Via Goodbye, America (in a photo)

The reader who submitted this photo writes,

Hey there, I’m a big fan of your blogs and have been reading the chateau for a few years. Nevertheless I wanted to share a pic I took while at work – since it applies to that pink hair fruit in the body armor.

I’m a cop in [American city], specifically [big American city]. The unit I work in was ordered to attend training in downtown [city]. We didn’t know what it was – I assure you that if we did we’d have called in sick.

The training was 8 hours of women droning on about raaaaaacism and empowering women and what the police NEED to do to fix these issues.

Of course, none of us take this bullshit seriously. But you are right, the end is near.

New police motto: To degrade and to shame. Will this farce continue when the last white male cop leaves the room?

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May 7, 2015 12:49 pm

All this stupidity strikes me as a trend that has reached the point just before a massive reversal.

You know, like when something goes so loony that you think to yourself, “Come on, this has to be a parody, right?”

I know most people can’t afford to risk their job. I know this makes people very averse to openly saying that the Emperor’s New Clothes are….well….”HE’S NAKED, ARE YOU PEOPLE BLIND?!”

But not everyone needs to knuckle under that badly.
People I know are openly discussing (in small groups) things that even two years ago would have been unthinkable.

The tide looks RIPE for a reversal so large that in a few years we will look back and MARVEL at how stupid were those playing Bobble Head for such idiocy.

May 7, 2015 12:54 pm

We’re so far down the Rabbit Hole that, in order to play the “Hey, look at me, I’m being DIFFERENT” game a man has to tattoo his face or have his genitals surgically removed while he’s taking female hormones.

I mean, for God’s sake, THINK ABOUT THAT for a moment!

Do you even notice when you see some woman with purple hair now? Or someone with tattoos covering their arm(s), or all over their leg? (I do, I think to myself what a pathetic herd animal he or she is, jumping on a fad so much that he or she has done the equivalent of putting on the latest fashion knowing that it can never be taken off.)

I know I would have said, no way, it can’t get worse….in 2007. Yet here we are.


How do you one-up a man getting his penis and scrotum removed, possibly having some whack-a-doo surgeon create a little invagination where his scrotum was so he can delude himself into thinking he’s FEMALE?

If that’s NOT apogee, I’m a squirrel.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
May 7, 2015 2:27 pm

In a world of the abnormal freak psycho pansy deluded numbskull tatooed pierced sex changed gauged sheeple, a man or woman with no tats, an ability to think and not follow that herd is considered the weirdo! Glad I am weird.

May 7, 2015 2:30 pm

Bravo DC. And yes, the emperors have no clothes. Clinton is helping people. We need more third world trash. Free trade to the rescue. The religion of peace. We’re all equal. How much time you got?

May 7, 2015 3:28 pm

starfcker, I think most of us perusing this website have difficulty wrapping our minds around the world right now.

The herd is off the reservation.

Back in late 1999 and Jan-Mar 2000 I was dumb enough to think I could short the (clearly insane) NASDAQ and make money when it returned to sanity. Sanity did, eventually, return but it did so after driving me like a tent peg into losses.

I kept thinking, my GOD, either everyone else is insane, or I’m insane. I thought that over and over and over as tech companies with no hope of ever turning a profit soared into the ionosphere.

I feel that way today, only it’s not just stocks. When I go to a store, I feel like an alien invasion has occurred, and I’m one of the very few people left.

May 7, 2015 4:28 pm

@DC: I think of our society as a pendulum that has swung waaaay too far to one side. That explains to me the freak show we’re currently enduring. At some point, perhaps due to some unforeseen event, the pendulum will swing back in the other direction. History repeats and right now we’re revisiting the “roaring twenties”.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 7, 2015 5:32 pm

How many here believe as I do that there will be a huge push for a female president? Why you may ask…..well because it is a tool for TPTB to whip the sheep if they get out of line just as they have used racism as a whip.They don’t give a damn about blacks, they loathe them but they have been more than instrumental in monkey wrenching the very foundation of our country. Just as they have used Obama for racism, they will use Hitlery or some other female for the sexist leverage. Woe be unto any men who would criticize our female leader lest they wear their balls for earrings.

The officers were hammered with the “time to empower” women schtick so you KNOW some social change bullshit is lurking behind the curtain. Men guard your family jewels there is trouble on the horizon.

May 7, 2015 7:48 pm

SCAM= Stupid Cunts Against Masculinity … …more to come….book it Dano.

May 7, 2015 9:39 pm

The pop tart pastry chewed into shape of a gun,saying the word gun ect ect ect,all aimed at white little boys.So far no child of color targeted in public schools only white boys.Eric Holder said in 2014 no blacks are to be disciplined in public schools,and he sited the need for brainwashing. Now Dems are targeting home schooled.That brings up vaccinations and meat and dairy loaded with hormones.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 7, 2015 9:40 pm

Bea, we need Hillary. She is running against her husband’s errors. Her new book should be entitled “It Takes a Woman” and subtitled: To Undo Her Husband’s Mistakes.

DC, I’m EC. I mean I resemble quite a few of the observations you make. I could even go back and copy my own comments that align with yours.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 7, 2015 9:42 pm

bb, you lost me at ‘pop tart’ – do you mean Britney?

May 7, 2015 10:11 pm

@EL Coyote

There was a news story a while back about an elementary school kid eating his snack, a pop tart, into the shape of a gun and it being seen as a “dangerous threat”. I think he was suspended for a couple of days for making such a terroristic threat.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 7, 2015 10:30 pm

DC Sunsets might have beat me to this whimsy but Obama’s change seems to be an effort exact revenge on folks and push people down. I’m reminded of that carpetbagger lackey’s comment on “GWTW”, – Ack like they won the war. Obama won’t let anyone forget he won the election twice. I almost expect Michelle to toss her hat in the ring come 2020.

Me No Likey
Me No Likey
May 8, 2015 2:41 pm

City of Lost Angeles can’t compete with The United Republic of West Hollywood (a crackpot city within LA County). See this for the ultimate in bitch’s conferences: