Trump Hits a Bump

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Was it Donald Trump or the wolverine that lives on top of his head who made the dumb crack over the weekend about Senator John McCain not being a war hero? After all, that ambiguous patch of ginger-colored fur has taken on a life of its own. If I were Trump, I’d simply disown the remark and say that the hair-thing blurted it out, ventriloquist-style, because he (Donald) forgot to feed it that morning.

I just want to go on record to say that if John McCain is not a war hero — what with getting shot down in the Vietnam jungle and spending 5.5 years being thrashed daily by his captors — than Donald Trump is not an asshole, or a pendejo, as the landscaping crew might put it (perhaps even a maricón).

One thing the Trump campaign is proving — to the flustered consternation of the moiling herd of other candidates — is what intellectual chickenshits all mainstream American politicians are. I know it is hard to see through the prevailing rainbow fog of diversity propaganda, but the USA really does have an immigration problem. My peeps in the old Democrat fold are the worst, of course, because they are not even capable of stating the plain truth that an illegal immigrant is something more than just “undocumented,” as if some bureaucratic error were made in God’s intake stack. And the issue of legal immigration policy is simply unmentionable, of course, because being “a nation of immigrants” means never having to say enough is enough.

It’s obvious that much of the developed world is now sore beset by past immigration policy choices and by the current inrush of desperate souls fleeing the evermore general breakdown of societies across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). European pols are at least willing to have the debate, unappetizing as it might be. This dreaded political dance is now occurring against the background of a probable financial breakdown across Europe. When the utopian project of the European Union fails, as seems likely now due to the sovereign debt fiasco, I suspect that we will see a renewed effort to defend national cultures — French, German, and all the rest — in a manner that has a great potential for turning ugly. Financial failure means the death of the current banking system and the disappearance of massive notional wealth, and if that isn’t a recipe for extreme nationalism (plus xenophobia) than we are truly blind to the lessons of history.

And then, of course, there is the problem of Jihad. It’s for real, and it’s on the move all over MENA, and quite a few of its faithful agents are in place across Europe to make a whole heap of trouble in the event that the Euroland project falls on its face. This is perhaps beyond the question of merely preserving national identities. I think we will live to see an era of mass expulsions, fair or not.

It is not so easy to explain why America has its head so far up its ass on the issues of immigration, but maybe it is enough to say that sixty-plus years of TV advertising have set us up to be suckers for every sort of paid shill selling a sentimental sob story for one interest or another. This seems to be true most particularly of the educated class that labors in the trenches of advertising and public relations (i.e. propaganda). They have come go believe their own bullshit absolutely. Apparently, these true-blue believers are more hostage to the narratives they are paid to spin than the ragtag followers of Trump. (We’re a nation of immigrants….)

Were I a pol, I would propose a “time-out” from immigration of all kinds. The USA did it before, in the 1920s, after a half-century of prodigious immigration when new states needed to be settled, and new industries needed to be manned, and new cities needed to be built. We are not in the same circumstances anymore. The empty places have been filled (and then some). The factories were banished to China and elsewhere. Some of America’s farming regions aren’t working out so well a hundred years later — Nebraska has been depopulating and God knows what the fate will be of California’s Central Valley as the epochal drought creeps forward. The Chinese may be building super-duper mega-cities, but every fact of coming resource scarcity suggests to me that they are making the wrong bet on that disposition of things. It ain’ happening here, anyway. Our cities (with a few exceptions) face contraction.

Unfortunately, Trump’s antics will make it only more difficult to hold a sane debate about taking that time-out from immigration. So, one alternative is an insane debate about it, one based on sheer grievance and gall rather than the responsibilities of governance. I’ve proposed for many years that we are all set up to welcome a red-white-and-blue, corn-pone Nazi political savior type. I don’t think Donald Trump is it. But he will be a stalking horse for a far more skillful demagogue when the time comes. There’s a fair chance that the wheels will come off the banking and monetary system well before the 2016 election. Who knows who or what will come out of the woodwork before then.

