‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

Matt 25:45

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April 4, 2015 10:24 am

“It’s time for the church leaders and the heads of Christian families to start learning from #GamerGate, to start learning from Sad Puppies, and start leading. Start banding together and stop accommodating the secular world in any way. Don’t hire those who hate you. Don’t buy from those who wish to destroy you. Don’t work with those who denigrate your faith, your traditions, your morals, and your God. Don’t tolerate or respect what passes for their morals and values.

Religious liberty in America is dead. Well and good. That was a fatal mistake by the other side, because now that they don’t respect our religious liberty, we have no reason or responsibility to respect theirs. Now it’s just a raw power struggle and we have the numbers, we have the indomitable will of the martyrs, and we have the certain knowledge of God on our side.”

Vox Day


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 4, 2015 1:20 pm


Amen, Amen and Amen…………I have been preaching the same thing for years.

April 4, 2015 10:30 pm

flash–It is a principle or law if you wish that all power coalesces into one power. That one power has been God and his principle Representative on earth the Catholic Church, or so they espouse.

The pattern is as old as man himself, and was stated thusly, “A house divided against it’s self cannot stand.” In other words division renders man powerless. What did Satan do, pitted Eve against Adam with clever dialogue and reasoning. The Fall resulted.

The US seeking world hegemony. the sole power, has created division among peoples. Any nation which might challenges that supremacy is met with conflict, dissension, and partition. A divided people can not stand. That is the motus operandi throughout history from the beginning. The division occurs through laws, propaganda, strawmen, and war.

The pattern is as old as man himself, and was stated thusly, “A house divided against it’s self cannot stand.” In other words division renders man powerless. What did Satan do, pitted Eve against Adam with clever dialogue and reasoning. The Fall resulted.

The US seeking world hegemony. the sole power, has created division among peoples. Any nation which might challenges that supremacy is met with conflict, dissension, and partition. A divided people can not stand. That is the motus operandi throughout history from the beginning. The division occurs through laws, propaganda, strawmen, and war. Everything is to make you dependent upon the State for your very existence instead upon each other in cooperative exchange.

The church and the peoples belief in God is a power that is in competition with the government and the way to make the church and God ineffectual is to pass laws attacking church doctrine and the existence of God. Be it abortion, be it gay marriage, be it contraception or be it the divinity of Christ, etc. The belief in a power other than State power is under attack. This drives a wedge between peoples and leave them powerless to resist the States domination as the sole power. It is satanic. The belief in God which is above the State is under attack the world over.

I have often thought that the government’s denial of UFOs was because, to admit that extraterrestrials exist would lead people to understand that there was a power greater than the government. It had to be suppressed.

The government wants to be what is it actively wants to destroy–GOD!