D DAY – JUNE 6, 1944

To those who gave everything

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June 6, 2015 9:34 pm

Thank you, all veterans who serve and served. Let us not forget why.

June 6, 2015 9:37 pm

The last time Americans fought in a constitutionally declared war.

Crazy fucking stoopid.

June 6, 2015 9:42 pm
June 6, 2015 10:20 pm

It’s been 71 years today since my Grandfather hit Omaha beach in the first wave.With memories of him I watched a flim today that shed light on another part of the war.A part I was not familiar with .A part that if true has not changed my view of my Grandfather but has changed my opinion of the American political and military leaders.Especially what was done to the Germany people following the war.Sickening is the only way to describe it.

You can watch it on YouTube….. HELLSTORM :The death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947 .by Thomas Goodrich …… Stucky , you need to watch this.Billy to

June 6, 2015 10:30 pm

We should have never fought in that war. If anything, we should have joined the Germans and driven the Ruskies into the Korean sea. My great uncle died for nothing at Guadalcanal. No, I am wrong. He died so that Bruce Jenner, or whatever he is, could be our national hero and parade him/her/itself around. Gee, am I proud. Not.

It’s a goddamn disgrace.

June 6, 2015 10:34 pm

bb, PRI, yes, you are right for once. It is sickening.

June 6, 2015 10:39 pm

Archie says:

We should have never fought in that war. If anything, we should have joined the Germans and driven the Ruskies into the Korean sea. My great uncle died for nothing at Guadalcanal. No, I am wrong. He died so that Bruce Jenner, or whatever he is, could be our national hero and parade him/her/itself around. Gee, am I proud. Not.

It’s a goddamn disgrace.

Yes, but we should have just stayed out of it period. Japan was no threat to us and at the time was a major consumer of US exports. Nazi Germany was evil, but no more than the USSR and it would have done us no harm if they had just slugged it out between them until both countries were exhausted. It’s also true that without US involvement in that war, the Nazis could have implemented the Madagascar solution to their Jewish problem rather than killing them.

June 6, 2015 10:39 pm

If this flim is true which I think it is based on the research I did today then what our leaders did was a planned genocide of people of Germany decent. Especially the years of 45-47.National rape ,plunder , looting and mass starvation of millions of people. Civilians and POWs.Interestingly General Patton was the only one that spoke out against what was being planned.

Sometimes I think everything I have learned about history are half truths ,falsehoods and outright lies. The propaganda bullshit coming from media seems almost demonic at times.It has but one purpose:to deceive.

June 6, 2015 10:42 pm

bb….if you think that was sickening, what do you call the ‘treatment’ of people in the German concentration camps, including their medical experiments without anesthesia. Who STARTED WWII that wound up butchering 46-80 million. The fucking Germans.

Fuck the Gemans – they deserved a lot more. Fuck Jeff Rense.

I have highest admiration for Eisenhower, Churchill, and Bomber Harris. If you are going to fight a war that another started, and you want to WIN, you have to be brutal in order to achieve the win. Kill them, Kill them all.

Stalin, Hitler, and Mao took personal firearms away from the citizens – how did that turn out for humanity. The liberals have been pushing that agenda in U.S. for a long time. That is truly sickening for the future of the U.S.

June 6, 2015 10:47 pm

Z, agreed. The Madagascar solution is little known, and for good reason.

June 6, 2015 10:55 pm

Archie says:

Z, agreed. The Madagascar solution is little known, and for good reason.

One of the ironies of history is that the present day vision of right wing zionists for Israel is a “jewish” state, which is little different from that of the nazis for an ethnically pure “aryan” nation.

June 6, 2015 10:58 pm

Kokoda, you admire bomber Harris? Really? Do explain. And Churchill was a drunk, no? Roosevelt was up to his ears in traitors no?

June 6, 2015 10:58 pm

kokoda says:

bb….if you think that was sickening, what do you call the ‘treatment’ of people in the German concentration camps, including their medical experiments without anesthesia. Who STARTED WWII that wound up butchering 46-80 million. The fucking Germans.

Wrong. The British started WW2 by entering into a defense treaty with the military junta that ruled Poland, and thus were treaty bound to declare war on Germany when they invaded poland because they refused to return Danzig (Gdansk) that had been stripped of them by the Versailles Treaty. Prior to the war, Hitler was only intent on restoring German territory that they lost in that treaty.

