She’s just big boned with a slow metabolism. She’s still beautiful with her dozens of hideous tattoos as she gorges herself on triple cheeseburgers, super sized fries and a diet Coke.

Via Knuckledraggin

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September 7, 2015 7:58 am

I told my wife, before we got married, change your weight and you can change your address. I have nothing against the grazers at The Country Buffet, but I don’t want to share a bed with one. Perhaps we have no right being selective when w live in the world’s second fattest country. It’s no accident that Playboy never did a spread on “The Girls of Walmart”.

September 7, 2015 7:59 am

Lipstick on a pig …..

September 7, 2015 8:10 am

I get the gist of what she said. Be happy in your own skin. That’s fair enough.

but why hide behind euphamisms like ‘plus sized’ when you’re a corpulant fatty boombah? Own it girl.

September 7, 2015 8:50 am

Notice trans women and heavy women have meticulous make up, and nails.Maybe to draw the eye?

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 7, 2015 8:55 am

“WE decide what to do with our bodies…”.

Yeah, give yourself all those future health problems, fat girl. Chose to shorten your life. That’s no role model.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 7, 2015 9:04 am

The expression that always comes to mind when I read these expositories is “whistling past the graveyard”. She understands that what she is doing is wrong, but she wants your approval to do it because the weight of carrying that responsibility is simply too much for one person to bear, no pun intended.

We hold some people up for their suicidal behaviors- like Audie Murphy- because they survive them and in doing so make it possible for others to live. It is almost understandable, however people like Tess Holiday are slow motion suicides that take lives with them, kind of a contra-hero(ine). The costs to society for her slow and deliberate slide into ill health and eventual death from self-inflicted heart disease/diabetes/organ failure/etc. will be, like her body, enormous. That she fails to address this fundamental reality in any way, or her squandering of resources that could sustain others, points to her other failures as a human being- her lack of social responsibility, her selfishness, greed, sloth, etc.

By making the demand that others recognize her beauty in the face of her offenses is, in and of itself, another symbol of the sickness that pervades our present culture. She isn’t hideous because of her girth, but because of her complete and utter lack of responsibility as a human being.

September 7, 2015 11:13 am

Yet more examples of how delusional, narcissistic, self-centered, and inconsequential the vast majority of our fellow citizens truly are.

At least I know, in my heart, that people like her will be clogging up the works and taking the gist/focus of most of the government after the fall.

Taking a walk around my neighborhood, it is really easy to pick out those that will be queued up and protesting if the Twinkie deliveries come to a halt.

I don’t have to the best prepared, the healthiest, nor the fastest. I just have to be more prepared, healthier and faster than the 80% of my neighbors that will in no way be able to survive if the shipments from China stop, or drastically slow.

Things that bring me peace. Who’ld thunk.

September 7, 2015 11:24 am

rich, the only person more pathetic than you is your wife for not kicking you out the door for a statement like that. There are lots of reasons a person can gain weight or their appearance can change that they have no control over. Would you kick your wife out because she gained more weight than you find pleasing while pregnant? Would you kick your wife out because she gained weight due to taking steroids for asthma or antidepressants for severe depression? Would you kick your wife out because she was disfigured in a fire or accident? You are a horrible, shallow person for making your wife’s appearance a condition of your marriage.

If this girl’s weight is due to a choice rather than a medical condition, then yes, she is making a poor health choice. But lots of people make poor health choices: smoking, not wearing seatbelts, eating gmo foods, getting vaccinated, taking statins for cholesterol, etc. You probably make poor choices every day. Why chastise this girl just because her poor choice is more obvious than yours?

September 7, 2015 11:31 am

What a shame. Such a beautiful face lost behind all that fat- she really does have a very pretty face, and if she lost that weight and exercised, she’d be model material.. I look at this young woman, and visualize all that fat twisting and stressing the tiny little bones of her wrists and ankles and knees- I have news for her, but she is SMALL-boned, and weighs about 100 lbs over her optimal weight. Never mind the layers of fat clogging her arteries. 10 extra pounds stresses your knees and ankles, as I know from experience, and I don’t want to think what that extra 100 lbs is doing to hers.

