Nanny States of America – Parents Arrested for Letting Kids Play on Beach, Girl Given Detention for Hugging Friend

Guest Post by Michael Krieger 

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I haven’t covered the American nanny state in a while, but two articles recently caught my eye and I simply have to share.

The first one relates to two parents charged with “reckless endangerment of a child,” for letting their two boys play on a Cape Cod beach for an hour unsupervised.

From Reason:

Parents who let their boys, ages 7 and 9, play on their own for an hour at a family beach will be arraigned later this month on charges of reckless endangerment of a child.

Charles Smith and Lindsay Pembleton of Niagara Falls were vacationing with their kids on Cape Cod. The boys wanted to stay at the beach for a little longer rather than walk back to the nearby campground (which is, according to one commenter, accessible via a car-free path). The parents said okay, but told them they couldn’t go in the water, according to The Cape Cod Times.

By the time a lifeguard spot the children, they were—gasp—wet from the rain. What’s more, they were “standing around a food truck with no adults in charge.” 

Thankfully, the police were called before any of that wetness and unsupervised food trucking could escalate into something worse.

Even though over 90 percent of sex crimes against kids are committed by people they know, not random beach inhabitants, the cop decided to file reports of suspected abuse or neglect in both Massachusetts and New York. And, for good measure, she also “applied for criminal complaints against them in Orleans District Court.”

Moving along, we find ourselves in Florida, a state which always provides a disproportionate amount of “this can’t be real” type stories.

From the Independent:

Before this week, 14-year-old Ella Fishbough had never been in trouble at school.

The cheerful, curly-haired eighth-grader’s undoing came when she learned that a male friend was having a bad day. As consolation, Ella put her arms around him in a hug.

“It was literally for a second,” the eighth-grader told Click Orlando. But that moment earned her a morning in detention — as well as a blemish on her formerly spotless disciplinary record.

Ella attends Jackson Heights Middle School in Oviedo, Florida, part of the Seminole County School District. The district’s code of conduct prohibits “inappropriate or obscene acts” including “unwelcome or inappropriate touching, or any other physical act that is considered to be offensive, socially unacceptable or not suitable for an educational setting.”

It is at each principal’s discretion to determine what kind of touching is inappropriate. According to WFTV Orlando, hugging was banned altogether at Jackson Heights this year, in addition to holding hands, linking arms and kissing.

Think that’s insane? It gets worse:

In a conversation with Fishbough, Jackson Heights principal Sarah Mansur-Blythe said the PDA rule will continue to be strictly enforced — even in the case of family members.

“I did ask the principal, ‘If something had happened in our family, and she needed to console her cousin, or her cousin wanted to console her, would Ella get in trouble?” Fishbough told Click Orlando. “She said, ‘Yes, ma’am. She would get a PDA.’”

This is conditioning plain and simple. To ensure students grow up to be thoughtless, submissive, terrified slaves as adults.

Similar incidents at schools across the country have drawn attention to the seeming rigidity of policies on public displays of affection. Almost exactly four years ago, two other Florida middle-school students, this time in Palm Bay, were given in-school suspensions for sharing a hug even though their principal said he believed their behavior was innocent.

Megan Coulter, an Illinois eighth-grader, gained a considerable following after the Associated Press reported in 2007 that she was labeled a “second offender” by her middle school for gently hugging two different people. Coulter was punished with two days in detention.

Many of these policies have been in place for at least the last decade, and some were approved by parent-teacher committees. But parents like the Fishboughs believe that the rules have been taken too far, to the point that Ella is now afraid to even touch anybody, Click Orlando reports.

She is scheduled to serve her detention this Friday morning.

Meanwhile, still no bankers in jail.

For related articles, see:

Washington State School District Bans Game of “Tag” to “Ensure Physical, Emotional Safety of Students”

The “Nanny States of America” – Mother Arrested for Allowing 7-Year-Old Son Walk to Park Alone

11-Year-Old Boy Taken Away by CPS for Being Left in Backyard Alone for 90 Minutes; Parents Charged with Neglect

Maryland Parents Being Investigated for Neglect After Letting Their Kids Walk Home from Playground Alone

A Winter Wonderland of Fear – Cities Across the U.S. Move to Ban Unregulated Sledding

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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rhs jr
rhs jr
November 8, 2015 11:39 am

Public schools need to be flushed and those toilet bowls thoroughly cleaned until there is no residue of John Dewey, Communism, Liberalisms or PC so we can start them over as places of common sense academic and patriotic learning. Until then, please support vouchers and home schools.

