“Paris Changes Everything,” Say Merkel’s German Political Allies

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In my recent writings I have explained the many agendas served by the false flag Paris attack. I also predicted that other countries would follow France’s lead in closing their borders, thus dispossessing the dissenting political parties of their issue and preserving the political power and control of the European establishment. Germany is now moving in the direction of repulsing refugees: https://www.rt.com/news/322208-paris-attacks-german-policy/

Discussing the situation today with a friend brought to mind another benefit to the establishment of the Paris attack. Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, who were on the verge of taking the presidential nominations away from the establishment, have had their momentum disrupted by the Paris attack. By the time the Paris attack and all that will come in its wake run their course—new military measures against ISIL, Western intervention without Syrian government approval, PATRIOT Acts for European countries, and possibly a new and more draconian PATRIOT Act for the US, increased association of dissent with ISIL terrorism—Trump and Sanders will no longer command attention. Pushed aside, they will not regain the limelight.

Just as with 9/11, Charlie Hebdo and the Boston Marathon Bombing, the media was scripted with the story and ready to go the minute the happening was reported. There is no investigation, no questioning, just the media moving in lockstep with the scripted official story. Again the perpetrators conveniently leave their ID. Again the attack coincides with an official drill of the attack. No matter how transparent the false flag attack and the agendas served by it, patriotism whipped to a frenzy blinds people to the reality.

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November 16, 2015 6:37 am

Really, Mr. Roberts? Using Occam’s Razor as a guide, one doesn’t need to be an oracle to predict something like this will happen when you mix barbarians with civilization.

TPTB wanted this to happen? Yes, of course it seems that way, but they are winning without it. If they are putting the hammer down on the common schlub without shooting up the place, why bother?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2015 6:46 am

The one thing I was certain of was that there were simultaneous “drills” being run by clandestine services in conjunction with numerous first responders/LE. It is crucial to control the scene and the immediate aftermath if you want to control the narrative and no matter how often these major events take place the one thing you can be sure of is that these exercises are not only taking place, but that the described content of them is a mirror for the actual event.

This points to one of two possibilities, three if you include dumb luck.

Command and Control or there exists a Pre-Crime technology that we are unaware of and that has been deployed for at least fifteen years. They talk about it in vague terms, maybe it has been deployed. The one absolute certainty is that no matter which alternative you choose- including dumb luck- they know full well the outcomes of their official policies and prepare for it as a condition of life in Progressive Western Societies.

Make of that what you will.

November 16, 2015 6:58 am

This comment was left on the ‘Vineyard of the Saker’ blog

zweistein on November 15, 2015 · at 1:54 pm UTC

Victoria Soto is one very unlucky girl.

She was among the almost-victims of the Aurora shootings, all in tears at Sandy Hook. Then she just barely saved her life at the Boston Marathon bombing, and now, what a poor girl, almost got blown away in Paris again…

My comment: There is never just one cockroach.

November 16, 2015 7:01 am

Would someone stop the music?

I’m having a hard time believing the “official drill of the attack” line. Would/could someone show me proof that there indeed was an emergency drill going on that mimicked or echoed this attack?

Paul Craig Roberts is probably spot on with his analysis that the conveniently allows TPTB the opportunity to neutralize the immigration issue that has them threatened with the likes of Trump and he is also quite accurate with how quickly the Mediocre Media takes up the official story and runs with it. But where he seems to miss the mark is on the issue of ISIS (I detest the term ISIL for some reason.)

ISIS is intent on the destruction of Western society in order to return the world to the wonderful state of bliss that surrounded their Profiting Prophet, allowing him to become the anti-rabbi who bonded Muslims together in a cult/religon against the Jews and proceeded to expel (or exterminate and plunder) the wealthy Jews from the Arab empire (http://www.pbs.org/muhammad/ma_jews.shtml).

In order to understand what it is that ISIS wants, a tiny bit of research will uncover the horrific fact that Muhammed was enraged that the Jewish elite of Medina rejected his claim to be a Prophet of God and he and his followers overtook Medina and later, forced Meccan allegiance to Islam with an army of 10,000 men.

From this article http://www.eretzyisroel.org/~jkatz/theprophet.html: [Modern research has indicated that Muhammad initially took on himself many aspects of Rabbinic Judaism, like Dhu Nuwas before him. It is known that Muhammad required that his followers keep kosher and the fast of Yom Kippur, circumcise and pray facing Jerusalem. Muhammad’s militant monotheistic religion was called Islam, meaning “surrender [to God],” and its followers were Muslims, meaning “those who have surrendered.” His inspired teachings would bring unity to the Arabian peninsula, an event that had sweeping consequences for the rest of the world. In the Qur’an it is recorded that the native Jewish Priests rejected his claim, and Muhammad in turn renounced them for deserting him. Later many Jewish laws were changed, Muhammad requested that his followers pray towards Mecca, and a new religion was created.] Also from the linked article: [At Medina, Muhammad overthrew the ruling Jewish elite, confiscated Jewish land, built a theocratic state, and led raids on trading caravans from Mecca.]