The real tragedy is that she doesn’t even intend to try to change her habits and shed that weight. She’s too busy trying to justify it to herself. She has no idea how much better she’d feel and how walking around with even 10 or 15 extra pounds is like spending 24 hours lugging sacks of groceries around.

September 7, 2015 11:32 am

Excuse me,she wouldn’t be model material except for a tattoo parlor.

I agree with those who think that tattoos are a symptom of self-hatred.

You can’t save someone who hates herself enough to do that to herself.

September 7, 2015 11:41 am

What a fat, useless piece of shit. She’s the kind that thinks it’s ok to bark orders at her mate too, if she had one.

September 7, 2015 11:43 am

Oh, and to a raven, if some of us wanted four hundred pounds to marry, we would have brought that to the altar. We can’t always be filled with Enuff pride to pack that fat ass around.

September 7, 2015 11:56 am

Much to my disappointment, there are many fatties here in heaven. I think it has to do with all the free shit we get here.

Miss y’all!

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 7, 2015 11:59 am

I despise fat chicks. They are that way because of a lack of discipline. Like Rich, I told my wife, turn into a pig and I am outa here. I will not sleep with a land whale. My wife weighs exactly what she weighred the day we married, 28 years ago. Lard asses and fat slobs are not to be pitied. As for tyring to disguise blubber butts as “big-boned” or “Plus Size”, pardon me while I barf.

September 7, 2015 12:03 pm

Bring your Barf Bag !!!!

September 7, 2015 12:08 pm

Laugh at me, mock me, call me nasty names …. but, I’d rather cuddle with the fattie than this …

[imgcomment image[/img]

Wouldn’t you??? (If you’re a guy …. but lesbians feel free to comment)

September 7, 2015 12:13 pm

“Who gives a shit!” ——— this guy REALLY nails her delusional Fat Ass

September 7, 2015 12:16 pm

If you really believe weight is a choice why wouldn’t you choose to be a healthy weight? Something isn’t right between her ears.

September 7, 2015 12:18 pm

@Chicago, the fat alone is proof of her own self-hatred. No difference between at the bottom heroin junkies, or alcoholics, or your garden variety hypochondriacs. They all think they are “loving” their “true” selves, reality is that they so hate themselves it manifests itself physically into destructive behavior.

To the wife-owners above, do YOU both weigh the same as you did you when you married?

I’ve had two husbands like you. Guys that made it clear their own ego’s were more important than anything, including my health. I just knew if I got cancer, or was in a disfiguring accident, that the door would be slamming on our marriage. Have to say that made it a helluva lot easier to assess the true status of our relationships and then dump their narcissistic asses.

If your entire marriage is contingent/based on the superficial aspects of the human body, you must have quite the bleak soul.

My hub has promised that he will “divorce any woman that gets a tattoo”. Guess what is tops of my list for things to do in the next year or so?

I’m so done with superficial, petty, bigoted, assholes. So freaking done. Jesus said love God, then your neighbors, spewing hatred, ignorance, bigotry and hatred is a funny way of following his example and plan.

God bless your wives. Sounds like they need it.

September 7, 2015 12:20 pm

“We decide what to do with our bodies”-great. I wonder how she’d feel if the rest of us decided that she ALONE should pay the enormous cost of her health care.

September 7, 2015 1:04 pm

Good post, TE.

May I suggest you use body paint, and just tell the hubbie who you clearly detest, that it is a tattoo. Body paints are fun and you wash them off the next day. Beats me that the tattoo freaks don’t use them instead. In addition to being reversible, they’re a lot cheaper. Do you have any freakin’ idea what a tattoo sleeve costs? Last I heard, a sleeve with lots of colors and patterns was about $4,000.

Believe me, your dipshit husband isn’t worth spending many $$ permanently disfiguring yourself. There are easier ways to get rid of him.

September 7, 2015 1:09 pm

Most of y’all are misinterpreting her post. It is not about choosing to be fat. It is that regardless of her body shape or size she is going to adorn it (or not) in a way that pleases her. Her post is about choosing clothes and makeup, not about choosing her body size.

Stucky, I’m not a lesbian, but I find the anorexic much more objectionable than the fatties. All those bones sticking out are highly unattractive and she looks exceedingly unhealthy and unhappy. As a woman I am much more concerned about the personality and soul/spirit of the men that I’m involved with than their shape or size. Years ago one of my friends had a significantly overweight boyfriend. He was a pleasant person and hugging him was like hugging a nice comfy teddy bear (I don’t know any further specifics, I don’t poach off of my friends). The boyfriend went on a diet and exercise kick and lost the extra weight. He was also so vain about his “improved” looks he lost his pleasant personality and turned into a real jackass. I’d much rather have the teddy bear than the jackass. I’m very fortunate to have a husband that loves me for my soul/spirit rather than anything so ephemeral as weight or looks – unlike most of the jackasses posting here.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 7, 2015 1:17 pm

TE says: To the wife-owners above, do YOU both weigh the same as you did you when you married?

They must be all of 18 since that is the post-teen attitude of adolescents. When they fail to mature beyond the teen years, they end up as habitual bar patrons well into their 50’s. They have been married at least two times before and their current GF is a three-time loser, a woman who can no longer legally marry in that state because the county clerk will not issue her another temporary-marriage license. They sport beer bellies and mullets. They listen to classic rock and roll, some country and will tolerate an occasional disco-era beegees song so they can get up and clown around like Travolta.

September 7, 2015 1:39 pm

More room for ink.

September 7, 2015 2:15 pm

I’ve had two husbands like you. – TE

Perhaps it’s time to recognize the common thread and place responsibility where it’s due?

If someone keeps getting drunk and wrapping their car around random trees, do you blame the trees?

do YOU both weigh the same as you did you when you married?

Of course not. That’s not the point. My wife can gain 6 ounces and “not weight the same as when we were married”… the point is that you marry a girl, you expect her to take care of herself. The reciprocal is understood – that I take care of myself.

If she let herself go and gorged on Twinkies, Ho-Ho’s and Ritter Sport chocolate bars, gained 200 pounds and turned into a fucking land whale/fat blob? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t stick around. I’ve already proven that when confronted with medical issues, I will move Heaven and Earth to take care of her. But scarfing down McFüde until your ass looks like 300 lbs of chewed bubble gum? Uh… no. Sorry.

After almost 20 years of marriage, my wife still has a great figure. After the birth of our son, she took it on herself to lose the weight she gained during pregnancy. She’s within 10 pounds of her weight when we were first married. It’s a pride thing.

She has stood by me through some dark-assed times… times when I was in full-on despair. Felt abandoned by the Almighty and beyond His grace. She stood by me every minute and never once thought about eying the door.

I’ve got cancer. Still. I lost my thyroid gland a long time ago. My metabolism is shot to shit. On a good day, I can work around the farm. On a bad day, I lay supine and scream. Thankfully, there’s more good days than bad, but the bad still happen now and again…

In return, I take pains to watch what I eat, how much I eat and am fairly heath conscious. I’m close to my fighting weight – you can’t lose your thyroid and not gain a few pounds – and I keep myself neat, clean and free of fucking nasty-assed tats.. She didn’t marry a fat fucking slob and I refuse to be one. THAT’S what this article is about…

Fat fucking blobs have control issues. It is the rare exception where someone has an inoperable brain tumor that affects their weight that much… most are simply emotionally bankrupt/eat-to-fill-the-emptiness fat fucking blobs. They get tats to draw attention to themselves – the “LOOKSIT MEEE!” syndrome – and if you criticize them in any way, well then you must be one of those Evil Male Patriarchs and a Muh-sojinist!

