Cultural Cleansing of Christian Males

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Cultural Cleansing of Christian Males

The culture war against Christianity is picking up speed.

Last week came word Saint Louis University will remove a heroic-sized statue of Fr. Pierre-Jean De Smet S.J. from the front of Fusz Hall, where it has stood for 60 years.

The statue depicts Fr. De Smet holding aloft a crucifix as he ministers to two American Indians, one of whom is kneeling.

Historically, the statue is accurate. Fr. De Smet, “Blackrobe,” as he was known, was a 19th-century missionary to Indian tribes who converted thousands. A friend of Sitting Bull, he spent his last years in St. Louis.

And as the mission of this Jesuit university is, presumably, to instruct the Catholic young in their faith and send them out into the world to bring the good news of Jesus Christ as Lord and savior to nonbelievers, what exactly is the problem here?

According to SLU Assistant Vice President for Communications Clayton Berry, “some faculty and staff … raised questions about whether the sculpture is culturally sensitive.” Senior Ryan McKinley is more specific: “The statue of De Smet depicts a history of colonialism, imperialism, racism and of Christian and white supremacy.”

But if the founder of Christianity is the Son of God, then Christianity is a superior religion. What Ryan and those faculty and staff seem to be ashamed of, uncomfortable with, or unable to defend, is the truth for which Saint Louis University was supposed to stand.

But simply because they are cowardly, or politically correct, why should that statue be going into the SLU art museum? Why should not they themselves depart for another institution where their sensitivities will not be assaulted by artistic expressions of religious truths?

The message the SLU president should have given the dissenters is simple: We are a Catholic university that welcomes students and faculty not of the faith. But if you find our identity objectionable, then go somewhere else. We are not changing who we are.

Yet another missionary to the Indians is now becoming a figure of controversy. On his September visit to Washington, D.C., Pope Francis plans to canonize Fr. Junipero Serra, the Spanish Franciscan whom John Paul II beatified in 1988, who converted thousands of Indians in California in the 18th century, when it still belonged to Mexico.

Fr. Serra established nine missions up the coast, among them missions that would grow into San Diego, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Barbara and San Francisco.

Not only is Fr. Serra’s name famous in California, his statue has stood since 1931 in the U.S. Capitol in one of two places set aside for the Golden State. The other statue representing California is that of President Ronald Reagan, unveiled in 2009, which replaced a statue of the preacher Thomas Starr King.

With the pope coming here to canonize Fr. Serra, the war drums have begun. It is said the priest accompanied Spanish soldiers who brutalized the Indians, and Fr. Serra helped to eradicate their religion and culture, replacing it with his own.

Now a move is afoot to remove Fr. Serra’s statue.

According to the Religion New Service, “State Sen. Ricardo Lara, an openly gay Los Angeles Democrat, wants to replace a bronze statue of Serra with a monument honoring Sally Ride, the nation’s first female astronaut. Lara said Ride would become ‘the first member of the LGBT community’ to be honored in Statuary Hall.”

Another drive is underway by feminists to remove the visage of Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill and replace it with that of a woman, preferably a minority woman. Jackson, it is said, was responsible for the ethnic cleansing of the Cherokees in the Trail of Tears.

Yet, Jackson, slashed across the head by a British soldier in the last days of the Revolution for refusing to polish his boots, was also arguably the greatest soldier-statesman in American history.

Gen. Jackson led the 1815 defense of New Orleans against the British invasion force, and crushed the Indian marauders in Florida, drove out the Spanish governor, and cleared the path for annexation.

Twice elected president, Jackson is, with Jefferson, a father of the Democratic Party, and he and his proteges Sam Houston and James K. Polk virtually doubled the size of the United States.

One Internet poll advanced four leading candidates to replace Jackson: Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Wilma Mankiller and Harriet Tubman.

