Question of the Day, Oct 16

Hillary said during the debate that the government is necessary to reign in capitalism and the free market, otherwise, the money would all flow to the very few, very rich and there would be no middle class. What has government done in the last 30 years both positively and negatively to reign in the “free market” and capitalism? Westcoaster, if you convince me she is right, I will vote for her.

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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October 16, 2015 9:02 am

All the government and the fed have done in the time frame you mention is prevent real capitalism/ a free market from taking hold. No free market would lend money to insolvent people or governments at near zero interest rates. There can be no free market when any entity can conjure up unlimited amounts of money with a few strokes of the keyboard.

The fed and the government’s primary function(in this regard) protect the big banks from a free market at the expense of the rest of us.

October 16, 2015 9:15 am

If her lips are moving ………

Hitlery will say ANYTHING to get into the WH, period. I sincerely believe she has been selected by TPTB to be your next president…………hard left turn in the road ahead.

October 16, 2015 9:28 am

Reining in the finance capitalism directed by the Fed wouldn’t be a bad idea, but that’s not what the ratbag is talking about. The US economy and that of nearly every other nation is now so distorted that a sensible and truly representative government IS required to intervene, re-establish fiscal legitimacy, then step aside so that pre-finance-capitalism can begin to rise from the ashes. This plan, however, is not on the table.

October 16, 2015 9:34 am

She is a career politician that will always protect wallstreet, government and the fed, she will use the power of the office to continue to fuck over the 99.9% while at the same time convincing her ever growing base that she is there to protect and help them.

Always leave them wanting and demanding government “do something” that’s successful politics today.

They have to create and continue the illusion that we could not survive without their governance. Why else do we vote?

October 16, 2015 9:42 am

@Montefrio “finance capitalism’ that you are referring to isn’t capitalism. And the economy is “so distorted” BECAUSE OF government intervntion. Anyone that is telling you that we got here due to a LACK of government or fed intervention is either stupid or lying. Those are the only two possibilities. Getting rid of the “finance capitalism” you refer to is easy: no more bailouts, ever. End the fed- no more free money. When you break the law, you go to jail, not just have your company’s shareholders write a check to the SEC. That’s it. We wouldn’t have gotten here is it wasn’t for our govt intervening. Sound money, which neither the government, the fed, or banks can just conjure out of thin air.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 16, 2015 9:54 am

They have made small farmers pariahs and the government hated unless you are a minority who they give big grants etc. You cannot disturb a low area that has ever been wet more than 6 weeks in maybe a thousand years. You cannot dig a pond in a wet area but only in a dry area. If you use fertilizer or have livestock, no runoff can leave your land. Our milk, meat, eggs, vegetables etc are assumed to be disease vectors. Forget free range chickens because we become criminals if we protect them with shotguns and if you can’t protect them then you are only feeding the predators. Same with sheep, goats, and calves if you have coyotes and cattle if there are wolves. If some Yankee company builds a subdivision close enough that the residents can hear your chickens or smell your livestock, you have to quit or sell your land and relocate. Even if you are able to become big, you must have a quota to sell peanuts etc and an inside man to sell to retail outlets and then only if you first sell to a licensed wholesaler (daily in the case of eggs). They require licenses, paperwork, tags, inspections etc that burden the really small part time guy. If you miss a dot or don’t cross a “T”, they come to your house and destroy your business, fine you and then send you a bill for their labor. I will have very little sympathy for liberals when food becomes scarce because they are responsible for this oppression.

October 16, 2015 10:13 am

“the government is necessary to reign in capitalism and the free market, otherwise, the money would all flow to the very few, very rich and there would be no middle class”

Since that is 100.0000% EXACTLY what has been happening since 2008, are we to take it that our swath of North America has been a total anarchy since 2008 and the USA is in a coma or on vacation somewhere?

Seriously, WTF??? You cannot get any more evil and two-faced than this claim. Obama has been terrible for this, Bill Clinton was terrible for this (though most don’t realize it because he set the stage rather than presiding over the result), and Hillary will be even worse still.

I’m not religious but if I were I’d think that Hillary is the Devil incarnate.

October 16, 2015 10:14 am

As for the actual question: I think that government is one means of preventing monopolies and the harm that they almost invariably cause. Our government has been completely ineffective at this for the last two decades, mostly by design. A clean, honest and functional government could be valuable. Our highly corrupt crony-crook system is no better than anarchy and probably worse.

October 16, 2015 10:18 am

Government is necessary to reign in capitalism….but no mention of who reigns in government. Money will flow to a very few, very rich. That’s the goal of central banking and government. I don’t see the Red Queen redistributing her wealth, but that’s just for the serfs.

October 16, 2015 10:29 am

Is that why they steal 25%+/- of my time in the form of taxes on wages to prevent capitalism from concentrating all my money in the hands of the rich? That makes sense……in crazyland!

October 16, 2015 10:35 am

Hilliary is on board with the UN, via its Agenda 21 and the GloBull Warming Hoax. These entities have stated the goal is to end free market capitalism in the developed economies. That is their goal. It has nothing to do with the environment. Full-fledged crony capitalism.

Bernie is also on board – his ‘moral’ imperative to “save the planet” is a big give-away.

Authoritarian government – you will do what they say, buy what they say, and live as they say.

October 16, 2015 10:55 am


In the last round it looked like the government was protecting monopolies from failure to me, not preventing them.

October 16, 2015 11:13 am

@Persnick, you have come so far, but still have a ways to go. This didn’t START in 2008, this goes back to at LEAST Reagan, truly, it goes back to the Civil War and Prohibition. Why do you think street drugs are CHEAPER now than when Reagan went full retard in his “Just Say No”/War on Drugs and Drink?

