Via Knuckledraggin



It was said a few months ago that the sudden appearance of ISIS was “the mother of all blowback.”  It turns out that it wasn’t blowback at all but rather all according to plan. Uber Neocon former Dumbya Asst. Secretary of Defense (and current Jeb advisor) Paul Wolfowitz once said that the purpose of the war against Iraq was to destroy and fragment it.  Mission accomplished.  Now it turns out that ISIS is a joint US/Saudi creature with the intent being to do the same to Syria, to weaken the Assad government.  All for the benefit of Israel of course.  Assuming God exists, it will surely make the US and Israel pay dearly for their crimes against humanity.


2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime”

On Monday, May 18, the conservative government watchdog groupJudicial Watch published a selection of formerly classified documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Defense and State Department through a federal lawsuit.

While initial mainstream media reporting is focused on the White House’s handling of the Benghazi consulate attack, a much “bigger picture” admission and confirmation is contained in one of the Defense Intelligence Agency documents circulated in 2012: that an ‘Islamic State’ is desired in Eastern Syria to effect the West’s policies in the region.



Are You On the Jade Helm Red List and Will You Know When It’s Time to Run?

Via SHTFplan

This article was originally published by Dave Hodges at The Common Sense Show.


This is a two part series which deals with critical issues associated with planned round-ups of potential resistance leaders and how to recognize when the extractions will happen. This is very valuable information as it will be important to not be where one is expected to be when the extractions commence.

The second part of this series will discuss the technology that will be employed to hunt down key resistance figures along with counter-intelligence techniques designed TO evade capture.

There are some universal principles that will be applied when key people are hunted down when the NSA/DHS decides that your Threat Matrix Score is too high and you must be extracted from society so that you cannot do any more damage to the emerging power structure that has hijacked our government.

The Historical Precedent of the Night of the Broken Glass


(It Happened In One Night)

In pre-holocaust Germany, Jewish businesses were singled out for physical destruction in an event called Kristallnacht (i.e. night of the broken glass). Hundreds of Jewish businesses were attacked on the same night.

When the Holocaust began, in earnest, the Gestapo would target selected neighborhoods, for extraction, and then make their move, in the same general area, on the same night. If the area was large and exceeded the capacity to extract everyone in a given area, the neighborhoods would be sealed off, with nobody allowed in or out as systematic arrests were carried out. The times may change and the technology may be better, but the same Nazi blueprint would be applied.

Continue reading “Are You On the Jade Helm Red List and Will You Know When It’s Time to Run?”

A Vision of Monetary Hell …

… Troubles Our Sleep …

It is the vision of what the United States will be like when the authorities have obliterated almost three millennia of monetary progress and have their boots on our necks.

Here’s Peter Bofinger, a leading German Keynesian economist, in Der Spiegel magazine:


“With today’s technical possibilities, coins and notes are in fact an anachronism. They made payments incredibly difficult, with people wasting all sorts of time at the cashier as they wait for the person ahead of them to dig through their belongings to find some cash, and for the cashier to render change (rather than, for example, waiting for someone to find the right credit card, complete the transaction, and wait for approval).


But the additional time is not the largest benefit of the elimination of cash. It dries out the markets for moonlighting and drug trafficking. Almost a third of the euro cash in circulation consists of 500-euro notes. No one needs those for shopping; light-shy figures use them for their activities. [Also] it would be easier for central banks to impose their monetary policies. At this time, they cannot push interest rates appreciably below zero because the savers would hoard cash. If there is no cash, the zero bound is eliminated.”


vision_of_hell_11They said they were going to make me an advisor ... Bofinger discovers they lied to him.

Painting by Zdzislaw Beksinski


A Slide Back into Prehistory

Yes, dear reader, it seems to be coming – a dreadful slide back beyond the darkest ages and into the mud and slime of prehistory. Back then, modern “money” had not been invented. Using rudimentary credit and barter systems, you could only trade with people you knew – and on a limited scale.

