Muck’s Minute #11

Do You Think Our Government’s ever increasing War on Cash is Bull Shit?


One hears all sorts of rumors these days from TPTB that cash is outmoded and needs to be done away with entirely.  That way, instead of paying cash for anything, you must pay for it using a wee plastic card coupled to the Governments vast computer network to enable TPTB to monitor each and every purchase or sale, whether it is taxed or not and how much with just the tap of a key.


There will, under this system, absolutely no privacy whatsoever in any financial transaction from buying a pack of gum to making a down payment on a drilling rig lease or building a hotel.  The U.S. Government will be able to trace every penny that changes hands in this country to insure it can do several things:  One: not a cent of payable tax can be avoided.  Two: not one transaction between consenting adults can be consummated without the U.S. Government’s full knowledge of every detail, what the transaction was, where it was transacted, down to the penny of any payments or receipts made and whether taxes were paid on the transaction.  A number of other “data mining” benefits will accrue to the Government as more are thought up.


Bah! You say (or think).  Never happen and it would destroy capitalism and turn us all into little obedient citizens who cannot have anything to hide from the government whether we do or not.  Besides, it would be so hard to start and do it we may as well wait too hundred years for it to be accomplished.


Phooey.  It is being done today – right now – by J.P.Morgan Chase and for all I know other way To Big To Fail banks have already followed along.


Let me tell the tale.  Background is necessary so please pour yourself a drink, grab a pupu (preferably a cool one like chilled shrimp) and relax.


My daughter’s husband, (they lives in Slidell, LA.), had the misfortune to have her small compact truck towed from a small ditch into which it had slipped (no damage to the vehicle) to the local Louisiana Sheriff’s towing and storage yard.  Her insurance would have paid for it but she was not afforded the opportunity to call them and have the road service coverage put into effect.  Cost to her (above normal insurance costs) $Zero……


The sheriffs’ deputy, instead, immediately called their towing contractor who showed up in a flash, hooked up the truck (which, when out of the shallow ditch could have been driven off on its’ own!!) and had it towed several furlongs per fortnight (look it up!) and locked inside a storage yard.  This being the only vehicle my daughter and husband have made for an awkward situation especially when they were advised in no uncertain terms that the towing charge was in excess of $320 dollars and if the vehicle stayed there over 12 hours, $40.00 per day would be assessed for storage.  Now you don’t think they refused to allow my daughter to use her pre-paid towing insurance just might have been because the Slidell County Sheriff uses the “quick – tow it!) method to line the Sheriffs’ budget do you?  Nah – must be some other good reason that completely escapes me. Like red-light cameras and such.


Sadly, my daughter and husband are not well off (not entirely their fault) and no funds were available to bail out the truck – so she called Old Dad, all a-whimper and, of course, Old Dad made a valiant attempt to solve the problem.  Luckily, her bank had a branch office (again, remember J.P.Morgan Chase) fairly close by, so I went by my bank, cashed a check sufficient to cover the charges of getting her vehicle out of hock.  She needed the money NOW and writing a check to deposit in her account would have taken days to clear the system before the funds were available.  So, being the bright individual I thought I was, I go cash to hand to her bank so there would be no delay in her having the funds RIGHT NOW.


Ah! These best laid plans  bit me on the ass yet again when I was informed by an uncooperative (and butt ugly) lady at J.P.Morgan Chase that “Their Bank policy does not allow cash transactions of this sort.”  Get that, please..  “Does not allow cash transactions of this sort.”


The only way I could immediately get funds into her checking account was to take a cash advance against my credit card (which I NEVER do!) and the BOA Visa was snarled at by the “person” assisting me but since there was no “rule” against Bank of America, a cash advance was duly obtained (at a soul killing rate of interest – 18% as I recall) and the funds were – at long last – deposited into her J.P.M.C account, making it immediately available at her end.


I was then forced to go home and pay off my Visa Bill + cash advance immediately rather than wait until the 16th of July to pay it – otherwise I would have been charged with two months 18% interest on the lousy $350 cash advance.  I usually pay the Visa bill about 4-5 days before it’s due so I can use their money for as long as I can.  So much for the plan.


So, boiling it all down, there are already Banks of the Too Big To Fail group who refuse to use Federal Reserve paper (“all debts, private and public”) for a financial transaction.  Why?  Who the puck knows because I sure don’t. A five minute task extended to 30 minutes in a flash and my blood pressure probably notched up a few points.


I told the “person” “Thanks so much (smile with locked jaws)  and told her (again – smiling with a tiny blood spill out the side of the mouth) J.P. Morgan Chase will never see me again nor will anyone I know use them when I tell them story.” (I hope).


Moral?  Watch your cash.  It may disappear before you think it will..

