Despair seen in Baltimore is rife in other cities

Guest Post by John Kass

Americans watched the fires burning in Baltimore, and the police retreating, the mayor there already having given the thugs all the space they needed to destroy.

I figure that’s when you felt it. Whether you live in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago or any other large urban area, you felt it:

This could happen here, as it has happened before.

Here’s all that it takes: A bad police shooting, or a merchant killing a black kid for stealing candy, some frightened white guy on the train with a gun, and political activists begin shouting race.

Watching the fires burn in Baltimore, remembering those fires burning in Ferguson, Mo., you may have given a passing thought to civil society. And how thin is that wall that protects it, as if it were built of paper left out in rain and dried in the sun, so easy to poke through, so easy to burn.

Some of you may have opted out, but I just couldn’t. I remember Chicago in the 1960s and the white migration out, and the black migration out soon afterward, the same thing happening in Detroit and other cities.

Then as now there was the anger and the fires and the looting and the politicians wringing their hands, afraid to offend, later meeting with gang leaders to have “a conversation” for peace.

It is the liturgy of race and rage and violence that many of us, unfortunately, now know by heart. And it was a warning.

The first warning, of course, came as they all do: unintentionally, this time from the foolish mouth of Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

She was commenting on the death of Freddie Gray at the hands of Baltimore police. Gray’s spine was severed. Six Baltimore cops are under investigation.

Protesters wanted to protest. Most were peaceful. And that’s when she issued her now famous quote that should be seared on the mind of every mayor in the country.

“It’s a very delicate balancing act,” she said, “because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”

Space to destroy? They used that space all right. They burned cars in it, and businesses, and senior citizen housing, the cops retreating to give the rioters “space to destroy,” the thugs advancing, as the rest of us watched.

One man, an African-American in his late 20s, was interviewed as the rocks began to fly. He sounded heartbroken, talking of how stupid it is to destroy your own neighborhood.

And I felt for him and for all the African-Americans watching, cringing, I’m sure, seeing those vicious thugs so prominent, dominating the news, the law-abiding pushed out of the frame.

In Ferguson, the giant thug Michael Brown was crafted into a hero by political operatives of the left using the real history of police violence against African-Americans.

Brown wasn’t a hero. He was a large and violent man. He shouldn’t have died, but he also shouldn’t have tried to grab a cop’s gun.

Yet he was made into a hero by cynical manipulators of the left because he was black and the cop from Ferguson was white. They waved their arms, “hands up, don’t shoot,” a posture that some of rioters used in Baltimore the other day.

What’s different in Baltimore is that there are no easy racial answers. The mayor is African-American, as is the police chief and the city council president — the one who met with the gang leaders and apologized for calling the rioters “thugs.”

Large urban areas are aging fortresses that for generations have housed failed liberal policies designed to benefit Democratic politicians. There is a cost to such failure.

Democrats court Hispanic voters and accommodate unskilled labor from Mexico and elsewhere in big U.S. cities while all but consigning unskilled urban blacks to the economic dust heap.

And urban public education, for example, continues to shovel thousands upon thousands of kids out the door with few skills for the future. The administrators have nice pensions, the vendors make a profit, and the party bosses are supported by these special interests.

There are success stories, yes. But far too many kids are left to pick up rocks.

“You know it could happen here,” said Patricia, a middle-age woman working in a sandwich shop on Chicago’s South Side, on 55th and Halsted, where my family lived when I was a boy. But we could have been in any large city.

“All it takes is something,” Patricia said. “Some good young man getting shot by police. Some child getting shot by some store owner. Something like that and then we’ll be Baltimore.”

There was a liquor store. A few old gents strolled past, sipping breakfast out of brown paper bags. Farther down the street was a convenience store, where I met the manager, Mohamed Nassir.

“You pray to God to stop it, but the people are so angry,” said Nassir, from Yemen. “Why are they angry? I can’t read their mind. But it is there.”

