Demolition 101 For (Truther) Dummies

The 9-11 Truth movement will send you on a wild goose chase in any of a thousand different directions. There is no claim or theory too wacko for them. Just the other day some wacko named Olga claimed that the two airplanes could have been guided to their precise impact points by “some sort of remote control or following a homing device”. It’s impossible to fight this kind of lunacy. And the worst part of this idiocy is that they demand that YOU prove them wrong!

We won’t allow that in this article. We control the debate, we ask the questions. In that regard, there is only ONE pertinent question; “Were the three building brought down via a controlled demolition?”. Everything else is irrelevant.

First on the agenda is a brief course in Building Demolition. No, I am not in that field. I am a researcher. The data comes from company websites whose business is demolition, college/university web pages, and science web pages.  

Second on the agenda are questions related to WTC collapses, and how it correlates with what you just learned about buildings being demolished. Let’s get started.

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One gets the feeling that Truthers think controlled demolition is an easy thing; drill a few holes, run some wires, hook up some dynamite, slap on some thermite just to be safe, then press a button and KABOOM! Nothing could be further from the truth. A building implosion is actually one of the most precisely planned, delicately balanced engineering feats you’ll ever see.

How Building Implosions Work

However, the primary underlying principle of explosive demolition is extremely simple: — if you remove the support structure of a building at a certain point, the section of the building above that point will fall down on the part of the building below that point. The explosives are just the trigger for the demolition. It is gravity that brings the building down.


1)- Demolition blasters must map out each element of the implosion ahead of time.

2)- Architectural blueprints of the building are examined to determine how the building is put together.

3)- The blaster crew tours the building. The larger the building the more tours they take. Basically, they jot down notes about the support structures on each floor.

4)- Once they have gathered all the raw data they need, the blasters hammer out a plan of attack. They decide what explosives to use, where to position them in the building and how to time their detonations. For complicated demolitions (large buildings) they will develop a 3-D computer model of the structure to test their plan.

5)- The biggest challenge in bringing a building down is controlling which way it falls.

The ideal method is to make the building fall over on one side. To topple the building to the north, the blasters detonate explosives on the north side of the building first, in the same way you would chop into a tree from the north side if you wanted it to fall in that direction. Or, they might secure steel cables to support columns in the building, so that they are pulled a certain way as they crumble. This sort of blast is, by far, the easiest to execute.

If there are no open areas on any side of the building, the blasters proceed with a true implosion, demolishing the building so that it collapses straight down. This feat requires such tremendous skill that only a handful of demolition companies in the world will attempt it.

Blasters generally view a building as a collection of separate towers. Explosives are set so that each “tower” falls toward the center of the building. When exactly the right amount of explosives (too strong a blast or, too weak a blast will result in disaster or failure) are detonated exactly in the right order, and precisely at the right time, the toppling towers crash against each other, and all of the rubble collects at the center of the building.


Now that blasters have planned out the implosion, and have determined how the building should fall, it’s time to prepare the building.

1)- Debris is cleaned out of the building.

2)- Construction crews begin taking out non-load-bearing walls within the building. This makes for a cleaner break at each floor. If these walls were left intact, they would stiffen the building, hindering its collapse.

Blasters will explode the major support columns on the lower floors first and then a few upper stories. In a 20-story building, for example, the blasters might blow the columns on the first and second floor, as well as the 12th and possibly the 15th floor. Blowing the support structures on the lower floors is almost always sufficient for collapsing the building. Blasting the mid-level floors is done to help break the building material into smaller pieces as it falls. This makes for easier cleanup following the blast

3)- Crews then weaken the supporting columns with sledge hammers or steel-cutters, so that they give way more easily.

4)- Blasters start loading the columns with explosives. Demolition blasters load explosives on several different levels of the building so that the building structure falls down on itself at multiple points.

5)- Blasters use different explosives for different materials. They must also determine the amount of explosives needed based on the thickness of the material.

For concrete columns, blasters use traditional dynamite or a similar explosive material. Dynamite is just absorbent stuffing soaked in a highly combustible chemical or mixture of chemicals. When the chemical is ignited, it burns quickly, producing a large volume of hot gas in a short amount of time. This gas expands rapidly, applying immense outward pressure (up to 600 tons per square inch) on whatever is around it. Blasters cram this explosive material into narrow bore holes drilled in the concrete columns. When the explosives are ignited, the sudden outward pressure sends a powerful shock wave busting through the column at supersonic speed, shattering the concrete into tiny chunks.

