Third World Corruption Coming To America

Atlanta – another fine example of black liberal Democratic leadership. Baltimore and Philly should learn from the distinguished educators in Atlanta and improve student test scores by making them up. Liberalism is disease of the brain, implemented by control freak, low IQ, corrupt morons. 

Via Goodbye, America (in a photo)

Massive cheating scandal — 44 schools and 38 principals conspired to inflate test scores — in the Atlanta public school system. Expect this sort of thing to become the norm in the new, vibrant America.

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May 1, 2015 9:29 am

And you know what is really so tragic about this Atlanta teaching scandal?

The destruction of the educational system that is one of the few tickets the poor black kids have to get out of poverty.

Say….do ya think there is a connection between the Democrat-Liberal Progressive control of the schools for the last 50 years and the abysmal metrics of any child unlucky enough to be trapped there????

ESPECIALLY black kids?

Nahh. Lib progs luuuuvv black people so much, their policies would never result in vast numbers of blacks being illiterate, impoverished and perpetually aggrieved.

Must be Whitey’s fault.

Or the Joos.

May 1, 2015 9:39 am

The government school systems in all jurisdictions – not just the Democrat-controlled urban bantustans of our big cities – are major sources of political pork, and the past several decades have seen people looking at the hideously high per-pupil costs of these frabjous boondoggles while freaking out about the invariably crappy performance of the government schools’ matriculants.

Those pupils – particularly the duskier ones being ostensibly “served” by the inner-city sloughs of despond – are so commonly ill-educated and un-educated that it’s become impossible for even the hard-working Democrat Party Audiovisual Club (formerly “the mainstream media”) to evade confrontation with these hard facts. The better to diddle the gullible in the population (and thereby keep all that lovely money flowing into these school districts), the educrats came up with the notion of standardized testing in order to demonstrate that some kind of bang is being gotten for the taxpayer’s buck.

But – of course – the kids can’t perform. They can’t show the kind of continuing quality improvement (CQI) demanded of continually increasing subsidization, and therefore the educrats have to “fudge” the outcomes figures. The best way to do that?

Why, however else than the same way most of those educrats got their own degrees in college and grad school?


Gotta give the Atlanta educrats some credit, though. Instead of doing it retail and selectively, they devised ways to impose cheating WHOLESALE, and thereby create the sort of rising tide that swamps all boats.

Of course, the Democrat politicians will protect these Democrat educationalists.

After all, a brutha’s gotta look after his bruthas, right?

Hollow man
Hollow man
May 1, 2015 10:47 am

Ha ha ha ha coming to America ha ha ha.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 1, 2015 11:14 am

America became a third world banana republic in 2009. TPTB have allowed and pushed the niggarization of the major cities in this country. It isn’t coming………it has been here.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
May 1, 2015 8:45 pm

“Third World Corruption Coming To America”

HAHAHAHAHA! I’m sorry ..did you say “coming”? Unless you just popped out of a time machine à la Idiocracy, there’s really no excuse for being so naïve my friend.

May 2, 2015 4:23 am

Tucc, that would be a killer post, but you’re a robot or something. Ha ha, thumbs up

May 2, 2015 4:24 am

And thanks for the pic, jim, I’ve got my new start page.

May 2, 2015 6:55 am

starfcker alleges that I’m a “robot” or something? Er, why?

My experience has been with small (suburban and rural) government – er, “public” – school districts. Some several of my patients over the decades have been elected school board members, and I’ve gotten an earful of their grumbles over how school districts are viewed as tax-sluiced hog troughs by teachers, vendors, contractors and just about everybody else able to put in an invoice.

One especially invidious tendency has been for public school teachers (good union members every one of ’em) getting elected to school boards in their districts of residence (they can’t stand for office in the districts where they’re employed) and generously scratching the backs of their colleagues (and fellow good teachers’ union members) in negotiations conducted by the school districts they govern.

No “conflict of interest,” there, eh?

The average ‘Murrican doesn’t perceive HOW MUCH their real estate property taxes (not just residential but even more bloodthirstily the taxes on businesses) are ratcheted up by the government school districts.

The public school pork DOMINATES suburban and rural municipalities, creating and sustaining whole categories of special interests who – in their turn – “contribute” heavily to the politicians on the classic “pay-to-play” model of graft and corruption.

The results aren’t JUST crappy, fraudulently-run schools but also the increasingly tax-strangled economies of the communities afflicted by profligate “educational” spending.

It’s not just that the government schools are screwing up so horribly but that they’re doing it by way of costs our cities and towns can’t sustain.

May 2, 2015 5:28 pm

No no no tucci. I was jesting completely, regarding earlier posts

May 2, 2015 5:30 pm

I consider you a thoughtful, insightful, serious, and welcome addition to jim’s merry band of whatever we are