Meanwhile, notice today’s headline from the fabled “newspaper of record” (The New York Times):

Women Who Dye Their (Armpit) Hair

Yes, these are the mighty issues that concern us most.

The third World Made By Hand novel

!! Is available !!

(The Fourth and final is finished and on the way — Spring 2016)

Kunstler skewers everything from kitsch to greed, prejudice, bloodshed, and brainwashing in this wily, funny, rip-roaring, and profoundly provocative page- turner, leaving no doubt that the prescriptive yet devilishly satiric A World Made by Hand series will continue.” — Booklist


My local indie booksellers… Battenkill Books (Autographed by the Author) … or Northshire Books
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Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 20, 2015 9:55 am

Admin, please read the Ron Unz article on McCain. You may change your views about McCain’s “war hero” status if not your views on Trump. I think McCain is indeed hiding a deep, dark secret and Trump knows all about it.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 20, 2015 10:05 am

I figured you did! Saw his type in the Marine Corps. Bully boys and assholes. He has had a good run, though. Fooled a lot of people, including me.

July 20, 2015 10:23 am

Joe Biden has been saying truly dumb-shit things for 8 fucking years now. He gets a pass.

Trump OBVIOUSLY makes a joke and the MSM whores pile on.

God help your wretched soul if 1) the State prosecutes you, 2) the media doesn’t like you.

July 20, 2015 11:09 am

Trump will be fine. Most people despise mccain.

July 20, 2015 11:09 am

Trump has the system figured out. At this stage of the game there is no such thing as bad publicity. He keeps spouting and the MSM keeps reporting. He wouldn’t make headlines if he talked intelligently (even if he could) and he knows it. Free publicity is what he’s after.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 20, 2015 11:14 am

I was twice the object of major investigations though I had done nothing wrong. One involved the FBI, the other an internal inspector general. If you have never been through it you have no idea how far down the road towards dictatorship this country has gone. Rights? Ha! Don’t make me laugh. Believe it or not hard-nosed lawyers saved my ass on both occasions. One was a major Washington political figure (a Democrat, for God’s sake) who was enraged that somebody was clearly trying to frame me. After enduring a two year investigation (surveillance, my wife lost her job, my career was ended) he made one phone call and the next day the Director of the FBI ordered the bogus investigation shut down; I have the memo as it slipped through a FOIA request I made. 5000 documents of which 4900 were denied and most of the rest blacked out. The one little note slipped past the censors. I laughed my ass off. And I had the last laugh. I actually received a medal and an apology from my organization and then went off and got my dream job. Life is funny.

July 20, 2015 11:15 am

Sometimes I wonder if Trump just knows too much and he understands that most americans simply can’t handle the truth, which gets him in trouble all the time.

Maverick another Tokyo Rose, really?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 20, 2015 11:26 am

Trump and Ms Jenner have a lot in common, both are playing parts for the owners agendas. Trump trips over his dick and Bruce hides his in the swimsuit shot which is all very scripted and handled by the PTB. Only suckers fall for this crap.

Again, why do we keep discussing this guy, he is not a serious candidate?

July 20, 2015 11:30 am

Bea, absolutely. Playing a part. A bullshit theater to distract and destroy the opposition.

July 20, 2015 1:59 pm

“Mass expulsions”, Mr. K? Hitler tried that one, albeit in the insane fashion that characterized his thinking and actions. Be careful what you wish for, if that’s for what you’re wishing; scapegoating has consequences. “Time out”, however, is an idea whose time has come.

As for Mr. McC and Mr. T (“I pity the fool”), well, the less said, the better.

July 20, 2015 3:02 pm

maybe he was a hero at one time and still is, but he is also a dangerous scumbag as a senator

July 20, 2015 4:15 pm

Msm wants Trump to cry and say sorry on all tv shows like Paula Dean.He is not taking the bait.You go Trump!