Problems not acknowledged cannot, will not, be fixed. We are treating this “problem” (only for us) like the symptoms are the disease.

If your shoes have holes in them, and the your feet are cold and wet, the government (going wayyyyyy back) would tell you to put on an extra pair of cotton (from India) socks. Would this actually solve the initial problem of the hole in your shoe? Yes, it – might – keep your feet warmer, but the next time you step in a puddle the fallacy of this “fix” becomes clear.

My guess is about 80% of our fellow citizens think that the government creates jobs. Think about that.

The government, OUR government, only destroys the productive to create parasites. Crony capitalism in the guise of safety. Massive spending and Wall Street in the guise of GDP – Gross Domestic Production (ha!). Trading a few (comparative) deaths by the “flu” and measles for millions of suffering (and profits) from cancer and impaired brain activity.

Our entire country has spent the better part of 150 years covering up the fact that the Civil War, the Federal Reserve, Prohibition, removal of the Gold Standard and now massive cronyism through regulation and open borders have gutted all that once made us great.

We forget that man THRIVED, our brains GREW and we built societies WITHOUT the benefit of government and Kings. We now pretend that a couple thousand years of history trumps millions of years of development.

So it goes…

October 16, 2015 11:57 am

Off topic I guess, but why do all the emerging posters and graphics of Hillary always seem to make here look at least three or four decades younger than she is?

The Democratic view of the value of a woman maybe?

October 16, 2015 12:11 pm

Gator: I know perfectly well that finance capitalism isn’t industrial capitalism: that’s my point. I also know that gov intervention brought this mess about but it’s gone so far now that only an intervention by a legitimately constituted authority can put an end to it. Who do you think permits the bailouts? The nature of government (and like it or not, there has to be one) has to be changed so that the FIRE economy can be reined in and a restoration of production made the number one priority. Without gov changes, the other changes cannot come about.

October 16, 2015 12:27 pm

montefrio- “only an intervention by a legitimately constituted authority can put an end to it.”

all intervention up to this point has been to protect the big banks from a free market. What happens in a free market? insolvent entities go bankrupt. Without that, there can be no capitalism. What he have now is privatized profits that the big banks and their shareholders keep, and socialized losses that are eaten by every US citizen(actually, every person in the world that holds USDs) which is done BY GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION (at gunpoint). We don’t need more government intervention ‘to put an end to it’. Every govt intervention so far has done nothing but protect the banks from the consequences of their actions. Stop intervening, and let them face the music. thats all that needs to be done.

October 16, 2015 12:49 pm

Gator: we’re on the same page, but my point is that there must be a legitimate gov or there will be intervention on behalf of the “TBTF” entities! The Glass-Steagall Act must be restored, changes made with respect to the gov and the Fed, the issuance of currency, be it fiat or gold-backed, tax laws, doing away with thousands of useless and burdensome regulations, etc. That means gov intervention of a different sort, but it can only be carrried out by a legitimately constituted gov. How else can this be done?

October 16, 2015 1:06 pm

We do not have a capitalistic system we have a crony capitalistic system devolving into an oligarchy.

Glad I could help.

October 16, 2015 1:21 pm

She IS right. The problem is she is part of the problem and will not fix it. Go Bernie!

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
October 16, 2015 2:18 pm

The government cannot reign in capitalism because it has no money of its own. All of its money is loaned to it by private banks via the Federal Reserve or taken from the populace at large under threat of force through taxation or licenses/fees. The private banks are capitalism at its worst. The people depend on capitalism to survive with the portion the state allows them to keep. How can an organization that lives on an allowance from capitalism, in one form or another, “reign in capitalism?”

October 16, 2015 3:18 pm

@TE: I mostly agree. The very existence of government isn’t necessarily a good thing. However, I picked 2008 because it is a fairly clear demarcation when the happy luxury ride of the middle class fell off a cliff, and has largely stayed down in the canyon. The rot started long before – I can easily argue that it was in place even in 1776 – but 2008 is the cliff-fall.

October 16, 2015 4:53 pm

“Rich people. God bless us. We deserve all the opportunities to make sure our country and our blessings continue to the next generation.” Hillary Clinton. April 30, 2008

“I have a million ideas. The country can’t afford them all.” Hillary Clinton. October 11, 2007

October 16, 2015 5:56 pm

We do have crony capitalism (fascis). We have very few free markets. I’m not sure Jesus could convince me to vote for Hiltlery

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 16, 2015 7:42 pm

B says: She IS right. The problem is she is part of the problem and will not fix it. Go Bernie!
@B – no way in hell will Bernie get the Dem nomination. Can’t you see how this works? Only candidates who support the financial system status quo qualify, and Bernie doesn’t.

Wake up and smell the currency.

October 16, 2015 8:02 pm

Hitlery Clinton is the Spawn of Satan and the Bride of the Antichrist.

If she is elected I’ll take it as proof that Satan exists. And I’m a goddamned atheist.

October 16, 2015 10:52 pm

Mike, I’m the wrong person to call out to defend Hillary Clinton. I think she needs to be in prison for what she did in Benghazi, plus all that “pay for play” money that went into the Clinton “Fundation” from countries and companies that wanted special treatment.
Well, that didn’t happen, so now we have another shot with the email server. The bitch needs to be in the big house, not the white house. Kapisch?

Muck About
Muck About
October 17, 2015 5:37 pm

@TE: Good comment. Just remember that at the time we were doing all this good shit without governments, the life expectancy was about 27 years!

I’d be willing to try it again and I’d bet we’d the life expectancy would be 45 years this time..