and even mock Tea Partiers.

This will all happen even after they witness civil strife throughout Europe. As if, they can even locate Europe on a map and even care.

No they will fail in joining opposition to the government and as such be wearing a bulls eye on their back.

March 15, 2015 10:12 pm

Aw Fred, you had me up to this:

“….And so with segregation. While a comfortable distance would make for peace, black policemen should get the same pay and equipment as white, black teachers the same pay as white, and black schools equal facilities and any books and curricula they want….”

We are ALREADY paying this!

And it isn’t working!

De’toilet reduced pensions by FOUR percent, yet they still do not have enough money. They will NEVER have enough of our money.

Michigan gifted De’toilet nearly $200 million, and now our budget is in the hole (again).

Never ends. They can have exactly the schools and cops and services they can afford.

Funniest part is we would save trillions and most of the “bad” areas would look the exact same.

March 15, 2015 10:34 pm

No amount of money can turn shit into ice cream.

March 15, 2015 10:37 pm

Admin, do you just put these types of articles out to judge reaction? You should cross reference the recent/wonderful anarchy article.

March 15, 2015 11:15 pm

Yeah, sorry Fred…

While I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments, with all respect, we TRIED that whole “separate but equal” thing already down here…

And the whole “Snivel Rights Movement” was never about EQUAL treatment. It was, and is, about PREFERENTIAL treatment… which is what we are seeing now…

Better to let it all go down in flames and then make what we want afterwards, than to beat our heads against the wall in a futile effort to save a dying country…

I’m going to try and save who and what I can, while I can. That is my sphere of influence. I do not care what happens in Detoilet or Shitcagostan…

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March 15, 2015 11:48 pm

Fuck those negrows and the white trash liberal shit that keep making excuses for them .Blacks will not voluntarily segregate. They have it so easy living off the labor of white people. They will never allow themselves to be deported.I see a long race war of extermination.Fred is right . Blacks and Whites are different. I have no common cause with blacks. I have no love or like for them as a group. Nothing , just nothing.I guess I am suffering from a severe case black fatigue.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 15, 2015 11:49 pm

I am now at the point that I no longer care if every nigga and their brutha runs wild. Whitey deserves what he gets for being suckers and stupit and afraid to speak up. I just don’t give a fuck.

March 16, 2015 12:26 am

I found this a while back .I think it applies to Obama and Holder….It’s strange , but some of our lightest
Skinned brothers and sisters are some of the angriest.. Malcolm X….The more I read about Malcolm X the more I realize he was not nearly as racist as the black Panthers.

March 16, 2015 8:44 am

For 50 years in North America the most numerous, brightest and most dangerous animals on the continent, Caucasian males, have chosen avoidance and retreat when attacked for “crimes” they themselves did not do.

They have been told they are brutes to women, not-so-occult Klansmen, and all around bad human beings by way of their sex and their skin color. They’ve been told that any accomplishment they obtain should be given to others, and they should live their lives in shame.

For 50 years. 50 years of a dam of self-restraint bottling up a vast reservoir of RAGE at the weak & stupid people who heaped humiliation on them, smug and secure that those numerous, bright, dangerous creatures would forever sit there and TAKE IT, no matter how bad it got.

“Thank you, Sir, may I have another?” became “Thank you, Ms, thank you Minority, thank you Deviant, may I have another?”

Wait until this illusion of prosperity rolls over. North America is one VAST Poseidon, about to become the adventure of a lifetime for everyone here.

Then will the brightest, most numerous and most dangerous of all groups of people shake off their self-imposed chains, stretch their arms and pop the cartilage in their necks in preparation for hoisting the Jolly Roger and slitting throats.

When that day arrives, those more recently taught to use social oppression to gain “entitlements” better hide or stand aside. Rwanda and Cambodia may be the model once we begin to test the depths of where I think we’re headed.

March 16, 2015 10:44 am

Brilliant post, dc. It’s coming.