End The Fed

Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (Annotated by Acting-Man.com’s Pater Tenebrarum),

A Dismal Share

The Dow fell back below 17,000 on Wednesday, after Wal-Mart warned that it was having trouble selling things to people with no money – at least online. Its e-commerce efforts don’t seem to be paying off as quickly as it hoped. Why?



A bad day for WMT on the heels of a bad year for WMT – neither do its customers have enough money to buy stuff, nor is WMT able to keep its margins intact while raising the salaries of low-skilled workers (which it has done preemptively to head off even greater demands) – click to enlarge.


There are about 100 million people in the U.S. who earn about the same average wage as the people of Argentina, Estonia, or Bosnia-Herzegovina. Here’s President Reagan’s former budget advisor David Stockman in the Daily Reckoning:

“[A]ccording to the Social Security Administration’s wage records, there were 100 million workers who held any kind of paying job during 2013, who earned a collective total of just $1.65 trillion that year. That amounts to the incredibly small sum of just $16,500 per average worker. And not for a small slice of the labor force but fully two-thirds of all Americans with a job.”

Employment rate working age population

Employment rate of the working age population – everything is not alright – click to enlarge


And according to our old friend Jim Davidson, the U.S. now has wealth inequality rivaled only by Russia. There are a few people at the top earning a lot of money. And there are a lot at the bottom earning little money. Jim elaborates in his soon-to-be-released book, tentatively titled The Breaking Point:

“Evidence of how far the bottom 50% of America’s wealth distribution has fallen comes from Credit Suisse in its 2014 Global Wealth Report. As interpreted by Mike Krieger, the data show that the bottom half of America’s wealth distribution ranks dead last among 40 major economies, with “just 1.3% of national wealth. Only Russia comes close to that dismal share, at 1.9%.””

At the Diary, how much other people earn is none of our business. And we have no truck with those who urge the feds to “do something” – by which they mean take away money from rich Peter and give it to poor Paul.

The feds are not very good at it. Much of the money sticks to their hands. Also, Peter has friends in high places. Speaking fees, lobbying jobs, campaign contributions – when Peter talks, the feds listen.

Besides, we’re suspicious of the feds’ motives. The common critique of Fed policy is that it was a “mistake” to push down rates so low for so long. And now, the poor federales are having trouble getting rates up off the floor. Last month, Janet Yellen – supposedly in good faith – believed the world was not ready for it.



FOMC meeting

Cartoon by B. Rich


Larceny and Fraud

At the Diary, we don’t believe the feds have committed an error; we believe they’ve committed a crime. Larceny and fraud are the ones that spring to mind. Though we suspect a good prosecutor could tag them with counterfeiting and embezzlement, too. Throw in money laundering, conspiracy, and jaywalking – now you’re looking at 10 to 20 in the big house.

The essence of larceny is taking something that doesn’t belong to you without permission. Imagine the poor retiree. He has saved his money all his life. Now, in his twilight years, is he not entitled to his recompense?

But instead of earning a decent rate on his savings, he gets the ultra-low rate that is fiddled by the feds. He gets almost nothing. This is not just an abstract point to be argued by economists. It is theft.

Think of the aging person who had $100,000 saved in 2007. If he had earned 4% a year on his money, he would have earned $28,000 in interest since then. But if he got only 1% (or less), he would be short $21,000. What happened to it? Who took it?



It sure went somewhere…

Cartoon via rocklandvoice.com


End the Fed

There are two parties to robbery – the taker and the takee. We have seen what happened to the victims. They are too busy picking through trash bins to go to the Walmart website. But what about the takers?

They are busy too – lobbying… eating foie gras and caviar… and offering to save the world with increasingly radical monetary policies. They are, of course, those who pay net interest, not those who earn it. Who exactly?

The U.S. federal government is the biggest debtor in the world (in terms of the total dollar amount owed). Who gained the most from the federales’ policy? The federales themselves. And who else?

The cronies, of course – Wall Street and corporate America. They were rich before the massive intervention began in 2008. Now, they are much richer.



Even Billy knows…

Cartoon byStan Fill


“You complain about all this stuff,” said one of the attendees on our Money Week investment cruise last week, probably speaking for thousands of readers.

“But you never offer any solutions. What would you do about it?”

“We would do nothing. We would undo a lot,” we replied.

The first thing we would undo is the Fed’s control of the financial system. Let takees get the interest they are entitled to. And let the takers get what they’ve got coming to them.

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October 16, 2015 2:09 pm

Federal Reserve Bank of the United States.

federal; adjective
to do with a system in which several States are ruled by a central government but are responsible for their own internal affairs.
federation; noun
[from Latin foederis = of a treaty]

This bank is owned by private individuals and entities. It is nothing more than a theft mechanism.

Putting an end to this banking theft mechanism, will not accomplish a fair and equitable banking sector. A major revision of ALL banking practices must accompany the ending of this most onerous and odious gang of thieves. ONLY THEN will honest banking reappear in the nation.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 16, 2015 2:17 pm

Viva Andrew Jackson; we desperately need another Leader.