Demolishing steel columns is much more difficult, as the dense material is much stronger. For buildings with a steel support structure, blasters typically use the specialized explosive material called RDX. RDX-based explosive compounds expand at a very high rate of speed, up to 27,000 feet per second. Instead of disintegrating the entire column, the concentrated, high-velocity pressure slices right through the steel, splitting it in half. Additionally, blasters may ignite dynamite on one side of the column to push it over in a particular direction.

6)- Ignition. To ignite both RDX and dynamite, you must apply a severe shock. This is done via a blasting cap; — a small amount of explosive material (primer charge) connects to some sort of fuse. In other words, the blasting cap is a catalyst to set off the explosives loaded in support columns.

The traditional fuse design is a long cord with explosive material inside. When you ignite one end of the cord, the explosive material inside it burns at a steady pace, and the flame travels down the cord to the detonator on the other end. When it reaches this point, it sets off the primary charge.

But, most implosions today use an electrical detonator. An electrical detonator fuse is called a lead line, and is just a long length of electrical wire. At the detonator end, the wire is surrounded by a layer of explosive material. This detonator is attached directly to the primer charge affixed to the main explosives. A current is sent through the wire and, electrical resistance causes the wire to heat up. This heat ignites the flammable substance on the detonator end, which in turn sets off the primer charge, which triggers the main explosives.

7)- Controlling the explosion. Blast caps are configured with delay mechanisms to control the explosion sequence. Sections of slow-burning material are positioned between the fuse and the primer charge. By adjusting the length of the delay material, and the length of the fuse, blasters can adjust how long it takes each explosive to go off, and precisely dictate the order of the explosions.

8) Determine how much explosive is needed. Blasters determine this based on their own experience and, also, the information provided by the architects and engineers who originally built the building.

But …. they rarely rely on this data alone. To make sure they don’t overload or under-load the support structure, the blasters perform a test blast on a few of the columns, which they wrap in a shield for safety. They will try various degrees of explosive material, and based on the effectiveness of each explosion, they determine the minimum explosive charge needed to demolish the columns.

9)- Reduce flying debris. Wrap chain-link fencing and geotextile fabric around each column. The fence keeps the large chunks of concrete from flying out, and the fabric catches most of the smaller bits. Blasters may also wrap fabric around the outside of each floor that is rigged with explosives.

10)- A blasting company will likely bring in an independent demolition consulting firm, and use portable field seismographs to measure ground vibrations and air-blasts during an implosion. They will videotape the blast from multiple angles so that there is a record of what actually happened. Using data collected from previous blasts, the company’s engineers can predict ahead of time what level of vibration a particular implosion may cause

11)- Prepare people and businesses in the area for the blast. Inspect surrounding structures prior to the implosion, so that they can help assess any damage claims following the blast.


At this point the structure has been pre-weakened and all the explosives have been loaded, it’s time to make the final preparations

1)- Perform a last check of the explosives.

2)- Make sure the building and the area surrounding it are completely clear. Calculate the safety perimeter.

3)- Retreat to the detonator controls and begin the countdown. Sound a siren at the 10-minute, five-minute and one-minute mark, to let everyone know when the building will be coming down.

If they are using an electrical detonator, the blasters have a detonator controller with two buttons, one labeled “charge” and one labeled “fire.” Toward the end of the countdown, a blaster presses and holds the “charge” button until an indicator light comes on. This builds up the intense electrical charge needed to activate the detonators.

After the detonator-control machine is charged, and the countdown is completed, the blaster presses the “fire” button (while still holding down the charge button), releasing the charge into the wires so it can set off the blasting caps.

4) The actual implosion only takes a few seconds.

5)- Following the blast, a cloud of dust billows out around the wreckage. All the dust is concentrated in one cloud, which lingers for a relatively short period of time. Nearby residents with allergies can leave the area for that one day and avoid the dust entirely.

6)- After the cloud has cleared, the blasters survey the scene and review the tapes to see if everything went according to plan. At this stage, it is crucial to confirm that all of the explosives were detonated and to remove any explosives that did not go off. If a demolition consulting crew was on hand, the blasters review their vibration and air blast data as well. Most of the time, experienced blasters bring buildings down exactly as planned. Damage to nearby structures, even ones immediately adjacent to the blast site, is usually limited to a few broken windows.