But when we look at who is currently on America’s currency — George Washington on the $1 bill, Abe Lincoln on the $5, Hamilton on the $10, Jackson on the $20, Ulysses S. Grant on the $50, Ben Franklin on the $100 — do any of these women really compete in terms of historic achievement with what those great men accomplished?

Aren’t we carrying this affirmative action business a bit too far?

What all these arguments are at bottom all about, however, is a deep divide among us over the question: Was the European Christian conquest of America, given its flaws and failings, on balance, a great and good thing. Or not?

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June 2, 2015 10:47 am

The problem is, in small print at the base, it say’s ” Converter Of Redskins “. Everyone hates the word Redskins !

June 2, 2015 11:13 am

‘Black Robe’ is a great movie. History is Zeitgeist. We may not approve of the many, many actions taken by gov’t around the world over vast centuries, but they are historical events. Removal of historical objects by the ‘politically correct’ freaks is no different than the Taliban destroying the Buddha statues, which was a terrible event for eliminating human history – much like Common Crap, er, Core history books. And we also have ISIS destroying historical artifacts.

Fuck all these people.

June 2, 2015 11:23 am

The persecution of Christians in America is truly horrible at this stage, and it will only get worse. Many many such acts have been performed here in Scotch Plains NJ in the past two weeks — none of reported by the MSM, as there is an active and massive coverup underway. But, I live here, so I can give you a first hand report. Here are some highlights;

—- the mayor is attempting to pass a law whereby all Christians will be required to wear a yellow cross

—- two churches were torched last week …. leaving only 34 churches in this small town

—- the 9 children of the Schmagaygee family were beaten up after school for wearing “Jeebus Saves” hoodies

—- “Christians Not Welcome” signs are appearing at every bakery

—- Pastor Goodenplenty was beheaded in broad daylight on Park Avenue

In the midst of massive bad shit happening in Amerika, I am ever grateful to Pat Buchanan for bringing this massively unreported problem to the forefront.

June 2, 2015 11:31 am

“But if the founder of Christianity is the Son of God, ” ——— Buchanan

Paul was the founder of Christianity.

” …. then Christianity is a superior religion.” ——— Buchanan

So say you. Everyone thinks THEIR religion is superior. You are no different … and just as wrong.

June 2, 2015 11:58 am

Missionary comes along and says “your gods suck, worship ours” which, if done, pretty much changes their society rather drastically. Missionary says nakedness is bad so, dress like us. Missionary then teaches them English, or French, or whatever — a better language. And before you know it, the native culture has been usurped.

Personally, if I were an Indian, that statue would offend me. And Buchanan can suck my balls if he is offended by my being offended.

I hope Llpoh weighs in on this. I would love to hear his opinion.

June 2, 2015 12:03 pm


Are you writing for the Onion now?

June 2, 2015 12:05 pm

Stucky, didn’t you do a whole article on the destruction of the American Indian not too long ago? Or was it LLPOH? I can’t remember.

June 2, 2015 12:12 pm

Stucky , you are full of shit.Why ?Because you are an apostate who has repeatedly denied what you know to be true.Jesus Christ was / is Christianity. Without Christ there is no Christian Religion. Paul and the Apostles explained The Christian principles and doctrine set forth by Christ. That’s what a missionary does.Explain the truth of the gospel so people can understand what they believe.Jesus Christ is God or He was the greatest liar ever. If he is God then Christianity is the only true religion. All the others are Satanic lies.
Christianity was the best thing ever happened to the Indians. Before the induction of Christianity the Indians on the Midwest plains were savages. Even our great chief Lipoh admitted yesterday he had no value system to guide his decisions. Christianity was and is our only hope that’s the real reason progressive liberals hate Christ and the Catholic church….. dumbass

June 2, 2015 12:13 pm


Why? What offends your precious little snowflake heart? Was it the comment that Paul started Christianity? If so, you’re not alone. Few can handle the truth. I fully expect many thumbs down.

June 2, 2015 12:17 pm


(what would Ann Barnhardt say?)