The chilling FACT is that for Muslims, treachery is a valid, even respectful means of defeating an enemy. From the second article: [“the extermination of the Jewish Priests of Quraiza was followed by an attack on the Jewish oasis of Khaibar.” Messengers of Muhammad were sent to the Jews who had escaped to the safety and comfort of Khaibar, “inviting” Usayr (Asher), the Jewish “war chief,” to visit Medina to negotiate a peace treaty. Usayr set off with thirty companions and a Muslim escort. Suspecting no foul play, the Priests went unarmed. On the way, the Muslims turned upon the defenseless delegation, killing all but one who managed to escape; “War is deception,” according to an oft-quoted saying of the Prophet.] Muhammed’s own agreements for peace were often broken immediately after when he would lead attacks against his new “allies” who believed his truce to be genuine.

So, while I agree that this operation could be used by European elites to impose a Patriot Act on Europe, taking away liberties and freedoms in ways not seen since Hitler’s blitzkreig, there is the bothersome FACT that ISIS isn’t going to just back off and be used as a tool of the elites. They are intent on becoming The Powers that Be. The elites of Western society are accustomed to bribing and co-opting the leaders of their opposition to minimize the threat to their power. But when your enemy doesn’t care how many people die on either side, you have an enemy that cannot be manipulated.

The curse of living in interesting times is upon us.

November 16, 2015 7:46 am

“In my recent writings I have explained the many agendas served by the false flag Paris attack”

OK, you want to open with that then show -prove- that it was a “false flag” attack.

Exactly who did it and why and how do you know it? Can you prove it.

And if you can why haven’t you presented any evidence to the major media or in court about it?

I call this bullshit and you a bullshitter or worse.

As for me, I say this is an obvious Islamic attack on a country they have occupied and now want to take over uncer their rule.

November 16, 2015 8:05 am

I don’t know about the rest of you TBPers, but I think anyone who can’t come up with a moniker of their own deserves about as much attention as BW.

November 16, 2015 8:10 am

Careful admin doesn’t like suggestions of false flag teror trufers!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2015 8:13 am


“As luck would have it, in the morning of the Paris SAMU (EMT), a multi-site attack exercise had been planned, so we were prepared. What needs to be known is there was a mobilization of police forces, firemen, EMTs, associations who came [to participate] and we tried to save as many people as possible.” — Patrick Pelloux, EMT and chronicler at Charlie Hebdo

This was pulled from FranceInfo, a State sponsored News website-


November 16, 2015 8:22 am

@Cogdissnormbiasc… Admin doesn’t like people who make proclamations without being willing to provide their reasoning. They don’t have to be “right” they just need to be willing to argue their point without resorting to namecalling.

@ HSF… thanks. I hadn’t read that … only had seen references to the exercise.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2015 8:35 am

“… the bothersome FACT that ISIS isn’t going to just back off and be used as a tool of the elites. They are intent on becoming The Powers that Be. The elites of Western society are accustomed to bribing and co-opting the leaders of their opposition to minimize the threat to their power. But when your enemy doesn’t care how many people die on either side, you have an enemy that cannot be manipulated.”

That is an interesting analysis, however if you look at it from a slightly different perspective the bottom line is this: the elites don’t acre.

An insurance company will sell you a policy that covers your home in the event of, say a hurricane. They have actuarials who will determine to the dollar what to charge for the policy based on the payout in the event of the storm. They have no control over the storm, nor does the storm give a fig about the profitability of the insurer, but the are able to capitalize on the FEAR OF THE STORM in order to rake in tremendous profits that are then reinvested in other areas that cannot be affected by storms.

This is the way the elite think. They employ psychologists, actuarials, media personalities, advertising firms, politicians, etc. in order to maximize their gains and minimize their losses and it all is based on the fear of the populations and their predictable behavior in trying to allay that fear.

November 16, 2015 8:42 am

Agreed, HSF, but I suppose my point is that, at some point, the elites would want to restore order out of chaos. And with the mindset of ISIS focused on the complete annihilation of Western culture, it would seem that the choice of this particular chaos-bringer might be poorly planned, if indeed it is part of a “plan.”

I’m not completely sold on the false flag idea.

November 16, 2015 8:54 am

PCR -Discussing the situation today with a friend brought to mind another benefit to the establishment of the Paris attack. Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, who were on the verge of taking the presidential nominations away from the establishment, have had their momentum disrupted by the Paris attack.

Bullshit , the Paris attacks will only boost Trumps campaign. I wonder if PCR now borders on senility?


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2015 9:01 am

“…at some point, the elites would want to restore order out of chaos. And with the mindset of ISIS focused on the complete annihilation of Western culture, it would seem that the choice of this particular chaos-bringer might be poorly planned, if indeed it is part of a plan.”

