I don’t agree with Martin Armstrong on all issues. But I find his posts provocative, so I read them every day. His post on debt yesterday said that he put this slide up at a conference in 1998. If he is telling the truth, that is some pretty impressive forecasting. But, I always keep in mind he is selling an investment publication. I do agree with him regarding the coming collapse of governments around the world due to the looming debt crisis. His cycle theory coincides with the Fourth Turning cycle on that basis.

Via Martin Armstrong

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September 27, 2015 9:43 am

Not bad if true. But until I see the big badda boom he’s been talking about, I’ll treat his predictions with the same amount of skepticism as Clif High’s Webbots.

September 27, 2015 10:08 am

Associated – posted on 09-27-2015


September 27, 2015 2:10 pm

Saw the post too and read MA on a fairly regular basis.

Thing is, I have come to realise that I have bought cartloads of BS in my lifetime. Another Armstrong (Lance) – I believed his story about being clean and that he was the one being victimised, so now I have to say my first though is that this is BS from MA. A rouse to sell whatever he is selling.

I think the economy is emergent and chaotic. Chaotic systems cannot be predicted so to say that he has a computer that models everything and can tell what is going to happen in the future I think probably false. What do I know?

I have wondered if there are many who like the idea of a prophet or ‘seer’ because it removes some sense of the inevitable uncertainty about the future. We like saviours too – Joe Biden…… selling us the end of poverty and a more equal and just world hahahaha fucking ha.

PS I believed Obama too! I am such a tool!

September 27, 2015 4:34 pm

In this world it’s a lot easier and safer to believe everything is bullshit and fucked up until proven otherwise.

September 27, 2015 5:19 pm

My only problem with this slide is that I have discovered that Martin always post exact dates for all forecast. For example, the 2015.75 forecast with the sovereign debt crisis.

Why does the slide from 1998 not have this precision which his commuter always shows for all forecast?

Anon@4:34 has it right, In this world it’s a lot easier and safer to believe everything is bullshit and fucked up until proven otherwise.
