Question of the Day, August 10

Do you eat GMO food? Why or why not?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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August 10, 2015 10:09 am

All our food has been genetically altered. Corn used to be 3″ long. Plants have been bred for higher production, length of growing season, drought resistance. Same for beef and chickens. We would never has the size eggs, or large chicken breasts.

August 10, 2015 10:21 am

Everyone does. Even certified organic farms cannot completely prevent cross contamination.

August 10, 2015 10:24 am

Of course we do!

“Currently, up to 93% of U.S. corn is genetically engineered, as are 94% of soybeans and 96% of cotton (cottonseed oil is often used in food products). It has been estimated that upwards of 75% of processed foods on supermarket shelves – from soda to soup, crackers to condiments – contain genetically engineered ingredients.”

BTW …. 93% of corn ….. and corn is in practically EVERYTHING.

August 10, 2015 10:34 am

Corn and its byproducts are in literally tens of thousands of items. Here are some of the more unusual ones;

Gas and Oil, Gypsum Drywall, Adhesives, Cosmetics, Abrasives , Absorbents, Binders, Wax paper and Waxed Cardboard, Bio-engineered Bone and Gum Tissue, Splenda and Equal, Hand Soap, Windex, Varnish, Toothpaste, Matches, Paving Bricks, Coated Aspirin, Tires, Jelly Beans, Licorice, Molded Plastics, Spark Plugs, Diapers

August 10, 2015 10:39 am

It is true that all our foods are genetically engineered to some degree, but there is a point I refuse to cross.

I will not eat broccoflower.

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August 10, 2015 10:59 am

“Stucky, I eat 0 corn.” ———– Back in PA Mike

Are you sure about that?

You never use Ketchup? What about beef … CORN FED beef? Do you check the labels on every food item to make sure it doesn’t have HFCS? You don’t eat grits, popcorn, or tacos? You don’t eat foods made with starches or baking powder? None of your foods contain citric acid or fructose?

Maybe you have answers for all of the above. I can keep going … because corn, in one form or another, appears in literally THOUSANDS of food / drink items. Unless you’re eating a carrot grown in your own garden, it’s virtually impossible to not consume corn.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 10, 2015 11:28 am

Stucky- Per your response to Mike, you can buy fresh NON-GMO corn at Trader Joes and Lucky’s Market, you can buy grits from Meyenberger that are NON-GMO. It can be done if you try and yes we know that corn is in everything but you have to be picky about what you put in your mouth. If you are a popcorn and taco fan that is out there in NON-GMO availability also.

People should be very worried about the Chinese processed meat that is in everything in the restaurants and frozen foods also. I buy grassfed beef from the Amish or at Trader joes.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 10, 2015 12:29 pm

If humans stopped cultivating corn it would be gone in 10 years. Stop watering that shit.

August 10, 2015 12:30 pm

It’s impossible to completely avoid … but I try.

August 10, 2015 1:08 pm

We ALL eat it.

I limit my own exposure to processed foods (in any way, including freezing and canning in commercial plants located outside this country and outside the laws that have decimated OUR industry).

There is no way around it.

Personally, I think magical thinking about health science, doctors and pharmaceuticals is killing more of us now.

The sad thing is it is all the chemicals and unknown consequences of playing God with our food supply that sends us to the doctors to begin with.

August 10, 2015 1:12 pm

@Dutchman, way to provide cover for the chemical corporations that have destroyed our food supply (and someday it won’t be able to be covered up, but they won’t be blaming our starvation on the truth anyway) and health.

Tweaking genes to survive chemicals that kill plants is NOT the same as combining plants to get them to produce offspring with better traits.

People that so blindly believe the marketing agenda as science are helping these bastards kill our children and ruin our way of life.

Just with basic nutrition alone these “plants” maybe feeding us, but they sure as HELL aren’t providing the nutrition and fuel to make strong, healthy humans.

Our life expectancies have already begun to revert to mean. You probably won’t be around to see the suffering, but sadly my children will.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 10, 2015 1:17 pm

What if I want some spider DNA? Have you people never seen Spiderman?