Continue reading “A Vision of Monetary Hell …”



A little celebration of America on this edition of “Who Wears it Better?” So I’ll leave it to you people – which gender rocks it out harder for Memorial Day?


It’s not often the crack of someone’s ass is that patriotic, but we always salute the red, white & blue.


Gonna be tough to toast those buns this weekend without some serious charcoal briquettes! I’m talking super-sized baby!

Continue reading “WAL-MART FREAKS OF THE WEEK”


“And finally, in our progress towards a resumption of work, we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order. There must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments. There must be an end to speculation with other people’s money.”

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address, 4 March 1933

“You know, I think many people have the mistaken impression that Congress regulates Wall Street. In truth that’s not the case. The real truth is that Wall Street regulates the Congress.”

Bernie Sanders

“In poor countries, officials receive explicit bribes; in D.C. they get the sophisticated, implicit, unspoken promise to work for large corporations.”

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes



Do you need any more proof that the Zionists control and own Congress? How can a country running $700 billion deficits give $5.7 billion per year to other countries so they can blow shit up? Our leaders couldn’t possibly be trying to create chaos, war, and turmoil throughout the world in order to keep the military industrial complex flush with profits. Right?

Every year, the US Department of State hands out nearly $6 billion of military aid to countries around the world. In 2014, Egypt received a quarter of that total while Israel received more than all the other 74 countries combined. Read more in Statista’s latest feature in the Independent.

Infographic: US military aid: Israel gets more than everyone else combined | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista

Today’s CPI Lesson: The Fed’s 2% Inflation Target Is Completely Stupid

The madness of the Fed’s pending 81 month run of zero interest rates comes down to an inflation subterfuge that has no logical or empirical grounding in real world economics. Essentially, the Keynesians who currently inhabit the Eccles Building have turned all of central banking’s anti-inflation history on its head, saying, instead, that there is not enough of it to create optimum economic growth and wealth; and, besides, the CPI is running below the 2% target—so prolonging the free money gravy train can’t do much harm.

Every part of that proposition is dead wrong. To wit, free money does immense harm by fueling rampant carry trade speculation; there is zero evidence that 2% inflation results in any more growth than 1% or even 0% inflation; and, as an empirical matter, there is plenty of inflation in the US economy and has been during the entire past 15 years of rampant money printing designed to stimulate more growth.

Still, real final sales in the US economy have grown at only a 1.8% rate since the year 2000, or by just half of the 3.5% rate recorded for the prior 46 years. But that downshift is not in any way attributable to inflation missing the allegedly optimum 2% target. In fact, during the last 15 years the CPI has increased at an average rate of exactly 2.18%.

So where’s the beef or rather the allegedly missing beef? Well, the monetary high priests hold that the PCE deflator, not the CPI, is the correct measure of inflation because it takes better account of changing consumer preferences or weighting shifts in the market basket of what people buy. That is, it captures their shifting to chicken, tuna or spam when they can’t afford steak.

Yet its hard to believe that the scant daylight shown in the chart below accounts for the drastic deterioration of economic growth during the last 15 years. In other words, we have had 2% inflation on the most commonly used measuring stick—-so what’s wrong with the ruler?

Continue reading “Today’s CPI Lesson: The Fed’s 2% Inflation Target Is Completely Stupid”

Muck’s Minute #11

Do You Think Our Government’s ever increasing War on Cash is Bull Shit?


One hears all sorts of rumors these days from TPTB that cash is outmoded and needs to be done away with entirely.  That way, instead of paying cash for anything, you must pay for it using a wee plastic card coupled to the Governments vast computer network to enable TPTB to monitor each and every purchase or sale, whether it is taxed or not and how much with just the tap of a key.


There will, under this system, absolutely no privacy whatsoever in any financial transaction from buying a pack of gum to making a down payment on a drilling rig lease or building a hotel.  The U.S. Government will be able to trace every penny that changes hands in this country to insure it can do several things:  One: not a cent of payable tax can be avoided.  Two: not one transaction between consenting adults can be consummated without the U.S. Government’s full knowledge of every detail, what the transaction was, where it was transacted, down to the penny of any payments or receipts made and whether taxes were paid on the transaction.  A number of other “data mining” benefits will accrue to the Government as more are thought up.