June 6, 2015 11:11 pm

Archie…your Bomber Harris request: as I already stated, you start a war that kills millions upon millions of INNOCENT people, your country deserve Hell on Earth rained upon you.
Churchill – he was a drunk: I could care less. What the fuck has that got to do with the subject.
Roosevelt: don’t know what you are referencing.

Z…..so the act of the initiation of killing innocents isn’t the defining point. Wonderful thinking on your part.

June 6, 2015 11:17 pm

kokoda says:

Archie…your Bomber Harris request: as I already stated, you start a war that kills millions upon millions of INNOCENT people, your country deserve Hell on Earth rained upon you.
Churchill – he was a drunk: I could care less. What the fuck has that got to do with the subject.
Roosevelt: don’t know what you are referencing.

Z…..so the act of the initiation of killing innocents isn’t the defining point. Wonderful thinking on your part.

I am not defending Hitler, just pointing out what is history, which we should honor by being honest about it.

June 6, 2015 11:20 pm

kokoda, One more thing. Did it ever occur to you that the territories Hitler either annexed or sought to prior to the war were mostly populated by Germans who wanted to be reunited with the motherland?

June 6, 2015 11:24 pm

Oh, and before Stucky kicks my ass about the Anschluss, that was a separate issue and has it’s own historical roots.

June 6, 2015 11:30 pm

Kokoda ,watch the flim and you will see the rape ,plunder , looting and mass starvation tookplace after Germany surrendered. Many Germany POWs were rounded up and just left out in the elements. This was planned by Eisenhower and the other political and military leaders from America, England and Russia. Remember , it was planned destruction of Germany as a people. Raping of the German women was planned Government policy especially with the cruelty of the Russian military.

To all, the flim is worth your time.It will forever change your opinion of Eisenhower.I know it’s history and it’s been 70+years but it will open your eyes.

June 6, 2015 11:32 pm


You are very lucky you amended that statement. Vewy VEWY lucky.

June 6, 2015 11:40 pm

Z….my last comment on this:
I started with your link; the 1st one I came across was Rense doing an interview about the book – after 15 min, I just couldn’t listen any further.

As far as the treatment of Germans (real or not) – I don’t give a fuck. Tough shit. My reasons are stated in my prior posts – if you can’t absorb those reasons, write your touchy-feely nonsense to someone else.

BTW: Japs in WWII: Too bad we released the two nuclear bombs. I personally would have preferred to keep fire-bombing their wooden shack cities until their entire country was burned to a crisp.

June 6, 2015 11:42 pm

We should have turned Patton loose on the Russian’s like he wanted to. He would have beat those mother fuckers into the ground and he knew it. Yes Russia made it to Berlin but they were tattered and torn and Patton saw how vulnerable they were. One of the Greatest Generals of all time who’s tactics will still be studied a thousand years from now said he could take Russia out, my money would have bet on him.

June 6, 2015 11:47 pm

Patton despised the politically driven circus and the media minions that carried out their dirty work. Still, he continued to speak out against the Russians as an American witness to their brutality during and after the war. As Stalin devoured Eastern Europe, Patton remarked, “I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them… …the Russian has no regard for human life and they are all out sons-of-bitches, barbarians, and chronic drunks.”

June 6, 2015 11:50 pm

kokoda says:

BTW: Japs in WWII: Too bad we released the two nuclear bombs. I personally would have preferred to keep fire-bombing their wooden shack cities until their entire country was burned to a crisp.

Maybe in your next life you can be a war criminal too.

June 6, 2015 11:56 pm

Sensetti says:

We should have turned Patton loose on the Russian’s like he wanted to. He would have beat those mother fuckers into the ground and he knew it.

Unlikely. The Soviets had better of everything than we did then. The Germans did too and look what happened to them. In the Korean War, about a hundred Soviet T-34 tanks overran most of the country.
I read somewhere that it took three Sherman tanks to defeat one Panzer. Imagine what the T-34’s would have done to them. The Soviet Yak 3 fighter, (that is still used in air shows), was so deadly that the mighty Luftwaffe was ordered to not engage them.

June 7, 2015 12:17 am

We would probably be more free today under adolf.