August 10, 2015 1:20 pm

Most of our food supply is GMO contaminated, which may or may not be a worse problem than the hundreds of untested food additives in the processed food on the store shelves. USDA organic is a joke because non-organic ingredients are allowed. PBA, which released an estrogen-like compound from the plastic lining of food cans was replaced by another plastic which is now reported to release a similar chemical. That might be OK for post-menopausal women, but not so great for the rest of us.
AS phoolish observes, “it is impossible to completely avoid”. Unless you live on an isolated organic farm all you can do is buy organic when possible, buy local, and try to avoid the worst stuff. Just check out what the most obese people put in their shopping carts if you don’t already have a clue.

August 10, 2015 1:51 pm

I would eat that orange kiwi thing. Looks pretty good

August 10, 2015 2:00 pm

I just drank a 20oz Mountain Dew and eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.You tell me.Do I eat genetically modified GMO food ?Little bb eat a can of tuna.He stil looks and acts like a cat.

August 10, 2015 2:11 pm

@bb, your soda addiction is going to kill you.

I’ll bet that right now you are dealing with multiple effects of your addiction that you blame on everything else (including age, Satan, and your ex)

I was lucky in that the toxins built up to the point I could no longer deny the results. I had no clue I had so many symptoms as I believed the for-profit marketing and scientists that told me lies about everything from heartburn to dandruff to high blood pressure and body fat.

I pray for you often @bb. Peace.

August 10, 2015 3:44 pm

Thank you , TE

August 10, 2015 4:02 pm

When we eat food, we absorb the elements contained in the food.

We do not ingest the DNA.

August 10, 2015 5:28 pm

Corn (as we know it) became a food staple to the native tribes of South American and the North American Southwest over many generations, as tribes selected the types of seed from the plants producing the cobs with the most grain and even cross pollinating varieties to modify taste and plant size (a lot of very scientific stuff going on in those days.) Corn was chosen over beans because it is an almost perfect substitute for protein… containing at least some of all 9 essential amino acids the body needs to produce protein, the building block for human growth. (There are actually 20 amino acids in protein; the body can manufacture 11) When corn is combined with almost any variety of beans or nut, most people can survive without meat in their diet for long periods of time.

Now, did they know this? I think they probably did know it on some level, which is why when they transitioned from hunter/gatherer to a more stable agrarian lifestyle, they began to store corn and beans in large supply to protect against lean winters when game (protein) weren’t available.

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The real issue that makes me wonder is this: The native Americans had developed this wonderful food crop which they shared with the “visitors” from the sea (remember the stories of the Pilgrims being shown how to plant corn so they could have a nice Thanksgiving feast together?). A couple hundred years later, all the chemical fertilizers in the world aren’t enough to force enough production out of a stalk of corn to make it profitable enough for farmers. They had to go and modify the plant so that instead of the 60 bushels an acre farmers like my father was delighted to bring into the barn when I was a kid, farmers are harvesting upwards of 200 bushels an acre of perfectly formed ears of corn that are insect resistant, weed resistant and, if I understand this correctly, if fed to animals, full of the antibiotics needed to prevent parasites in corn-fed cattle and poultry. And since most of the corn crop is for “other” food production, not direct to the Jolly Green Giant package to your freezer, all kinds of other ingredients are added long before it ever even hits the shelf.

We eat our cousins corn from their garden. They plant a hybrid variety that we like.. However, it is not a Monsanto product and is not insect resistant, so we have to go out and keep it free of ear worms.. I’m not exactly sure how Monsanto makes their plants insect resistant and every time I try to ask any of the “big time” farmers I actually know about using GMO seed, they get REALLY defensive. Which tells me they are feeling a bit guilty.

But, they have $100,000 tractors and $250,000 combines to pay for and we just have a few garden tools. Farming isn’t a mom and pop thing any more. It takes a lot of money to run one of these big farms.

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But there is some really big money in it now. Especially with all the farm subsidies and insurance the government is willing to let the farmers buy on their crops. One of the farmers who lives closest to my father’s place says he never worries about the “what ifs” anymore… the big farmers are guaranteed NOT TO FAIL if they just follow the rules laid down by the Feds. It is a brave new world..