October 16, 2015 4:25 pm

yay ! an end the privately owned central bank aka the fed article . I have too many people that were retired that now work for me because of the zero interest rate program aka ZIRP. Their biggest concern is losing their job and losing what they have left ((((((((((

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 16, 2015 7:12 pm

Bill Bonner is a smart dude. Just today I was listening to this YouTube that I downloaded and converted to MP3. Bookmark it if you don’t have time to listen here. A good warning of what’s to come.

October 16, 2015 10:00 pm

They get rid of the Fed, they lose the IRS. They are not throwing away one of their most efficient tools to harass, terrorize and humiliate the general population and their political enemies.

But the whole idea is as ludicrous as saying “End The Government” because those powers behind the Fed own the whole shooting match. The whole “End The Fed” bullshit is so stupid and distracting that I think TPTB created it, with the help of their handy tool Ron Paul, who is every free thinking man’s hero and a gallant, but unsuccessful contender for the Presidency. Utter bullshit.

Lookie here, If you’re inevitably going to have political opposition, then the smart move is to create it yourself. They know the public is pissed because they are the ones pissing on the public, so they gave them a champion to say the things they want to hear. And in the end…. the result is….well….nothing. That’s what bothers me about Trump. Is he for real, a plant or a tool?

What do you think Alex Jones is all about? Glen Beck? Do you think these guys would have been alive long enough for you to even know their names if they were a threat to the power structure? You think that because they talk about the evil government, and point out all kinds of criminal doings and unconstitutional acts, that they are the catalysts for positive change? As long as any of them has been broadcasting, and that includes Saint Paul, what has been accomplished for the “people”? All that happens is their audience shakes their fists, bellow out some patriotic slogans and stays home to polish their guns. Then they go to work, pay taxes and buy stuff from corporations. Sheep is what sheep does, my momma always said.

You know who was a hero? He was a misguided hero and not all of his ideas were right, but he was right in all the wrong places for TPTB. His name was Milton William Cooper and he was murdered by the government because he predicted 911 a few month before it happened and even said they would blame it on Bin Laden.

So that’s your litmus test. If your ‘peoples champion’ is murdered by the .gov, then you know he was legit. lol

The powers that be are some smart motherfuckers.

Muck About
Muck About
October 17, 2015 5:24 pm

@Rise Up et al…

I like Bill Bonner. But he is wrong. Not entirely, you understand, but he’s wrong simply because he has ignored (he knows better, too!) what “money” is.

I can’t rebut almost two hours of video in a comment, but I can write a post that will correct what I think he’s left out, where he’s right and where’s he’s out in left field.

Then we can turn the shit throwing monkeys loose to whip my ass if they don’t agree.

NOTE: He’s right in that the shit is going to hit the fan when the credit collapse finally happens. There is NO WAY to clear a credit collapse in an orderly manner.

His comments on holding green-backs and cash is crap. For several reasons.

I’m older than he is so I know better – so there. Just sit on your thumb for a while until I get around to writing something that Admin doesn’t think is too ugly to post.. Don’t hold your breath (damn- I almost typed “breast”) (or maybe “beast”) but it’ll be along. I’m fighting some local problems (like cancer and surgeries) but it’ll be alone.

In the mean time, don’t fill up a trunk with $20 green-backs until I get back..


Muck About
Muck About
October 17, 2015 5:26 pm

Shit, I can’t even spell “along”… Oh well, it’s been a while since I’ve been here.


October 17, 2015 11:58 pm

No worries Muck. I envy your endurance with the hand you’ve been playing. I was wondering about just yesterday. I look forward to your article.

October 18, 2015 12:03 am

about *you*……………dammit

Muck About
Muck About
October 18, 2015 6:24 am

Thanks for the kind words, IS…… What I’m mainly getting over is not looking forward to dying quite yet! Tough for a guy almost 80 Summers old to be told by his oncologist to get out of his office because the MD can’t find anything else to fix! (i.e. after a 20 year fight – I appear to be cancer free – terrible shock!).

The surgeries are just routine excavations by a carnivores dermatologist on my almost worn out skin suit.

Now if I can find someone to substitute something for a worn out spine (3 times a week in the gym to improve conditioning of abs and back muscles has really helped but ice packs and pain meds are still required toward the end of the day!)….. Weight back to high school football level +/- a pound or two, the triple by pass is still working fine and a 40 year old bowel resection is functioning fine.

It’s just terrible what a person can do to him/herself in the “normal” wear and tear the body use over almost 8 decades..(Of course, my use of me went a tad bit more than normal). Crap:! We should come with a longer guarantee without having to work so hard at keeping it all together. Too many people just give up too soon on staying active (I mean ACTIVE) and sit themselves to death or just give up trying to manage the pain and problems. When we don’t have to keep hoeing rows to feed yourself and the next two generations like we used to a hundred fifty years ago, we get soft and whiney!

Not me.. I’m having too much fun poking fun at the unending supply of idiots that dwell in the bowels of government at any level and arguing with the shit throwing monkeys here on TBP.

My biggest wish? That fucking Word Press allowed editing of comments if you screw something up when posting them (like thee and I did above!). Pet peeve.

Best to all and I’m glad to be back (more or less)…..