June 7, 2015 12:26 am

and as long as adolf put a R after his name, sensetti would vote for him.

June 7, 2015 8:30 am

I know exactly how kokoda feels about the Middle East, make a parking lot out of it.

It’s obvious kokoda reads only the state approved books on WWII and has very little knowledge about the Treaty of Versailles. The truth will set you free!

The Nuremberg Trials is another farce, war criminals condemning war criminals.

June 7, 2015 8:32 am

to bad it was an unnecessary invasion that resulted in the loss of so many indoctrinated gullible young men’s lives.



OVERLORD: The Unnecessary Invasion


Lt Col William F. Moore




The massive allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944 was not necessary for the military defeat of Germany. The German Army had already been destroyed on the eastern front, and the German war industry was being devastated by the combined bombing offensive. According to Trumbull Higgins,

When the British were finally compelled by their Allies to invade France in 1944, it was an invasion essentially undertaken in the self-interest of the West, the terrible risk of the collapse of the Soviet Union having long since passed. At this date the Red Army no longer needed more than Western supplies with which to occupy eastern Europe. (4:283)

The Normandy invasion was simply too late to be of meaningful assistance to the Russians. In fact, Stalin had conceded that is was no longer necessary.

Furthermore, many capable allied strategists knew that OVERLORD was no longer required and recommended against it. Why were these recommendations not heeded, especially since they would have resulted in greatly reduced British and American casualties? Two considerations cannot be ignored. First was the sheer momentum behind the OVERLORD planning. American planners had placed all their European “eggs” in this basket, they had been advocating OVERLORD against the British for over two years, and they were unwilling to concede to the British position in late 1943. Secondly, American leaders, including Roosevelt, felt that unless American forces took a significant (albeit late) share in defeating the German Army, the Russians would be entirely uncooperative in the post-war world and probably would


not assist in defeating the Japanese. The British were much less concerned about Russian sensitivities, feeling instead that their post-war interests would be better served by strengthening and conserving their armed forces rather than squandering them on the beaches of Normandy.

OVERLORD was not a military necessity; it was an unnecessary military gamble that could easily have failed. In retrospect, it is impossible to understand why American strategists were so committed to it. This commitment itself is evidence of serious strategic inflexibility. American planners either could not or would not adjust to the realities of the European theater in late 1943 and early 1944. Having already made the investment in a strategic bombing force that, in combination with the Russian Army, could have defeated Germany in a matter of months, why did the US not unleash the bombers and turn its attention to the Pacific theater? Why did US strategists not accept British recommendations for a less risky Mediterranean/Balkan strategy that would have left the western forces in a much more favorable post-war position relative to the Russians? The answers to these questions have political as well as military dimensions. President Roosevelt believed he could buy Stalin’s post-war cooperation. When Stalin expressed his final preference for OVERLORD at Tehran, he essentially allowed American political and military strategy to coalesce. OVERLORD was what the Russians still wanted and it was what Gen Marshall had always wanted. Roosevelt could not have been more pleased.


In the final analysis, parochialism cannot be discounted. During World War I American leaders and forces had chafed under the constraints of a strategy developed by Britain. With World War II, America had another opportunity to assert its world leadership role and develop the strategy for victory. Gen Marshall was entirely consistent with the attitudes of the American people and their political leaders when he insisted that OVERLORD, the American plan, would be used to defeat Germany. Furthermore, and perhaps even more important to Gen Marshall, he knew that victory in the Pacific theater would be achieved primarily by Naval and Air forces. Geography alone dictated this. OVERLORD was the last opportunity for the US Army to play a major a rather than a peripheral role in the victory. General Marshall simply would not let such an opportunity pass.


June 7, 2015 9:51 am

“Fuck the Gemans – they deserved a lot more. ….. Kill them, Kill them all.” ——- kokoda

“Japs in WWII: … I personally would have preferred to keep fire-bombing their wooden shack cities until their entire country was burned to a crisp.” ———- kokoda

Let’s pretend you’re a doctor, and a patient comes in with cancer. Your “treatment” — based on the above statements — would be to kill the patient, rather than kill the cancer.

You’re new here and I’ve been wondering what kind of person you are. Now I know.