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Comment #1: — According to Protec Services, one of the largest and most successful building demolition companies in the world, THE most important question to ask is; “WHERE DID THE BUILDING FAIL?” It is not “how” it fell, or “when” it fell, as these are irrelevant in determining why it fell. Rather, knowing where the point of failure started, will tell you everything you need to know.

From Protec —- “Since their inception in the late 1800s, blasting engineers have understood that building implosions work best when the forces of gravity are maximized. This is why blasters always concentrate their efforts on the lowest floors of a structure. While smaller supplemental charges can be placed on upper floors to facilitate breakage and maximize control as the structure collapses, every implosion ever performed has followed the basic model of obliterating structural supports on the bottom few floors first to get the structure moving.


Q1)- Where did both towers fail?

The answer is simple and indisputable. Each building begins to fail at precisely the point where the respective planes struck. No floors above or below the impact points ever move until the structural elements within the impact zone begin to collapse. Truthers should tell us why this was the only building in controlled demolition history to be demolished from the top down … and the science behind it.


Comment #2: —  Every large demolition in history has “independent failures” in the structure being demolished. This was discussed above when crews destroy interior supports with either sledgehammers or explosions.

Q3: Were there any independent failures present while the towers were collapsing?

No! ALL lower floor remained completely intact until they were consumed by the collapse from above. (Dust plumes and debris do not count as structural failures). Truthers should tell us why this was this was the only large building in controlled demolition history without independent failures.


Q4: What adequate choices explain explosives causing failure at the exact impact points?

According to Protec Services, there are only two.

———- 1) Hundreds of charges were placed on those exact impact floors in advance and survived the violent initial explosions and 1100+ degree Fahrenheit fire! This is scientifically impossible. The chemical properties of explosives and their reaction to heat means that no explosive compound could withstand such force and heat without detaching from the columns or simply burning off prior to detonation.

How Building Implosions Work

———- 2) While the fires were burning, charges were installed undetected throughout the impact floors and wired together by people hiding in the buildings with boxes of explosives. This is also scientifically impossible, not to mention logically absurd.

Again, from Protec Services —- “Given the consistent weight distribution around the outer perimeter of each structure, one would have needed access to a prohibitively large quantity of load-bearing I-beam columns to allow “cutter charges” to initiate failure. Those columns would have needed extensive preparation, also known as “pre-burning”, to allow the explosives to perform their function. And in order to prepare the columns you first had to be able to see the columns, which means at least partially removing the outer-perimeter interior walls of all blast floors, including furniture, plumbing and conduit lines, insulation, etc. All of this would have been performed within the 55 minutes between plane impact and collapse – working in an environment of unspeakable heat and destruction – or have been performed completely undetected, in advance, on multiple floors in both buildings, while suffering no adverse effects from the planes’ impact with these same areas. This is impossible.”


Comment #3: —   How do tall buildings collapse? A tall office building cannot be made to tip over like a tree. Reinforced concrete smokestacks and industrial towers can because of their small footprint and other unique properties. However, the supporting elements in a human-inhabited building are spread over a larger area to accommodate living and work space. Therefore, they are not nearly as rigid, and the laws of gravity cause them to begin collapsing downward upon being weakened. The collapse of both towers followed this principle exactly. When the impact floors of both towers eventually failed, the upper sections did not simply tumble over onto the street below, rather they tilted while simultaneously collapsing downward. Significant amounts of heavy structural debris rained down for blocks around the site. Many of the closest WTC buildings were completely destroyed and others heavily damaged. These facts indicate that a relatively small amount of structural support debris actually landed straight down within the towers’ footprints, making this event notably dissimilar to a planned demolition event.

Q5: Why did the towers fall straight down into their own footprint?

They fell straight down because it’s the only way possible. One hundred plus story buildings cannot topple over like a tree. And it did not fall into its own footprint — thousands of tons of support structures landed in a several block area. One demolition expert said if this was a controlled demolition, it was the worst and sloppiest one in history.


Q6: What about WTC-7?