July 20, 2015 5:18 pm

sez’ the dickless wonder who voted for Obama twice.Yawn,,,maybe it’s time Kunty the attention whore join ranks with Caitlyn…they’d make a nice couple.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 20, 2015 5:38 pm

Reason # 647 we need to seal the US-Mexico border:

So far, the only candidate saying that is El Donaldo. No wonder El Chapo has it out for Trump.

July 20, 2015 6:26 pm

Fuck McStain and his little cock-a-poo Lindsay.
I think Admin is right; it’ll be Jeb vs Hillery. Trump is sideshow.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 20, 2015 9:53 pm

Little ole coyote never got on the Trump train or the anti-Trump train. The Chump is funny but a lot of truth is said in jest. Mexico has a lot of engineering work while the USA has a lot of Mcburgerflipper jobs. Trump might be channeling Perot next about a giant sucking sound.

What to do? as Sensetti might ask. While Americans bask in the glory hole of their whiteness, Mexicans are at work on auto, aircraft and helo parts. Yes, they are dumb, with lower IQ’s than your average hillbilly, but the jobs are dumbed down, thanks to American know-how. But then it is always so that Americans innovate and the lower races emulate, because, hey, we’re dumb, not stupid.

As long as The Donald keeps beating up on the failed pols; they couldn’t pass an immigration bill in 15 years, yet they passed Obamacare which Hillary couldn’t pass way back when, I will root for him, I don’t care what Geo Lopez says.

July 20, 2015 10:44 pm

Thats a very good point El. Mexicans truly are dumb as shit. Something I have to disagree with you on though is about the typical beaner’s mechanical ability. Yes, they can work wonders with baling twine and duct tape, but would you ever let one touch a lexus? Hell no.

July 20, 2015 10:44 pm

EC- I’m having a senior moment……which thread did I leave you a message asking about the sexy Mullata? Late last night.

July 20, 2015 10:48 pm

Llpoh doppler at (10:44). Actually pretty funny Loopey. Billy might even laugh.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 21, 2015 12:23 am

I was asking for it too, just stirring the pot. I guess Billy done shot his wad, you can’t rile him up anymore.

Glad to see old Llpoh is still around.

July 21, 2015 12:32 am

EC- Llpoh can be really funny and a great poster, also glad he is still here. He is still mad at me over a few threads but he will forgive me one of these days.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 21, 2015 1:16 am

Bea – Admin doesn’t publish the rules but you get familiar with them as you hang out:
1. Never promote tax evasion or other criminal acts around LLPOH
2. Do not come out in favor of legal ganja on an SSS article
3. Don’t treat T4C lightly or disrespect her
4. Do not ever say to Stuck, “You so crazy..” He will not see it as a compliment.
5. Don’t preach racial harmony to Billy.
6. Never admit that you think bb is funny
7. Never post drunk
8. If your pissed off, go rub one out before posting a rant, unless your in the midst of a shitfest.

July 21, 2015 1:16 am

What’s the difference between a beaner and a park bench?

The park bench can support a family of four. Hehe. Bet you don’t even get it.

So suck on a juicy turd you brown skinned diabetic mexican limp dicked retard. I’ll kick the livin shit out of every non white here.

July 21, 2015 1:49 am

Bea – not mad at you. You just went a bit crazy for a while, and I tend to avoid crazy these days. But I have noticed your posts, and you are add value.

EC – you are a real hoot. At least re the posts I can understand, that is. Following your posts can be like trying to count how many minnows in a school. That is half the fun of it. I agree with your list above, except for #7. Posting drunk is definitely something everyone should do every so often.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
July 21, 2015 5:55 pm

Trump is a rich loose cannon that the SOB’s keep F’n with so keep passing and packing the powder for him because he hates the SOB’s too. Ronald Regan, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, David Duke etc have all been there too.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 21, 2015 8:56 pm

Bob, Old Trump is showing the professional politicos how it’s done. Stories are as important as ideas and these failed people are bereft of both. They have have grown accustomed to being elected. They have abandoned their job, confident that they will be re-elected simply because they are congressmen or senators, as the WSJ once said of Poppy Bush, he expects to get the job because he is the incumbent.