August 10, 2015 5:59 pm

The definition of an insecticide is that if bugs ingest it they die. Round up Ready corn kills bugs when they eat it. It is an insecticide. Enough said. I will do my best to avoid eating an insecticide. It comes from the same people who told us that Agent Orange and Roundup would not hurt us.
The FDA does not test GMOs. That is the responsibility of the manufacturer who does not make the data accessible to outside scientists nor are they require to tell us if it is unsafe. The FDA says it is safe because Monsanto tells them it is safe and because Monsanto spends beau coup bucks on lobbying our politicians to prevent us from knowing if it is in our foods. They also Lobby Congress to make themselves not responsible for finding out in the future that it has caused damage to humans

August 10, 2015 9:35 pm

B says: …. Round up Ready corn kills bugs when they eat it.

Round Up Ready Corn or any other Round Up Ready crop means that the herbicide roundup can be sprayed on the field with minimal damage to the crop while killing most or all of the surrounding weeds.

August 10, 2015 10:07 pm

B says: …. Round up Ready corn kills bugs when they eat it.

That may seem like a good reason to some, but I don’t like corn…thx for enforcing my belief.
Beeb’s stop giving that cat tuna, it is not natural to their diet and will fuck them up. Get canned chicken instead.

Gubmint Cheese
Gubmint Cheese
August 10, 2015 10:33 pm



August 10, 2015 11:09 pm

You know this battle with Monsanto increasing the mass pesticide and herbicide with mass chemicals including the Round Up is causing humans to intake high levels of chemicals through the food intake itself. It is all unsustainable due to several factors such as more than 500 insect resistance to chemicals, increasing more dangerous mixes, making farms rely or die on Monsanto’s new and improved chemical mixes which causes more problems. There is also the factor of mass ag depleting the old fashion way of rebuilding and replacing nutrience through crop rotation, compost and rest for crops. That’s how we survived. The new age ag just takes, does not replace nor return and relies n chemicals for mass substitute. This all has an end within a prox of 20 years. Adapt now before you really go without.

August 11, 2015 12:37 am

I have been “told” but can’t confirm and haven’t even tried to research it… but have been told that land that has been treated with Monsanto products for multiple years can’t produce unless Monsanto seed and herbicide is used on that soil. The person who told me said that they tried to grow something else on that piece of ground and couldn’t.

Not only do they patent their seed so that you can’t save it and plant it yourself, they apparently are able to ruin your soil so you have to buy their seed.

Again, I don’t know that is true, but it sounds true. And I don’t know why this guy would lie.

August 11, 2015 9:22 am

I don’t knowingly eat GMO products, but it’s hard to know what is and what isn’t.

Show me some lifetime studies -I’d settle for 50 year studies which is close enough- that prove them safe and maybe I’ll willingly eat them.

August 11, 2015 11:55 am

@Anon, you don’t have to trust in scientific results, you just have to contol the scientists, seems like Stalin said something similar about voting.

@Maggie, very, very, true. Which is why Haiti, and a couple of the brighter/less corrupted African nations have thus far kept Monsanto’s charity out. Once they found out that, basically, from the day they plant the first “donated” seed, their entire food supply lies in the hands of a corporation, and shocking for many that consider these countries ignorant of “less than,” I believe they have made right decision.

And, the words “corn fed cattle” should NEVER be uttered by anyone that gives a crap about the earth, bloodlines or their own health. Cattle were made to eat GRASS, not corn, which is barely digestible by OUR systems.

And we wonder why we 1 out of 3 of us are getting cancer. Makes me believe we would have been better off with less food at more expensive prices in the long run. Instead of paying more to have healthy, diverse, food supplies, we insist on more food at less nutrition and will never, ever, open our eyes and realize we traded the occasional measles death for millions of cases of cancer, or the occasional skipped meal for millions of cases of diabetes, pain, suffering and death. At least those that died from measles only suffered for a short while, and not for years at the hands of medical corporations.

August 13, 2015 12:16 pm

@TE, any chance you can give me a good source to use to supplement some research I’m doing on Monsanto products and the health of beehives in the region? In spite of the recent article claiming bees are thriving in the age of Roundup, I have some anecdotal evidence to the contrary and have been doing some research, hoping to determine if the problem correlates to the use of the pesticides themselves OR to the increased plantings of GMO crops. I know there will be no “proof” to be had, but if you could at least point me in the right direction to support the claim that the Monsanto seed actually alters the soil?