Via Knuckledraggin

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September 27, 2015 12:59 pm

Funny !

September 27, 2015 1:02 pm

Been there, done that…more than once.

September 27, 2015 1:19 pm

lol my wife found out about my motorcycle purchase when I had her drive me to the dealership!
Asked her ,any questions?, … she said nope it was indeed one of my dreams and she supported it

September 27, 2015 1:39 pm

Yup, me too.

It’s the, “I wear the pants…but my wife picks them out,” mentality.

September 27, 2015 3:07 pm

There are times when what a woman says is the exact opposite of what she means.
As in:

“Do whatever the fuck you want”

Or you ask- What’s wrong


September 27, 2015 4:41 pm

My wife never exhibited that sort of behavior while we were engaged and I made it clear to my her before we got married that I would never behave that way or tolerate it from her. I’m not playing any bullshit guessing games. My philosophy is to say what you mean and mean what you say. It’s been 28 years and we’ve both been true to our word.

September 27, 2015 5:23 pm

After a long flight a couple decades ago, I had a few crewdogs over to the house for drinks. The Crew Daddy (slang for highest ranking crewmember) came along and I was friends with his wife and knew she didn’t like him to go out drinking without telling her. The lived a couple blocks away, so I told him to call her and ask her to join us.

He came back into the room from calling and I asked if she was coming. He said no, but that she had said “You do whatever you want to do.”

I took the beer out of his hand and told him to go to his house. Right. Now.

September 27, 2015 5:51 pm

When I ask “What’s wrong”, her response is very specific…and I then keep my mouth shut.

September 27, 2015 9:20 pm

I S ,how come I don’t believe you? Can you actually read the mind of your wife. If not then you’re guessing. Meathead.

September 28, 2015 7:06 am

Rookie mistake, that is just about the first phrase in the wife to husband translation dictionary.

September 28, 2015 12:10 pm

A similar scenario was the proverbial last straw for a good friend and co-worker of mine from back in the day.

Bob was a long distance mover and a great husband and provider. His wife Pam discovered the dreamland fairytale world of feminism after about five years into the marriage. You know what comes next, don’t you? Yep, she started talking down to him and treating him like shit. She even refused to have sex with him, saying she had no interest after having the kids.

After three kids and 13 years of marriage, poor ol’ Bob was getting shit on so many times by her he was actually getting used to it. He was on the road working his ass off three weeks out of every month which afforded Pam the status of a stay at home mom, a rarity even in those days. Their house was awesome and she had a new lease SUV of her choice every three years.

Good ol’ Pam really put on the pounds while having three kids. As a matter of fact, she looked like a 55 gallon barrel with a pumpkin on top. Sporting her severe wedge haircut and never wearing makeup ever, she really didn’t give a shit….she was empowered, you see.

Bob drove an 14 year old ford pickup that was a junker. He needed to get a replacement but Pam said no. He wanted some say in where they went on their annual vacation, but Pam said no, and DisneyWorld is where they always went. Bob couldn’t smoke on his property and wasn’t allowed to have so much as a single beer. Pam knew best, you see. Oprah and the girls on the View told her so.

The final straw was when Bob pleaded with her to let him replace his work truck, a 16 year old International that was falling apart. She said no, they couldn’t afford it because money was tight, besides, she needed a new kitchen and an in ground swimming pool.

He offered to go to a marriage consoler, but that was rejected as well because Pam knew everything about everything. Oprah and the girls on the View schooled her well.

Well, ol’ Bob met a lady in Florida that was sooo nice. He started an affair and that led to divorce city and let me tell you, it was as ugly a divorce as I’ve ever seen in my 60 years on this planet.

The point of this is tale is that, as incredible as it seems to me, Pam never even had a furtive thought that Bob would leave her. She never got a clue witnessing the divorces in her neighborhood or in her circle of friends. She was flabbergasted that her husband/slave would not continually accept being treated as a piece of shit. How dare he! She was an empowered womyn! Hear her roar!

Bob ended up getting married in Florida with his paramour and bought a new work truck. Pam ended up alone in a big empty house bitching with her fellow divorced girlfriends about ‘unfair’ it all is and complaining that all men are dogs. This all occurred 14 years ago. I knew both of them well.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that Pam got herself a couple of cats. Oprah and the girls from the View aren’t helping her anymore.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 28, 2015 12:32 pm

Lysander- Feminism is all about destroying the family unit and neutering males . Men have allowed it to happen and womenz have become even more miserable than they were as drudge housewives.
TPTB are entirely pissed off that there are as many traditional families left as there are as they long for their “Brave New World ” where no family exists and no person belongs to another person.

The animal kingdom has no problem with the family unit so why do we? Another example of tv controlling human thought processes. But do men have the guts to smash their tv in to bits and throw it away? Bet not.

September 28, 2015 6:38 pm

@Lysander, I know you meant to post a tale of woe, instead I found a tale of bad choices, doubling down on them (multiple kids) paying for his own stupidity (bad divorce = paramour, he was begging to be screwed in court by cheating), then eventually finding redemption and happiness.

Whom cares how Pam turned out? I don’t. She made her own bed, and, like most, was probably shocked to find themselves in it. But you tell the story as if you KNOW what goes on behind closed doors, and you KNOW that he was a saint, her all sinner. My goodness I love fairytales.

At least he was only miserable for years, which is now giving him some perspective on how wonderful life is now. She could have figured out he was worth more dead than alive. She could have decided to have another three kids. The one thing I’ve learned is you can NEVER truly know what lives inside another human mind, nor heart. You can only know what you are told and what you see. The truly messed up just one day seem to snap, when the reality is they intentionally, or unconsciously, covered the truth up for years.

My last husband pretended everything was fine and there were no problems. I was too busy working 100 hours a week and caring for his two sons to notice he was pretending. We went on a work/vacation suggested by him for our anniversary. He told me three days after we got back 9/11 made him realize he was sad and would rather “try” with his secretary.

Why the bitterness when your friend obviously ended up better off? We all make mistakes, some of us double down (by continuing to have more children with a spouse that is already miserable/making you miserable) before figuring it out and cutting our losses. Ah well. WE made the mistake, whom do you think should pay for it?

There have been piece of crap wives, and piece of crap husbands, from the beginnings of time.

Yes feminism, in the form used to destroy the middle class, sucks. But it sure as hell is not the only cause of the breakdown of modern marriage.

So the moral of your story is because Pam watched Oprah and spoke in liberal speak and that ruined the marriage.

Not that she was a piece of crap human that thought she could pop out a couple kids and call her working life over, dumping it all on the husband during a time of increased expenses (which more than feminism ruined the family, it cost them mom’s choice and time as she HAD to work in many cases)

Screw you. I’m a “feminist,” I went to work in male dominated industries, kicked the vast majority of men’s working asses, made more money than them and THEN still had to go home grab my kid coach little league, cook dinner, do laundry and clean the house.

Pam is a lazy, entitled, poorly raised, piece of shit. Bob liked it that way for a long, long, time. Yep, he LIKED it. CHOSE it. Woe is freaking Bob. And others like him.

Nope, not that. It’s Oprah and Gloria Steinem. By the way, feminism started in the ’70s, Whoopie hadn’t even made her first movie yet, and Baw-baw WaaWaa hadn’t even been mocked by SNL yet. Looks like Pam just came to it late and myopically.

September 28, 2015 7:09 pm