These folks never appear in front of the cameras unless it is time to campaign for the job once more. Meanwhile, the Donald is engaging the American people. He is calling a spade a spade, kicking ass and naming names. The incumbents are incensed to be disturbed from their customary afternoon ball-scratching session.

They are busy consulting with one another trying to decide what actionable plans they can come up with to squelch the Donald. They will have to remind deluded the deluded crazies following the Chump that Washington doesn’t work for America. They work for Wall Street, the Donald is barking up the wrong tree, he’s crazy. He is spouting populist bullshit that threatens to activate the great unwashed masses.

It’s too fucking late to stick the finger back in the dyke. The bitch is awake and there ain’t no coffee made.

July 21, 2015 9:07 pm

Bill Clinton Tells Jeb Bush, “This Trump Thing Will Be Taken Care Of.”

“It’s said that Hillary Clinton wants nothing to do with Donald Trump. To most they just call him a clown, but privately they’re afraid of him. The Clinton team doesn’t fear Jeb Bush because they know what they are up against and that lack of fear is mutual among the Bush operation as well. They both run in similar circles politically and financially, so it’s a choice of shades of the same color and that’s how they want to keep it.”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 21, 2015 9:28 pm

Stuck, two points:
1. I like your bible classes. Ordinarily, I do not care for Christian preachers or Christian writers, they don’t teach me much more than I already heard a few times. bb has a novel spin on the gospel and that is interesting to me.
2. George Lopez appears to be reviving his flaccid career with this Donald backlash among Hispanics. I don’t follow opportunistic rabble rousers. The fucker never said a damn thing when Katt Williams was savaging Mexicans. Why? Because he’s not real, the fucker put on a dress for KimKa, he’s as fake as Bruce.
3. I wonder why Bruce is now doing the same thing, must be the ball-cutter side of these bitches.
4. I might have to turn in my brown card. Fuck it, my old boss said, they can’t take away your birthday.

July 21, 2015 9:44 pm

EC- That looks more like four points.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 21, 2015 9:53 pm

“There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand:

July 21, 2015 11:26 pm

The Donald Doubles Down on His “McCain Not a War Hero” Statements

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Over the weekend, “the Donald” backed down on his attacks on McCain, calling “Hanoi John” a “war hero.”

However, Donald is not going to be able to close the can of worms he opened. Today, McCain is trying to wrap himself in the POW flag for cover. POWs had never been rock star heroes before, quite the opposite. These are people who surrendered to the enemy, people suspected of collaboration and worse. With Korea, POWs became the shame of America with many “brainwashed” into following communist doctrines.

American POWs from Vietnam were the bloody flag Richard Nixon wrapped himself in, on the advice of Henry Kissinger, part of a ploy to divert attention from his endless personal failings which included his agreement with North Vietnam that let them keep and later execute hundreds of American POWs. 1205 American POWs were kept by North Vietnam according to records recovered at the end of the Cold War. President’s Clinton and Yeltsin instituted a search of Russia’s gulags looking for their remains with no success. In 1993, armed with testimony from a former high ranking Czech security official, I proposed a systematic search of archives in Prague that recorded the fate of 200 missing US POWs from Vietnam but was blocked by Senator John McCain.

33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs. McCain was on the list of the 33, in fact at the head of it.

