Via Feral Irishman

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 21, 2015 11:03 am

We have been taken over by an Elite that hates everything Christian and Patriotic who want US dead. We need a Counter Revolution ASAP. At least let’s make it an American Spring in Nov2016.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 21, 2015 11:34 am

as a product of the 50’s no wonder i am so screwed up. very difficult for me to even discus anything. i got out of sych . i chose a simple existence of life and death in the real world of a farm. daily i go further in to never/neverland, the best thing i have going, i will not be around much longer, i a am doing nothing to prolong my existence. too bad more people do not find this site worth the time, we would benefit form serious thought. i sent my son and my best buddy how highly i hold them both, and for very good reason, i was beyond blessed to arrive when i did, i went to the pits a few years ago, yet i sincerely hope this nation does not forget why this place is so special. i had so many opportunities, up to me to follow up. can anyone ask for more than that. i was afraid i may have the big one assisting my son yesterday, that would have been a bitch, emt etc. i prefer to simply expire solo, no near to waste time or energy on a lost cause. i gave what i could to be a positive, that day is gone, now i live off the bounty yet i begin to feel guilty irregardless i contributed for 45 years. my preference would to be a positive, yet uncle sam at every turn since i was in the army in the 60’s was not a friend of my. my failure was his success. i did not fail until 2009, even then i was viable, i simply told uncle sam i prefer to keep my blood as you desire to suck the like out of me. i have no answers, more infomation hardly makes me wiser, a lost soul, ready for whatever comes next. yet i wish to thank Jim and all those who participate in this terrific site, Stucky for all the diverse reactions, is a champion. lastly, i did not proof read,

September 21, 2015 12:49 pm

I must say I have more contempt even hatred for white liberal progressives the anyone on this planet. I cannot stand to be around some of my own family. Their Damn stupidity is beyond reason.If I never seen them again it would be ok with me.They are traitors who have already seceded from America .
Sometimes I think maybe another economic collapse or world war would wake people up but I have my doubts.Hard to believe this could happen so quickly but we have lost our country to these vile
Damn people.

September 21, 2015 1:04 pm

“I cannot stand to be around some of my own family.” ——— bb

Politics should NEVER come before family. At 5PM today we’ll be taking mom and dad to my LIBTARD seester’s house to celebrate dad’s birthday. We don’t talk politics, end of story. I just refuse to turn my back on my only sibling.

@fear & loathing —- STOP beating yourself up!! No good can come from that. NONe of us are as good as we thing, nor as bad …. the truth is somewhere in the middle. Find YOUR truth, good man.

September 21, 2015 1:04 pm

oops … good as we THINK

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 21, 2015 2:04 pm

hey stucky, you are a smart full steam ahead guy, yet where do stand on this issue. are the nazis your buddies are the guys dropping the bombs on dresden. i have read so much on wwii, being a frontline guy was good way to freeze or see the panzers. bad choices. how can anyone thank hitlerr for what he brought, yet how can one be happy watching the russies and allies destroy everything in their path, overlooking all the atrocitiecs that occured prior. thanks to the internet at least we can question as to whose side we are on an why. best i can tell, again a usual we a general populace are royality screwed yet again. what else is new.l

September 21, 2015 2:12 pm

That chart is a painful illustration of how divided this nation has become. What was once the dominant culture, as flawed as it may have been, continues to shred into competing ideologies which will eventually be unable to co-exist.

bb – The Progressives hate us as much, or more, than we hate them. We are impediments to their agendas.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 21, 2015 2:25 pm

i truly appreciate this site an all those who offer their views. it matters not what i think, at least i can express my view. how you folks can handle all the information that crosses your eyes, is beyond me. i am overcome. i considered being deaf dumb and stupid, what am i gaining. am smarter I as i watch the world eagerly self destruct. anyone wish to suggest their advice to their children? i have no answers. the best cop out is above my pay grade, hate to say this yet life in general is beginning to be above my pay grade. i am glad the people who visit this site are hard core, i regret that 40 years of uncertainty an up is down has done it desired effect on me. a point comes where unless they are charging the gates one has no desire to fight back.

Hollow man
Hollow man
September 21, 2015 2:33 pm

It looks like a big giant circle jerk. The producers are the pivot hand that keeps them cuming back for more.

September 21, 2015 2:53 pm

“are the nazis your buddies …” ——- f & l

No, not at all.

“are the guys dropping the bombs on dresden. ” ——- f & l


“how can anyone thank hitlerr for what he brought, yet how can one be happy watching the russies and allies destroy everything in their path, ” ——- f & l

I’m not sure I can find anyone who would thank Hitler. As far as the Russkies destroying everything in their path, the Germans did likewise. War is hell.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 21, 2015 3:39 pm

thank you stucky, glad for the response, my views can change. so easy to hate an enemy invented by media. did i hate yankees prior to conflict, or huns prior to. name the enemy, we have to be told to hate. very sad stake of affairs. i could not find indochina on a map in 1965/ just another dumbass following the propaganda. which leads to believing nothing. i became warped thanks to the 60’s. my hope and desire is others never become so jaded/

September 21, 2015 4:49 pm

@Gayle..The Progressives hate us as much, or more, than we hate them. We are impediments to their agendas.

Do I detect dissension? Must I denounce you? The chart comes directly from The Party’s Ministry of Truth and The Bureau of Politikal Korrectness. We do not hate you. Only evil, worker-exploiting Capitalists pigs hate. We are the Party of Tolerance, but then, our tolerance leash for dissenters is getting shorter these days. Please take notice that further dissension may earn you a trip to a re-education camp, and a shovel-ready job, to boot. Please to consider yourself under scrutiny, as it were, henceforth. The Party’s agenda, to provide each and everyone eternal bliss and equality, should never be questioned, privately and most certainly not in public.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 21, 2015 5:14 pm

nkit, that was a fun read. the never ending bullshit coming from DC and mass media is enough create lots of zombies. i live in the rural countryside, about all i have going. the germans were so brain washed, they bought it all hook line and sinker to the very end. so much history destroyed, people, you name it what or who would benefit if the nazi’s had won the day. the need for more slave labor, to what end? the nazi’s freak me out, somehow the populace bought it all, then rejected they could be responsible for the deeds of their comrades. is it possible we could become so akin to a society that beyond understanding. ,maybe it is possible, hate creates monsters. with help Germany had lots of hate. i pray we will not follow that path, yet our president seems to thrive on division, can not imagine a winner, we all lose, yet he appears to enjoy the destruction. with luck, history will not be kind to him.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 21, 2015 8:46 pm

what a bonehead i am. i bitch, little do i realize what a freedom it is to bitch. i am alive in a golden age as much as i may complain, this site reminds me how fortunate i am, all the views have merit, someone took the time express those beliefs. the awareness this forum could end due to the PC world of orwellism. people who make this site so much fun are true libertarians. free speech is the banner we march under, the older i get the more cherished that freedom is.

September 21, 2015 9:06 pm

The Media Response to the Growing Influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

The Media Response to the Growing Influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement.