Via Knuckledraggin

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October 30, 2015 12:56 pm

Liberals see the world through a different prism than ordinary people.

Nearly all liberals I’ve met are self-loathing, despite their out-sized egos. Most believe they are far smarter than they actually are. The majority of liberals either despise economic success or feel guilty and unworthy when they are successful.

Since liberals are self-hating, they always profess to ‘care’ about others. This is because ‘caring’ about others gives liberals a sense of self-worth. It also makes them feel as if they are more intelligent and smarter than the average person.

However, liberals are not always very generous. They generally prefer to use enforced charity through taxation and government social programs rather than to donate from their own pocketbooks. This permits them to avoid actual contact with the underclass they profess to care about.

This world view of ‘caring’ about others also emboldens liberals to try to use the power of the state, by whatever means possible, to impose their views on the rest of the population.

That is why every liberal I’ve ever known believes in using the power of the court system to legislate political positions which cannot possibly succeed at the ballot box or in the legislative chamber.

Liberals are dangerous to the whole of humanity because they stop at nothing, not even tyranny and totalitarianism, to impose their beliefs on others.

They ally themselves with stupid and gullible people, but educated liberals themselves are not stupid.

October 30, 2015 1:02 pm

If this isn’t some kind of joke, this country is screwed.

October 30, 2015 1:06 pm

If you’re going to build something (home / remodeling) use the GRK screws – they have the ‘star’ drive – as shown by one of the bits in the picture. Regular old ‘sheetrock’ screws ( 2 – 3″ ) long are brittle. But the engineered GRK are vastly superior, easy to drive, and self countersinking. Also meet HUD specs.

There I have to get that off my chest.

October 30, 2015 1:12 pm

What does Smdh mean?

Vegas Bob: “educated liberals themselves are not stupid.” Are you truly sure about that? They’re certainly ignorant, but I’ve begun to seriously wonder if they’re not “stupid” as well, given their insistence on denying what to what I would take as a simple and sensible take on reality as plain as the noses upon their slack-jawed faces.

October 30, 2015 1:21 pm

“I had to google SMDH.

“[it means] Shaking my damn head”

In a “Liberal”? Doesn’t the rattling noise draw undue attention?

October 30, 2015 1:22 pm

I’m shaking my damn head about what an idiot this moron is. Best not apply for any jobs that require research, good lord we’re doomed.

Good call Dutchman a box of good star drive screws and a decent impact drill and a man can get some work done.

October 30, 2015 1:24 pm

Whoops: Didn’t mean to write “what to what” and forgot to add what Dutch pointed out! He’s right about the GRK screws, but in the overall context, society itself is screwed and it ain’t being done by screws that don’t countersink. P.S.: countersinkers work very well when affixing tin (galvinized) roofs. Kudos, Dutch!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 30, 2015 1:30 pm


I’m thinking you live in Peru ?? Is there a full retard extreme leftist government in place there?
I only ask as I am trying to find Westcoaster a lefty paradise to move to so we can have some peace from hearing about that fuknut Bernie Sanders. Please advise.

October 30, 2015 1:49 pm

+ 100 Vegas Bob.

October 30, 2015 2:02 pm

A torx bit. lol. That is exactly the kind of stupidity that brings us Obama after Obama.

October 30, 2015 2:29 pm

@Bea: Perú is a peculiar place with respect to its government. IMHO the answer to your question is no, Perú does NOT have a full retard leftist gov, although at first glance one might conclude that it does. Prez Humala is a nominal nationalist leftie, but his economic policies don’t exactly coincide. Perú signed a free trade treaty and is on board for the TPP, but its move to be part of the Andean Community ( has proven itself as a “boom” factor for the country and much more effective than Mercosur. I’ve been reluctant to state where I live, but…

I divide my time between Perú and Argentina (my main residence). I live in a rural area in the latter and in an upscale district in Lima (Miraflores) with my Peruvian girl friend, the owner of the house. If I were to suggest a place for a would-be expat, I’d vote for Perú unless the candidate were daring, because Argentina finally seems about ready to change, but not in favor of the lefties! The thing is that if one isn’t fluent in Spanish, neither country is “easy” for a gringo, the Agora group’s touting notwithstanding. I have nearly 50 years experience down here and have seen plenty of gringos get reamed. I truly believe there’s a huge amount of potential down here, but it’s a BIG gamble and not for everyone. If one doesn’t have a private income, I wouldn’t recommend anyplace down here unless one is ready to go balls to the wall.

That said, I LOVE it here and believe with all my heart and mind that a well-fixed Gringo go-getter has a far better shot at building a great life than might be the case in what has become of the USA, a nation that seems to be on its way to becoming a has-been for such folks. Yeah, sure, there are problems galore down here, but I’ve cast my lot and believe the future for the ballsy gringo (NOT the leftie) is here.

That said, I’m now ready to finally roll the dice and sink the bucks into both places. The leftist model is being rejected and as I’ve said elsewhere, this is to my way of thinking the last frontier. The Bernie model is on its way to being shitcanned. As you know, the leftie “paradise” doesn’t exist nor will it ever, and the folks here are finally figuring that out. That said, we’ve got both in Argentina and Perú a pretty good national health system, a cheap and increasingly viable public educational system, multi-culti societies that aren’t particularly abrasive… I could go on and on and would gladly do so if there’s an interest in my doing so.

Thanks for your interest!

October 30, 2015 2:31 pm

I somehow got into a discussion with a neighbor that I didn’t know was anti-gun.

One of the comments I made to him was that the problem with the anti-gun people is that they typically have little to no experience with guns and yet they think they have adequate knowledge and information to support their opinions. His response was that wasn’t true in his case, he had plenty of experience with guns as a matter of fact he had actually shot one once.

I think my jaw must have hit the floor because I was speechless.

October 30, 2015 2:36 pm

Liberals are not just stupid but PRIDEFUL , ARROGANT POS and say that about members of my own family who I detest .They will not listen to Facts , logic , history or anything else that challenges their world view.This is what makes them so dangerous when they get real power in government.

I think Michel Savage was right when he said Liberalism is a mental illness.

October 30, 2015 2:49 pm

Better to be a Liberal than to be a Neo-conservative. I rest my case.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
October 30, 2015 3:19 pm

Good one WC, better to be a moron douchebag than to be simply a douchebag. Spoken like a true liberal!

On another note, has a liberal EVER made a good point? Especially when they close with “I rest my case”?

October 30, 2015 4:10 pm

“Better to be a Liberal than to be a Neo-conservative. I rest my case.”
Thats like people saying: I will vote for the lesser of two evils, its still evil.
Or in this case they are both (liberal-neocon) still losers.

October 30, 2015 5:06 pm

I’m not sure if I’m buyin’ this; nobody is that stupid, not even a liberal. Or are they? If this is not some kinda joke, then let’s all hope this moron is practicing birth control or that Darwinism manifests itself.

October 30, 2015 5:55 pm


The key to understanding liberals is to understand that they see the world through a very different prism than most other people.

This is why liberals actually believe notions that are idiotic to reasonable people. There is a huge difference between voluntarily blinding oneself to reality and being stupid. Simply being blind to reality does not make a liberal stupid.

For example, one of my very liberal friends thinks Cristina Kirchner in Argentina is “doing a great job.” He cannot or will see that her economic policies have pretty much destroyed Argentina’s economy. He’s also a huge Hitlery supporter, which makes me absolutely certain that electing the Hildebeest would be an unimaginable disaster for the country.

This friend may be totally blind to the realities the rest of us see, but he isn’t stupid.

October 30, 2015 7:08 pm

This proves what happens to society when it’s dumb down and brainwashed. They will not only give up their freedoms for security but they will out vote you for yours as well.

“What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we’ve changed our attitudes about cigarettes.” Eric Holder

If this is a man, then it’s quite the disgrace since at one time men in general were mechanically inclined…as well as being knowledgeable about firearms. They have given up their tools/guns for electronics and have become feminized.

Good luck keeping the 2nd Amendment and the rest of the Constitution with these mollycoddled fools voting.

October 30, 2015 7:14 pm

Westcoaster- Would you take a few minutes and answer a few questions for me?

1. Do you believe in the right to private ownership of property? (Homes/Land /Rental property)

2. Should media and all media content be controlled and run by the state?

3. Should individuals have the right to own their own business.

4. Should travel (within and outside of the country) by individuals be controlled by the state?

5. Should industries such as auto manufacturing, steel production etc. be state owned?

6. Are you in favor of state assigned housing and state job assignment?

October 30, 2015 8:07 pm

Point is, many of the base TBPers bitching about government and especially the loss of Constitutional freedoms automatically blame Liberals, when in fact much of this is due to Neo-cons.
It’s as if 8 years of Bush/Cheney never existed. Amazing.
And Bea I would answer your quiz, however questions like industries being state-owned and state job assignments are missing the point, because even in a Socialist Democracy that doesn’t happen. How do you think that little old lady who lost her house to Trump’s “eminent domain” (to build a limo parking lot) would answer #1. Seems SHE didn’t have that right. Hell even in Sweden where I have kin, the state doesn’t “assign” you a job, but they’ll actually provide real help for you to find a job. I can’t see how that’s a bad thing. And I will respond to question 2; you DO realize 90% of media in the U.S. in controlled by 5 companies with interlocking boards of directors, don’t you? So essentially that’s already happened for MSM in the U.S. Since I used to be in the Radio broadcasting industry, I have strong feelings about “consolidation” and so do 1,000’s of other former Radio people.
One more point. Each side has its fringe groups, certainly I can’t agree with some Liberal thinking like “sanctuary cities” and all the gender/gay b.s. Do what you want but don’t try and “sell” it to me, I’m not a player. Nor can I agree with some of the fringe Conservative side like Michael Savage who says the housing meltdown was due to the government forcing banks to write Ninja loans.
The only reason I post here is an attempt to make some of you guys think about what’s real and what’s important. And if we can’t get beyond the labels and be real with each other, then we’re truly fucked as a country.

October 30, 2015 8:21 pm

“I divide my time between Perú and Argentina (my main residence). I live in a rural area in the latter and in an upscale district in Lima (Miraflores) with my Peruvian girl friend, the owner of the house.”

Been to Lima, stayed in the Miraflores district. Sweet. Best thing about Peru is the ceviche, which is the best that can be found anywhere on the planet.

Peruvians don’t know what they want politically. Let’s work the presidents backwards to the 1980s. Olanta Humana (left-wing populist), Alan Garcia (reborn conservative), Alejandro Toledo (centrist), Alberto Fujimori (conservative), and ……….. the original Alan Garcia (firebrand liberal). WTF?

October 30, 2015 8:32 pm

Liberals suck cock, well, only the males. Libtard females are carpet munchers.

October 30, 2015 8:39 pm

Westy, you know I like your posts, and I hate the whole neo-lib/neo-con thing. Now run put those bullets away some place safe so a little kid don’t find them and get hurt

October 30, 2015 8:42 pm

Here’s how fucking stupid Liberals are…The National Debt was 10 trillion when Obama came into office it will be 20 trillion when he leaves. All the stupid fucking Democrats talk about is giving more free shit away. We have 121 trillion in unfunded liabilities now that we’ll never pay for. The Democratic position makes no sense at all, none. Westcoaster explain to me how your fucked up mind works because logic, reason, and common sense are missing cogs in the empty dust bin between those satellite dishes mounted on the sides of your head.

October 30, 2015 8:50 pm

Per WC: “Point is, many of the base TBPers bitching about government and especially the loss of Constitutional freedoms automatically blame Liberals, when in fact much of this is due to Neo-cons.
“It’s as if 8 years of Bush/Cheney never existed. Amazing.”

I can’t speak for “the base TBPers,” but I came aware of Republican Party perfidies while still in college (my elective speech in Rhetoric was “The Republican Party as a Criminal Conspiracy,” and that was BEFORE Nixon got into the plush chair behind the Resolute desk).

Most ‘Murricans today are blissfully unaware that the Progressive movement first found its political voice in the Red Faction – Teddy Roosevelt’s “Bullmoose” candidacy was run as the head of the Progressive Party ticket, remember – and it’s not that the Republicans have gotten one goddam little bit better since then.

It’s merely that the party of Jefferson and Jackson and Cleveland – by going into the hands of Wilson and FDR and Carter and Bubba and Obozo – has gotten so fucking much WORSE.

October 30, 2015 8:56 pm


October 30, 2015 8:57 pm


I put the extreme left tenets up to feel you out as to how left you are and just as I figured you won’t give us the insight into your true leanings. I submit that you are in favor of the freedoms of the right but suffer from the typical “confused and misinformed” sheep syndrome. You want all the freedom without the responsibilities of being a producer. Nanny state without the restrictions and work…….sorry no cigar. If you were truthful to us and yourself you would find that deep down you are right of center WHICH HAS NOTHING to with the REPUKES or DEMS. It is about (limited control) and (full retard control) so pick one. Bernie is a Joo leading you down the path to the eventual totalitarian control of the Joo run world government and yes, assigned jobs and housing is part of it. Be careful what you support and sign up for…….you just might get it.

October 30, 2015 8:57 pm

I hope I raised my kids better than that!!!!!!!!!! ====I:-D

a cruel accountant
a cruel accountant
October 30, 2015 9:00 pm

Better to be a Libertarian than a Republocrat.

October 30, 2015 9:01 pm

Sensetti, you’re soo far adrift. Not sure what can bring you back to any semblance of reality. Stop watching fox news. Stop listening to their idiot radio tools. Wake up you numbskull! Your posts are irrelevant .

October 30, 2015 9:27 pm

@westcoaster just a question sir but what group is the owner of the 90% of media? Federal reserve etc etc etc , ? what group needs to hide their hidden hand? What group stirs up dissent everywhere they go ? Im really curious as to who, can anyone help me out ? lol
Keep peeling them onions , one day you might get to the core .

October 30, 2015 9:29 pm

CZ are the Republicans talking about taking your guns? It’s not about the fucking politicians it’s about the Conservative people. I’m Trump fan which Fox News is do everything they can to see him fall. So Fuck Dumbass you have no idea what you’re talking about

October 30, 2015 9:35 pm

Who was running the show when “katrina” went down? Door to door ring a bell? (No pun intended ?) Got any guns?
You’re really not a big picture kind of guy.

October 30, 2015 9:48 pm

Red team, blue team. Democrats, Republicans. Right, left. Liberals, neocons.

Divide and conquer. People fighting over which salespeople to blame for the mess while the Shadow men are the ones who pull the strings. They are the ones who should be targeted. As Dr. Napoleon would say: the masses think 2D while the Shadow men think 3D. Checkers vs chess.

Sensetti. The money changers/central banksters love debt based paper money and are more than willing to increase the credit card limit regardless who is in office. When it comes to the free shit army don’t forget to include wall street, corporate and foreign aid welfare.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 30, 2015 11:50 pm

Left Coast should visit Cuba: free education and medicine, almost free transportation, housing, utilities, entertainment, all the sugar you can eat and cigars your can smoke; svelte women; they love Communism, gun free zones, censorship etc but they ban dope, queers, and AIDS so they aren’t complete idiots like our own genius Liberals.

Through a glass eye, darkly
Through a glass eye, darkly
October 31, 2015 1:17 am

VegasBob says: The key to understanding liberals is to understand that they see the world through a very different prism than most other people.

Who the hell looks at the world through a prism or a kaleidoscope or even a 3D viewer? You might say, through rainbow shades, through the wrong end of a telescope, through a muddy windshield, through rose-colored lenses, through the fog of election year promises, through a stripper’s veil, through a Shanghai smog, etc.

Through a glass eye, darkly
Through a glass eye, darkly
October 31, 2015 1:19 am

Through Caitlyn’s butthole, which, I suspect, is I-S’ prism.

October 31, 2015 8:07 am

Putin: “Obama? Who is this Obama? I got this.”

Obama: “All these girls and not one has a dick like Moochelle!”

October 31, 2015 8:08 am

fuckemedead I’m guessing I have that in the wrong thread.

mike in ga
mike in ga
October 31, 2015 8:53 pm

cz says:

Who was running the show when “katrina” went down? Door to door ring a bell? (No pun intended ?) Got any guns?
You’re really not a big picture kind of guy.

cz – Ray Nagin (D) (federal inmate #32751- 034) was “running” New Orleans at the time of Katrina. His complete lack of competence resulted in idiotic situations like hundreds of school buses that should have been commandeered by any right-thinking leader just stranded as the water rose.

Remember, the local leadership, and the governor Kathleen Blanco (D) had several days to watch the threat of Katrina grow larger and larger until, surprise of surprises, it was right on top of them and they didn’t have time to respond. The hurricane meteorologists at the weather channel pleaded with both the Gov and mayor to declare an emergency long before they did.

The easy thing to do then was pull the classic liberal playbook out and blame someone else, anyone else. Bush was an easy target for you pissant fuckers. The reality is that democrat politicians for the past many decades failed to exercise their responsibilities by diverting levee and dike maintenence and reconstruction budget money to other, sexier and more aggrandizing projects.

You smug progressive assholes think you know it all. Fuck you. You’re nothing but communists with the stupidity to think government is a solution.

October 31, 2015 10:08 pm

Hi mike/ga
Your last statement was actually my biggest point to sensetti: Government aint the answer. Period. If you think the R’s are better than the D’s or vice versa, you’re fooling yourself.
Time to burn this mother down. Govern/ment looks to mean mind/control.