Question of the Day, Sep 21

Every candidate and their mother seems to have a tax plan. What, if any power does the president have to implement their own tax plan?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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September 21, 2015 10:44 am

Rand’s plan is better than what we have now. I actually liked Cain’s plan, but his team never defended or explained it very well. TPC or someone put out a hit piece on it that had some bad math/faulty premise, and everyone ran with those incorrect assumptions. Flat tax, fair tax… anything would be better than the crony spaghetti mess we have now. It’s all academic anyway, we’ll end up with Jeb’s plan no matter who is elected.

September 21, 2015 10:58 am

The question is NOT about which tax plan you like.


You’re welcome.

September 21, 2015 11:11 am

Now, to answer the question regarding the powers of the President, I believe one MUST look to the Constitution. Right? Well, in theory anyway since King Oreo does whatever the fuck he wants.

Short answer: NEITHER the President nor Congress has authority to implement an INCOME tax. Let Ron Paul explain it in two minutes.

Fact is, tax laws are passed by Congress and administered by the IRS and Treasury Department. Any significant changes to the tax structure — especially the idea of getting rid of the IRS — will be met by massive resistance from the IRS (duh!!) and the Treasury Department (duh!). That leaves Congress …. and those motherfuckin’ dickfuk pussies will never actually do anything to simplify, restructure, or eliminate our onerous tax structure. What they will do is TALK about it every fucking four years at Presidential Debates. In other words, it will be “business as usual” forever.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 21, 2015 11:12 am

That pizza looks good.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 21, 2015 11:22 am

FACT IS a graduated income tax is unconstitutional. period.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 21, 2015 11:24 am

Speaking of Jeb Bush, you can thanks his grandfather for the fucking personal income fucking tax to fucking begin with……….who cares what JB thinks.

September 21, 2015 11:31 am

Fuck that iska, MFer ain’t wearing food service gloves, and he’s breathing all over it. I’d send it back

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 21, 2015 11:36 am

Stucky, the answer is supposed to be according to Article 2 of the Constitution but there has been a Coup by the Elite and under their Dictatorship, the Constitution is only used like the Popes used the Bible or a bull fighter uses his cape to distract and fool the bull. Of course the Elite actually follow Lucifer but deceitfully pretend to be Patriots and Christians: look here, the 1st Amend guarantees your right to porno but unfortunately denies all public expressions of Christianity; and here the 14th requires homosexual marriage, bans political term limits, makes corporations persons, and permits murder before birth. And the Holy Bible says we are not to judge but to obey our rulers so whatever POTUS or SCOTUS says is law, we have to obey.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 21, 2015 11:50 am

my apologies, i have not read the above posts. the reason i liked cain, real simple, lots of humor andhe could sing. he was positive and upbeat for one and all. how would this country be different if he held the office. for one thing for sure, we would we not hate each other. people like biden because he is a bumbling idiot, that makes him human. cain was far from an idiot. he must have overcome the skeptics in the world he lived in, lets remember he had many who wished his fall, yet he did not, why? i will take an up beat positive guy every day of the week, who can laugh with and at the media/

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 21, 2015 11:58 am

How does Rand Paul’s tax plan deal with investment income? Is that also taxed at 14.5%? Also my tax rate on income after home mortgage interest deduction is under 10%, so why should I be in favor of his plan at 14.5?