In Baltimore and other big cities, in black neighborhoods, there is despair. Understand it. But understand the cynical policy and the party bosses that helped create it.

It is a despair that is sullen. It is tired and it is numb.

And it is flammable.

(John Kass is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune. His e-mail address is [email protected], and his Twitter handle is @john_kass.)

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April 30, 2015 11:02 am

Despair was about a decade or two ago.

They’re at the Hate & Violence stage.

Chanan Steinhart
Chanan Steinhart
April 30, 2015 11:05 am

It is an economic melt down being dressed by politicians as a race issue. In the past 25 years 50% of American’s wealth moved from zero to minus. and their income – purchasing power- dropped by around 20%. If not for food stamps (now 50 million on it) and Social security disability program we are now in a worse situation than the great depression. meanwhile the top 10% and even more the top 0.1% Wall street and other money creation beneficiary made a killing. The top 0.1% own 24% of the nations wealth, 1928 levels. and not due to hard work, but due to monetary policies hitting the masses and enriching the lucky few.
So do you really believe this can continue on for ever??

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
April 30, 2015 11:27 am

It’s no wonder that spontaneous combustion erupts in Black urban areas; It is the natural fiery manifestation of heaps of demonic hatreds piled up by Communist Community Organizers, hateful preachers and their Useful Idiots. It is their way to turning Hateville into open space for a new tent city.

April 30, 2015 11:29 am

Urban blacks are pissed because they were told a lie by politicians and they fell for it.
The offspring holler about slavery and reparations like it happened yesterday, yet they forgot what the protestors before them endured 50 years ago.

Now we have a FSA that shits where they sleep and believe everything that happens to them is because others are racist haters.

Stucky is right, we are beyond despair, time for hate and violence.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
April 30, 2015 11:40 am

Mr Steinhart, you do speak half the truth. The other half is that since about 1965, urban Blacks have progressed from poor working Christians to better fed and housed ignorant GODLESS Useful Idiot barbarians. More Communist Income Redistribution will not fix anything.

April 30, 2015 11:52 am

“Urban blacks are pissed because they were told a lie by politicians and they fell for it.”

100%, and since the Civil War if not earlier.

The US racial situation is a predicament. No good solution.

April 30, 2015 11:54 am

Many cities are nothing but Marxist or Fascist entities.

You have 4 choices to survive there. High paid Private Sector Union job which you got by knowing someone. High paid Public Sector Union job which you probably got by knowing someone and had to pass a test. Reasonable paying entry level job with roommates (older well established have families in suburbs) And lastly Welfare with complete benefits including section 8.

Talk about a fragile system to coin Taleb. You need the taxes to pay for government jobs . And you need a government job to afford to live. You would think according to FOX News that those 180 nickel and dime stores that cater to EBT cards are the sole foundation of a vibrant economy.

April 30, 2015 11:56 am

50 years of the ‘Great Society’, 50 years of never ending entitlement programs, free shit, free phones, free food, free rent, free furniture, free meals at school, free clothing, free health care.

All that free shit – and they can’t make anything of themselves.

What’s left? There’s nothing more to give them.

They can no longer dodge responsibility for their own actions.

We need to invent a reason – that reason is racism!

What does racism mean? We think ‘bad’ thoughts about niggers? So what?

April 30, 2015 12:13 pm


You can’t make anything that can be traded outside the community. It’s too expensive for the private sector wage you would offer for your employees to live there. They would not only be competing against government workers for housing but Section 8 welfare people as well.

Once your city passes a threshold it’s done.

April 30, 2015 12:18 pm

@Mark: Yes it’s done.

Once you get those boarded up homes, the litter, the graffiti, the ‘hoes, the drugs, the thugs, the feral ‘chullin – It’s done.

Captain America
Captain America
April 30, 2015 12:24 pm

Scroll down the chart and look at average IQ in Mali, Ghana, Hong Kong, Japan, etc.