Author: MuckAbout

Retired Engineer and Scientist (electronic, optics, mechanical) lives in a pleasant retirement community in Central Florida. He is interested in almost everything and comments on most of it. A pragmatic libertarian at heart he welcomes comments on all that he writes.

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May 22, 2015 6:29 pm

Primary reason for gov’t to eliminate cash is to prevent runs on banks. Next up, this allows the gov’t to take your funds at the bank during a financial crisis, for the good of the country. The tax revenue angle comes in a distant third.

Welcome to oppression.

May 22, 2015 6:43 pm

This is utter bullshit.

I hate the government
I hate the banking system
I hate fed reserve notes

It does not have to be this way folks.
We could have honest money, 100% reserve banking and a government that is limited to property rights protection.

We need to educate ourselves and work towards an honest future where scoundrels are prosecuted and not made elected representatives and bank presidents.


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 22, 2015 6:57 pm

I believe Italy and some other European countries ban cash transactions > 1,000 Euros. Yeah, the whole thing is suspicious. It almost tempts you to keep some literal cash socked away between the floorboards, but I’d probably forget where I put it. People in the ghetto keep cash. That’s why they get robbed. There’s nothing to steal at my house other than the piano. That’s not to say you shouldn’t be able to hoard and use cash if you want to.

May 22, 2015 7:03 pm

Yes you will tax slave or I will put your ass in Federal Prison. Now bend over.

May 22, 2015 7:08 pm

Damn Muck ,you’re having some bad luck.I would pray for you but you probably wouldn’t like it.I am amazed at how you so called atheist make sense of this world.I guess I end by saying ….. good luck.

May 22, 2015 7:28 pm

Hey IRS – you can steal my money, but you cannot have my asshole.

May 22, 2015 7:53 pm

Muck: the big banks don’t give a shit about you, me, or the fencepost. The FRNs we carry around state that the “note” satisfies all debts, public or private. How do they plan to get around that?

May 22, 2015 8:36 pm

MA says: “The idea is to eliminate cash in any form or any amount. Force you into a universal ID card through which any and all transactions are processed through G’vment computers so they can absolutely control the money supply, boost or reduce money velocity, steal directly for customer accounts in the event of a “national emergency” or such bull shit and end up with 150% control of”

I say when this happens there is going to be a HUGE segment of the population that goes underground and there will be civil war. It will be very ugly.

May 22, 2015 8:43 pm

The cashless society is the sign of the beast. I Am convinced of it.

You will be unable to buy or sell wthout the mark of the beast.

This will not end well.

By the way, that tow shit scam was tried on me once about 15 years ago – exact same scenario. When I discovered the scam, I walked into the tow lot, got in my car, and left. After I had made my displeasure clear in concise, few-letter words.

No one said shit, before or since. Fuckers knew I was truly pissed, and all in all it was best to let me go. Easier to take the money from folks that will not make them bleed for it. Their only option was to shoot me, bleed, or let me have the car. Shooting me would have been bad business (it is a business,you see – $350 a pop for every chicken they can pluck), and shooting me would put an end to hat little scam. Bleeding is not for cowards, so letting me walk was the preferred option.

That ranks in the top ten of times I was very unhappy. Of the other nine, people generally bled. They were wise to open the gates and let me leave. I was somewhat prone to violence when fucked with. I am the redskinned son of a dustbowl Okie who would.beat me if he found out I ever took a backward step. My life, especially until my early twenties, and the people I was around, and their backgrounds, was not gentile nor gentle.

I have calmed down in recent years. Although my response to being fucked with is still aggression. Just less violent.

May 22, 2015 9:26 pm

While I suspect the absolute control that a cashless society offers is the economists/tax man’s wet dream I have to wonder – if drug sales are such a significant portion of the economy how does one buy weed?

If the banks are profiting from the money laundering why would they be interested in seeing a cashless world? Really, isn’t it really “what the banks want the banks get”?

Are the meth-heads, pot-heads and crack-heads supposed to pull out their debit cards?

Are they going to end the war on drugs so folks can run up their VISA?

What will the politicians do when they can’t haul suitcases full of cash to their Off-shore Bank accounts?

I can appreciate the control – what I can’t do is reconcile it with the supposed drug money that “really” makes the world go round.

May 22, 2015 9:27 pm


exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.

the action or system of exchanging goods or services without using money.

see also, Alternative Currency

May 22, 2015 9:35 pm

Shades of Revelation! Most people don’t understand Revelation or what it means. Along these lines, most people, including Jews, don’t understand the Hebrew Temple and what that means, which is why I say the third Temple will never be built. Sorry, Netanyahu.

I’ve been waiting for this topic to come up for discussion.

Banning cash will never work. That doesn’t mean that some idiot won’t try it. It won’t work for these reasons.

