5 Questions For Bernie Sanders Supporters

Authored by Derrick Broze, originally posted Op-Ed at TheAntiMedia.org,

I have five simple questions for supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. Before I get to them, I find it necessary to preface this with a plea for logic and respectful communication. I am going to be critical of Bernie, and I need you to listen, remain calm, take in the information, and answer honestly.

I ask that you refrain from calling me a shill, a Republican agent, or anything of that sort. I also ask that before you write me off as “another corporate media shill,” you take a moment to consider that I have praised Bernie when he was in the right (see here and here). I have also called him out in the areas where he needs work.

Personally, I am slightly frightened by the online interactions I have witnessed from those who #FeelTheBern. There seems to be a tendency to dismiss anyone who criticizes Bernie as either a Donald Trump supporter or simply an idiot. I can only speak for myself and say that neither of those accusations are true. This hysteria around Sanders is reminiscent of Obama’s supporters, who were quick to attack detractors pointing out that “Hope and Change” was quickly turning into more of the same.

And now on to the questions. Each of them relates to Sanders’ own comments about his potential presidency. I ask that you respond to each comment individually and think about what exactly you are looking for when you say you want to vote for a president.

If you are seeking more freedom and prosperity, ask yourself if that is what you will get by voting for any of the current candidates. If you are seeking to reclaim the moral high ground the United States may have once had, ask yourself if these policies will do just that. Please, please stand by your principles and do not allow the Corporate-State powers to pull the wool over your eyes.

Question 1. Would Bernie’s tax on Wall Street speculation work?

Bernie Sanders has said that he would tax Wall Street speculation and use the funding to pay for his “free” public college tuition program. A fact check by the Associated Press reported that “Sanders’ plan would cover tuition and fees at public universities – a $70 billion annual expense with the federal government picking up two-thirds of that tab by taxing trading in the financial markets.”

Students would still be on the hook for room and board costs that average $9,804, according to the College Board,” the AP added.

But would this Wall Street speculation tax actually achieve the desired outcome? Donald J. Boudreaux, Professor of Economics at George Mason University, does not believe the plan can work. Boudreaux recently wrote:

If such speculation is as economically destructive as Mr. Sanders regularly proclaims it to be, the tax on speculation should be set high enough to drastically reduce it.  But if – as Mr. Sanders presumably wishes – speculation is drastically reduced, very little will remain of it to be taxed and, thus, such a tax will not generate enough revenue to pay for Mr. Sanders’s scheme of making all public colleges and universities ‘tuition-free.’

If a speculation tax is a successful deterrent, there will likely be a decrease in speculation and therefore, very little funds to appropriate for a college tuition fund. Can Bernie’s Wall Street speculation tax work?

Question 2. Do you support an increase in payroll tax for all Americans to fund Bernie’s minimum wage and healthcare plans? Do you believe Bernie’s plans will only tax the 1%?
Bernie Sanders recently appeared on This Week with George Stephanopoulos to discuss his plans for his presidency. Stephanopoulos asked Sanders about his plans to tax the wealthiest Americans. Here is a segment of the transcript:

Stephanopoulos: But to pay for all of your programs, you’re going to have to do more than tax the top 1 percent. How far below the top 1 percent are you going to go with tax hikes?

Sanders: It is not true that we have to go much further.

Stephanopoulos:  Tax hikes below the top 1 percent? No tax hikes below the top 1 percent?

Sanders: I didn’t say that. I think if you’re looking about guaranteeing paid family and medical leave, which virtually every other major country has, so that when a mom gives birth, she doesn’t have to go back to work in two weeks, or there’s an illness in a family, dad or mom can stay home with the kids. That will require a small increase in the payroll tax.

Stephanopoulos: That’s going to hit everybody.

Sanders: That would hit every — yes, it would.

Bernie Sanders was also quizzed on his plans on a recent episode of “Real Time with Bill Maher”:

So you’re saying we can pay for all of this without raising taxes on anybody but the 1 percent?” Maher asked.
We may have to go down a little bit lower than that — but not much lower,” Sanders replied.

Do you trust Sanders when he says the payroll tax will be “small” and that he will only raise taxes on the 1% (or a little bit lower)?

Question 3. Do you support Bernie’s comments on Edward Snowden?

Sanders has openly spoke against the NSA’s massive surveillance programs but stands with the rest of the presidential candidates in his belief  that Snowden should face some type of punishment. At the first Democratic presidential debate, Bernie was asked about his position on Edward Snowden. Sanders said he believes Snowden “played a very important role in educating the American people” — but he broke the law. “I think there should be a penalty to that,” he said. “But I think that education should be taken into consideration before the sentencing.

I know some Bernie supporters may feel these comments provide some hope for Snowden to receive a fair trial, but the truth is that Snowden could not possibly face anything resembling a fair trial in the U.S. Simply look at the prosecution (and persecution) of Chelsea Manning, Barrett Brown, Jeffrey Sterling, and John Kiriakou to see the way whistleblowers are treated in the land of the free. Snowden should be welcomed home as a hero and the masterminds of the NSA’s spying programs should be the ones facing penalties.

Question 4. Do you support Bernie’s stance on Israel and Saudi Arabia? Both of these nations are responsible for atrocious human rights violations (here and here). Saudi Arabia is also accused of funding the 9/11 attacks. Despite this, the majority of politicians — including Bernie — continue to support these nations.

Last summer, as Israeli soldiers deliberately targeted hospitals in Operative Protective Edge, Sanders joined the rest of the U.S. Senate by unanimously voting to support Israel’s actions and supporting “the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization.”

Mint Press News recently reported on Sanders’ Israel stance:

“Yet when it comes to more recent statements, journalists describe Sanders as difficult to pin down on foreign policy issues, including Israel. Josh Nathan-Kazis, writing in June for Forward, noted that ‘a search of the Congressional Record reveals very few statements about Israel by Sanders on the floor of the House or the Senate,’ but ‘in February 2015, Sanders was the first Senator to announce that he would skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress.’”

Nathan-Kazis reports that Sanders does have limited ties to AIPAC, the pro-Israel lobbying group that’s trying to drive the U.S. to war with Iran:

“In Vermont, a small group of AIPAC-linked Jewish activists do have Sanders’ ear on Israel-related matters. Yoram Samets, a Burlington businessman and a member of AIPAC’s national council, said that he has been in touch with Sanders for the past decade, but that Sanders does not sign any AIPAC-backed letters. His Vermont colleague Senator Patrick Leahy does not, either.”

Though it appears Sanders keeps his distance from Israeli radicals like Netanyahu, his silence on the matter and support of Operation Protective Edge reveals his true stance.

Sanders also recently spoke about Saudi Arabia while taping a PBS show at the University of Virginia. Sanders’ said the nation with untold amounts of blood dripping off its hands should “get their hands dirty” and take a bigger role in the war against ISIS. Why would someone interested in ending the wars demand that a nation known for blatant human rights violations “get their hands dirty” and support more war? Saudi Arabia killed dozens of civilians in a single airstrike over a wedding in Yemen last month, yet Sanders still believes they should lead the assault on the Islamic State.

Should we expect President Sanders to continue supporting these nations?

Question 5. Do you support Bernie’s plan to continue the drone program? According to documents released by a new whistleblower, during one five-month period of drone operations, nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets.

Senator Bernie Sanders recently said he would continue Obama’s disastrous drone program, which has resulted in the deaths of innocent people across the Middle East. In late August, Truthdig reported that Bernie Sanders told George Stephanopoulos he would continue the program.

I think we have to use drones very, very selectively and effectively. That has not always been the case.” Sanders said. “What you can argue is that there are times and places where drone attacks have been effective. … There are times and places where they have been absolutely countereffective and have caused more problems than they have solved. When you kill innocent people, the end result is that people in the region become anti-American who otherwise would not have been.”

Sanders is absolutely right that killing innocent people fosters anti-American sentiment around the world (this makes his push for the civilian-killing Saudi military’s involvement in the fight against ISIS all the more puzzling). In 2014, the journal Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict released two papers discussing the use of drones by the military and found an increasing number of Americans are against the use of drones on suspected terrorists in foreign countries. One paper notes that if drones continue to receive negative publicity within the United States and abroad, they may become “politically impractical.” The second paper asks whether drones are actually increasing the power of anti-U.S. protesters by gaining sympathy with the civilian population.

According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the CIA carried out 27 drone strikes in Pakistan during 2013, as well as 38 in Yemen — including the now infamous attack on December 12, 2013 that killed 15 people at a wedding. TBIJ estimates there have been over 2,400 deaths since Obama took over the drones. Since official numbers are not recorded, it is difficult to know exactly how many civilians have been killed under the U.S. drone program. However, Senator Lindsey Graham has estimated that 4,700 people have been killed.

