Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Commies vs Land Of The Free

“Stuckys Russia’s freer than the U.S. Laughable, absolutely laughable” —— Sensetti

Is Sensetti The Lessor correct?  Which country is more free?

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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harry p.
harry p.
November 1, 2015 7:12 am

Hmmmm…, ive never been to russia and the us is going down the toilet.
My guess is neither is significantly better than the other, so being “absolutely laughable” is probably incorrect but i would say that russis is likely trending upward while the us is trending down (has been for decades) so this question makes sense to ask again in a year.
That worldwide freedom rating ranks the 2, what do they report, my guess both are not held in particularly high regard (ie top 10-20%).

November 1, 2015 7:15 am

No first hand experience w/ Russia so I’m not willing to speak to that.

But, there is not freedom in the US.

November 1, 2015 7:38 am

Based on prison population, a good metric imho, we are not as free as russia, or china for that matter.

November 1, 2015 8:25 am

Freedom will rise or fall according to the degree those who desire it are willing to fight for it, so from where I sit, the fact that the USA still has a 2nd amendment and Russia has no right to bear arm translates to the USA being the freeist of the two.

Americans never give up your guns
By: Stanislav Mishin

To this day, with the Soviet Union now dead 21 years, with a whole generation born and raised to adulthood without the SU, we are still denied our basic and traditional rights to self defense. Why? We are told that everyone would just start shooting each other and crime would be everywhere….but criminals are still armed and still murdering and too often, especially in the far regions, those criminals wear the uniforms of the police. The fact that everyone would start shooting is also laughable when statistics are examined.

While President Putin pushes through reforms, the local authorities, especially in our vast hinterland, do not feel they need to act like they work for the people. They do as they please, a tyrannical class who knows they have absolutely nothing to fear from a relatively unarmed population. This in turn breeds not respect but absolute contempt and often enough, criminal abuse.

For those of us fighting for our traditional rights, the US 2nd Amendment is a rare light in an ever darkening room. Governments will use the excuse of trying to protect the people from maniacs and crime, but are in reality, it is the bureaucrats protecting their power and position. In all cases where guns are banned, gun crime continues and often increases. As for maniacs, be it nuts with cars (NYC, Chapel Hill NC), swords (Japan), knives (China) or home made bombs (everywhere), insane people strike. They throw acid (Pakistan, UK), they throw fire bombs (France), they attack. What is worse, is, that the best way to stop a maniac is not psychology or jail or “talking to them”, it is a bullet in the head, that is why they are a maniac, because they are incapable of living in reality or stopping themselves.

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November 1, 2015 8:55 am


Prison population isn’t a good comparative metric.

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and most of the ME and Islamic Africa have much lower rates of imprisonment than the U.S. but that doesn’t mean they have more freedom.

Executed prisoners aren’t counted in the prison population and don’t add to it year by year on a cumulative basis as more are added to the existing number.

The number and nature of things you can go to prison for -or be executed for- is probably a better indicator.

November 1, 2015 9:10 am

Bravo flash, bravo.

November 1, 2015 9:23 am

Flash- Nice post.

Stucky- How many people own their homes in Russia? How many people are assigned housing in Russia? How long does it take to get new housing assignment in Russia?

If you decided to move tomorrow to Idaho or Cali, would you have to get permission from the gubment? No

How many Russians own their own business? How many Mericans own their own business? Do you have to get permission from .gov to open a business?

Stuck, you would be exiled to a gulag for the rest of your life in Russia for all that you have said on the internet, without a doubt. In the US 25% of black males are in prison because they commit crimes and TPTB are trying to keep the population of blacks lower. Russia’s population is half of ours and they don’t have to deal with the kneegrows. A larger percentage of the population was put into gulags/prison after and during the Russian revolution. America is just in the beginning stages of our commy revolution.

November 1, 2015 9:46 am

As an American who lived in Russia for 5 years 2003 – 2008, first I would ask you what are the qualifications for being ‘free’?

But without waiting for your answer, I would suggest that Russians are more free, in that government gives zero shits about the Russian people, which makes them more free from the get-go.

The more government interferes with your life and ‘cares about you’ ; the less free you are. The last thing anybody wants, is government paying attention to what they’re doing. I would suggest that the Russian government pays less attention to the people’s daily lives than western governments.

– Therefore, Russia is more free as it gives less of a shit to what regular people are doing, opposed to the nanny states of day-to-day western countries. The Russians just don’t fucking care. (I have come to learn that this is a good thing).

So considering that your question comes from a biased western viewpoint that government has a place in citizen’s lives, I would suggest that your questions is western biased. No Russian would ever ask such a stupid question.

November 1, 2015 9:50 am

Sorry to be the turd in your punchbowl Stuck but for now I would absolutely agree with Sensetti. As the commy revolution progresses in the US there may come a day when I will agree with you.

November 1, 2015 10:11 am

Consensus from talks with my co-worker who came here from the USSR as a teenager in the 1980s and still has significant ties with Russia is that the US is still more free than Russia but the trend is that the US is getting significantly less free and Russia is slightly more free than it used to be.

November 1, 2015 10:15 am

Stucky- I made it a project a few years ago to find out how many people in Russia and China own their own homes. After Googling and digging and turning over every rock, the answer was I could find no proof of Russians (Not even leaders and top military, oligarchs excluded) owning personal property.

I may have to pay tribute to the sheriff every year for my properties but I live where I damn well please and own more than one home………that would not be the case in Russia.

November 1, 2015 10:24 am


You open with a valid point.

What exactly is meant by being “free”?

Not necessarily in relation to Russia or to the US, but to me the personal idea of being free is that I’m allowed to live my life on my own terms as long as I don’t harm someone else in the process instead of by terms dictated to my by someone else.

But someone else would consider their freedom the right to tell me how to live instead of letting me decide how for myself.

And on and on.

So it becomes a relative term, maybe meaning something different to each one of us. So in the end we end up discussing different subjects without realizing we are doing.

January 25, 2020 8:40 am

Anonymous: You make a very valid point here regarding how you define freedom. I for example grew up around firearms and the freedom to use them at anytime I wished. However, I was monitored by my parents, thus a governance was imposed on me, with or without my knowledge. The same is true for anything we wish to define as a freedom. There were other other children’s parents that would not let them touch a firearm. Does this make them not free? Like you said, freedom is a relative term as are most guidelines or rules in life. As soon as we allow governance to take over everyday life, liberty and happiness, then I suggest we are becoming less free. So, which governance has the most rules, statutes, management guide lines or local ordinances on the books? This perhaps would indicate who is the most free.

November 1, 2015 10:28 am

Morons. We live in a country of moroons.

Russians don’t do ‘private property’.

So to compare home ownership rates between Russia and the US is a stupid comparison to begin with.

Apples to oranges. – You can’t compare two things which don’t exist.

But you know what? The reason the Russians survived the collapse of he Soviet Union as well as they did was because (wrap your head around this if you can) is because nobody owned anything! Thy were just there. No mortgages, no titles, no deeds. The people just lived.

Americans just-don’t-fucking-get-it..

November 1, 2015 10:39 am

Stucky- I can assure you I opened my businesses without any OK from .gov, I do pay for a business license from the small municipality in which I am located but I did not notify any government office of my intent to open a business. Certain business types require a license yes, as do restaurants for good reason.

November 1, 2015 11:05 am

Stucky. gov does not bother me in the least, the fire dept. comes around to inspect every two years that’s about it. My point is that I have the right to buy my office condo, hang out my sign and I don’t involve the government at all………that is not the case in Russia. Doubt you could open a business without massive payoffs or government getting a piece of the action. Bottom line is that the average schmuck in Russia does not own a business and we have millions of small business owners. Which would you rather have? Do you really want to shop at state owned grocery stores? Wow, what a selection….not. You can buy anything and every thing from around the world or would you be happier with state owned mediocrity?

January 25, 2020 9:02 am

Bea Lever: I don’t know what state or country you live in but, I can assure you it is not michigan. To open a business in MI you have to damn near turn over your first born plus as many assets they can find. The taxation is so burdensome we have become a wasteland here. Now they are coming after the property owners and private savings. I think we are right behind the socialist state of commie-fornia for being one of the most draconian states in the union. A small business owner in MI is a target and the state and local governance are the jack booted thugs that are killing them.

I think we need to get on the same page here. What definition of freedom are we speaking of? Freedom to different folk evokes different strokes, the word “freedom” is relative unless you qualify which freedom we are speaking of these days.

January 25, 2020 9:19 am

Holy smokes.
I see you went rummaging through the archives,
and found a nugget of interest as authored by Stucky.

Nothing wrong with that.
He’s a revered long time contributor round these parts,
and those trips back to the past make for interesting reading at times.

The comment threads, too, make for some entertaining discoveries.

Have to tell ya, though,
In all likelihood, Bea Lever won’t see your comment, but
you may have brought a few new eyeballs to a worthy post
from the past, where current platform monkeys stop and think:

Hey…I remember this guy…He was a shit stirrer of the finest order
back in the day…wonder whatever happened to him, or if he is
still around? Hmm. Maybe so, under a diff moniker.
Or, perhaps he’s moved on, to other blog’s, after having his feelings hurt, or he’s moved on to that big blog of the great beyond.

Time/date stamps, bud.
They are a good tell, when evaluating.

Carry on, OT.

January 25, 2020 9:52 am

I saw this earlier, elevated to discussion by yet some other wanderer in the night I suppose.

I remember Bea Lever as being a rather androgenous moniker who was so often mistaken for Aunt Bea he changed his name and moved to Appalachia.

November 1, 2015 11:11 am
November 1, 2015 11:14 am

In KY, Ms Freud would be required to have a professional license as do I BUT they do not dictate that we would have to work in a government run facility or that she would be required to jump through any other hoops to open a office. Joo Jersey must be vastly different.

Let’s say you bought the condo next to me….you move in , Ms Freud hangs out her sign gets a business listing for her services with the phone company or on the internet, how is that hell? Just pay the fucking $75 business license fee and nobody will bother you.

November 1, 2015 11:25 am

Stuck- In your 10:40am post you left out the fact that it would take the better part of a year to get housing assignment to move and then you would not be able to pick which apartment or building in which you would reside only what town/city /area. Hate your neighbors….tough shit. Don’t like the view of the factory/garbage dump from your apartment, tough shit. Close the curtains and think about how free you are.

November 1, 2015 11:26 am

Wow, there’s some real intelligence displayed above. Poor Stucky and his misguided pro Russian stance are being destroyed, Flash and Bea smearing reality all over poor Ole Stuck. There will simply be no other remedy for Stucky after this exhibition he will have to do the honorable thing and commit Seppuku.

November 1, 2015 11:36 am

Stucky’s burning the Google search engine up right now

Russia is good

Russia is free

Freedom in Russia

Russian gulag’s ancient history

Russia land of skittles rainbows and unicorns.

November 1, 2015 11:45 am

Settle down Bevis/Sensetti- Stucky is under the false impression that when the photo op of “The Wall” coming down that suddenly Russia was a version of Merica overnight. He is not alone, many Mericans are embracing the Chinese and Russians on a unhealthy level.

NEWS FLASH……………….They are still fucking commies in every way.

November 1, 2015 11:47 am

How corrupt is Russia?

November 1, 2015 11:53 am

Bea, I’ll disregard your obvious, Bevis, typo. But you hit the nail on the head Russia’s communists roots run deep and corruption in Russia is the norm.

November 1, 2015 11:56 am

I would like to add that Putin does make Oreo look like a dried up raisin stuck in a turd but that is no reason to get all full retard starry eyed about the Russians. Putin is no less a selected actor than the pitiful excuse of a leader that we have elected(cough).

November 1, 2015 12:01 pm

Sensetti- Things are getting vewy, vewy quiet from the other camp. I think I smell……victory in the air. Think I’ll go out and blow some leaves. Hold down the fort.

November 1, 2015 12:13 pm

I gotta work too.

November 1, 2015 12:24 pm

I’m quite fond of Russian poontang. So there’s that. It aint free but it’s pretty cheap.

November 1, 2015 12:25 pm


Do you own your own home? If yes, then STFU.

If no, then I can under stand why you don’t think it has value in a free society. Russian collapse was made easier on the average citizen as they ride public transportation, live in public housing, buy their food in state owned stores…… is your point that our FSA niggas will fare better in a collapse here or that it’s better to never own anything in case of a collapse.

WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A MAROON? You are a fukwit of the first order.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 1, 2015 12:30 pm

We’ve carried over the conversation from a previous thread but I believe Harry P. sums it up nicely with the first post. There is a significant difference in quality of life between the average Russian and the average Westerner because we are coming from a period of affluence towards a period collapse and they from a period of collapse to whatever the hell it is that comes next for a people ruled by an oligarchy (slightly less collapse??). That being said – the idea that one is more free that the other at this stage in history is laughable. i think we are about to meet in the middle. let’s call it “The Great Levelling”.

I said it before – i’ll say it again – we have all become slaves on the greater plantation. Their oligarchs are more polished than ours. That is all.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 1, 2015 12:30 pm

I think Stuck is hiding under the bed right now, calling Admin to please take down this article. At least all he asked was, who is less wrong? He never claimed to be right.

Just like “Jesus never claimed to be God.” Isn’t that the bullshit people say when they won’t admit outright ignorance?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 1, 2015 12:35 pm

3blindmice says: I’m quite fond of Russian poontang. So there’s that. It aint free but it’s pretty cheap.

Mice, you can get some free poon at Walmarts if your hung like a Polish sausage, considering a nod is as good as a wink to a blind mouse.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 1, 2015 12:57 pm
Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 1, 2015 1:10 pm


You seem a little tense today.

Brought these for you.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 1, 2015 1:13 pm

Stucky- You asked a question, I simply answered it, mmmkay. The same can be said for Americans, just decent folks trying to get through life…..I prefer to pick where I live and own my own home. Looks like you can blow me , Sensetti and Flash. heh

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 1, 2015 1:27 pm

Ruskies are white, Americans are white, therefore Americans are communists, right?

The label conservative is not a measure of personal worth, it’s an approach to politics. Admin’s graph showing Democrats and Republicans overlapping each other’s political views makes it clear that conservative and liberal are not discrete properties.

Somebody smart once said that liberals want to tear down the system while conservatives don’t. Criminals (and immigrants) like Tony Montana are conservatives, they like the system and want to take advantage of it, get the things rich conservatives have.

November 1, 2015 1:35 pm

“Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose,” Kris Kristofferson, lyrics to “Me and Bobby McGee”.
The most freedom I have ever had was during the year after I got fired from my last real job and bummed around the country with a backpack and the open road ahead of me. That was in 1970 and I only had two encounters with local cops (in Kansas and Florida) who bothered to question me. In the 45 years since, a ton of new laws, regulations, and restrictions have strangled what freedoms we once had in this country.
Last night, all the kids out trick or treating were accompanied by hovering adults. Back in the 50’s we were on our own, in the dark, roaming the two lane state highway and having a fearless good time.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 1, 2015 1:51 pm

@ Stucky

LOL. Ya – you’re right. Things were getting down right chummy. Can’t have that.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 1, 2015 1:51 pm

Dayumitt! Mah popskern iz gittin cold…kould yall picks up da pace ob feces flingin?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 1, 2015 2:00 pm

Seriously though…to me this is becoming a debate about one corrupt form of goobermint versus another so I cant really decide why one form is better than the other or moar free than the other. Finance (globally) is putting pressure on govts to repay debts by taking public property. Whether one owns property, to me, doesnt make you less free when laws, on all sides, take away one of your most important freedoms….your privacy. Does Russia have TSA or DHS? Probably. And this return to Cold War status doesnt bode well for population anywhere.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 1, 2015 2:22 pm

Sooooo, which country has less intelligence agencies ( or ISPS, GOOGLE, ETC…) rifling thru your skivvies?

PS: I dont know the answer.

November 1, 2015 2:41 pm

There is one thing that I REALLY like about Russia and I hope to see it catch on here some day soon. They do not have a welfare system…….yes you heard that right………no FSA. Madalyn Murray O’Hair the atheist twat who demanded God be taken out of schools/everything left the USA!USA!USA! and moved to Russia. Upon settling in she went down to .gov offices and asked how to sign up for their assistance programs, they informed her with a quickness that there was no such thing and advised she would have to work like everyone else. The bitch had a meltdown.

Russians live in state owned housing but they pay rent, they ride state owned transport they work in state owned jobs for low wages but there is no FREE SHIT ARMY……I like that. If they are good with a dull gray existence that they can never improve that’s fine I just don’t think any of you would be very happy in that environment.

November 1, 2015 3:04 pm

Russia is scab on the worlds ass, everyone knows that, save one.