QOTD: How Do Other People See You and How Do You See Yourself?

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

There are times and places where a synergy is born out of nothingness- there is barbarism and then the sudden flowering of the greatest accomplishments known to man- Classical Greece, Rome, The Rennaissance, The Founding of the American Republic… and The Burning Platform.

On what would otherwise be an obscure post an idea took root, out of chaos there came order, from anger and hostility bloomed a concept so profound and full of clarity, so revealing and full of truth that it deserves it’s own post.

We all create an image of ourselves in our own mind and then try and project that image to the world outside, sometimes successfully, sometimes poorly indeed, yet there is always a kernel of truth in these perceptions because we are, ultimately, through or words, our actions, our physical presence, responsible for creating the man or woman that others come to love or to hate.

How do other people see you? How do you see yourself?

I’ll start.

How my children see me-


How my wife sees me-

How my angry neighbor sees me-

How people who read my stories see me-

How my friends see me-

How I see myself-

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November 9, 2015 1:19 pm

The only thing my Dad imparted on me was, ‘You can’t worry about be liked by everybody’. That’s gotta come with an asterisk and a disclosure warning but, I only need one or two real, true friends – I’ll take more, but hollow ‘buddies’ and lukewarm acquaintances are a waste of time and effort.

But, how others see me……
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And how I see myself……….
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November 9, 2015 1:40 pm

How do people see me? —Ah— I don’t really much think about it and I don’t much give a shit. I’m usually working on some project or another and as a result most of the time I’m wearing grubby old cloths and could easy be taken for a homeless person. I’m sure there are people that assume I’m some sort of poor homeless old man. The other day I want to a fast food place for lunch and as always I asked for the senior discount. I guess the young girl felt pity for this poor old guy so not only did she give me the senior discount but she also included some coupon discount which made my lunch extra cheap. So I actually get a chuckle out of people thinking I’m some poor old guy.

November 9, 2015 1:46 pm

Already did it, but that was a bit more tongue in cheek, even if there was a grain of truth in it…

Will try and be serious now…

How my son sees me.

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How my friends see me.

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How my wife sees me.

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How I see me.

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 9, 2015 2:36 pm

Ok here it goes:

How my son used to see me:

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How my son sees me now:

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How my daughter sees me:

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How my wife sees me:

And the reality:[imgcomment image[/img]

How our liberal “friends” see me:

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How I see me:

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November 9, 2015 2:58 pm


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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 9, 2015 3:35 pm

You made me laugh out loud.

That foil hat one is classic.

November 9, 2015 3:44 pm

As 100% Politically INcorrect. None of the liberal acquaintances start a conversation where I can hammer their opinions into the garbage bin.
How are things; how is Josh; what have you been working on the some trivial shit is A-OK, but at some point, I have to see meat on the table.

November 9, 2015 3:52 pm

Interesting , I cannot post photos in this format , anyway … will try with words
My children : Protector from as much of the harsh realities of life as I can , final arbitrator of any disputes within the family
My Wife: thinks I’m awesome So much has gone wrong in life , yet I am the rock , the hard person doing whatever is needed . I’m the one who goes out and fights everyday for our family , no day is too long , no work is too hard . The one who stays aware of all potential challenges and meets them.
Angry neighbor: Took him to court ,judge told him he never wanted to see him in his courtroom again lol He didn’t understand his rights ended where mine began
Friends : all tell me ALPHA MALE , absolutely dominate situations of any nature , the go to person when something is messed up .Their words , not mine.Not sure I agree.
Myself: Humble, Caring , shirt off my back kinda guy if you need it . Generally ,your needs and wants are more important than mine. After all ,I’m nothing without others .I’m nobody and nothing without a tribe of some kind that I fill the role I just described . Man ,HSF , this would have easier with photos lol , but I appreciate you and everyone else that makes me self evaluate . It is introspective . To all of you , assume you will only reach one person , and thus if you fear posting , do not fear , maybe you will reach someone and make their life a little better .
Just a cook meandering thru life best I can .

November 9, 2015 4:24 pm

How TBP folks see me
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How I see me
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November 9, 2015 4:26 pm

THAT worked out just fuckin great.

1st pic —- a small pile of steaming shit

2nd pic — the scene from Jurassic Park where the maf guy says “That’s on big pile of shit!”

November 9, 2015 4:37 pm

I think most people see me as loyal and trustworthy. I think the only picture that covers that is of a dog so no photo required.

Stucky- Please unload whatever it is that is bothering you before you explode.

November 9, 2015 5:00 pm

I know that community folks mostly grin and say, “Hi!” when they see me coming. Feedback says that I’m fairly well respected. (Easy enough; I’m basically friendly and I don’t lie, cheat or steal.)

And I’ve outlived all my enemies, what few there ever were. 🙂

My own view? I’m just a guy. Been a lot of places, learned a bunch of stuff, had a lot of fun. No big deal.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 9, 2015 5:28 pm

How every liberal views TBP posters:

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Jim – would go well on a T-Shirt accompanied by:

“TBP Posters – We stir more shot before 8 AM than most people do all day.”

November 9, 2015 5:44 pm

well………most people who don’t know me probably think i’m a weird,eccentric,unemployed loner/loser..but my wife loves my restaurant quality home cookin,my daughter loves me in spite of my continual rants of how fucked-up and feckless most political institutions are, and while the bees & chickens probably don’t have quite the same emotional attachment as family… they treat me just fine; I mean….i am afterall the bipedal god of food and maintainance !….. I’ll tell you how I see most people….too busy running the red queen race to actually care about anything but themselves….talk about whistling past the grave yard!

November 9, 2015 5:49 pm


What I would love to do to every Marxist fanboi social justice wiener who stops by and takes a shit…

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November 9, 2015 6:03 pm

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November 9, 2015 6:12 pm

How others see me? Pretty much as a likeable, intelligent and arrogant asshole. Tough to pull that one off, but I’ve managed to do it.

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November 9, 2015 9:54 pm

People see me as a smart, judgemental hard-ass.

My family and I see me as a smart, judgemental hard-ass with a heart of gold.

Ya gotta dance with who brung ya.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 9, 2015 11:28 pm

I’ve always had a good opinion of myself, kind, funny, good-natured, did I mention kind? Everywhere I go, people think I’m a shit stirring smart-ass. How can so many people be so wrong?

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 10, 2015 2:32 pm

At my age, I’m more worried about how God sees me.