American blacks have an average IQ level of 85, nearly a full z-score below the norm. This number has been measured, and has been constant for 50 years.

Blacks adopt leaders, socialist programs, and government slogans that hide this genetic construct. Every once in a while, to show their substantially greater athletic prowess, they pummel some near defenseless, liberal whites or Asians. And when they crawl back to their dilapidated house, driving home in their $60,000 SUV, they must laugh their fucking asses off. Because, the next day the police, the corporations, The Patriarchy, The white backbone of the nation will take all the blame.

I am HEAVILY armed. Practice anti-home invasion drills 2-3x a day. While I may still be the victim of The Knockout Game, at 54 years old I take Krav Maga, bike 100 miles in 5 hours, and will likely get back up after a Neanderthal hits me. We shoot combat at my range, and my Sig has 18 round extended mags i can reload quickly. Let the nigs take out the weak of our kind, there is a phalanx they have not yet reached.

I fought many years against communism, only to see it topple and invade via internecine strife. While I am not as certain of the battle lines as i was in 1977, I am going to bet I take out more bad guys than good. We can have cerebral discussions all day long, but the point is, The Elite exploit the weak, to make the strong meek. It will end, in a tumultuous cycle of bloodshed. I hope they have to work really hard to spill mine.

April 30, 2015 12:41 pm

One death is a tragedy. A million, just a statistic.

April 30, 2015 12:42 pm

There is no left or right, just as there is no god. There are only people trying to secure the largest possible payout with the least amount of effort. The FSA includes EVERYONE who has inputs into the system and gains from it (so, yes, honorable, hard-working drones, you’re as much a part of the problem as Joe Handout.)

People look for excuses for their wretched selves. There aren’t any. We are all useless eaters, Kissinger included. Now that we’ve put the biosphere into a decline that will no longer sustain us, we’ll turn on each other like the mad monkeys we truly are. “Racism” is a convenient rationalization for letting out the worst in us, just as religion and political ideology are, but that’s all they are–excuses. Humans would find a way to torture, rape, murder and slaughter their way to the end without them. As highly successful agents of entropy, we don’t need no stinking excuses.

April 30, 2015 12:51 pm

Even ducks have raaycccisssm issues

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 30, 2015 2:20 pm

It’s always big city’s and cops/blacks involved. Am i wrong? But i think when the economy collapses, It will be everyone versus the authorities.

April 30, 2015 3:10 pm

Inflation hurts people, the poor worst of all. Then welfare comes along to paint over the harms to individuals so the inflation and large-scale robbery can continue.

Putting people on welfare ruins them. It teaches them (esp. their kids) that survival isn’t about production & trade, it’s about gaming the system.

Look how far down this has gone.

Wait until it’s the Jamie Dimon’s of the world getting their heads handed to them. They, too, will burn down cities…only they’ll do it a different way.

April 30, 2015 3:44 pm

Geeze, Captain, I’m your age and just READING what you’re doing made me tired.

The world’s a funny place. It never serves up quite what you expect, and the differences matter.

April 30, 2015 3:56 pm

The US racial situation is a predicament. No good solution. – Per

Yeah, well, we had a working solution for a long time. It’s called “Segregation”. As in: “You go and live over there, we’ll stay and live over here. You have your places you can go, and we’ll have ours.”

And it worked pretty well. Until certain buzzkill do-gooder assholes got involved and killed that off…

The rest is history… and our cities burn because of it…

Soooo, thanks, do-gooder assholes.

April 30, 2015 4:03 pm

I gots despair of Air Jordans for free at Mondawmin Mall monday night.

Captain America
Captain America
April 30, 2015 5:22 pm

dc, the exercise affliction hit me young! Cycling is a great sport for our demographic.