How can a rational discussion about Building 7 take place when Truthers insist on either, 1) ignoring the absolute facts or, 2) lying about the facts? There are two enormous lies perpetrated by Truthers about WTC-7.   First, the building was not significantly damaged. Second, the fires were insignificant. These are lies. Damned lies!!! Lies from the pits of Hell!

WTC7 engulfed in debris (photo from NIST Report Executive Summary 2008)

Video and photographs of the north tower collapse clearly depict substantial upper sections of the building falling outward and impacting WTC buildings 6 and 7. This was not a glancing blow from extraneous material. No!! It was thousands of tons of steel girders falling directly into the building from hundreds of feet above. WTC 7 sustained significant impact damage to its southwest corner and south face up to the 18-20th floor, or a little less than halfway up the building causing significant structural damage. Photos show several lower floors fully involved in a large fire with flames clearly visible from all four sides of the structure. Most local firefighting equipment was either destroyed or searching for survivors. So, these intense fires were left to burn uncontrolled for more than six hours, further compromising the already badly damaged structure.


Q7: Are they any demolition companies, anywhere in the world, who support the theory that the towers were brought down by controlled demolition?

No. There are only about 20 demolition companies worldwide that could have maybe successfully demolished the WTC. Not one of them has come forth and supported the theory. There are hundreds. Perhaps thousands, of smaller demolition companies world-wide. Not one of them has come forth and supported the theory. The people who would know best have not supported the theory. Why is that? More conspiracies, Truthers?



Do I believe the official version of 9-11? Of course, not!! This crappy fascist government of ours lies about ……….. everything. I wouldn’t believe them if they told me the sky is blue. We’ll probably never know what really happened, who knew what, who did what, etc etc.

But, we’re only talking about one aspect of 9-11 here; whether or not the towers were wired for demolition. The answer is clear. There is zero scientific evidence supporting the controlled demolition theory. It is a hoax, a fraud, a lie. Now just watch the Truthers foam at the mouth because I am not a Total Believer.

Truther responses to the above factual data will probably be hilarious. That’s because being a Truther is like being a biblical literalist and trying to rationalize the many problems associated with Noah and the Great Flood. Take the koala bear, as an example. How did the koala swim across a thousand miles of open ocean? Answer, Australia didn’t break off as a separate island until after the flood. Where did Noah get eucalyptus leaves to feed the koala? The koala eats two pounds of it a day plus the little critter has a ten thousand mile round trip to make, plus there were at least two, so about a ton of leaves would have been needed. Answer, God temporarily changed the koala’s dietary needs! And so it goes … one miracle needs another miracle, which requires another, ad infinitum.

Watch and see, the above is also the way of the Truther. They will not accept the simplest answer readily available to anyone with sight —- that a 400,000 pound airplane loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel flew into a building at 500mph, and in less than an hour those building collapsed. In their world, two plus two does not equal four. No, they must concoct one incredible nonsensical explanation after another, after another. They’ll ignore all the facts above from demolition experts, from science, from logic, and from any other source that differs from their own beliefs.

 Beliefs!!! Yes, that’s the key word. Trutherism is a religion. People love their religion right to the very end. And that’s why not one single Truther will be swayed by anything written here. Engaging the brain is frowned upon. Just believe, Stucky. Believe! Hallelujah!!! Come sing with me the Truther Hymn … sung to the tune of ‘Just as I am”.

Just as I am, without a brain,
to tell the truth is such a pain.

It was dynamite, not a plane,
Oh Truther God, I do believe!



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
September 14, 2015 11:23 am

Speaking of edumacation…

Credentials Bea

Fuck it what’s the point.

Would you like mustard on that sandwich.

BeA Believer
BeA Believer
September 14, 2015 11:26 am

Admin-The truther army is ready to accept a formal surrender from your side sir.

This was basically a dead thread at 170. If your side had some momentum (like Stucky) the debate could roll for a while longer.
Stucky did do a great job of proving our point with this article so all is not lost. Thanks Stuck, you da man.

September 14, 2015 11:29 am

“those structures just DON”T FALL DOWN IN 2.4 SECONDS from small fires in their own footprint.”

Typical bull shit TRUTHER statement.

None of the buildings fell just because of fire. They fell due to a number of causes fire only being one of the causes. I won’t go into the all the different forms of damage, I’ll just say, fire alone did not bring down those buildings.

