Cops Shut Down Girl’s Lemonade Stand for no Permit

Fuck the police.

Fuck the government.

Know your real enemy.



The Texas sisters Andria, 8, and Zoey Green, 7, wanted to raise about $100 to take their dad to Splash Kingdom as a Father’s Day present, so they set up a traditional neighborhood lemonade stand. After they made about $25 profit, the nasty insane Overton police showed up and shut the lemonade stand down because the Green sisters did not have a “Peddler’s Permit,” which comes with a $150 fee. The police have simply become the destroyers of society and no longer protect the society – they have been transformed into IRS agents with guns and wheels and far too many are ignorant of what role they now play in society.

The girls, in the true spirit of resistance, reopened giving lemonade out for free with tips being optional. That screwed the police. There is the future of society fighting back against  those who are destroying all our freedoms.

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June 12, 2015 7:53 am

Magnetic lemons on the side of police cars.

June 12, 2015 8:18 am

Soon we will have to have permits to breath . The trucking industry is already regulated so much that we have what’s called a permit book .Last I counted it had over 20 different types of permits just for 53 foot dry van. It’s really just another tax.

June 12, 2015 8:35 am

Local governments are often the biggest enemies of freedom. They regulate and restrict everything from how you will run a business, to the size of your house lot, the minimum or maximum square footage of your house, how many people will be permitted to occupy that house, and even what color it is painted and its architecture, and what you can grow on your own lawn.

We the sheeple are to blame. Most community rules and restrictions are made at the behest of the local citizens, particularly in small suburbs, and almost everyone, everywhere, supports them. This lemonade stand no doubt got shut down because some neighbor or other thinks that it is a threat to his “property value”. How many people do you know, moved to a particular suburb because the minimum allowable lot size is 3 acres and that taxes are confiscatory, but that’s OK because it keeps out the “riff raff” that make less than $200K a year? The more expensive the area, the more restrictions it has. We’re all libertarians when it comes to our own use of our own property and operation of our own businesses, yet have no problem making laws and rules that restrict other people. The same entrepreneur who thinks he should have the “right” to blight my urban neighborhood with a business like a video arcade or some other nuisance business that lures low-life ghetto types, lobbies for restrictions on everything from the design of your sign to the displays in the windows, of businesses in his own tony upper-bracket suburb. Just try the “free enterprise” argument in a suburb like Lake Forest or Kenilworth when you want to open a fast food place with a tacky sign there. The same people in my nabe who campaign for housing “rights” for the “poor”, are same people who argue for restrictions on house lot sizes and “mother-in-law” apartments in your basement.

Freedom is messy and unpredictable, and often noisy, vulgar, and a “nuisance”, and if there’s anything snotty upper-middle-class types can’t stand, it’s anything messy or unattractive by their prissy standards, like a kid’s lemonade stand. These people would regulate the styles of the clothes people wear, if they could. I personally do not mind restrictions and codes that are clearly necessary for safety, and realize that more such codes are more necessary in a community where people live side by side, than out in the middle of nowhere where no one else is affected by a householder’s dirt, noise, or jerry-built structure that is about to topple over, but that is where the law should stop. The only things we have a right to legislate are things that cause material harm, and there are standards of proof for that.

Let’s start now, each of us, by lobbying our city and town councils to roll back these types of restrictions. I’ve always wanted for our city council to have a yearly lets-repeal-a-stupid-ordinance day. However, the only way we will do this is if we all agree to allow other folks behaviors and activities that, while objectively harmless, offend our personal sensibilities, not to mention our property values.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 12, 2015 10:00 am

“The girls, in the true spirit of resistance, reopened giving lemonade out for free with tips being optional.”

Kudos to those girls!

June 12, 2015 10:16 am

At least the girls weren’t tazed, or thrown to the ground, handcuffed, and arrested. No SWAT showed up. So, this is a step in the right direction.

Hey, blow me! I’m filled with the Spirit today and I’m just trying to stay positive.

Re Chicago’s post …. imagine how the Founding Fathers would feel if they could see what happened to their grand experiment. Where’s the “do over” button?

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 12, 2015 10:57 am

Stucky, here’s your “do over button”:

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
-Thomas Jefferson

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.
-Abraham Lincoln

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.
-Abraham Lincoln

June 12, 2015 12:54 pm

Rise Up, Lincoln was one of the greatest perverters of the Constitution who ever lived. Where in that document does it say that the Southern states couldn’t leave the union? Oh, but it does define treason as “levying war against the states.”

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
June 12, 2015 2:21 pm

There once was a country where armed goons were paid
to make sure small girls wouldn’t sell lemonade
yet some still would debate
“Is this a Police State?”
Fooking -A, IT SURE IS I’m afraid!!

June 12, 2015 4:41 pm

Here in the People’s Worker’s Paradise of Connecticut (The Constipation State—our motto), the commissars want to shut down every roadside stand that sells vegetables or eggs, because they aren’t under the supervision of the People’s Health Dept.

They want to tax tag sales and put tolls back on I-95, both of which seem unrelated, but are both quite insane.

In the city I live in, the Grand List of taxpayers dropped 18.84% in 2014, so the obvious solution was to raise the mill rate from 36.32 to 45.75. What the hell, right? Why not? After all, they can’t cut the pay and bene’s of the teachers, cops and firemen, can they?

The Beloved Commissars are running out of other people’s money, so it’s time to squeeze the proles once again. After all, they have to keep running the free school breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and buses that pick up each child in front of their house, no matter if they live across the street from the school. It’s for the children, don’t cha know.

Oooooh Yeeeeaaah…..This is going to end well.

June 12, 2015 5:05 pm

Armstrong’s essays are looking more like Fox News every day.

June 12, 2015 6:55 pm

Id love to splice this story into NWAs song : F@@ck Tha Police

June 12, 2015 8:54 pm

Cool accident scene interview with Caitlyn Jamal Rachel Dolezal.

June 12, 2015 8:54 pm

@#$@#^$#@$%!@#~ wrong thread. 🙁