Damn comic books, Iron Man vs the Crimson Dynamo. Sad truth is physical fitness is less important than reflexes, and training (shooting) under duress. But, the muscles do help me with 25 year old girls, many of whom would otherwise only want me for my wit and credit cards. 🙂

I watch those Knockout Game videos, and those little bastards are fast. We need to bring our advantage in intellect, and superior firepower to bear. In short, i see a group of niggers, as befits FBI stats, my hand is quickly on my IWB (Inside waist band holster).

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
April 30, 2015 6:06 pm

Oh Stucky that duckling picture cracked me up! Of course there is only one little yellow one and seven black ones. Real smart, there, fuzzy!

April 30, 2015 6:41 pm

Captain – I have copyright on IQ posts around here. You want to use that theme, you gotta pay royalties. Send them to the Admin’s account.

April 30, 2015 7:09 pm

I am probably one of the very few on this site that actually grew up in a segregated society. Separate bathrooms, drinking fountains, separate beaches, back of da bus, &tc. South Florida 50s and 60s. If the black folks wanted to go to the beach, they were restricted to Virginia Beach at Bear Cut. Bear Cut is known for its shark population but I don’t know if sharks eat negroes. No blacks in school right through HS. Very few when I went to college U of Miami in 65. The band played Dixie at the football games and everyone stood up, even the fuckin’ yankees. Now the 13% negroes and 2% faggots are running the country. The White, Latin, Asian 85% cower before our negro and faggot masters, why? The USofA is still our country if we have the balls to take it back. Will we do it?

April 30, 2015 7:38 pm

Ragman – nice post. No, we will not do it. I suspect very few have the balls. The majority are happy with things just as they are. That is the problem with democracy – when you brainwash enough, and make enough addicted to govt handouts, it is game over.

Game is over, I am afraid.

April 30, 2015 7:40 pm

The USofA is still our country if we have the balls to take it back. Will we do it? – ragman

Take it back? Now?

That is a lost cause, raggy. Truly.

Afterwards would offer a better opportunity… but it will still take a multitude of stalwart hearts.. and a tidal wave of Heroes Blood.

April 30, 2015 7:44 pm

One caveat to my above post…

What gets taken back will almost certainly not resemble These United States as they are now… it will most certainly be diminished in size and power. But, I’m okay with that. So long as we have a place to call our own and are left alone…

April 30, 2015 9:30 pm

Ragman, you ask, “why?”

Who founded and funded the NAACP?
Who led the civil rights (or as Billy says the snivel rights) movement?
Who were the vanguard in the feminist movement?
Who rang out the rallying cry for more non-white immigration into the US in 1965?
Who were the union and commie organization founders and leaders?

Still stumped?

Well, who owns and edits the papers in the USSA?
Who runs Wall st.?
Who runs the Federal reserve?
Who runs the top universities?
And publishing houses?
And recording studios?
And Hollywood?
And our foreign policy?
And who is over-represented on the Supreme Court and in congress?

You have the answer then. It’s not the Amish. And it’s not the yankees either.

April 30, 2015 10:00 pm

Brilliant, you nailed it !!
Those scum bags are hell bent on the destruction of western civilization . They have done a masterfull job in public school system of brainwashing anyone who opposes the ZOG.My greatest delight in life is the moronic bible bangers that support zionism. Like they say , you can’t fix stupid.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 30, 2015 10:44 pm

Dutchman says:

50 years of the ‘Great Society’, 50 years of never ending entitlement programs, free shit, free phones, free food, free rent, free furniture, free meals at school, free clothing, free health care.

All that free shit – and they can’t make anything of themselves.
Dutch, it’s because of all that free shit, that they have no incentive to make anything of themselves.

May 1, 2015 6:28 am

I know, as a christian, I support the people of Israel. Much as I support most people in America. What I do not support, is their corrupted government and oligarchs. Just as I have little support for our own corrupted government.

The average Jew, like the average America, bears little resemblance to the governments that supposedly represent them. I think we can all agree that neither government is representative in any form today of their people.