Raising A Man

The site ROK tends to turn a lot of people off but there is some great info and ideas in their articles; this one is pure gold.

How To Raise A Red Pill Revolutionary


I recently received the fantastic news that my first child, to be born this September, is going to be a boy.

While I would have loved the child no matter it’s gender, the knowledge that it is a boy got me thinking a lot more about what kind of an example I should be to my boy and what I should teach him in life. You see, I want to raise a red pill son, strong and true, so that he can go out into the world and take it on prepared.

I’ve boiled it down to these essential lessons. I believe if I can instill these values in him, he’ll be equipped to deal with life as a successful, strong and decent man. It won’t all be within my control, but I have the responsibility to at least try to mold him into the kind of man society desperately needs more of.

Life Is Hard, Nobody Owes You Shit

I want my boy to know that life is no walk in the park. He’ll learn it eventually, so I might as well give him a head start by teaching him early on. He won’t be lifted and laid, he’ll learn to do things for himself, and he’ll learn that his actions have irreversible consequences.

He’ll be taught that when you screw up you fix it, and when you want something you work to get it, no exceptions.

That being said, I’ll also let him know that when he hits the hard times in life his family will be there for him. No matter what, he should never give up and when going through hell, all he has to do is keep walking. As a man, he will have the responsibility to be a strong leader in tough times.

The Importance Of Physical Strength


Life is physical, pure and simple.

The next time you get ridiculous notions that you might be living in a hologram or that the physical world is some sort of physical manifestation of your spiritual vibration, I suggest you rack up 300lbs on the squat bar and do a set of ten. This will return the objectivity to your life, fast.

Life is physical. A physically strong, well built, and athletic man will have both self respect and the respect of others. I plan to have my boy doing 10 reps of handstand pushups before he enters high school and working the heavy bag from a young age.

This will keep the bullies, predators, and big mouths at bay. It will also teach him the discipline needed to succeed in life.

What Is His, Is His, And He Has The Right To Take It

lake windermere

I’m sick and tired of listening to socialist morons and SJWs talk about the redistribution of wealth and entitlements and social reparations. As if they have the right to re-distribute anything that belongs to someone else.

As far as I’m concerned the world doesn’t owe me, you or anyone else a dime. You get paid when you deliver a useful product or service to other people, and those who deliver the most value get paid the most. If your people or your ancestors failed to secure themselves financially, build a decent society or a lineage of wealth for their descendants, tough titty son. Get to work and make something better for the future instead of whining like a bitch.

I’ve met a lot of people over the years here in Asia who have told me that because I’m white, male, and from Europe I have an unfair advantage in life and that I should give back to those less fortunate.

I’ll be teaching my boy from day one not to feel white guilt, not to feel ashamed of having more than others if he has earned it, not to feel guilty about the shots he has in life because someone cared about him enough to give them to him.

To Get A Practical Education

Be somebody by knowing something useful

While we’re on the topic of delivering value and getting paid, I’ll be teaching him to get himself a practical education.

That means becoming a doctor, lawyer, engineer, mechanic, sparky or entrepreneur. I won’t be encouraging nor bankrolling him to study sociology, gender studies, or philosophy. When it’s time to go to school, it’s time to learn something that’s going to get you paid, son.

He’ll also be learning practical survival skills and how to live in nature in case he ever needs to. This hunting, fishing, camping, and other practical skills is something this generation badly needs. What if the system was to go down? Half the men on this earth would be unable and ill-equipped to feed their own families.

Women Are Not The Same As Men, And He Doesn’t Have To Pretend Otherwise


Let’s tell the truth – women are no the same as men in any way, shape or form.

True, there are lots of reasonably intelligent women out there, but physically and in practically every other way, men rule the roost, plain and simple. If you want to expose this much told lie very quickly, put us all back in the jungle and take away the safety of the society men built, and we will soon see who is relying on who and which gender is taking the lead.

I’ll be teaching him that women are to be treated with decency and not harmed or abused, but that at no time of his life should he give control to, explain himself to, take crucial life advice from, or place a woman above himself.

His Word And His Guts Are All He Has

Man with hand out

A man comes into the world with nothing and leaves it the same way, but what he does have in between no matter what are his word and his courage.

A man’s honesty and word is worth its weight in gold. If you say you are going to do something and you do it every single time, you will always be trusted in life and have the respect of those around you.

As for his guts, what I mean by that is his courage. The guts to try new things, take risks and go on adventures will lead him to many opportunities in life. That can never be taken away from him and will lead him to the top, eventually.

The Value Of Family


In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a war against family raging throughout the world.

You see, governments dislike families because they are a threat to their power and control over the population. The further left you go, the deeper the dislike of family becomes.

I’ll be teaching my boy from day one that family comes first and everybody else comes second. His blood is the most important thing and it is in fact the only thing on this earth that actually matters. When everyone else abandons him, betrays him, shuns him and turns on him, his blood will be there for him, and he should be there for his blood.

I’ll teach him that it’s OK to distance himself from some family members if they are trying to use him or have gone rogue, but that when they come back to the fold and show that they have changed, he should always give them another chance.