June 7, 2015 12:56 pm

I am at a loss with the prevailing anti Russia sentimate, have they not backed us up at crucial times, The Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWII, all crucial Fourth Turning climax’s. I mean the Brits shot us, the French shot us, the Chinesse shot us, the Russians are the least aggressive on the list historically. If they would have not been carrying the whole fucking load on the Eastern Front there would be NO heroics on D Day to revere. They fucking won that war, not us.
Talk of Patton doing this or that is hysterical, insulated moronics.

June 7, 2015 1:40 pm

Ottom ,the Russians didn’t do shit in the Pacific theatre until the very end when they finally declared war on Japan.

As European theatre goes ,America loss 10 of thousands young men on the battle fields.1500 on Omaha beach on D-Day.The fighting America did was as hard and bloody as anything on eastern front.

June 7, 2015 1:55 pm

Bb- your delusional

June 7, 2015 2:07 pm

Ottom , … Delusional…. ok prove me wrong.Most of the deliberate mass murder of civilians took place on eastern front. The Russian leaders as well as common soldiers had policy of killing civilians .The Russian soldiers killed more civilians the the Germans.

June 7, 2015 2:15 pm

bb- be safe with the truck

June 7, 2015 2:37 pm

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History – Ghosts of the Ostfront

Well worth your time to listen… here is part one –


June 7, 2015 2:41 pm

bb says: .The fighting America did was as hard and bloody as anything on eastern front.


You truly are a fool.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 7, 2015 3:08 pm


Are you from New Jersey?

June 7, 2015 3:11 pm

Dill head ,fuck you :now prove me wrong.

I always amazed that none of you dick heads are able to prove me wrong on anything. No matter what topic. Most just try to insult .

June 7, 2015 3:17 pm

“Are you from New Jersey?” ——– Bea Lever

I see what you did there.

Bravo, Bea. Fuckin’ BRAVO!!!!

June 7, 2015 3:22 pm

Look at the numbers fool. Not even in the same ball park.

and that is as much time I will spend on you fool.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 7, 2015 3:47 pm

Stuck- Thanks…………As the Rev. Al Sharpton says, “Don’t start none, won’t be none”. heh

June 7, 2015 5:16 pm

Dill doe , who cares. It’s history right ?

June 7, 2015 5:29 pm

ya, who cares…. you just got your ass handed to you.


June 7, 2015 8:10 pm

Otto, it’s not so much anti-Russian as anti-communist sentiment. I have nothing against the Russian people. However, the soviets, the Bolsheviks, should burn in hell.

Koko, have you ever heard of the venona project/papers? Look into it. How about the autobiography of Whittaker chambers, “Witness”? Ever read about Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? Or Harry dexter white? Or Harry Gold? Or Alger hiss? FDR’s cabinet and administration was packed with soviet agents. Lay off the Cracker Jack box view of WW2. Give revisionists a shot.

You may want to start with speeches given by David Irving, many of which are on YouTube. I am reading his book on the Nuremberg trial, a most disgraceful display of “justice” if there ever were one. I have been having terrible nightmares since delving into this material about 1 year ago. And yet, if you want to understand what’s happening now, it all starts with WW2.

June 7, 2015 8:11 pm

wow, what a shame, an epic beat down of sss and it gets deleted.

June 7, 2015 9:26 pm

Dill doe ,you have proven nothing …. FOOL …the US was fighting a war on two fronts. The Russians didn’t do anything of important in the Pacific theatre. Sure the Russians fought hard on eastern front but to say they won the war is complete bullshit.. FOOL.

June 7, 2015 9:54 pm

Hey dumbass, good job on changing the topic… but let me remind you –
bb says: .The fighting America did was as hard and bloody as anything on eastern front.

Stupid is as bb does……

June 7, 2015 10:25 pm

Dill doe ,you was the one that changed the topic dumbass. What did Russia do in the Pacific theatre?Nothing. One reason there was so death on the eastern front was that Stalin was a blood thirsty psychopath. He sent wave after wave into Germany lines knowing the Russian soldiers would be killed. To say that American soldiers didn’t fight some of the bloodiest battles is to completely ignore the Pacific theatre.

June 7, 2015 10:28 pm

bb debate 101-

oh ya, you lose, the price of rice in viet nam is cheap….

June 7, 2015 10:31 pm

to compare anything that merica did in ww2 to the eastern front is beyond ignorant… but that is not surprising coming from you.