There are millions upon millions of economic transactions every day in the world economy, more than can possibly be accounted for. If cash was banned, the number of transactions would decrease dramatically. Needs would not be met. There would be a larger contraction of businesses, too, than is happening now. The economy would spiral down. (In a Burning Ring of Fire, down, down, down)

Also, the fact that the needs of people would not be met would require people to meet their needs in other ways. There would develop a huge black market, bartering would get beyond the control of the authorities. Gradually, the amount of goods available for bid would diminish, leaving everyone poorer.

Want to get an idea of what happens when there isn’t any cash? Look at Zimbabwe and what happened there. Oh! They had cash but you couldn’t buy anything with it. That is the same as no cash. If people didn’t find ways of exchanging with each other outside of the government for the goods that they needed, the disaster would have complete. Death everywhere.

Hey, maybe that’s the idea, bump off a few billion people. “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.” or “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”–Robert Burns

Let’s hope so.

May 22, 2015 9:38 pm

Also, crime would escalate as people would steal everything that they could get their hands on.

The government would get less taxes and their revenue would drop. People would learn to exist outside civility and law.

May 22, 2015 9:50 pm

The idiot that wrote this FED paper thinks that the world operates according to their decree and what they say, from their Ivory Tower, is what is going to happen.

NEWS FLASH!!! The would is inhabited by 7 billion people who think insanely differently. It would take something far worse than Stalin or Hitler to enforce compliance. OH! WOW! Maybe the Antichrist???

Oh, no were off to the races.

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 22, 2015 10:16 pm

Sorry but I don’t get this story–the towing yard would not accept a credit card for the tow/storage? (or was the money owed to the police dept.?–to which the same question is begged).

May 22, 2015 10:23 pm

kokoda—Think this through. There can never be a run on the banks, people rushing to the bank to withdraw their money. The Vaults depleted, vacant, empty. circa 1929. Why???

Because the FED with the Treasury can just print up as many bills as needed to satisfy a run. The fact is that I heard rumors that there are warehouses in major cities already stacked with pallets of bills for just such a Scenario. And they can do it out of thin air. Enough to make Howard Thurston, the great magician, pale with jealousy. Also, they are taking your savings thru inflation, now. They don’t have to grab it, ruthlessly. The government can buy what ever it wants, now, by borrowing more money from the FED as they are doing now.

If we do go to a cashless society, it will be because the dollar is no longer the reserve currency and nobody will trade goods for dollars. (The most likely scenario)

May 22, 2015 10:38 pm

@BB: You’ve totally missed your opportunity to proclaim this “gotta have a number” shit is the mark of the beast as in armageddon. I’m disappointed.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
May 22, 2015 11:13 pm

If you live in a sheeple slaughter pen (condo etc), have a postage stamp yard, are chipped by the Beast and only get your money from the Beast, have zilch for barter, no gun or rifle or ammo, only liberals for neighbors, no water well, no food larder, no woodsman experience, not a Vet, and hardly know Jesus…you better get your butt in gear fast.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 23, 2015 12:44 am

You can send money in minutes to lots of places overseas using Xoom, it is way cheaper than Western Useless. You can use Walmart to send cash in minutes via WU in the states. They also offer a refillable debit card but I don’t know how you send it initially. It is also a practical idea, though it is a hazard, to add your daughter to your credit card, hopefully one with a limited credit line.

May 23, 2015 1:18 am

My, my, my, how quickly those forget, who heaped scorn on little britt mchenry for getting abused by the same type of scumbags, and ragged on them a little.

May 23, 2015 1:27 am

A comment I made on another post:

I know the bastards can pretty much do what they want especially in a declared emergency but not having cash would be a nightmare all around. First off the scumbag politicians and bureaucrats will always need a way to do that voodoo they do. Being one of the aforementioned scumbags will rapidly lose it’s lustre without cash. Second, the various spooks need cash to do the voodoo they do. Third, imagine being cashless when hackers disappear your account and it takes 3 months to get it all restored. Multiply that by 100 million for a big Target style breach. Debt payments won’t be made, utilities won’t get paid and on and on. Plus, the Pentagon won’t be able to just “lose” $2 Trillion fucking dollars in one go. I just don’t see it working well for them. Without all that back door cash sloshing around, a govt job will just be a job.

However, going cashless will stop wholesome, inner shitty black yutes from being choked to death by cops on the streets for selling loose smokes for a quarter when there are no quarters.

May 23, 2015 3:28 am

Prior to the creation of the beast in 1913 there were at least 7 different forms of money in circulation.

Gold coin (1933)
Silver coin (1965 partially, 1968 completely)
Base metal coin (Initially 1c and 5c, current 1c-$1)
Gold certificates (1933)
Silver certificates (1968)
United States notes (None issued since 1971)
National Bank Notes (1935 converted to FRN’s)

Now there are two.