Money Is The Key To Almost Everything, But Money Is Not God

Money is damned important, but don’t sell your soul for it

It’s no secret that money makes the world go round.

Money is extremely important and can buy you pretty much anything you want on this earth. A house, clothes, a car, influence, and many other things can be bought with money. It’s extremely important to have your cash right and to be a free man, you need to get money.

However, I will also let him know that the pursuit of money is no excuse for selling his soul and being an immoral, evil bastard. There are lines that a man must never cross in pursuit of cash – killing, con artistry, doing things which prey on the weak and innocent – these are out of bounds in pursuit of profit.

It is possible to make lots of money in legal, respectable ways which benefit both oneself and the society he lives in. Knowing this, and deciding to draw a line in the sand and say “here and no further” in pursuit of wealth is one of the keys to keeping your integrity in life.

Death Is An Illusion And Is Not To Be Feared

Too many hardcore materialists dismiss good evidence of the afterlife out of hand

If you look around you every day you will see that death holds immense power over all creatures. They scream, cry, kick, resist and fear death with all their might.

The only creature powerful enough to meet death with equanimity is a human being. I want to teach my boy early on that he has nothing to fear when the grim reaper comes knocking, and that as long as he has lived a decent life according to his principles he can go in peace when the time comes.

This is something I wish I had been taught as a kid. I was taught heaps of nonsense about hell, the devil, demons and ghosts, and as such I had a deep fear of death for most of my young life.

Later on I was able to overcome that mental fear by reflecting on the writings of some great philosophers like Plato who said:

“Death is either a dreamless sleep or transition to a better world, either way it is nothing to fear.”

and Marcus Aurelius who said:

“Death smiles at all men, all a man can do is smile back.”

We have lost something in Western Culture – the ability to meet death with equanimity and a Stoic calm. We need to get that back, and I’ll be doing my best to teach my boy that while life is for the living and he should respect the gift he has been given, he doesn’t have to be afraid of anything when it’s over.

The Art Of Critical Thinking

You’ve probably already noticed, but most people simply consume content without giving it a second thought.

The news, magazines, even history books are all produced, written and distributed by people with a perspective and an agenda. It is crucial to ask both who the people are and what they want you to believe while reading a text or listening to an argument.

It is also essential to know how to think about what they are saying in a logical, precise way and criticize it. Thinking of any counter examples is a great start, but there’s more to it than that.

We need to teach our boys how to read a newspaper and understand that it was likely written by a communist sympathizer or edited by an ultra-feminist and therefore he is not hearing the true and total story of what happened.

This skill alone can shield a growing boy from the brainwashing that destroyed this generation of men. It is crucial that we both learn it and pass it on.

A Closing Word


An entire generation of men has been laid to waste due to fathers, brothers, and leaders that failed them. I was one of the lucky ones who had a father who I’d say was 80% red pill, so I got a glimpse of what a real man looks like (he didn’t exercise or know much about women, but he was a badass winner wolf and took zero shit).

I for one am not allowing this to stand any longer. I can’t influence every single boy to be born in this generation, but I can influence my own, who will in turn influence his own, and so on.

I hope there are other men out there like me in their late twenties, thirties, and even older who have woken up to the bullshit we were peddled in our youths and who have decided that while we can’t go back, we can make sure our own boys are not fed the same line of lies and false wisdom.

This is the true revolution. This is how we truly turn the tide. We as fathers have the ultimate responsibility to make sure that the travesty that is the millennial generation never takes place again, and that we can, and will, make sure of it.

There is no need for riots, picketing, demonstrations and armed overthrow. All that is required is to be there, at home, raising men.

Original Post Here.

Author: harry p.

A Gen X mechanical engineer who values family, strength, discipline, self-reliance and freedom who is doing what he can to protect his family, belittle morons and be ready for the tough times ahead. Discipline=Freedom

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June 28, 2015 8:26 am

His comments re women are moronic. I value my wife’s advice above all others. And women are very valuable in the jungle. He is full of shit.

And good luck forcing the kid to do push ups and such.

June 28, 2015 8:31 am

Irony 101 – his son turns out to be gay.

June 28, 2015 8:48 am

I was thinking the same thing. As for making your son rack up 300 lbs and do a set of ten, and I have 25 years ago, get real. Kids respect how you treat others, especially your wife. My son is 6′ 3″ and 150 lbs, not likely I am going to push him into weight lifting, but he has a brilliant mind. I have encouraged this for as long as I can remember. Each child is different all you can do is nurture their their god given talents and appreciate them for what they are. I think once his son is born he will see the world differently.

June 28, 2015 9:17 am

I agree with way more of this post than I don’t.

June 28, 2015 9:23 am

Olga says:

Irony 101 – his son turns out to be gay.

By “gay” do you mean happy, because I’ve yet to see even one miserable butthole surfer happy about anything other than tearing down and debauching traditional family values and cramming anything that will fit up their festering bungholes. You don’t have to believe me , ask any emergency room nurse.

I applaud the author .He’s making a conscious effort to protect his family from the corrupting and life-threatening influences of modern Sodom -America.