June 2, 2015 12:19 pm

I find it fascinating the growing divide between the beliefs of self-described serious Catholics, and the teachings of the Catholic Church. I tend to think the former are more in line with historical Catholicism, for good or bad… and the current Catholic Church seems to have become something of a trend follower and at best somewhat diminished in credibility, along the lines claimed in various of Ann Barnhardt’s rants.

June 2, 2015 12:20 pm


Other than your tired old talking points, you know virtually nothing about Christianity. You are the most ignorant fool on this website regarding that topic. I am not exaggerating. My three year old grandson is several levels smarter than you. You … lecturing me? I forgot more by the time I was ten than you “learned” in your entire life. Fuck off and die, you piss-ant piece of shit.

June 2, 2015 12:24 pm

@Stucky, while I see the point of your criticisms, this statue is of a Catholic missionary, placed at a “Catholic, Jesuit university”. It’s absurd to think that it’s being removed for political correctness. The university might as well repudiate all Catholic teachings if it can’t simply retain a statute it put up for someone who is held as an example of a faithful and good Catholic.

I’d view this differently if the statue were on the grounds of a public (governmental) college which is owned by the people of the state and by design more responsive to the public will than to some enduring abstract concept or belief.

June 2, 2015 12:28 pm


No, because of the things you said were happening in NJ.

I mentioned the American Indian article because of what Chritians did to them in the name of Christ. Christianity has has many sins to be honest about.

Christ isn’t about force bb.

June 2, 2015 12:29 pm

People Bitch about Africans never evolving beyond mud huts but the native Indians were no different. It is claimed the Indians were here thousands of years before the white man arrived but the indians never
Evolved beyond A t pee . Basically a modernized mud hut with no electricity or running water but we are told all cultures are equal. What a pile of shit.Cultures are not equal, people are not equal , gods arenot equal.
Stucky , you are more then pathetic , your a loser and in the next you will lose your soul. If I didn’t care I would never say a fucking thing.Listen to the others on this site at your on demise.

June 2, 2015 12:30 pm


OH! fuckmedead LOL

ASSUME = making an ASS out of U and ME ….. mostly me. So solly.

June 2, 2015 12:35 pm


I only said the statue would offend me if I were an Indian. In fact, the statue DOES offend me, and I’m a Kraut!

I said nothing about removal. Let the statue stay!!! It’s on private property, and the owners could display a statue of bb-the-fucktard for all I care. I am 100% against kowtowing to people’s butt-hurt feewings or imagined injustices.

June 2, 2015 12:36 pm


Have to disagree. Paul was not the founder of Christianity as we know it today. Paul was a Gnostic, but he was too well known among the various Christian churches to ignore, so he was posthumously co-opted by the true founders of the Catholic church like Irenaeus and Eusebius.


June 2, 2015 12:40 pm

Missionary comes along and says “your gods suck, worship ours” which, if done, pretty much changes their society rather drastically. Missionary says nakedness is bad so, dress like us. Missionary then teaches them English, or French, or whatever — a better language. And before you know it, the native culture has been usurped.

Well, I guess those who live in present-day Mexico and Central America can go back to worshiping Quetzalcoatl and cutting the living hearts out of thousands of children as human sacrifices when it doesn’t rain enough…. or rains too much…

Because all cultures are on equal footing and of equal worth, all around the world… right Stucky?

I mean, how dare us tell folks that chopping up infants and burning their hearts, collecting up their blood as a sacrifice to the Feathered Serpent god is a bad thing! How hypocritical of us…

If we’re going to do that, the we might as well go over to Africa and tell those sub-Saharan Africans that killing and chopping up albinos for a supply of good luck charms is also “bad”….

The nerve of us!

June 2, 2015 12:40 pm

How about you fucking off and dying. You’re closer to death then I am.You’re a loser in all areas of life and you will pay for your stupidity in the next. If you’re so wise why do you waste your life on this site.?Shouldn’t you be over at the Council on foreign relations?.Or advising Obama or John McCain about the religion of peace?