Here are the facts as we know them:

According to Colonel Ted Guy, John McCain’s commander as a POW, McCain collaborated with the enemy.
McCain is accused of giving information that led to the downing of 60 US aircraft
McCain is accused of training North Vietnamese air defense personnel
McCain is accused of making over 30 propaganda broadcasts against the US, broadcasts he moved to have classified when he was elected to the senate
These 4 accusations are the only real and supportable accusations against McCain. The evidence for these acts exists and is substantial. What is stranger still is McCain’s longtime war against veterans, other POWs and their families. When John was a bit younger and better capable of looking after himself, he was often both verbally and physically abusive to POW families, POW activists and veterans. We hear nothing of these brutal outbursts of McCain’s though they continue to this day, now taken as the ravings of a mental defective.

The door Donald opened should be kept open. We need to examine the POW phenomenon. After Vietnam, we allowed Nixon to glorify POWs while abandoning hundreds. The facts came to light during the late 1990s when tapes of conversations between Nixon and Kissinger were made public, for moments, with Kissinger admitting that American POWS held outside North Vietnam, in Laos, Cambodia and the South, were purposefully not included in the agreements, a number Kissinger put at over 200.

These tapes were cleaned from the media and are not available to even researchers, were such interested parties to exist, which they do not.

Vietnam was a useless war. I served in Vietnam as a Marine combat infantryman and know the war well close up.

Those of us that served felt abused and exploited and suffered far worse at the hands of Nixon and subsequent leaders who backed away from those of us who served as honorably as possible while engaging in a nutty frenzy of POW worship.

Trump is right, those who surrender are generally not heroes. Some were however, like Ted Guy, a man taken on the ground fighting, killing 4 of his captors.

Guy, however, is only one of many thousands, many many thousands, from Vietnam that should have received some aspect of recognition in a war where many more thousands lived like gods. Vietnam was a scam, drugs, prostitution, black market, the best food and hottest parties in the world for many who came home from the war with medals on their chests for doing nothing whatsoever.

I might add, the Saigon press club war correspondents were the worst of all, living like kings on little boys and little girls while being occasionally flown for “10 minutes of war” with a general, then back to the clubs and brothels. They all should have been locked in FEMA camps, were such things to exist.

As for the Donald, he should demand that, minimally, the American public be able to hear McCain’s broadcasts and see the records of his debriefing and read the statements made against him by other POWs, including and especially Colonel Ted Guy.

This man, if you wish to call him that, “McCain” has been allowed to destroy America’s security for two generations, along with friends like “light loafer Lindsey” Graham and others.

In one instance alone, the F35, McCain has personally destroyed America’s defense capabilities for 25 years. This is his plane, his project, his monstrosity.

There hasn’t been a defense scam in decades that hasn’t had his hand prints on it. Time for Trump to get serious and show some backbone. McCain is a hard target, time for Trump to stop bashing the easy guys and take this one on.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 22, 2015 12:17 am

Trump’s now in first place in Iowa. Yeah, he hit a bump. It was Scott Walker’s carcass. If dumbshit Walker had promised a border fence a month ago, he’d be the one in first place in Iowa and nationwide.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 22, 2015 1:06 am

Iska, here we were looking at a bunch of dudes vying for a Mr Congeniality award. We had the choice of several bland golden retrievers courting the American Penelope.

Then Trump blasts in like Ulysses to claim his rightful due. This guy is no bland doggie, no community organizer seeking to take up the mantle of Millard Fillmore.

He may not be the best candidate with the most proper wife, she’s no Teresa Heinz, but we can be fairly certain she is female.

July 22, 2015 1:49 am

Iska, the debates may be epic. Trump is going to be front and center, and full of himself. He’s also a big, imposing guy, and c capable of scorching any of the chumps standing beside him on a whim. Don’t know that jeb! is up to the challenge, really

July 22, 2015 1:52 am

EC, a commenter on ZH said it best. You can’t say a trump presidency won’t change anything. We would have a hot first lady.

July 22, 2015 2:08 am

starfcker says:

EC, a commenter on ZH said it best. You can’t say a trump presidency won’t change anything. We would have a hot first lady.

The first since Frances Cleveland, anyway.