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
September 21, 2015 12:06 pm

I for one, am all for not paying any taxes and letting the wasteful U.S. government starve from within. But that’s just me.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 21, 2015 12:07 pm

Rise- Exactly right , a 14.5% flat tax rate would be much higher for many people. Agreed 10% would be more in line.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 21, 2015 12:39 pm

in 79 i wrote my congressman what is wrong with a flat rate, he was studying it, next thing i know i am audit, for three years. i am slightly better off that a church mouse. this is how you make people dispise, one lie too many. i admire shephaine and stucky, they took all the hits, glad they did not raise the white flag. al9ng with others, this site requires frank opinions, like it or not. if PC overcomes this site, as we all know we are screwed. i read this site to learn and broaden my views, not to confirm ny views. if i am on the fringe, a point in time when that would become a badge of honor. again why i respect those who are on the receiving end of down votes, that takes guts to put it on the table, and deal with what is to follow. because of you guys and many others, i am happy to throw out my opionins, regardless/ once again i am reminded, if more people chose to be part of the discussion we would all benefit. i will be the first to say i am a loser, dead on arrival, yet not for lack of interest. never missed a vote, even when in the service. i suppose the majority is happy, i tended to vote for losers. i have no answers, i am a zula. lost in space, i adhere to what the GI’s code. “not for me to reason why, it is for me to do and die”

September 21, 2015 12:42 pm

@TC – Yeah, the crux of the issue is that 9% (or 14.5%) means different things to different people.

Frankly, income tax is one of those things that need to be done away with I think, taxes should be based on some sort of consumption or use, not just on a whim.

Our tax system is dicked until we actually start finding some cuts in the budget, and NOT a universal fucking hair-cut. Again, a 10% reduction in funding for different departments means different things.

Start simple. Audit Congress’s actual fucking budget. Then audit the Fed.

You can’t plot a road map to success until you figure out where you are right now.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 21, 2015 12:53 pm

fear & loathing says: “i will be the first to say i am a loser, dead on arrival, yet not for lack of interest.”
Don’t lose faith. Every person has meaning and purpose in life. Keep posting and cheer up.

September 21, 2015 12:58 pm

Great example why we’ll never get tax reform. Two seemingly intelligent commenters here didn’t catch the fact that Rand’s proposal eliminates the payroll tax. If you add the 12.4% payroll tax to your “under 10%” you’re paying now, you’re really paying under 22.4%. Is 14% less than 22%? Simple? Obviously not…

September 21, 2015 1:07 pm

Not one “candidate” speaks the truth. The income tax and property tax are not only unconstitutional they are immoral. NOT ONE stands up and says we must abolish the income tax, all property taxes, the IRS, the DEPT of Homeland Security, the Dept of Education……… They are all about taking money that does not belong to them (MY MONEY). So, there is not ONE “TAX PLAN” I could support.

The Federal Gov’t just needs to continue to grow and grow and grow until it cannibalizes itself and comes crashing to the ground like the twin towers on 9/11. Then MAYBE we can start over.

September 21, 2015 1:13 pm

“And the Holy Bible says we are not to judge but to obey our rulers so whatever POTUS or SCOTUS says is law, we have to obey.” ———– robert h siddell jr

Romans 13, eh? I don’t know if your above statement is sarcasm. But, if it is not, you couldn’t be more wrong (imho).

If the SCOTUS passed a law requiring you to curse Jesus every morning, would you do it?

I wrote an article about Christians giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s, so I won’t debate it anymore here other than to say Jesus constantly “broke” laws, especially OT religious ones.

September 21, 2015 1:23 pm

Nothing Changes by The Moody Blues

The dark cloak of winter’s war
Left a future still unsure
Sitting in a class
Of the future’s past
We saw a list of dates
And we knew we would last
To see them all.

1984 was a year to fear
Hope was dead, a police state here
Halley’s comet was to fly by
And we would see a shining in the nighht sky
Now 2001 is soon to come
And just as soon will have come and gone
Nothing changes.

Standing at the crossroads
Of what is, will be, and was
The obvious eludes us
Not because the zeroes line up
We should change our way of thought
More if we do not, the way ahead
Is dangerously fraught
And if we did the things we all know to be right
Left would be the childish fears
Of danger in the night.

We, each of us are fine
For we have all heard the word
But grouped together
Babel’s triumph stampedes
The thoughtless herd
Nothing changes.