June 2, 2015 12:43 pm


Do you live anywhere near Robinsville NJ?

June 2, 2015 12:43 pm


By your criteria, you would have to acknowledge the Chinese as superior to White culture, as they were living in a sophisticated urban culture while the Europeans were still shivering in mud hovels.


June 2, 2015 12:44 pm

Missionary then teaches them English, or French, or whatever — a better language.


Snark aside, I want you to watch this Stucky… hopefully, you will realize the error of your above statement…

June 2, 2015 12:49 pm


Soo, according to your metric, the Chinks were and are “superior” because they had a “sophisticated urban culture” before Euros and Western Civilization?

How many men did the Chinks put on the moon, again? Please remind me.

And, since you are such an expert at human history, please tell me the significance of Göbekli Tepe and how it relates to the Chinks and their “sophisticated urban culture”…

Thank you.

June 2, 2015 12:49 pm

“By your criteria, you would have to acknowledge the Chinese as superior to White culture, as they were living in a sophisticated urban culture while the Europeans were still shivering in mud hovels.”

And so the Egyptians and Sumerians are superior to the Chinese, also, under the same logic.

June 2, 2015 12:52 pm


I don’t have time for a 50 minute video right now, but… African language? There are hundreds of them. And virtually any linguist will tell you that every human language is more than fully sophisticated enough for practically any communication, all that might be lacking is vocabulary, which is easily added.


June 2, 2015 12:53 pm


You’re right, but it was bb’s logic, not mine…

June 2, 2015 12:58 pm

Pagan , no wonder you call yourself a pagan. Do you know anything about the bible or biblical history? Do you know the true definition of Gnostics. Paul was the Apostle Christ personally picked to preach the gospel to the Gentiles.He wrote the book of Romans which is the greatest summary of Christian theology ever written. Paul was the first to develop the Doctrine of Justification by which we become legally right with God.

Justification by Grace alone
Through faith alone
In Christ alone.

June 2, 2015 1:01 pm


I don’t have time for a 50 minute video right now, but… African language? There are hundreds of them. And virtually any linguist will tell you that every human language is more than fully sophisticated enough for practically any communication, all that might be lacking is vocabulary, which is easily added. – AP

Translation: “I haven’t seen that video, don’t know what’s in it and I’m not going to watch it, but here’s why it’s wrong… ”

Uh huh…

When you have time, view the video. Then you can come back and correct your statement and apologize. I’ll be here, somewhere.

Now, I have to run to Lexington with my son… who I have to pick up from school in 30 minutes… gonna be close. Round trip to town is about 90 minutes/two hours, so I’ll be back later…


June 2, 2015 1:03 pm

“Because all cultures are on equal footing and of equal worth, all around the world… right Stucky?” —-Billy

Did I say all cultures are on equal footing?? NOOOOO!!! I suggest you take a Reading For Comprehension course before you get involved in a conversation.

You mention Central America. How would YOU like it if they sent hundreds of missionaries to Kentucky, to your town even, and told YOU that Jesus sucks and you need to worship the true god, Quetzalcoatl. And if you don’t, you’re going to hell or .. they might even have to kill you. Oh, by the way, the way you dress sucks also, that you need to dress like them. And you need to learn a new language because English sucks. They do this year after year, with wave after wave of missionaries trying to change the way you live and what you believe. What would YOU do?

I know you’re against American intervention all over the world today. “None of our business!!”, you correctly say. But, when Central Americans cut out human hearts, by your comments it seems you endorse intervention. Why is that our business?

June 2, 2015 1:05 pm

Oh, and AP?

The video was for Stucky, not you. Please stay on message.

I’ll be waiting on your analysis of Göbekli Tepe and it’s significance in how it relates to the Chinks and their wonderful sophisticated urban environment/who’s better because they were first…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 2, 2015 1:08 pm

“virtually any linguist will tell you that every human language is more than fully sophisticated enough for practically any communication, all that might be lacking is vocabulary, which is easily added.”

That’s an asinine statement, borne of an unwillingness to consider the ramifications of Billy’s video.

It’s like saying “any cook will tell you that the only spices you need are salt & pepper”.

June 2, 2015 1:08 pm

“Do you live anywhere near Robinsville NJ?” —– wip

NJ is so small that, technically, I’m near every town. It’s 45 miles, straight down the Turnpike. Why do you ask?

June 2, 2015 1:11 pm

Well, I’ve got to pipe to show you that my son had his own protest of Michaelangelo’s David at my Mum-in-law’s house 16 years ago (not to mention my horror of her wallpaper, though what I wouldn’t give for that retro stereo now????) and I took this picture with her camera, which she NEVER forgave me for.


And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:
God was manifested in the flesh,
Justified in the Spirit,
Seen by angels,
Preached among the Gentiles,
Believed on in the world,
Received up in glory. 1 Timothy 16

While I admit that I went through the intellectual phase in my younger “clever” years, I now wonder why mankind thinks it so much more believable that all of Creation burst into being spontaneously like a giant burp (or to those of the more crude persuasion–flatulence) in the nothingness of space … while the same highly educated people who insist on studying cause and effect in their carefully sterile “controlled” laboratory experiments to avoid unexplainable results will completely dismiss the idea of Creative Control. It is not at all controversial to me now. You choose for yourself.[imgcomment image[/img]

June 2, 2015 1:16 pm

Sorry… 1 Timothy 3:16.

And even though I wasn’t allowed in to the double dog secret place my son is interning I took a picture as we drove by… like any unsophisticated mother from hicksville would do. It appears he is interning for Men in Black.

June 2, 2015 1:17 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 2, 2015 1:19 pm

I am NOT going to watch an almost hour long lecture unless there is a compelling reason to do so.

I looked up Eugene Valberg. Based on his decades of living amongst blacks in Africa, he concludes that blacks are quite different than whites — who are superior. Blacks …

— are naive and do not understand how to create wealth\
— have immature views
— are incapable of abstract thinking — ie, can’t plan for the future … can’t learn from the past

In other words, stuff you have been saying here from the get go. Who needs Valberg!

June 2, 2015 1:37 pm

Lot’s of lifestyle cramming going on today. John

June 2, 2015 1:41 pm

Stucky , watch the video you slothful yodie.You never answered my question about why you stick around Since you’re a grand wizard of knowledge and an inspiration to behold.

Penn head ,for once you are right.God is surely pleased. He says look at my boy Penn head.There’s no one else in the universe as clever and cranky.

June 2, 2015 1:43 pm


On OpEd news this headline “Corporations Bought Senate “Yay” Votes in TPA”

Here’s the key sentence —

“Corporate members of the U.S. Business Coalition for TPP rushed to the Senate side and started handing out money left and right for “yea” votes. A total of $1,148,971 dollars were given to Senators for “yea” votes”
— Out of the total $1,148,971 given, an average of $17,676.48 was donated to each of the 65 “yea” votes.
— The average Republican member received $19,673.28 from corporate TPP supporters
— The average Democrat received $9,689.23 from those same donors.

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT???!!! Congressfuks selling out Amerika for a fucking lousy $1.1 million bucks. I hope they all die a horrible death and suffer greatly.

June 2, 2015 1:45 pm

Somebody tell bb I don’t talk to fools, and he is a fool. If possible, also tell him to just fuckoff and die.

June 2, 2015 1:52 pm

@bb, Stucky: your telephone booth is waiting. I couldn’t find a mountain lion but can provide you a pair of rabies-infested hyenas. Barbed wire is in aisle 8 at TSC.

June 2, 2015 2:00 pm

@Stucky… Except for some punctuation advice on a humorous thread which was ignored, I don’t either.

June 2, 2015 2:45 pm

You always read what I write because you know I’m right. As fools go maybe but here is what GOD knows about my death…..precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.. psalms 116:15
Or absence from the body present with the LORD.