Token coinage and Federal reserve notes (physical and electronic).

Of all the above obsolete monies, all but the National Bank Notes were issued directly by the Treasury. NBN’s were converted to FRN’s (bank credit). So that now all we have is bank credit (FRN’s) and crap token coinage still issued by the Treasury.

My primary point is: There is no diversity in the mediums of exchange. 98-99% of the money supply is BANK CREDIT. For every credit there must be a debt. This is why the debt is continually increasing, it must or the system implodes. When a politician says they are going to pay down or pay off the national debt they have no fucking clue what they are talking about. ZERO! Paying off the national debt means there would be almost no medium of exchange to use and a gallactically massive deflation would consume everything. UNLESS the Treasury began directly issuing its own debt free money again.

May 23, 2015 9:49 am

Big Government “Progressives” want to control everything you do. They’d love to take away your cash, and who cares if more jobs and businesses are lost as a result. Cypress already confiscated money from people with, what they deemed to be, large savings acounts. Greece is now taxing bank withdrawals. It won’t stop with cash. They want to control how much water you use, take away your property and decide what you can eat. They’ve already made significant progress in taking away our freedom. Most of the sheeple don’t seem to care. Can you say, USSA?

May 23, 2015 9:54 am

and who thinks this will end with a lil EBT card… they wont stop until they chip you like cattle.

May 23, 2015 9:59 am

Consider using a local Credit Union (you and yours). I have done exactly the same thing you were asked to do, several times. I have done it with cash, and have withdrawn cash to pay bills. The last time I did this I needed $2,000 for cedar shingles. I got it in hundreds. The ‘cute’ teller laughed and teased me about it.

Fuck JPM. Why would working people support these banksters?


Semi-employed White Guy
Semi-employed White Guy
May 23, 2015 11:00 am

Muck, your daughter’s insurance company might re-imburse you for the tow. It’s worth checking on anyways.

I had my own hellish experience with Chase when they bought out Washington Mutual. Even though I had had a business account with WaMu for over a year prior, when Chase took over they demanded a TEN DAY hold on all checks I received, which as a small business, would have left me broke. I promptly closed that account and never went back. Thieving bastards!

May 23, 2015 1:56 pm

I still don’t believe this will be “easy”. But it probably won’t matter when Chiner announces their 10-30 million oz gold stash and give the FED a major 3rd finger. I can just imagine the “oy veyts” coming from Grandma Yellen’s office!

May 23, 2015 1:57 pm

oy veyts=oy vehs, dumbass(ME)

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 23, 2015 2:03 pm

Rise Up (me): “Sorry but I don’t get this story–the towing yard would not accept a credit card for the tow/storage? (or was the money owed to the police dept.?–to which the same question is begged).”

Muck: @Rise Up: My daughter does not have a credit card. A minority for sure but when you have a very small pot to pee in, you don’t need to be drinking out of 5 gallon cans…


Muck, why couldn’t you pay using YOUR credit card, either via phone or wire transfer? Did they requirement payment in person, and would not receive payment from someone else (you) on her behalf?

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 23, 2015 8:56 pm

Muck About says:

@Rise Up: They made me take a cash advance from MY credit card to do the deal. Please read for comprehension. The tow year is North pf New Orleans and I’m in Central Florida.. Forgive me for not making it all clear..
What the fuck is a “tow year North pf New Orleans”??? And you tell me to read for comprehension?

Never mind responding, this is not worth it anymore.

May 23, 2015 9:23 pm

That’s some funny shit there Rise Up!

May 23, 2015 10:46 pm

my apology for not reading all posts, my thoughts went straight to french revolution, a blood bath only bonaparte could end. jefferson saved lafeyette from that madness, and he reminded us when the sweat is robbed from labor there will be a price to pay. end the snap card and jpmorgan is broke along will sam walton/ the fourth turning is at our doorstep

May 24, 2015 5:06 am

Not that I advocate such anarchy but…

You can put an end to the ‘cashless society’ rather quickly by bring down part of the electric grip or the net for up to a week in a test area. The ‘blowback’ from having no cash to purchase necessities would be ‘the shot heard round the nation’.

In reality, if such an event were to occur over even a citywide geographic area, the ensuing looting and pandemonium would be of epic proportions.

May 24, 2015 7:47 am

Rise Up commented….What the fuck is a “tow year North pf New Orleans”.

I agree and was originally going to ask the meaning, but I had more important items to handle.

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 24, 2015 8:00 pm

Anonymous says: Rise Up commented….What the fuck is a “tow year North pf New Orleans”.
He must have meant “tow yard north of New Orleans”. I should’ve figured it out right away.