Nothing changes
And nothing stays the same
And life is still
A simple game.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 21, 2015 1:44 pm

TC says: Great example why we’ll never get tax reform. Two seemingly intelligent commenters here didn’t catch the fact that Rand’s proposal eliminates the payroll tax. If you add the 12.4% payroll tax to your “under 10%” you’re paying now, you’re really paying under 22.4%. Is 14% less than 22%? Simple? Obviously not…
Are you confusing withholding (income) tax with payroll tax? Payroll tax for SS is, as you correctly point out, 12.4% (6.2% paid by EMPLOYER and 6.2% paid by EMPLOYEE). So are you saying Rand Paul’s tax plan eliminates SS payroll taxes?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 21, 2015 1:45 pm

Stucky- Don’t give SCOTUS any ideas……they haven’t thought of the cursing Jesus daily law. If they back up murdering babies and the sale of the body parts, cursing Jesus is a piece of cake.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 21, 2015 1:48 pm

thank you rise up for noticing my post. i sincerely wish the best to all who seek to improve our lot.. to my regret at the end of the day people tend to find looking for our differences is the way to go. if i had any answers i would offer them. in the days of low intensity pot i was confident. all it took was time to destroy whatever views i held. i tip my hat to who ever has their act together. guess i never got away from a common belief from the nam, “don’t mean nothing” hard believe a better way to screw people up than watch JFK<RFK< MLK< Owasld etc die4 in front of you and not be affected.. is my explanation and excuse? there was a time when i believe there was a difference from up and down, at present i am at a lost.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 21, 2015 1:58 pm

@TC – Is Rand Paul’s 14.5 flat rate enough to fund SS and the budget?

September 21, 2015 2:19 pm

Rise Up – as an employee, you’re paying the full 12.4% payroll tax… assuming you have wages. Don’t know why people think that money comes out of the employer, when the employer sees that money as part of the cost of an employee. As for your other question – who’s to say what tax code changes would do to the budget. How many $billions a year are spent on compliance? How many small businesses or sole proprietors would hire employee(s) with a simplified tax code? How much would consumers spend if they had extra $ in their bank account? If I were king, I’d pass the simplified tax code then enforce a balanced budget… so the government would likely shrink to where it should be morally – only big enough to be funded by today’s tax receipts rather than by stealing from the future.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 21, 2015 2:34 pm

@TC, I can’t speak for others, but my employer is only deducting 6.2% from my pay for payroll tax (SS). I can easily calculate that from my pay statements (just checked). I’m not paying 12.4%.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 21, 2015 2:46 pm

TC, your views are reasonable. yet as a former self employed guy, the deck was stacked, just give the system time. i got pissed, sealed my own fate, welcome to poverty. poverty in ussa is bearable. my preference was to work, yet when work is a privilege i say fuck you. like i have said the blue collars should go on stikre, uncle sam must have funds daily. squeeze the beast. our benevolent destroyer is helpless without our help/ for forty years i wished the blue collars to stay home, uncle sam will give us some respect. forty years later everyone owes their soul to mortgages etc,. feddy mac etc is a front for the banksters, which means we are collaratell. bad days are on the horizen, if we are not screwed i will be the first to retract my comments.

September 21, 2015 3:13 pm

6.2% come out of your check and I cover the other 6.2% and not because I want to, but because I don’t want to pay a 10% late payment penalty!!! I also pay for your unemployment insurance!! You cost me your hourly wage PLUS unemployment insurance PLUS worker comp PLUS 6.2% Fica and medicare PLUS whatever other BS the government requires. I then PAY someone to do all the calculations, make the deductions and pay the GOVERNMENT.

Don’t speak unless you have been on the side of HAVING to PAY. Depending on the project you COST me anywhere from $50.00 per hour to over $65.00 per hour. Too pad your check is for only $30-$40 per hour.