And loopy, surely you are not so naively stupid that you don;t perceive your wife to be the exception and not the rule.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 28, 2015 9:30 am

I wish him the best.

Here’s the thing with raising children, you love them, you care about them, you provide for them and guide them and teach them what you know and what you value and how to deal with people and the world and how to handle difficulty and challenge and enjoy life and do your best and how to be careful and how to take risks… the list goes on and on.

What you cannot do is to live their life for them. That’s the tricky part. Once you’ve done your part in raising them, the most important thing you can do is to allow them to strike out on their own, make their mistakes and fix them, choose their own course and follow their heart.

Our oldest son got an apartment and moved out a couple of weeks ago. I miss his contributions on the farm and our conversations and jokes, but I am profoundly happy for him, excited about the potential, curious to see what he chooses to do, who he chooses to associate with, how he deals with setbacks and losses. His mother and I will always be here for him, our home always open, our food his food, my help with whatever he needs available 24/7, but it’s his life now and everything that we have done from the day of his conception to the day he left our house is all we have to give him. The lessons either took or they didn’t. He will continue to be honorable and truthful or he will choose to go another way- by his own internal drives and impulses. Now the feedback we get will come from others outside of our sphere, the people he meets and associates with, works for or loves by his own design. We will likely approve or disapprove based on how we live our life and by our particular values, but it will no longer be our role to reward or prohibit those choices.

Now we look forward to his journey, we can relax somewhat and leave his future in the hands of someone we not only trust and love, but had a hand in molding and teaching. Now we get to see just how well we did at the job of parenting from a distance and it fills me with more hope and happiness than anything we have ever done before…

June 28, 2015 9:34 am


He never said mistreat women. Plus, he size never put a woman above yourself. I like the fact he is trying to bring his son up as a leader. A badass wolf.

June 28, 2015 9:37 am

His reference to the Stoic philosophy is the best part of this. Hillary,s “Operation Continuing Clusterfuck”presidency will render the rest of this unimportant.

June 28, 2015 9:42 am

a lesson in warcraft

via http://www.voxday.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-tale-of-herald.html

The Tale of the Herald
A Parable by Cataline Sergius

The vast fires of the besiegers blanketed the once-beautiful plains surrounding Tor Keep as far as the eye could see, glowing a hellish red-orange against a sky so dark from the smoke that mid-day appeared to be twilight. The black legions of Evil chanted, “he rises! he rises!” as the massive flaming boulders from their gigantic trebuchets crashed into the Embarrassed-To-Be-So-White walls of Tor Keep. Huge scorpios launched terrible bolts big enough to impale an elephant, or even a Swirsky.

The high walls of the keep, once thought to be completely impenetrable, now showed massive cracks, They were the result of the thunderous barrage of the mighty siege engines arrayed on every side, as well as the cunning mines dug by the minions of the Supreme Dark Lord, which was totally unfair because they were so good at math.

The defenders of the walls valiantly rained insults and condescension down upon their vile faceless attackers, though despair now gripped every heart. The Embarrassed-To-Be-So-White walls were crumbling despite the tireless efforts of the Diversity Wizards to magically reinforce them.

Far back from the fighting and deep within the bowels of The Tower That Jordan Built, two herald-minions of the Dread Lord stood before the women of the All-White-But-Nevertheless-Incredibly-Inclusive-and-Diverse-Because-They-Have-One-Gay-Asian-Guy-From-Silicon-Valley Council.

Their beautiful-in-a-very-different-way queen, Toadina the Squat, rose slowly from her heavily reinforced throne, prompting great waves of magnificently turbulent fat to roll back and forth across her massive belly like an indecisive tsunami. She delicately cleaned one squinting yellow eye with an elegant stroke of her forked tongue before clearing her swollen throat.

She addressed the heralds in an imperious manner. “Here are the merciful terms we offer for your complete and unconditional surrender. Behead your leaders. Kill one in ten of the vile minions. Hand over two-thirds of your lands as well as all your present and future spawn. Admit your beliefs are sexist, racist, homophobic, and outdated, and renounce them. Then castrate yourselves. In exchange we promise… to like you. A little.”

Blinking in astonishment, the two heralds looked at each other. Their faces twitched, and they appeared to be restraining deep emotion, but was it futile defiance or humble gratitude? Finally, mastering himself, the one with the number 289 branded on his right cheek stepped forward.

“I am sorry, Madam, but you appear to have mistaken us for Republicans.”

Brendan Guy McMahan
Brendan Guy McMahan
June 28, 2015 10:22 am

10,000,000.00 lump sum payout and not taxed.

Google NNX5 Brave

“The Freedom Gamble”

( and the only solution )

( keep your actions legal)

June 28, 2015 10:47 am

“The Importance Of Physical Strength”

“F”. Complete bullshit. Good health, proper weight, eating well, etc., are important. Of course, physical strength IS important for certain jobs … like being an NFL lineman, or a professional soldier. Most jobs in this day and age don’t require a great deal of “physical strength”. This guy has waaaay to much testosterone.