November 8, 2015 12:03 pm

Here is food for thought, especially for those who support “public education” and rally about the doctrine of “socialization” that they claim is lacking in “homeschooled” children.
Let’s look at what “public education” has to offer:
1. Cliques and rampant bullying, quite often the victim of bullying punished more harshly for fighting back. Many times, bullies are part of a “protected” class–racial minorities, jocks, etc. Strong official disapproval of students making friends outside their grade level. “Peer pressure” used to push conformity.
2. Teachers that don’t teach reading writing and arithmetic. Pushing communist principles such as rabid environmentalism, blaming humanity for conditions beyond our control as well as pushing “communitarianism” (“it takes a village”)–actually communism. This also ties in with teacher-recommended feminizing and drugging (mostly boys) to make them “less fidgety” and more compliant–all for the “benefit” of the teacher.
3. Non-existent moral guidance…the communist concept of “values clarification”, allowing each student to set his own moral standard with no discussion permitted as to guidelines. A student dare not mention God or the Bible in “public school”–not permitted…discussing Islam is OK…even field trips to mosques are encouraged.
4. Sex education that normalizes homosexuality and other deviant practices, actually encouraging deviant behavior and downplaying heterosexuality and abstinence.
5. Insane zero tolerance practices, punishing students for pop-tarts shaped like guns or a student having an “unauthorized aspirin” or plastic butter knife. Of course, abortions and birth control are available without parental notification.
6. Lockdowns and backpack/locker searches by police utilizing “drug dogs”, getting the upcoming generation used to random unconstitutional searches. Quite often, students “roughed up” by “school resource officers”…just because they can…Lockdowns should be reserved for prisons–not schools…
Since these “socialization” practices seem to be the norm in our “public education” systems, parents who send their children to these dysfunctional “indoctrination centers” are guilty of child abuse…

Children who are homeschooled actually do much better in life as they are comfortable with people of all ages. True socialization takes place outside the classroom.

November 8, 2015 1:01 pm


We’re about to find out if the children produced in our Nanny-State can put up a good fight with the Russians and Chinese men in our upcoming world war. I sure hope that “safe space” works for them when the knives come out.

The feminazis in Europe will be the first to feel it when their pussified men run like cowards to their safe space and leave them to suffer what Berlin suffered when the Russians captured it.

Only then will they finally realize that turning their men into pussies was a bad idea – hell, they may not even realize it then.

November 8, 2015 5:31 pm

One of my kids at around age seven just about got swept out to sea from a safe beach. I managed to save him. An ankle high wave rolled in, sucked his feet out from under him, and a larger wave caught him before he could get up. I was only 20 yards away. IT went from funny as hell to life threatening instantly. If I had been fifty yards away he would have died.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
November 8, 2015 7:13 pm

Lipoh, your 7-year old doesn’t need more supervision, he needs to learn to swim.

November 8, 2015 9:25 pm

@ NickelthroweR You are so right about the consequences of unlimited feminism. And you’re especially right saying the feminazis won’t even realize their mistake even as they are getting gang raped by 30 musloids.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to embellish on what you simply said, I just get carried away sometimes. This emasculation of men and very idea of manhood really pisses me off. The libtards and fem-freaks are playing with the power of basic human nature which is far greater than they can realize and with no thought to the consequences.

November 8, 2015 10:05 pm

Socratic Imbecile – my kids could swim before they could walk. Guess you missed the part about being swept out to sea – undertow and all that. Plus he was wearing winter coat and fully clothed. Everything seemed harmless- gentle little waves, tiptoeing in the froth, etc. Except it pulled his feet out and sucked him 20 yards out in a heartbeat. Barely got to him in time.

Some folks should be required to take IQ tests before posting.

November 9, 2015 1:27 pm

ALL YOU IDIOTS WHO THINK ,some one elses children are yours,GOOD LUCK IN HELL,cause thats where OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN WILL BE SENDING YOU,the ATTACK on the children has been a disaster for the children in america,and NO ONE CARES,so the GOOD LORD will be taking them,AND “THEN” he will bring ALL HELL UPOND YOU,good luck in the fema death camps,YOU WERE WARNED NOT TO HARM HIS LITTLE ONES,so you put every back alley whore in town in charge of your schools,AFTER he told you THE WOMEN,”ARE NOT TO BE IN CHARGE OF THE CHILDREN”,now you’ll lose them……AMERICANS HATE CHILDREN,no matter who’s children they are,NOW you’ll get to wave them good by,THANK YOU FATHER,take them, all………