No, we’re not women-haters. Simply put, 300lb fucking blob women with nasty tats make us nauseous…

[imgcomment image[/img]

Rather have a truly beautiful woman who ages well than the above disgusting POS fat fuck…

September 7, 2015 2:33 pm

Flabulous BOB(Big O Babe). I can see it on my headstone now “Cause of death, muffacation”.

September 7, 2015 2:34 pm


Because she insists that we honor her choice and call it beauty.

I don’t know of anyone that smokes, has heart disease, etc. that wants to go around proclaiming the honor and goodness of their choices. They all know they made bad choices and will tell you they did.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 7, 2015 2:47 pm

OK, Billy and TE to your corners.
TE is a responsible person who is wonderfully good looking with an appealing fat to muscle ratio, boob to butt balance and wrinkle to weight tradeoff.
Billy is not a woman hating slob, he is an outspoken defender of the classic BMI popularly introduced in the early ’70s.

September 7, 2015 4:53 pm

Araven, it has been my experience that those who cannot control what goes into their mouths, can’t control what comes out of their mouths. As far as marriage is concerned, it is a contract. Only a fool doesn’t negotiate a contract before signing. Weight and health go hand in hand, and that was something my wife and I agreed upon before we got married.

We’ve been married for three decades. My wife is 15 years younger than I. She works a demanding, high paying job, goes to crossfit three times a week, runs most public races and is a competitive dancer. She takes this health stuff very seriously. I do all the cooking. I take this health stuff very seriously. I am a gym rat, who, with a bag over a face that looks like the rough side of a mountain, could be mistaken for a late 20 something athlete. I still have a sixpack, while most of my bubba friends have kegs.

With the exception of those folks with serious health issues, the bodies we have are due to the choices we have made. I could teach anyone, who wanted to learn, how to get back to fighting weight in two to three months. Letting oneself go to fat is a conscious choice. My wife and I chose not to make that choice. Our children have learned to make the right dietary choices by the examples we set for them.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 7, 2015 5:04 pm

Please post more tunnies, Gosh, I miss AWD’s chubbies pictorials.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 7, 2015 5:06 pm

Muffacation, gives me a chubby just thinking about it. Thanks, Cantbear

September 7, 2015 5:17 pm

rich, what you’re saying now is very different from what you started with. So what would you do if your wife got a serious health condition or a serious mental condition? One that turned her into an ugly freak or an overweight blob? Would you stick with her or would you be an asshat and dump her for an even younger healthy model?

September 7, 2015 5:27 pm

I was a fatfuk once. I got shingles, which was brutally painful. So, I just stuffed my face and drank a few barrels of whiskey. I gained 20 pounds in the span of a couple months. It was not until my best buddy, a full Irishman, kept calling me fatbody, fatfuk, fatboy, and a few other colorful terms, that I decided to reverse things. Verbal abuse works among men. He has ceased calling me such things as I approach my dating weight of 168 pounds. I still call him potato head.

I went on a caveman diet. No bread, whiskey, pasta, beans, sugar. I lost 20 pounds in 2 months. The first couple weeks are not fun. I lost another 10 pounds in the ensuing months. I started long forgotten karate exercises. I feel great.

This woman is a fatso, plain and simple. She should also shut her piehole. No one gives a flying fuck about her opinions.

September 7, 2015 5:28 pm

“If she let herself go and gorged on Twinkies, Ho-Ho’s and Ritter Sport chocolate bars, gained 200 pounds and turned into a fucking land whale/fat blob? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t stick around. ” ———-Billy

Then you don’t really love her. You love the IDEA of what she should be. You have expectations, and if they are not met …. SEE YA LATER! Is that what love is about? After all, aside from the weight, isn’t she still basically the SAME person inside?

Feel free to respond as viciously as you feel necessary. I can take it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 7, 2015 5:47 pm

This is the message that women hate to hear and it makes El Doggy’s segment. He says women have a responsibility to keep themselves in shape. Their only duties ought to be to take care of the house and take care of themselves by going to the gym and quit going out drinking like Zorras.