“ …. but that at NO TIME of his life should he give control to, explain himself to, take crucial life advice FROM A WOMAN …”

“F-“ An astonishing level of FAIL. He might as well tattoo “misogynist” on his forehead. So, in his world by his own words his son is to NEVER EVER (!!) take advice from a woman … that’s how stupid and useless they are. What an asshole! Maybe that’s why his son is (will be) a fag. Ms Freud’s comment (after she got up off the floor) was that this man is rather undeducated. I agree. In fact, if you go to the author’s website (http://artofselfhood.com) you will see he dropped out of college … because he felt he was smarter than EVERY college professor he ever had.

“Death Is An Illusion And Is Not To Be Feared”

“C”. I agree with the idea that death should not be feared. I disagree that death is an “illusion”. In fact I am fucking sick and tired of “fill-in-the-blank is an illusion”. Death is an illusion. Life is an illusion. This world is an illusion. Pain is an illusion. That kind of thing CAN be a nice mental/philosophical exercise … kind of like gazing at your navel and wondering about the meaning of it all … but, at the end of the day it’s mostly horseshit. Here’s an idea for this mental midget; one year after your son dies go dig up his worm-eaten rotting corpse and then tell me about death being an “illusion”.

Overall, he says more things I agree with than disagree. However, the points of agreement are painfully obvious; life is not fair (duh!!), don’t get a social studies degree (duh!!), etc. Nevertheless, the things he says that are (imho) wrong, are SO wrong that I hope to never read one of his articles again.

June 28, 2015 10:50 am

Goddammit! It’s weird that I spelled uneducated as “undeducated”. Go ahead, call me a dumb ass. I can take it.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
June 28, 2015 10:55 am

What Stucky said.

Raising his son with that idea about women is going to guarantee his son never finds a good one.

Kind of makes you wonder how smart his wife could possibly be, or what view she takes of her son “never taking advice from a woman.” Jimmy, clean your room. No, ma, I’m never taking advice from a woman!

June 28, 2015 10:57 am

Is that dissident dad in the fetal position on the floor, shaking and trembling after reading this? Nice article, harry

June 28, 2015 11:10 am

Like all expectant parents who look forward to raising and molding a child, he is at present overly idealistic about the end product of his efforts. In 25 years his perspectives will have changed.
Parenting is quite humbling.

June 28, 2015 11:21 am

HSF, congrats on your son. Like jim, you don’t have to worry. The apple never falls far from the tree. When you model traits to a child, honesty, integrity, work ethic, they become his DNA, he couldn’t shake them if he wanted to. He might bounce around a little while he figures it out, but in the end, the die is cast

June 28, 2015 11:23 am

DEATH is an illusion ? As Woody Allen says … I’m not afraid of death , I just don’t want to be there when it happens…. I think death is as real as it gets along with pain and suffering. Suffering brings us closer to God and helps us sympathize with other people or makes us bitter as Hell and mad at the world.

June 28, 2015 11:28 am

Here’s a guy who has not raised children and he knows how to do it? He going to tell us how? Idealists come in all stripes. Those who hold such black and white notions and ridged ideals probably do so because they are morons or have no experience.

Guys with his attitude towards women probably never got much pussy before marriage and don’t get much afterwards either. How the hell do you form even a remote understanding of women unless you have not had the privilege of loving lots of them. You don’t command a woman to do shit. She chooses. My mother taught me lots more than my dad. The women in my life have taught me a great deal and caused me to think about things that I would have never even known to think about. No man ever broke my heart. No man ever took me to heaven and back.

Lots of guys say “my mom is the best cook ever”. Well I know that’s bullshit because my mom was the best cook ever. And I know why. Because she she loved us so much some of that love got in the food and that was the secret ingredient that made it so good. Not too many dads can do that.

I’m a father. Was I and am I a good father? I don’t know. I did not raise my kids. My wife and I raised them. Together. As a man and a woman. Because my wife is a woman and I am a man we are different and do different things and some times handle situations differently. But our differences bound together are what make one family. My kids have turned out well. I know it’s not because of me or some set plan of action I had for them.

If we were in the wild jungle fighting for survival my wife would be by my side. I could count on her and trust her more than any man or human on earth. Who would you want with you in the fox hole of life? Some tough dude you think you can count on or someone you absolutely know you can count on who also happens to be beautiful and has perfect tits?

This guy may well have some very good ideas but they will be of less value than they could be as his children will have all sorts of fucked up notions about their mother and other women. In a way life and bringing up a family is like combat and consigning your wife to second class servitude is like the army consigning the special forces to laundry detail.

Women are often very strong and stand firm when it comes to children. Maybe this guys wife will kick his ass into line, take the place of co-commander as she should and they will all have a good life and happy family.

Of course we are all doomed so nothing may matter much.

June 28, 2015 11:32 am

Best way to raise a man is to be one yourself.

Your son will look to you first to know how he is to be as a man and become that.

In all probability, unless maybe you’ve been an asshole of a father, he will reflect your values and attitudes and beliefs during his life as a man so be worthy of him in that respect.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 28, 2015 11:53 am

This country has turned to shit because of a LACK of real men who have the balls to stand against the usurpers who shred our Constitution and take our rights away daily. I don’t care if you look like ” The Hulk” or Don Knotts you can stand up and shake your fist in the air and scream NO.