And none of them fell in 2.4 seconds. (building 7) that building was a progressive collapse that began earlier. There were reports that there was structural failure earlier on meaning partial collapse. So it was progressively collapsing for some time although the perimeter wall remained intact. Once the internal supports reached that point of failure that I mentioned is the flaw in this type structure, it then collapsed catastrophically. The LAST part of the building to fall the perimeter walls fell in a few seconds but the entire building took some time to collapse.

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
September 14, 2015 11:38 am


You kill me.

Arguing with you is like playing chess with a Pigeon. I make a move then wait staring at the stunned silence across the table waiting for your move. Then at some point you like the bird brain you are get up and stomp on the board then take a big crap in the middle then declare victory.

Bravo. Bravo……

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 11:40 am

ASIG this is where I draw the line on your moronic blather, YES WTC7 did come down in 2.4 seconds, even a fool can see the building coming down at near free fall speed. Are you blind man? Have you been involved in serious industrial accident and suffered brain damage?

We can no longer respond to you if you purposely make idiotic statements.

September 14, 2015 11:41 am

ADmin says

“It’s hopeless using reason and facts. Throw in the towel.”

You’re right—– I’m done.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 11:46 am

Oh nice DUD finally shows up……..

DUD, what does that have to do with WTC7? Nothing…….blow me. Why don’t you and ASIG and Rob have a circle jerk and ask each other?

September 14, 2015 11:48 am


Yes I know the answer

But then you already knew that.

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
September 14, 2015 11:49 am


you are proving my point with every word you type.

It’s kind of funny I ask for credentials on you say blow.

I think I’ll pass I’m too busy jerking off………

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 11:49 am

Look out Admin …….one of the troops just went over the hill. Too bad.

ASIG come back when you have your eyes looked at.

  Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 11:54 am


Give it a rest. Your drivel is mind numbingly boring.

Go jerk off to video of Building 7 falling at free fall speed like the rest of the nutjobs.

September 14, 2015 11:53 am

Bea lever says

DUD, what does that have to do with WTC7?

It has every thing to do with bldg 7, If you had any kind of an education you would know that.

Your lack of knowledge is quite apparent.

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
September 14, 2015 11:53 am

I’m done too…


You can circle the board and take a big shit. You earned it.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 12:05 pm

Admin- Fine……

The untrufers have all quit so I shall declare that the “TRUTHER ARMY” has won another glorious victory in the interest of truth and justice for the American people.

  Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 12:26 pm

Bea declares victory

September 14, 2015 12:06 pm

I notice no one has tried to explain the psychic newscaster who reported on the demise of Building 7 20 minutes before it fell. Who gave her producers that info? Must have been someone who had been inside the building that noticed it was already slowly collapsing and quickly wrote a news story.

September 14, 2015 12:23 pm


You are an intelligent woman. You can read the explanation in this link and decide for yourself.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 12:34 pm

That’s an old picture Admin, I stopped smoking 16 years ago.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 12:51 pm


Do you think the same criminals that pulled off 9/11 would put up sites like to cover their deeds? How dumb would you have to be not to get that? How dumb would you have to be to fall for those sites?

September 14, 2015 12:58 pm

Trufer? What a way to color the discourse. Admin as a “journalist” should be ashamed. And while you may feel all proud of youselves for offering such fine proofs that all the damage done was by jets and their fuel, you have left more than a few questions answered poorly or not at all. Obviously no plane at the pentagon or shanksville, because no debris. None befitting those aircraft. The flightpath at the pentagon impossible for those aircraft. No plane for wtc 7, nor any significant fire. When the top of the trade center came off, why did it turn to dust? It should have fallen as a mostly intact section, but it did not. Perhaps you should rewatch the films of the day, rather than insult spraying. And ask yourself, the three luckiest neatest building collapses ever, in one day, or perhaps something else combined to bring those buildings straight down. And why. With all the lies exposed here daily, why is this one causing you such cognitive dissonance? Why do you choose to believe this topic. Or global warming, or in fact anything .gov has to say? Where is their record of honesty and truth that would make you believe anything they say.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 1:11 pm

@ parkbowles

Welcome to the fray, we have been saying the same things you posted over and over in thread after thread. Jump in anytime, we can use all the help we can get against the non-trufers.

  Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 1:33 pm

Bea welcomes parkbowles to Trufer Back Mountain

September 14, 2015 1:53 pm

Personally, I declare Francis Marion the “winner:”

“This whole topic is an exercise in political masturbation. It feels good while you’re doing it but doesn’t accomplish much. We live in a world where truth is abhorred to the point where people mock the very concept. It is unlikely the truth about this event will ever be known in our life times – it is a political cluster fuck of epic proportions that will not be sorted out until sanity and some semblance of ethics, order and justice are returned to our governing institutions.”

Planes hit the Twin Towers–real hijacked planes–the damage from these planes caused the towers to collapse. Another hijacked plane hit the pentagon and a fourth crashed in Pennsylvania.

Who knew what when? Who financed the operation? Who designed the op and towards what ends? I have no fucking idea.

That the USG lied, bribed, covered up, used the tragedy to enact already written liberty-stealing legislation and to begin an endless war in the ME, of these things I am also as certain as I can be.

We live in the Empire of Lies…truth is nearly impossible to find, even in the small scale. For an event as large as 9/11 it IS impossible.

September 14, 2015 2:07 pm

So ASIG thinks the towers fell because of trusses, then the air defense system failed because what? Cheney’s truss was too tight?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 2:48 pm

Stucky – You are MIA through the thick of it and now you show up and declare you win? No fucking way you are pulling this off. Only a low down varmint (like you ) would try such a thing. What an asshole!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 2:50 pm

Admin- You know full well that is a picture of DUD and ASIG planning their next lame assault on the truf.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 14, 2015 4:10 pm

Stuck- Hope your Dad is OK. Same here, my brother is 81 and back in the hospital for the fourth time in two months. Not good……also my youngest child had back surgery which is why I was MIA for a few days.

Hope it gets better for you and me. Also, sorry about your car.

September 14, 2015 5:36 pm


Same for me. As you know I rarely contribute. I was naive in believing I could provide some information of value. I was wrong. Big waste of time, I learned that much at least.

I won’t make that mistake again.

September 14, 2015 6:15 pm

T4C and Stucky- Sincerely, you two are the best, thank you. Things are a little grim, I am muddling through.

RE: the current thread, If people will read this thread carefully they will find there is some new material from me and T4C ……………( she did a great job per usual). I would do this as many times as it takes for the people who need to wake up to do so. Truthers are passionate about what has happened. I would participate again tomorrow if just one person who was blind could see.

September 11, 2016 9:05 pm

Steel doesn’t need to be heated to 5,000 degrees to weaken. 1,500 degrees (red hot) is enough heat to cut is strength in half. If you doubt me, I can send you a photo of my sagging BBQ grill. Last time I checked, charcoal does not get anywhere near 5,000 degrees.

Leslie Anne Cook
Leslie Anne Cook
December 29, 2016 12:29 pm

Did someone pay you to create the pack of disinformation above? You’re either stupid, in denial, or someone asked you to debunk. The fact that the towers collapsed in about 10 seconds is a statement that the upper portion of each of the towers passed through the lower portion at about the same rate that it would have fallen through air. The fact that the towers fell this quickly (essentially at the rate of free-fall) is conclusive evidence that they were deliberately demolished.