These numbers seem to line up with what the newest whistleblower has stated: “Anyone caught in the vicinity is guilty by association,” the whistleblower told The Intercept. When “a drone strike kills more than one person, there is no guarantee that those persons deserved their fate.”

The whistleblower also stated that the program uses a phone number or email address to locate targets and is very unreliable. The source told The Intercept that drone bombings are carried out based on these phone numbers or emails and might not result in the death of the intended target.

Many are quick to say that we are keeping American soldiers safe by using drone warfare, but we are learning that this war is not being fought with accurate intelligence or oversight. With all of this information readily available, how can Bernie Sanders continue to support this drone program?

*  *  *

These are my five questions for supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. I hope some of you made it this far and were willing to read and respond with respect and honesty. It is important to recognize that there is a growing number of Americans who no longer buy into the two-party system and do not trust anyone running within those parties. Rather than voting for a new leader every four years, these radicals focus on creating solutions built on voluntary association and mutual aid rather than government force. Remember, not everyone is an idiot, a Republican, or an apathetic sheeple. Some of us simply disagree with Bernie’s economics and solutions.

Personally, I recommend each of you begin researching agorism and seeking solutions outside of the ballot box.

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October 24, 2015 12:10 pm

It doesn’t do any good to ask Sanders supporters -or leftists in general- questions that require logical thought and analysis based on factual data.

They won’t understand them.

Their minds just don’t work that way.

You’ll just waste your time and irritate them.

October 24, 2015 12:18 pm

These questions can/should be asked of ALL the candidates.

They won’t, but should.

We are digging holes we soon will not be able to get out of.

Screw it, double down and bring it on. What else is a thinking person to do?

October 24, 2015 6:15 pm

It doesn’t matter one whit what bernie thinks, the only way he wins the dem nomination is hilary doesn’t run, it’s just the three of them now.

We should all know no matter who wins, taxes will rise, standard of living will go down, the dollar will be toast, there will be riots, there will be conflict in the middle east, wall street will be saved, more and more will look to the benevolence of the government. The end.

October 24, 2015 6:21 pm

@Card, yep, yep, yep.

No, there is a difference! Not voting means you can’t bitch! If you want to end the wars, it means you want Sharia law! If you don’t want illegals to flood in, then you are a racist!

Divide, control, conquer. 10,000 + years of this failing, but THIS time, it is going to work dammit!

If only (whichever/whomever) is elected it will all be fixed!

Hope you and yours are well Card!

October 24, 2015 6:47 pm

Question 1: the “Wall Street tax” is actually a “Financial Transaction tax” – this is something that is already being implemented in Europe and Asia. It is not a tax on speculation as such, but it is a tax on the sale of stocks, binds and other financial products. The result, it is hoped, will be less speculation, but the real point is that while the sale of every other type of product in the US is subject to a sales tax, the sales of financial products is not. As I have mentioned, this type of tax is already being implemented in other exchanges, so the threat of boycott is negligible.

Question 2: The increase in the payroll tax will be negligible compared to the savings that people will realise through his other programs (tuition, health care). This will need to be fleshed out a bit more, but the major tax r=increases will be for the top 1% who will be paying “a hell of a lot more” than they are paying now. And I think that most middle class Americans will support a tax scheme that hits the richest hardest.

Question 3: Bernie is vehemently against the NSA spying regime and indeed this is a major point of contrast with Hillary. Bernie is much more reasonable in his attitude toward Snowden, and I think most Democrats – and most Americans – share his more tempered stance.

Question 4: Bernie is no friend of Saudi Arabia, but he is indeed fond of reminding everyone that they have the third largest military (budget) in the world, and yet it seems that America is always doing their dirty work. Bernie agrees with Bill Maher in that the countries of the region should handle the ISIS threat. One thing is for sure: Bernie is a positive peacenik compared to Hillary the Warhawk. I am not sure what you are getting at here, but if it is to compare Bernie to Hillary, the answer is clear: he would not be supporting them as much as Hillary. Bernie did, at least, boycott Netanyahu;s address to Congress, whilst Hillary is doubling down on her commitment to Israel at every turn It is clear from their statements and their positions that Hillary is more pro-Israel and pro-Saudi than Bernie is.

Question 5: Again – Bernie will be more peace-oriented than Hillary, who is an unreconstructed neocon and a war hawk. So if your goal is to make the case that many Democrats and progressives are against the drone program, then yes, Bernie’s position may not be optimal, but again – compared to Hillary Clinton he is a peacenik. At least Bernie was not part of the DLC and the PNAC as Hillary was.