Where are the MEN who will save us from this nightmare? It’s too late to raise them from babies……we need REAL men now, TODAY.

harry p.
harry p.
June 28, 2015 11:56 am

I didnt write it, i just found it and agreed with more than i didnt care for.
Being strong and fit isnt necessarily important as it once was but i know whenever i see a leader who cant see their privates because of a gut i doubt their fortitude, conviction strength and planning abilities.
Rarely will someone strong and fit who is also smart level/headed with be discounted bc they arent physically weak.
His views on women leave much to be desired (i consider my wife my equal and above everyone else) but often we all see men dafaulting to their wives as if they are incompetent manchildren.

If more men focused on real skills, critical thinking, being independent, not defining themselves by the women in their lives while being physically fit/strong the world and the US wouldnt be in much of the predicaments they are in.

Probably why i liked it and ignored some details i disagreed witb was because of how it ended.

“There is no need for riots, picketing, demonstrations and armed overthrow. All that is required is to be there, at home, raising men.”

No neex for riots and carzy shit like the yuuts in the urban killzones or militant feminazis or social justice progressive warrors.
Care enough to be there is most important.

June 28, 2015 12:10 pm

harry p.

Just to be sure, my criticism of the article is NOT a criticism of you for posting it. I appreciate greatly that you’re one the folks here who submits stuff …. good stuff …. please do keep at it. Others enjoyed the article, so there’s that.

For me that article is one of those rare cases where a person can say ten things I agree with and only one thing I disagree with …. but that one thing just ruins everything else. Not to repeat myself, but I will … his views on women are utterly appalling.

He lives in SE Asia and married an Asian woman … a perfect place for him to find a subservient life partner. Here he is giving advice to his son;
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June 28, 2015 12:31 pm

What Gayle said is spot on. I have read his blog and while he often makes good points about manning up and I have no issues with working out and staying in shape, but he uses a broad brush to paint how today’s women are. Yes there are too many screaming harpy feminists and they get way too much air time, but there are still good decent women who appreciate hard working honest men. His site comes off as misogynistic, like he was burned badly by some woman, but then no one has to go there and I don’t think he writes it for women. Still I have to think once he starts parenting his views on it will develop differently from where they are now.

harry p.
harry p.
June 28, 2015 12:51 pm

No worries, no offense taken, iread and liked much of it so i posted here for others. My comment was just to say whati saw that was good. Coming from a dad who had an overbearing controlling mother (some say evil) who then married a strong woman who expected toughness and not coddling. I have many friends whose wives/moms are extremely risk averse and at times i question if appeasing those tendencies is why our society has steered so strongly towards slavish safety over dangerous freedom and independence so i guess i am more accepting of those views after seeing so many xers and millenium men becoming whining bitches.
others have opinions and i value them and their perspectives (you being one in particular).
I was also lucky and smart enough to find a great women and when i sayanything that could be construed negatively to women it does not include her.

June 28, 2015 1:09 pm

I’m going to get killed here, but here goes. I used to watch survivor when it first came out. I was intrigued by the idea, and was very entertained. One thing that struck me was, every time, how quickly the 50ish slightly overweight women fell out, and how different their performance was than their perception of their abilities.

June 28, 2015 1:15 pm

It took me a while to figure out why. It was actually pretty simple. In their real lives, these women kicked ass. Every metric they had to test themselves by, up until that point, they had excelled. They were usually married, and saw themselves as captains of their ship. But in the dog eat dog world of survivor, things weren’t the same.

June 28, 2015 1:20 pm

Women are as valuable as men. Society actually needs more women than men to function. But they aren’t men. And we have done women wrong to lead them to believe they need to compete with men, instead of filling their natural role as kick ass women. Bavk to the gals on survivor. I’m going to speculate a bit

June 28, 2015 1:23 pm

ROK is hardly the site I’d call Wise, for how to live life.

I concur, this guy has arrogance to spare, given how he’s not raised a son yet. It will bitch-slap him.

A man needs to be smart and kind, being strong is icing on the cake, and animated by earning respect from the respect-worthy around him.

A woman needs to be sweet-natured and of at least average intelligence, and if she’s easy on the eyes it’s a trifecta.

Both man and woman need to live lives of inward focus, something that is all but unknown today. Today, nearly all women and most men live their lives obsessed with what those around them think of them, not about earned respect but attempting to drive envy. It’s a hollow life produced by this.

Seeing my sons grow up into successful men, husbands and now fathers is heart-warming. Recognizing that their lives are theirs alone, and that my influence will dilute over time is a difficult pill to swallow, but true.

