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October 22, 2015 7:08 am

I’ll bet he’s been doing test speeches for the last several weeks while being heavily coached and “his people” realized you just can’t fix stupid and they threw in the towel.

October 22, 2015 7:17 am

That’s GREAT newz!!!

It’s also HORRIBLE newz. It means the Democrap nominee is virtually dead certain … Hillcunt, a lying cunt-whore bitch FELON for el-presidente!! What a country!!

October 22, 2015 7:26 am

Having Biden for president would be like having bb for president.

October 22, 2015 7:57 am

I think all this hype about Joe running was to help hilary long term and his “decision” not to run, now, because it’s too late in the game total bullshit, but also funny as the dem faithful will eat it up.

Lost a presidential candidate but gained a statesman, JesusH…..

She has been fading fast and what better way to round up those leaving her camp waiting for ol’ joe to run than to have him wait and wait and wait, and then announce it’s too late to run, those looking to joe will now walk back to her.

This may also be a signal that hilary will breeze through the Benghazi hearings as well.

October 22, 2015 8:07 am

Good. Now if only the Hillbitch would learn when to leave stage.

October 22, 2015 8:42 am

@card802: Nailed it! Today’s Benghazi hearings will be more Kubuki Failure Theatre from the Rebublicans.

bb's ex-wife
bb's ex-wife
October 22, 2015 8:57 am

Having Biden for president would be like having bb for president. — IndenturedServant

Possible the funniest thing I have ever read on TBP.

October 22, 2015 10:12 am

Can anyone blame the man?

The Clinton’s evil is vast and deep. I wouldn’t want to be Fostered either.

Was listening to the pundits this morning, still claiming Hillary’s “win” of the debate (if we say it enough it will be the truth), and their continuing to provide cover for Jeb.

The powers that be seem to want a Trump v Hillary, or a Jeb v Hilllary, and it hasn’t mattered in forever what “we” want.

Democracy at its finest.

It, really, is ALL Kabuki theater. The unionists and production destroyers are more than 50% of our population. How could “we” win when our votes are ALWAYS eliminated with the sheer numbers of those that benefit from this disaster?

I so have a deep and true love of those that still believe in our system. Well, our system from 200 years ago. True believers are a sight to behold. No amount of facts would ever persuade them that they believe in unicorn farts and the permanency of rainbows either.

While I so want to rain derision, my heart tells me to send them love, peace and above all, the ability to someday pull their heads from their own asses.

October 22, 2015 11:01 am

Joe is not running because he was more than likely blackmailed.

October 22, 2015 11:14 am

If it doesn’t matter who is President anyway, having Biden as President might have been fun.

October 22, 2015 12:32 pm

Robert Gore of Straight Line Logic has a great article concerning hitlery. Here it is:

The Fix Is In, by Robert Gore

Here’s my favorite part:

“Her scandals, libidinous husband, vicious attacks on his female victims, political ineptitude, lack of substantive accomplishment, Benghazi and Libya, emails and all the rest are now…irrelevant. Relevant: her strong ties to Wall Street and most importantly, that she’s never met a US foreign intervention she didn’t like (as a senator she voted for the Iraq invasion). She’s John McCain in drag. Being a supporter of intervention naturally entails support of big defense and intelligence budgets, continuing expansion of the national security state, and continuing erosion of what remains of individual liberty. She ticks all the right boxes for the Republican establishment, and now they’re in her corner.”

And I can’t resist including this observation as well:

“Hillary’s shape-shifting and complete lack of principles will redound to her benefit, and she’ll call on a public relations machine that will be envy of America’s corporate advertisers. By next November, she will be Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale, Mother Theresa, and Susan B. Anthony all rolled into one. Don’t expect the “loyal opposition,” Fox News and the Journal, to come up with any earth-shattering exposes, unless they’re of Trump.”

This is exactly what I’ve been saying, but not intelligently as Mr. Gore.

Meet the new boss…Same as the old boss!

(Actually, she’ll be much worse then Ovomit)

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 22, 2015 1:19 pm

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 22, 2015 3:15 pm

Ya’ll forgot she’s a female and that will get the Useful Idiots “At last we’d have a ______in the White House!” crowd. When Obama crashes the economy, idiots will demand even much more government assistance.

October 22, 2015 3:27 pm

Biden is no diffferent than Hillary or Jeb, He is status quo, period