He says there is an epidemic of Zorrismo going on today: tattooed women drinking and going out dancing while granny takes care of the anchor babies. Women who fuck off all day and expect the hard-working hubs to take up the slack on the housework.

He warns men, young and old to make a full inspection, due diligence, and know what they are getting into when thinking of dating and eventually marrying a potential Zorra.
I do wish he had been around when I was an ass-chasing yute.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 7, 2015 5:49 pm

Nobody is giving me any feedback. Am I wasting my time off commenting here? Please let me know so I can, you know, fuck off.

September 7, 2015 6:10 pm

Having a fit body is the first sign of intelligence. Only a gluttonous dumbass lets themselves get grossly overweight. I’m all for making fat fucks pay to play, if you’re morbidly obese your health insurance should reflect that in a per-pound monthly increase, or percentage of body fat increase. Another novel idea would be to use the FEMA camps as fat farms. Round up all the fat fuckers and force them into a correctional exercise program, run them until they drop, use cattle prods as incentives for them to keep moving. The only problem is I don’t think there’s enough fit Americans to staff the camps.

September 7, 2015 6:24 pm

AWD would have loved this thread!!! He hated Fat Fucks!! Member?

September 7, 2015 7:00 pm

“Would you stick with her or would you be an asshat and dump her for an even younger healthy model?”

Araven, it’s hard to know how anyone can handle that kind of adversity, until it happens. My wife has gone through some things that totally freaked me out, but I stayed and supported her through her ordeals. The good news is, that she has stayed with me even though I am already a well accomplished asshat. As far as leaving her for someone younger, she’s already 15 years younger than I. The older I get, the less attracted I am to younger women, and any younger woman who wants me is one sick puppy.

September 7, 2015 9:06 pm

EC – if that is you and not a doppler, then of course you are not wasting your time. Just don’t be wanting your ego stroked. Get a dog for that. Around here, you get what you get.

September 7, 2015 9:27 pm
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 7, 2015 10:47 pm

Not my ego. Shit, if I wanted strokes I’d start playing to the choir. I can’t help being an asshat, I am not about to start letting shit slide, that is not the TBP way. No, I said – feedback.
Anybody? anybody? Beuhler?

Thanks, for the response LLPOH, I was going nuts here.

Jose Ramirez
Jose Ramirez
September 7, 2015 11:13 pm

Coyote where are all these zorras? Just curious, not that I would give a drunk chick a ride home. I have standards. They are flexible though.

September 7, 2015 11:14 pm

Maybe men should make fat ass prevention in their future wives a pre-nup. Get a contract signed by her and a lawyerfuc and frame it. Put copies on the fridge, on the headboard, on the closet. To make this fair, you can maybe agree to watch one movie a week with her on the Hallmark channel. Or just agree to go down on her three times a week instead. I’d go with the oral…..Hallmark….yech.

By the way, is that large woman from Mitchell, South Dakota, by any chance? I might have known her momma one night in the lot of a kicker bar that had truck parking.

No, I ain’t proud. Just anonymous.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 8, 2015 1:14 am

Lysander, I told the sexy mulatta that her brother in law asked me the stupidest question, he asked what does it feel like to bed a strange woman. The sexy mulatta laughed, he has no shame. I said that there isn’t a man that age who hasn’t committed an indiscretion at one time or another.

BTW, I read somewhere that fat chicks are the most popular porn subjects viewed online. Who knew?
I suspect chubby haters are not secure in their sexuality. They may have mommy issues.

September 8, 2015 1:50 am

El Dog says: I suspect chubby haters are not secure in their sexuality. They may have mommy issues.
Expand on your thought here, enlighten us

September 8, 2015 1:51 am

El Dog: quoting Stuckey’s porn preferences on fat chicks does not make a trend. Helloooo, WTF wrong with you?

September 8, 2015 2:30 am

How do those fat chicks wipe their own asses? Maybe some of the fat fucks among us can answer that.