June 28, 2015 1:26 pm

To run a household, it takes two competent people, or it is very difficult. A man isn’t going to succeed in any meaningful way without a good woman as a partner. Don’t know if it can be done. But women’s work was never meant as oppression, it was just divvying up lifes responsibilities

June 28, 2015 1:31 pm

But I would bet those women on survivor never had the introspect to realize that they were half of a whole, and living in a home designed and built by men, having a husband at their beck and call, and any other man they needed (cop, electrician, mechanic) was a phone call away, greatly enhanced their ability to kick ass

June 28, 2015 1:37 pm

Feminism is a disease. In a world wear resources grew on trees, many women have become downright disdainful of the contributions of men to their lives. It’s going to bite them, much as it bit the women on survivor, when that protective layer gets stripped aeay.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
June 28, 2015 1:44 pm

If I lived in some kind of tribal, primitive society, the men who would attract me would be the ones who were tool-builders or healers and medicine men. The village veterinarian would probably be my big crush, not the biggest, strongest warrior, although there are a lot of women who dig that type and they are needed, too. In the movie ‘Dances with Wolves,’ I would have chosen Kicking Bird – the thinker.

June 28, 2015 2:26 pm

Curious as to what people think are the most important manly qualities?

My vote would go to courage, honor and honesty.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
June 28, 2015 2:46 pm

“Not to repeat myself, but I will … his views on women are utterly appalling.”

Stucky, some young women today are appalling may I show you exhibit A:


I disagree with the author on many points just because he thinks he will be able to command a child and command a woman. This is incredibly naive and I won’t be surprised when reality knocks his ass to the ground. I laugh at any man trying to control a woman and expecting her to stay as well as trying to command a child and expecting them to listen. That is not how it works. People have freewill to kick you out of their lives if you don’t treat them right.

June 28, 2015 2:57 pm

Steph, you don’t think you can command a child and expect them to listen. You’re not ready for kids. Of course you must. IT’s your job as a parent. Watch the little video on the dissedent dad post. Some leftist slob thinks kids are adults. They are not. The are kids. They need guidance and protection.

June 28, 2015 3:06 pm

Steph, your tatiana perez is hilarious. She don’t need no man, no commitment, no security, she IS miss independent. Her last post was why she hates living with her parents.

June 28, 2015 3:12 pm

“In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a war against family raging throughout the world.

You see, governments dislike families because they are a threat to their power and control over the population. The further left you go, the deeper the dislike of family becomes”. – A friend was told to take down Christian objects for a foster care home safety inspection that determines if you are fit to have foster children.Friend was further told the people that inspect homes tend to be leftist liberals.This is in California

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
June 28, 2015 3:16 pm

starfcker- Commanding a child does not work. All it does is set up the perfect storm of tantrums and a parent on the verge on a breakdown because the kid won’t listen. I think the leftist parent who try to reason with children live in a teenage mentality. What I have seen work considering I have a huge family and it is how I was raised is to have a household rhythm. To have the same routine, same rules, and same punishments based on severity of behavior day in and day out. Children are raised best in a stable household and when they know what is expected of them. The worst temper tantrums and fits I’ve seen from kids is when they are confused.

June 28, 2015 3:32 pm

I concur with Steph on “commanding” kids (in the context I’m fairly sure she’s using.)

When my sons were young, I told them there are two kinds of control in this world: 1) Self-control. 2) Others-control, and if they grew to be my size (6’3″ 215 lbs) the “others” would be people with badges, guns and bad attitudes. It was thus MY job, as their father, to control them until they mastered self-control, since I was the only one (along with their mother, my lovely wife) who loved them and wouldn’t try to extend my control beyond the minimum necessary.

I further told them that I was already fully occupied running my own life, and had no wish to extend the need to run theirs.

There are at least several men and women who read TBP regularly who have successfully raised kids to be well-adjusted, happy adults.

I find it HILARIOUS that no one, here or in my “real” life, has ever once asked me or my wife for advice on how to raise successful kids.


And I have watched people CRASH AND BURN as parents, cranking out abject failures of kids.

June 28, 2015 3:32 pm

” Commanding a child does not work.” ———— Stephanie Shepard

So says a woman with no children of her own.

You couldn’t be more wrong. It DOES work. It IS necessary.

But, you know everything and can’t be told anything, soooo … that’s all I have to say.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
June 28, 2015 3:35 pm

Re “commanding” children – seems to me like it depends on the child’s age. I agree that people trying to “reason” with 2-year-olds look ridiculous. But if your kid is 15 and you’re still trying to micromanage every last detail of their lives, don’t be too surprised if you don’t hear from them too often after they leave the house.

June 28, 2015 3:36 pm

Stephanie, you’re singing my songs there. Kids need and want consistent rules they can understand.

I led by example. I showed my sons how I lived, how I loved their mother and respected her and everyone else. I showed them how I earned the respect of my wife and others, and gave them endless opportunities to EARN my respect and when they did so I was effusive in paying them the respect they had earned.

I also told them WHY I did what I did.

That’s the difference. I didn’t just show them WHAT, I explained WHY. This inculcates the habits of an analytical mind we all need in order to navigate a complex and changing world.

June 28, 2015 3:50 pm

If you have succeeded in creating a consistent, rule-bound household you GENERALLY have few problems as the kids turn 13, 14, 15 etc.

