Does anyone on the planet care that Playboy will no longer have nude women in their magazine? Has anyone actually bought a Playboy magazine in the last 30 years?

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Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
October 16, 2015 8:31 am

Yes & No.

October 16, 2015 8:33 am

So they’ll just be known as, “Boy” from now on?

October 16, 2015 8:43 am

God strike my whole family dead if this is a lie …. I have never bought a Playboy magazine. Ever.

Wondering why they are doing this only took a few seconds …. ” The Times notes, which says Playboy’s 5.6 million circulation in 1975 has taken a staggering fall to just 800,000.”

On the bright side, this new format WILL finally either validate or invalidate the excuse given by deviants whose wives caught them with their pants down ….. “But, honey! I only bought the magazine because of the great articles!”

Hey hey … we’ll see.

October 16, 2015 8:56 am

I had a subscription for quite a few years… then they started filling the pages with lefty politics. More and more of the women featured had fake tits, bleach blonde hair, obvious plastic surgery, etc. Yuck. I like my women with natural curves, natural beauty and real body parts… so there really wasn’t any reason to keep the subscription.

October 16, 2015 9:03 am

Have not seen a Playboy since the early 90’s. If I buy a magazine, it’s about cars.

October 16, 2015 10:09 am

I bought several when I was 18, and pretty much stopped by 19.

FWIW, some of the car and motorcycle mags had hotter women, even if they were wearing tiny bikinis.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 16, 2015 10:19 am

I never bought one but they were in college and USAF dorms back in the day. I think the yuoots prefer the ease of illegal drugs and internet porno more than stale “R” rated pictures or the stress of actual sex; and nobody reads liberal crap. Look what happened to Readers Digest when the Communist bought it. Is there still a Hustler or Playgirl? I bet there are lots of faggot bars and mags in Urban Jungles.

October 16, 2015 10:41 am

I think it is is very sad actually.

But HZK! How can you say that!! You are a womyn and all right thinking womyns should be aginst the exploitation of womyn’s bodies!!!! The publishers of Playboy should have long ago been tarred and feathered!

And yes, as a woman, I have occasionally read a few Playboy magazines in my time, just to see what all the fuss was about. And I LOL’d on most of the jokes.

First off, the women in Playboy were undisputably some of the most beautiful women on the planet. I will never look like that no matter how much $$$$ or time at a beauty farm I could spend, fine, I have other gifts. In former ages, great sculptors would have committed bloody murder for the opportunity put that beauty in marble or on a canvass. There is nothing wrong with celebrating the beauty of woman’s bodies. If God didn’t make women attractive, there would be no human race.

(You have only to look at the fug-ugly of most of the FemiNazis to see where their objections come from.)

Secondly, Playboy was always just a little bit naughty without being frankly pornographic. I guess we are just so jaded these days cuz I’ve always thought they left a fair amount to the imagination. I’ve typed “sex” or “tyanny” into the search bar a few times and OMG, that leaves NOTHING to the imagination. Most of it is repulsive, coarse, vile and yukky. I always thought Playboy made women look like objects of desire, not just objects.

Thirdly, these women want to be looked at, men want to look at them, publishers want to make money so what is wrong with that?

And lastly, these women CHOSE to pose for Playboy. No female living in IslamoHELL has a choice at all about their bodies. I don’t hear a peep from the FemiNazis about that.

So so long Playboy, there goes one of my bucket list items about being a covergirl for you.

October 16, 2015 10:42 am

True story.

My family, thanks to the recession of the 70s, moved in order for my father to work in my mom’s dad’s Western Auto (that he cashed out their retirement to buy and then run into bankruptcy, another story, I digress).

We lived a summer in a rental before dad found a house in my now “home” town, a house he still lives in. The loan was an FHA loan, the interest rate was EIGHTEEN percent. The year was 1978.

Anyway, the house has an awesome attic, entered by an actual staircase and big enough to have it be my “clubhouse” during the warmer months.

In my clubhouse were three of four boxes that my parents had completely ignored. Because it was my job ( I was 10) to haul boxes into the attic, I’m the one that discovered these treasures.

The boxes were FULL of Playboys, Hustlers and Penthouses. At ten, I thought them “gross,” but something told me to hide and hold onto them. And I actually did enjoy reading the articles and lamenting the fact I would never be as “beautiful” as the ladies that graced their pages.

Flash forward four years, I was dating and as such didn’t devote my time to making money by cleaning and babysitting. Instead I found caffeine pills (what a markup) and my hidden treasure of skin mags.

Needless to say I had all the little deviants in school covered with those two “gray” market items. I made a bloody fortune and was only risking a slap on the risk to do so. All through 9th grade I’d arrive at school with a bag full of mags and caffeine, by the first bell I’d be 10 pounds lighter and a quite a few dollars richer.

Anyway, that’s my Playboy story. Funny thing is that a couple years ago, I was watching one of my nephew’s Little League games and one of my old classmates was there watching too (son I think).

We chatted for a few minutes and promised to keep in touch. After the end, as we were walking out, I heard my name being called. He ran up to me and stated he remembered something and wanted to know. With a sheepish smile on his face, he asked if I still had any of those old skin mags! Said it always cracked him up that I was selling them. And we both lamented the fact that had I just left them in the attic, they would be worth so much more now than the few bucks I got for them 30ish years ago.

October 16, 2015 10:43 am

If I’m hungry for a steak, why do I want to look at a picture of a steak?

My friend Billy, his dad had a vacuum cleaner shop. During the summer, sometimes we would watch the store over the noon hour, this was 1960 – we were about 12 years old. His dad had a bunch of Playboy’s stashed in the back. It was great for a 12 year old. Never bought one of those rags. Really not that difficult to get the real thing.

October 16, 2015 10:58 am

From what I’ve been told people only bought the magazine for the articles anyway.

October 16, 2015 11:11 am

“A word about pornography: You’ll need it. Lots of it. The dirty, filthy, degrading kind. But keep it WELL hidden. Don’t discount secret wall panels, trick drawers, holes in the yard, etc., especially if you have teenage boys or a Baptist wife with a housecleaning obsession. Also keep in mind that you could die at any moment, and nothing puts a crimp in a funeral worse than having the bereaved family wonder what kind of sick perverted beast you were under that kind and gentle exterior.”

— John Hughes, “Very Married Sex” (National Lampoon, Feb 1979)

October 16, 2015 11:48 am

I luckily had a much older brother who bought every issue of Playboy and Hustler. So I ‘read’ them from about 12 years old on.

When I got older and actually did read the articles I found that some of them were pretty good. As a matter of fact, it was because of a Playboy (or Hustler, I forget which) article about a survivalist group who set up their doomstead in the Rouge River Valley of Oregon, which got me interested in Survivalism in the first place. As was common at that time with early survivalists, they were preparing for nuclear war. They picked that valley in Oregon as an area most likely to be immune to fallout.

So, one of the major influences on me becoming a survivalist was a titty magazine.

October 16, 2015 12:15 pm

Since we are all being so honest I would like to admit I loved Playboy Magazine.It was simply the fastest way a 14 year old could jack off.Never read the articles just look at the women and jacked off. I know Stucky knows what I talking about.

October 16, 2015 12:19 pm


This is a smart move on the part of Playboy. It allows them to directly compete with magazines like Maxim. Now, playboy can be put in every barber shop and waiting room in the country. It can be openly sold at supermarkets. This will save the company.

October 16, 2015 12:47 pm

The term “jacked off” is rather offensive. That being said, bb, at 14 years old I massaged the muscle to naked neegrows in National Geographic.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 16, 2015 1:25 pm

Hope@ZeroKelvin says: So so long Playboy, there goes one of my bucket list items about being a covergirl for you.

Bullshit, Hope, I still anticipate Admin doing a spread on the women of TBP. I imagine all sorts of layouts: Maddie’s Mom and her tray of sandwiches, T4C in that naughty nurse’s mini, yes, you’d be on the cover a la Marilyn Monroe.

Why did their nudes die? I picked up a copy in the news stand and showed the sexy mulatta a sample ‘most beautiful women’ of Playboy, the so-called woman had suspiciously narrow hips, no pubic hair, surgically enhanced pubic lips reconstructed from the remains of a nutsack, buttcheeks a dwarf could cup in his hands, and the mandatory balloon implant bazooka joe boobs – so chewable. As for beauty, only if you consider La Jenner beautiful. Playboy never had real beauties, but who ever noticed that flaw in the first place? The last time they had pretty women was in the 60’s, ater that, they began printing skinny barbies with angular facial features like bizzarro world women.

So, guess what is the most popular porn pic online, ‘fat’ chicks, chicks with flesh, soft, curvy, delightful bitefuls. Damn, I miss AWD’s contributions to TBP, mostly his articles, really.

October 16, 2015 1:40 pm

Never bought a copy of Playboy and don’t care about it going away, which is what will happen when the change takes effect.

mike in ga
mike in ga
October 16, 2015 2:29 pm

no & no

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 16, 2015 3:49 pm

The magazine catered to heterosexual white males, a dying demographic. Heh.

October 16, 2015 4:56 pm

Why would anyone buy Playboy without the naked women? El Coyote is right also.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 16, 2015 5:36 pm

Cant remember ever BUYING one, but occassionaly found one in Dads closet or in a hotel room or mens restroom….Playboy seems to be going the Maxim mag. route, IMO.

October 16, 2015 5:45 pm

That mag always focused too much on breasts and not enough on the part of a woman’s body I was interested in.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 16, 2015 6:04 pm

Caitlyn’s got a big hose in each hand. Like sushi, it is revolting and yet tempting.

October 16, 2015 10:56 pm

I’m not surprised at the news, Stucky. I always had you figured as a Hustler guy. Or maybe Cherry.
BTW this non-total nude thing is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard a company propose. Sorta kinda like Starbucks announcing they’ll no longer serve coffee.

October 17, 2015 9:00 am

While in junior high school we got two students from Angola (1980`s). They offered me a Swank magazine (I have it even now as an ‘being young’ item) to draw the circuit board for an low Amps rectifier and rectifier kits ‘build your own’ were sold on the market so they could not cheat.

So, nicely trimmed pussy pics made their way to this God forsaken place even back then


October 17, 2015 9:14 am

Oh.. a question: where is the ‘register to this site’ option is for those interested to do it?
Not meant to be rude … .

October 17, 2015 9:16 am

Oh.. a question: where is the ‘register to this site’ option for those interested to do it?
Not meant to be rude … .

October 17, 2015 9:17 am


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 17, 2015 12:51 pm

I registered once, expecting to get a welcome package with an 8×10 autographed selfie of admin and a decoder ring. Nada. Your on your own here, no crutches, no leis, fight or die.