There were some Israeli artsy fartsy students staying on the 91st floor of tower 1. There’s a photo of them, with boxes stacked floor to ceiling. A part # clearly visible. BB18. Littelfuse makes these busbars. They removed the glass from a window, & built a small balcony. Part of their “art project”. This happened to be the exact spot where a “plane” hit the building. Except it wasn’t a plane. There were no planes. At any location. No wreckage except an engine that the airline didn’t use. Many things were flying around the towers that day. There was a hurricane headed directly for New York city that day too. But the MSM didn’t report it. Imagine that. It took a sudden U turn after the towers turned to dust. Like baby powder. Hurricane Erin. The Military is very advanced. The plane? A CGI/Hologram.
I notice you didn’t mention the fact that all the WTC buildings came down that day. Ever seen bldg. 6? LOOOKKKK it up. Big giant holes. Buildings don’t blow up laterally either. But the towers did. Blowing out steel and concrete at high rate and turning to dust before your eyes. There wasn’t much of a rubble pile either. Dust. LOTS OF IT. TOXIC dust. (Asbestos – research it yourself.) I can tell you that the twin towers were actually scheduled for demolition due to the asbestos and the cost it would take to remove it from the towers. Port Authority sued the insurance company to remove it but they lost the case. Soon after Larry the Jew threw down 14 million for towers that were white elephants. Why would he lease two towers that had to have billions of dollars worth of work to remove the asbestos? And immediately take out a HUGE insurance policy with a special rider clause for terrorist attacks? For his investment of 14 million, his profit was 4.5 billion after the insurance company paid up. Marvin Bush, sat on the insurance companies board of directors. HE was also responsible for the security.
Search & you shall find that which you seek.
A cruise/tomahawk missile hit the pentagon. What hit the 2nd tower was an EMB (electro magnetic bomb) it creates the damaging effects of high-energy EMP. These are typically divided into nuclear and non-nuclear devices. The box beams that hadn’t turned into powder, or weren’t illegally removed and sold, immediately, had been cut. Our Israeli friends & allies, were there for 9 months. Months before the murders, employees stated some of the elevators were being worked on, with guards posted by them to keep people away. Reports of dust coming thru vents from above.
Before September 11, no steel framed skyscraper had ever collapsed due to fire. However, on September 11, it is claimed that three steel framed skyscrapers (both towers and World Trade Center Seven) collapsed mainly, or totally, due to fire. Nanothermite was found in the powder of what was once the twin towers. Only the military has access to large quantities of that.
Building 7? Simmered all day. The twin towers collapsed within an hour of burning. Ridiculous! But 7? Didn’t collapse until 5:30 that day. The came down in a classic implosion. Crimped in the center and fell into it’s own footprint, at free fall speed, just like the towers. That means there was NO RESISTANCE. That would be IMPOSSIBLE.
Watch Danny Jowenko, a demolition expert watch bldg. 7 collapse. It was CONTROLLED DEMOLITION. And if 7 was wired to blow, they were ALL wired to blow. Bldg 7 was burning but it was not a raging fire.
Would you care to expound upon the destruction of the cars & trucks on the street? Entire engine blocks had melted. Fire trucks were melted. Some cars were only toasted on the front part of the vehicle. Some cars had actually rusted. The lobbies were destroyed. Windows blown out. Explosions and a fireball shooting out of the elevator. Windows blown out of buildings all over that area.
Then there’s the insider trading. Put options on American & United Airlines. The gold vault under blg 4 had been looted.
The Israeli art students? The dancing Israelis video taping before the first plane hit? Lighting their lighters like they were a rock concert, high fiving, etc… 70 or so Israelis were in fact detained by the FBI for almost 2 months. Failing lie detector tests. Also, two of the Israelis were confirmed Mossad BOMB EXPERTS. After heavy pressure from Israel, they were put on a plane and sent home. End of story.
Motive? False flag to gain support to go to war. Link Iraq/Saddam to Al Qaeda (who we created) & imply Saddam was housing/helping Bin Laden/terrorists. OH And you know, the WMD that THEY DIDN’T have.
WHY? To control the oil. And change the money system back to the dollar. Immediately. You see, Saddam decided to switch the money system to the Euro. Could’ve crashed the dollar.
Funny thing? Gaddafi did the same thing! Only he was using the dinar.
Watch General Wesley Clark. He will enlighten you to something you probably don’t know. Based on the ridiculous article you wrote, I’m guessing you don’t know much of anything about 911. or the FACTS.
One more thing: The alleged plane crash in Shanksville? You know, where the plane dived nose first into the ground? Leaving no wreckage behind, except one of the “terrorists” passports. One of them must’ve opened a window and it flew out before the crash, eh? There was a hole and what appeared to be two wing marks. The problem with those “wing marks”. Just an anomaly that had been there when a 1994 GPS map was done of the area. So if the marks were already there? You got a hole in the ground.
No airplane seats. No shoes. No suitcases. No bodies found, from planes. NONE.
Ground zero burned for 4 months. wa
Amazing. Magic bullets. Magic planes. The families of the dead are also angry and still haven’t gotten answers. NIST never mentioned bldg. 7 in their flawed and inaccurate report.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 29, 2016 12:47 pm

Damn, we used to have the best of times with shit-fests and all out wars. Many of us have been silenced and now there is little to talk about. Even Admin had a good time in these truther knock-down-drag-outs. Sigh…….

April 7, 2018 9:01 am

Bzzzzzzt wrong answer, gatekeeper