My youngest was still a challenge. On a 10-scale he was a 9.5, but his brothers were 9.99’s so he suffered by comparison and no matter what we did, he felt it (even if “it” wasn’t there.) He was and remains a charmer. He could talk a snake into buying tap shoes.

I say this again. Yes, I’m arrogant. REALLY arrogant. For good reason.

Oldest son: Computer scientist, married with one kid (one on the way), bought a house last year, well employed with a household name financial firm. Attended college on a full, non-need, academic scholarship. 6th in his high school class of about 450, in part because he didn’t chase the GPA (he chose choir instead of another grade-weighted class.)

2nd son: Mechanical engineer, married last year, bought house last year, works for Fortune 50 company. Attended college on about 3/5ths non-need, academic scholarship. Finished college in 7 semesters with a 4.0 in engineering (ask anyone how often THAT happens.) Had a co-op with United Technologies and a summer internship with another aerospace firm, graduated with probably $30k in savings (not debt, SAVINGS.) 3rd in his H.S. class, the only one with straight A’s (he didn’t want to give a speech at commencement.)

3rd son: Computer scientist, married last year, bought house two years ago (at 22 years of age), works for same firm as oldest brother. Completed college at 20 in 5 semesters. Went to work for a major corporation before he was old enough to have a beer after work with colleagues.

At a time when all I read about are Millennials who are drowning in debt and can’t afford to start their lives, my kids are thriving.

Yet never, not once, has any relative, neighbor, coworker or anyone else ever asked my wife or me a thing about what we did to hit 100% (three for three) well-adjusted, obviously happy adults raised here.


June 28, 2015 3:50 pm

For those who haven’t notice, the modern female is not your mother .While both may be of the same gender, the difference is that of water and fire. One quenches and the other burns. And as long as the modern creatures of chaos are allowed a vote, they will burn.

Do you need more proof ( see #5) or does your dick do all your thinking?


1. There is no evidence that women voting has been a positive development in any nation in the world. Should someone like to submit some for once, I’d be happy to examine it. I find it telling that no supporter of women’s suffrage has yet been able to respond with anything but naked and unsupportable assertions.

2. There is no correlation between voting and the defense of life, liberty and property rights. The two countries which top the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom, Hong Kong and Singapore, have severe restrictions on voting and political representation. In Hong Kong, only one-third of the legislative council is elected. In Singapore, voting is considered a privilege, not a right. Meanwhile, voting is permitted and even required in most of the countries that make up the bottom ten, including Cuba and Zimbabwe.

3. History shows that the women’s vote is inextricably tied to a substantive loss of individual freedom. Only 22 years after women received the right to vote in Switzerland, that country passed an amendment to its constitution giving the federal government the right to pass legislation relating to firearms. Within four years, legislation had passed requiring permits for weapons purchases, permits for bearing arms in public and banning handguns, in direct contradiction of its centuries-old militia tradition, and now the militia system itself is under attack by the SDP, the Swiss Socialist Party.

4. The opponents of women’s suffrage have been proven correct with regards to their predictions of a) increased divorce, b) increased abortion, c) sexual promiscuity, d) increased paganism.

5. John Lott has demonstrated a strong correlative link between women’s suffrage and increased per capita state expenditures. The average increase in voter turnouts of 26 and 33 percent that occurred 25 and 45 years after the enactment of women’s suffrage in a US state mirror the 24 and 31 percent increases in state spending over the same periods of time. He also concluded: “The two consistent results were: allowing female suffrage resulted in a more liberal tilt in congressional voting for both houses, and the extent of that shift was mirrored by the increase in turnout due to female suffrage. The effects are quite large.”


How Dramatically Did Women’s Suffrage Change the Size and Scope of Government?

John R. Lott Jr.

Crime Prevention Research Center

September 1998

Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 107, Number 6, Part 1, pp. 1163-1198, December 1999

This paper examines the growth of government during this century as a result of giving women the right to vote. Using cross-sectional time-series data for 1870 to 1940, we examine state government expenditures and revenue as well as voting by U.S. House and Senate state delegations and the passage of a wide range of different state laws. Suffrage coincided with immediate increases in state government expenditures and revenue and more liberal voting patterns for federal representatives, and these effects continued growing over time as more women took advantage of the franchise. Contrary to many recent suggestions, the gender gap is not something that has arisen since the 1970s, and it helps explain why American government started growing when it did.

Giving women the right to vote significantly changed American politics from the very beginning. Despite claims to the contrary, the gender gap is not something that has arisen since the 1970s. Suffrage
coincided with immediate increases in state government expenditures and revenue, and these effects continued growing as more
women took advantage of the franchise. Similar changes occurred
at the federal level as female suffrage led to more liberal voting records for the state’s U.S. House and Senate delegations. In the Senate, suffrage changed voting behavior by an amount equal to almost
20 percent of the difference between Republican and Democratic
senators. Suffrage also coincided with changes in the probability that
prohibition would be enacted and changes in divorce laws. We were
also able to deal with questions of causality by taking advantage of
the fact that while some states voluntarily adopted suffrage, others
where compelled to do so by the Nineteenth Amendment.