September 21, 2015 3:14 pm


Rise Up
Rise Up
September 21, 2015 3:23 pm

constman54 says: “6.2% come out of your check and I cover the other 6.2% and not because I want to, but because I don’t want to pay a 10% late payment penalty!!! I also pay for your unemployment insurance!! You cost me your hourly wage PLUS unemployment insurance PLUS worker comp PLUS 6.2% Fica and medicare PLUS whatever other BS the government requires. I then PAY someone to do all the calculations, make the deductions and pay the GOVERNMENT.”
Constman, do you have any idea how much my employer profits from my work as a federal contractor? Since you don’t, shut the fuck up. They are making plenty of money off my labor after their costs, else they would not be in business nor would they employ me at my rate. They bill the gov about 75% over what they pay me.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 21, 2015 3:53 pm

Stucky, of course it is sarcasm; POTUS and SCOTUS do not make laws; the legislatures make laws (ref the Constitution).

September 21, 2015 3:58 pm

Rise Up – all we’re saying is that you only “see” the 6.2%, but your employer pays the other 6.2% (and more) on your behalf. The employer/employee split is a gimmick to hide the total tax from you, which you are ultimately paying. I don’t have the illusion that employers would give all that 6.2% back to employees if/when the payroll tax was repealed, but it would certainly be a good chunk of it. Again, this points out the brilliance of such a shady tax scheme and how difficult it will be to ever change it – even smart people can get tripped up over the details.

September 21, 2015 4:06 pm


Rise Up
Rise Up
September 21, 2015 4:07 pm

TC says: “Rise Up – all we’re saying is that you only “see” the 6.2%, but your employer pays the other 6.2% (and more) on your behalf.”
I never disputed that and have known that forever. Let constman cry his river of tears on somebody else’s shoulder. Poor, poor constman, who has to pay those taxes on behalf of his employees. It’s called THE COST OF DOING BUSINESS! Go write your congresscritter a complaint letter constman, or vote the bum out, but don’t blame your employees. BAWAHWAH!

September 21, 2015 4:17 pm


Its called a Ponzi Scheme.

Payroll tax for my benefit? Yeah fucking right, I’d rather have that 12% in my back pocket.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 21, 2015 4:20 pm

i have reached the point it matters not whether i agree or not. what is important is the position founded in knowledge of facts. as usual facts are not always the deciding factor, emotion seems to be the order of the day. the rent is too damn high is both emotional and fact. appears we have a serious problem, please do not ask me for solutions.

September 21, 2015 4:31 pm


Constman, do you have any idea how much my employer profits from my work as a federal contractor? Since you don’t, shut the fuck up. They are making plenty of money off my labor after their costs, else they would not be in business nor would they employ me at my rate. They bill the gov about 75% over what they pay me

It’s called risk & reward. If you want the profits then start a business. How many payrolls have you made? How many weeks/months have you gone without pay to get your company up and running? A business owner works 24/7. An employee works 9/5. Sorry but those are the facts.

September 21, 2015 4:39 pm

A business owner carries his business with him 24/7. There is no time off!!! Going skiing for the week. Ask my kids how often dad was doing business on the chair lift. Going to the lake? Did dad bring work with him? UGH!!! Going to the MX track for a workout. You bet and doing business while I am there. Always, always always at work and taking care of my family and my business.

Up before you and go sleep after you. Family-First/Business First. There is no difference.

Rise you sound like an entitled little shit. Get off your fat ass and start your own company if your boss is making too much cash off your poor little ass. Otherwise shut the F up and get back to work.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 21, 2015 5:11 pm

@constman, bite me. You chose to be an employer, deal with it. I got no sympathy for you. I chose NOT to own a business for all those reasons you listed. No “entitlement” here. You assume too much–I never complained about my employer’s profits off my labor. I am very satisfied with my wage and as long as the employer is solid and makes money then I continue to be employed. And I have GREAT benefits and 5 weeks vacation after 8 years with the company.