Robert Kagan, a famous neocon under Bush and an architect of the Iraq war who has advised Clinton on foreign policy, says: “If she pursues a policy which we think she will pursue …it’s something that might have been called neocon, but clearly her supporters are not going to call it that; they are going to call it something else.”

TO SUMMARISE: In the matters of taxes, Bernie’s plans are extremely attractive and workable. In the matters of foreign policy, Bernie is a standout progressive alternative to the neocon Hillary – and certainly the radical views of any potential GOP adversary in the general election.

October 24, 2015 7:06 pm

Voting for Bernie makes sense if you are in one of two groups. Those who don’t want to work very hard or are just not capable of being effective in a productive job where output matters and success is measured, or those who are going to be one of the gatherers and sharers in whose pockets a lot of left over cash will fall.

October 24, 2015 7:56 pm

@EuroYankee, lost me at “reasonable” taxes.

WE SHIPPED OUR PRODUCTIVE JOBS/OPPORTUNITIES TO CHINA, and gifted the profits to the Mega-Corps, whom, exactly are you going to tax?

The working POOR will NOT be better off with higher taxes. I notice NOWHERE in his plan is a plan to change the Capital Gains taxes and THAT is where the bulk of the discrepancy is now. EVERY minimum wage worker is hit with 15.3% in social security and medicare. He wants that to increase. Meanwhile, if you make billions off “capital gains” like Jake Welsh, Jamie Dimon, CONgress or Warren Buffett, you pay an all in tax rate of 15-20%, NO social security on it. If said minimum wage worker doesn’t have kids, or dares to work two or three jobs so he can eat, HE will pay the SS PLUS Income. With help like that, why don’t we just piss on them too?

The tax he proposes on transactions will amount to NO money very quickly. High Frequency Trading will dramatically slow, then the banks whom are making all their ill gotten gains from HFT, will quickly go insolvent. Either way they aren’t going to pay this tax.

Sadly, you still believe in “free” and government choosing winners and losers. Notice you call yourself both a European (failing states) and Yankee (destroyers of the Republic/Constitution).

You might want to toddle off before some of the big dogs show you the many ways you are delusional.

ALL OUR problems are from too much government and too much debt, you, and Bernie, think more will magically fix it. Always the problem is “not enough.” Cripes.

@David, one more group you forgot to add: Those of us that are tired of the long, slow, painful, destruction and bleed out and think that voting for him will usher in the collapse faster. Since my vote doesn’t count anyway, I really sometimes think I should just vote to make it all go away, just much faster.

October 24, 2015 9:33 pm

I think you have presented 5 good questions/reasons to rethink Bernie. First, I’d like to ask is Bernie shilling for Hillary? Why would he get up on the stage and say that he doesn’t care about her emails?? Then he has made it clear that he will promote her if she is nominated. Both of those say alot. I was a Bernie supporter but I began to question it all when I didn’t hear any foreign policy. Now that he says he supports Israel and is for whistle blowers being prosecuted, I have dropped out of supporting him. As far as elections go, I always voted until after the 2000 election when our supreme court let us know that we don’t count. Now we vote into computers and can’t count on fair elections. I’m with TE, people keep thinking if only we can get a good guy into office everything will be fixed. To believe this one has to overlook a tremendous amount.

October 24, 2015 10:20 pm

Welcome Judy! Yeah, a thinker that actually looks at REAL things and comes to conclusions!

This place gets out of control at times, I personally think that is its charm. Please stick around, there are a lot of great people/thinkers here. And a few a##holes. Ignore them.

Welcome again.

October 24, 2015 11:29 pm

Look guys, envision Trump as President. Worse than Sarah Palin. Trump is a harmonic of a Human being. He’s not real in any way shape or form. And Hitlery would have us in WWIII twenty minutes after inauguration, besides she needs to be in prison along with Bush/Cheney and most of their cabinet.

The only logical candidate to support is Bernie. I don’t agree with all his points of view, especially about Israel, but enought of his other planks have appeal and make sense that I can vote for him. Any of the other candidates, I don’t think so.

And still we ask, why did Building 7 fall when no airliner hit it?

October 24, 2015 11:47 pm

Anyone making over 50k a year will be eating a tax hike to pay for his redistributionist policies.

The goal isn’t to raise up the poor, its to lower the rest of us so the poor don’t feel bad about themselves anymore.

October 25, 2015 10:02 am

West and Judy , Sanders is just a straw man for Hillery, always has been. There is no difference between the two. Their debates are just laundry lists of Democrat socialist propaganda.