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June 28, 2015 3:58 pm

I always told my sons, “If you come home with an earring I grab and pull. If you come home with a tattoo, there are only three ways to remove them and I don’t own a laser; I do own a belt sander and a pocket knife.”

I’d smile when I said it, but it reminded them that there were boundaries. If someone wanted to stay out late when teenaged (even into college), unless it was a special occasion (e.g., prom) the answer was NO. My wife and I like to go to bed early, we wouldn’t sleep if they were out, they’d wake us when they got home, so NO, it was our house, our rules and not all the rules were for their benefit.

I told them that as they matured they’d want more adult latitude but their mother and I would lag their desire, by definition, and the overlap of that would inevitably create some tension and conflict….but that was just family, and as long as no one said or did anything that was unforgivable, all would work out in time. And it did.

Raising kids isn’t rocket science. Most people just don’t apply any common sense to it. I was their father, not their friend. That’s still the case. It’s a special, lifelong relationship.

June 28, 2015 4:03 pm

You want to help your kids?

Help them discover what it is they have an aptitude for.
Encourage them to develop it. As they get older, suggest they investigate occupations for which that aptitude is valuable. Find one that seems appealing. Identify the fastest, cheapest way to obtain necessary credentials for entry and be in the top 5% of those pursuing that line.

Encourage them to study a musical instrument; it clearly enhances mathematical aptitude.

This worked for males. I have no idea how to raise girls, but cloning my wife would be the ideal. Sweet natured, bright and pretty. I hit the Mother Lode 39 years ago when I asked her on a date.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
June 28, 2015 4:09 pm

“You want to help your kids? Help them discover what it is they have an aptitude for.”


June 28, 2015 4:10 pm

Okay you fags, here’s my opinion on the matter…

This guy is more right than he is wrong. I can only nit-pick. Like this: Life is physical. A physically strong, well built, and athletic man will have both self respect and the respect of others. I plan to have my boy doing 10 reps of handstand pushups before he enters high school and working the heavy bag from a young age.

This will keep the bullies, predators, and big mouths at bay. It will also teach him the discipline needed to succeed in life.

Yes, I agree – life is physical. The amazing thing about the human body is that the harder you push it, the stronger and more attractive it becomes. Being in good condition – not “Olympic athlete” levels of condition, but good – is important not only for a man’s health, but is also attractive to the opposite sex and I’ve seen guys who were complete dorks and butt ugly – but they were PT gods. They looked like they were chiseled out of rock – score some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.

I would take small exception to his remarks about keeping bullies, predators, etc, at bay. Power is only as good as far as you are prepared to use it. I used myself as a reference before, but it bears repeating. I wasn’t the fat kid or the small kid. I was the big kid. Dad had me pumping free weights before I was in High School to capitalize on my natural strength and size. But Mamma was a devout pacifist. And no kid wants to disappoint their Mamma – so I didn’t fight. I didn’t even defend myself. Which only encouraged the pack.

I didn’t fight back. Until the day I did. And once the pack realized that there was a new Sheriff in town, they backed the fuck off. But that brought on a whole new problem – guys looking to up their rep by taking you down. Which led me to studying Aikido, Judo, etc… My father always told me “No matter how much of a badass you think you are, there’s always someone badder”. True shit, Papa… and I’ve had my ass handed to me more than once – but the other guy knew he had been hip deep in the shit and didn’t want to Relive the Magic.

Power must be tempered by the maturity to know when to use it, how much to use and literally when to walk away. I taught my son how to fight – what I remember – and then enrolled him in martial arts classes. Came the day, some asshole kid jumped him from behind. My son fukin’ unloaded on his punk ass… to the point where the asshole kid was hiding behind his bookbag to keep that Wrath from settin’ down on him… then he ran like the bitch he was. Never bothered my son again. My son was confused – he thought he was going to get in trouble for fighting. Not from me he wasn’t – we went out to dinner and celebrated his victory. He’s been pushing me to get him an Olympic weight set like his grandfather had… and I’m going to get him one.

Other than the above – and the death thing, which, trying to study the Stoics, I can only quibble with – I got no problems with what dude says…

Anyone wishing to read further on the matter should look up “The Way of Men”… reach down, grab your nuts and cowboy up motherfuckers…

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Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
June 28, 2015 4:13 pm

“So says a woman with no children of her own.”

What does that have to do with anything? I haven’t gone my whole life with never interacting with a child. Understanding children is instinctual for most women regardless of whether they’ve had children. As D.C. stated it is very common sense. Children are beings with very intense and urgent emotions. They don’t have the 20-30 years of experience their parents have to understand and control those emotions. The best parenting style I’ve witness are those parents who know how to create a calm household that make them feel secured and are taught self-control based on their time table. Commanding a child is always a parent who are trying to control their kids in a context they don’t understand on the parent’s time table. It never works.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 28, 2015 4:25 pm

Billy says:

1. Okay you fags, here’s my opinion on the matter…

HaHa, great intro, you should submit an article.

2. I’ve seen guys who were complete dorks and butt ugly – but they were PT gods. They looked like they were chiseled out of rock – score some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.

Hmm, the scary part is that you suggest there are good looking guys.