Penn head , where are you going ? You seem to be lost in the cloud . Just Admit that you need my help and I will help.

June 2, 2015 2:46 pm

@ Maggie, Stucky:

That’s good advice for anyone who reads TBP!

June 2, 2015 3:07 pm


I get up there for the holidays. “Sometimes” I think it would be kinda fun to get TBP faithfulls together and drink each other under the table.

June 2, 2015 3:35 pm


That would be fine by me!

June 2, 2015 3:44 pm


Did a little research on Göbekli Tepe. Interesting, but what is it intended to prove? I can find no way to connect the site to any existing culture. The builders were probably genetically closer to Kurds or Iraqis than to anybody in Europe, i.e. non-Indo-European.

What I am arguing against is, frankly, ethnic parochialism. Please compare the economic, technological, social and cultural development between China and Europe between 1000 – 1500 AD. Would the Chinese at that time have been somewhat justified in considering their culture to be superior? True, Europeans have been the Lords of Creation since about 1500 AD, but are you quite certain that will continue?

June 2, 2015 4:08 pm

Hey Stucky, what about this passage in the bible?

JC: “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church.”

Seems to pre-date ol’ Paul, even if he did do a good bit of the later organizing…

June 2, 2015 4:36 pm

Did I say all cultures are on equal footing?? NOOOOO!!! I suggest you take a Reading For Comprehension course before you get involved in a conversation.

A little reductio ad absurdum, add in some snark, and Stucky loses his shit…. which is exactly what I was hoping to achieve. Heh…

In the words of Darth Vader: “All too easy… ”

Yep. Fuckin’ with you today, big guy…

You mention Central America. How would YOU like it if they sent hundreds of missionaries to Kentucky, to your town even, and told YOU that Jesus sucks and you need to worship the true god, Quetzalcoatl. And if you don’t, you’re going to hell or .. they might even have to kill you. Oh, by the way, the way you dress sucks also, that you need to dress like them. And you need to learn a new language because English sucks. They do this year after year, with wave after wave of missionaries trying to change the way you live and what you believe. What would YOU do?

Same thing the Central Americans did when the missionaries first turned up… which is, interestingly, the exact same thing OUR people did when the missionaries first showed up in Europe and tried to convert the Germanic tribes – kill their asses.

I know you’re against American intervention all over the world today. “None of our business!!”, you correctly say.

‘Cept one thing, friend Stucky. There is government intervention as formal policy, and then there are church missionaries unaffiliated with any government…

Which is a pretty big distinction. You’re confusing the two.

But, when Central Americans cut out human hearts, by your comments it seems you endorse intervention. Why is that our business?

I was playing the reductio ad absurdum card to jerk your chain, you big dork.

In point of fact, I do not care if sub-Saharan Africans run around with big butterfly nets, capturing albino niggers so the local witchdoctor can chop them up into soup or good luck charms or whatever it is they think they have to do…

Nor do I care if the Central and South Americans go back to worshipping the Feathered Serpent and slaughter their own people by the truckload… not my business. Actually, I would prefer they do that. Less for me to worry about.

Then there’s this: I am NOT going to watch an almost hour long lecture unless there is a compelling reason to do so.

You mean you’re not the least bit curious? I would think you would be smart enough to seek knowledge for its own sake. If you listen to the good Professor, he explains quite a bit and when you start comparing how blacks in Africa think, act, behave, etc, you can also see how they think, act, behave similarly over here… actually, anywhere they are found. It is a common theme.

Knowing that they do something is useless without the why behind it… Didn’t it ever strike you as monumentally stupid that blacks would burn down their own neighborhoods when they riot? If you ever bother to watch the video, you’ll have the same reaction that I did: “Ohhhhh, so that’s why they do dumb shit on a regular basis!”

Who needs Valberg!

It would be nice if you gave him the benefit of the doubt anyways…

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