Bah! You say (or think).  Never happen and it would destroy capitalism and turn us all into little obedient citizens who cannot have anything to hide from the government whether we do or not.  Besides, it would be so hard to start and do it we may as well wait too hundred years for it to be accomplished.


Phooey.  It is being done today – right now – by J.P.Morgan Chase and for all I know other way To Big To Fail banks have already followed along.

Continue reading “Muck’s Minute #11”

FBI Confirms No Major Terrorism Cases Cracked via Unconstitutional Patriot Act Phone Spying

Guest Post by Michael Krieger 

Screen Shot 2015-05-22 at 11.21.19 AM

FBI agents can’t point to any major terrorism cases they’ve cracked thanks to the key snooping powers in the Patriot Act, the Justice Department’s inspector general said in a report Thursday that could complicate efforts to keep key parts of the law operating.

Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz said that between 2004 and 2009, the FBI tripled its use of bulk collection under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which allows government agents to compel businesses to turn over records and documents, and increasingly scooped up records of Americans who had no ties to official terrorism investigations.

– From the Washington Times article: FBI Admits No Major Cases Cracked with Patriot Act Snooping Powers 

Back in 2013, as debate about the Snowden revelations was at its zenith, I published a post titled NSA Chief Admits “Only One or Perhaps Two” Terror Plots Stopped by Spy Program. Here’s an excerpt:

The Obama administration’s credibility on intelligence suffered another blow Wednesday as the chief of the National Security Agency admitted that officials put out numbers that vastly overstated the counterterrorism successes of the government’s warrantless bulk collection of all Americans’ phone records.

Pressed by the Democratic chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee at an oversight hearing, Gen. Keith B. Alexander admitted that the number of terrorist plots foiled by the NSA’s huge database of every phone call made in or to America was only one or perhaps two — far smaller than the 54 originally claimed by the administration.

“One or perhaps two.” Or perhaps zero. The guy has the nerve to say “perhaps.” How do you not know? What a bunch of lying assholes. How the heck does 54 turn into “one or two,” and I’ll tell you something else, I don’t believe the one or two figure for a minute. I mean there’s no way he would say “zero” when he is fighting to keep his petty little Stasi state intact. Furthermore, how about some details here. What was the one plot the NSA foiled? Some teenager throwing firecrackers on the White House lawn? These guys need to get lost already. From the Washington Times:

As time has passed and the years have gone by, it has become increasingly clear that the phone records collection program hasn’t stopped a single terror attack. In fact, a recently published report by the Justice Department’s inspector general admitted as much. This takes on increased significance with parts of the Patriot Act set to automatically sunset on June 1st.

Continue reading “FBI Confirms No Major Terrorism Cases Cracked via Unconstitutional Patriot Act Phone Spying”


Hat tip Boston Bob

Well ya see, Norm, it’s like this…. A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That’s why you always feel smarter after a few beers.
~Cliff Clavin

Alcohol May Be Man’s Worst Enemy
But The Bible Says Love Your Enemy
~ Frank Sinatra

That’s the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink…If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen. – Charles Bukowsk

The liver is evil and must be punished. – Author Unknown

I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer. -Homer Simpson

Write drunk; edit sober. – Ernest Hemingway

I take every day one beer at a time, one beer every sip at a time. – Dennis Leary

Alcohol doesn’t solve your problems…but then, neither does milk. – W.C. Fields

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
~Henny Youngman

I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.
~Sir Winston Churchill
To alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.
~Homer Simpson

A woman drove me to drink and I didn’t even have the decency to thank her.
~W.C. Fields

Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
~Benjamin Franklin

I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.
~Hunter S. Thompson

I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, That’s as good as they’re going to feel all day.
~Frank Sinatra

Here’s to a long life and a merry one
A quick death and an easy one
A pretty girl and an honest one
A cold beer and another one!
~Author Unknown