September 21, 2015 5:56 pm

I never disputed that and have known that forever. Let constman cry his river of tears on somebody else’s shoulder. Poor, poor constman, who has to pay those taxes on behalf of his employees. It’s called THE COST OF DOING BUSINESS! Go write your congresscritter a complaint letter constman, or vote the bum out, but don’t blame your employees. BAWAHWAH!

Your are right that is BULLSHIT. Then don’t complain when your job goes off-shore. When robots can do the job we will be purchasing them. Why? For a little while at least there will be no payroll taxes or work-comp insurance or unemployment insurance to pay on a robot. You are an entitled little shit. Just read your posts and cry your tears when you are out-sourced. And don’t say your job will never be outsourced. Be careful about saying never!!

It also obvious by your responses that you have no fucking idea about the cost of doing business. So until you have made at least ONE payroll on Friday afternoon. Shut the F up.

What I am fighting against is immoral taxes. Income taxes, Social Security Trust fund taxes…..and on a more local level property taxes. These taxes are immoral. It is theft. “Legal” theft, but theft none-the-less. All I hear today is everyone just needs to pay their fair-share. That’s how you sound Rise. What the fuck is Fair-Share?? That what all the Repukes and Dems talk about. No one even raises the argument that all these taxes are just flat out wrong. They ALL have a Tax plan. Why do they have a fucking tax plan? If it’s over 0% it is wrong. Not one, even Rand Paul will say that. They ALL talk about funding this or funding that with MY fucking money. Who give them the right to fund anything outside the basic realms of the Untied States Constitution?

So let it all come crashing down and hope we can start over.

September 21, 2015 8:14 pm

Just allow business to stop being the free tax collector for the government, let the people take home 100% of their pay, and then they can write the tax check to the government.

I give it one month, riots.

But that’s a fucking act of congress too.

September 21, 2015 9:25 pm

Makes no difference they are all liars. They are running for office for the franchise to sell tax breaks.

September 21, 2015 9:43 pm

Rise up is one dumbshit. Constman54 is right.

75% mark-up on your wages, Rise Up? That is low. No wonder you are an employee – you have zero idea about running a business.

Try running a business where you only mark up labor by 75% and see how much money you can make. For someone on $20 an hour, try charging only $35 and see if you can survive.

That is seriously stupid.

September 21, 2015 9:45 pm

card82 is correct too.

rise up says “it is the cost of doing business”. And that “cost” is one reason why businesses do not want employees. Another is because so many employees are dumb as Rise Up.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 21, 2015 11:20 pm

starfcker says: Fuck that iska, MFer ain’t wearing food service gloves, and he’s breathing all over it. I’d send it back

I go to Sam’s deli for a slice of pizza, the girl is wearing food service plastic gloves while she gives people change, handling germ-laden currency. This is not the only place I’ve seen them do that. So I guess the effort is to protect their health and not yours.

September 22, 2015 7:02 am

I missed the 75% mark up on employees comment. Ignorance and stupidity are not the same.

Employees really have no clue as to what it costs their employer to employ them and it’s not just the cost of employment, it’s the risk, especially today.

None of this shit really matters though, does it? Do we really think either political party is going to change the tax code to make our lives simpler and more fruitful?

Then why would we vote for them?

Women, businessmen, mainstreet, illegals, blacks, we all want something and will always be left wanting because that is politics in a nutshell, we vote because we are confirming we need to be ruled.

September 22, 2015 9:33 pm

I keep hearing about tax cuts,tax plans and the other horse poop that goes along with it. Why don’t we cut the size of the Federal Gooberment by 75% and THEN cut out most of the income taxes .

As LLPOH and others have stated businesses in reality companies pay ZERO in taxes . As a former business owner I know this for a fact….the customers that came into my store paid the taxes…it was embedded in the price of the things that they bought . So get rid of the business income taxes now for corporations and businesses here but tax the crap out of American companies doing business over-seas .