Maggie, there’s simply no money in order, no exercise of power without fear, no means to reap the benefits of being at the top of the human pyramid unless the entire mass is under it. Free men living in peaceful homes with close kin and trusted communities need very little. Read some Jefferson or Cincinnatus. The idea of independent, self sufficient families is the antithesis of the current Globalist paradigm, warring gangs are the germs that build the immune system of the NWO- have they become more or less powerful as the world decays and the old social orders crumble?

What matters is what is, not what should be, could be or might be. This is the unfolding of a struggle that has its roots not in politics, but biology. Each organism seeks it’s own flowering in it’s own way in a struggle for dominance. Survival of the fittest does not mean survival of the nicest, the most honorable, the most intelligent or the most fecund, only the one that survives using whatever means necessary. The exercise of pure power and deception are no different than the use of thumbs or the development of tools. Look at who is the most successful and how they obtained that dominance and you will see the strategy they employ.

November 16, 2015 9:11 am

PCR is mentally ill.

November 16, 2015 9:52 am

Everyone reading this needs to click on the pic “Jack” linked to above. This one girl seems to have the worst luck in the entire universe, and perhaps several others:

“This comment was left on the ‘Vineyard of the Saker’ blog

zweistein on November 15, 2015 · at 1:54 pm UTC

Victoria Soto is one very unlucky girl.

She was among the almost-victims of the Aurora shootings, all in tears at Sandy Hook. Then she just barely saved her life at the Boston Marathon bombing, and now, what a poor girl, almost got blown away in Paris again…

My comment: There is never just one cockroach.”

How exactly does the same girl show up at all these incidents with the same terrified/grieving appearance?

November 16, 2015 9:56 am

HSF, I have read quite a bit of Jefferson, though Cincinnatus had not been on my reading list until now. And I agree that survival of the fittest doesn’t mean the best/nicest/most worthy. But, while there is no money or power to be had for them in order, there is also no benefit to the elite if they themselves find themselves under siege by the very gang they have chosen to institute their NWO through the elimination of the unwashed masses.

Are you suggesting that the elite don’t care if they themselves are targeted or might find themselves unable to enjoy the trappings of being the ruling elite. Or are you saying that their success is in the chaos itself. That their goal is simply the destruction itself, not the world I assume they want to build for their own comfort after.

November 16, 2015 9:58 am

/may not be the the same woman Persnickety…who can say?

Was the Same Woman at the Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Boston Tragedies?

November 16, 2015 10:06 am

HSF: Ah, Cincinnatus, one of my favorite historical figures! Didn’t know he’d left writings behind and would be interested in reading them.

Susbsidiarity is a principle that originated in Catholic Social Teaching, and for all practical purposes made its first large-scale articulated appearance in the 1891 papal encyclical Rerum Novarum. The economic philosophy of Distributism (NOT what it sounds like!) is based on it. The Wikipedia entry on subsidiarity contains a good summary: “[It] holds that government should undertake only those initiatives which exceed the capacity of individuals or private groups acting independently. Functions of government, business, and other secular activities should be as local as possible. If a complex function is carried out at a local level just as effectively as on the national level, the local level should be the one to carry out the specified function. The principle is based upon the autonomy and dignity of the human individual, and holds that all other forms of society, from the family to the state and the international order, should be in the service of the human person.”

I find it a difficult idea to beat and have advocated for it since I first came upon it some 13 years ago. Those interested in learning more about it can find a number of books that examine it here: http://www.ipgbook.com/ihs-press-publisher-IHS.php

November 16, 2015 10:23 am

Because if you believe that the elite simply seek the destruction of the Old World order to eliminate the rest of us without salvaging the best of us, then it isn’t only a biological issue you suggest; it is close to being a Biblical issue. John 10:10… He comes to kill and destroy.

November 16, 2015 10:45 am

flash, interesting, but I don’t see it proved either way. A lot of the dispelling type sites (like snopes) are basically bought and paid for mainstream-story reinforcers. The woman’s appearance is not particularly exotic so they might be different people who look the same, but to my eyes they look REALLY similar.

November 16, 2015 10:53 am

Why does it have to be a false flag OR a terrorist attack? Why can’t it be some combination of the two?

Why, if it is a false flag, does that mean that it was all a show and nobody died? The easiest way to put on a false flag would be to make it as close to what it appears as possible. People are shot. Bombs go off. It would just be who did it, who was the ultimate director of their actions, and WHY. Why do so many of the false flaggers with no technical expertise spend so much time analyzing pictures to find “anomalies” that “prove” one thing or another and NOT back that up with any real research about the subjects of the pictures? The “exactly the same girl” pictures above being a case in point. Easy enough to refute with a very small amount of research as flash pointed out.

Why, if it is a terrorist attack, are there so many anomalies at many different levels? Why was such a large and distributed attack not on the governments radar? And if it was on their radar why did they do nothing to prevent it? Why was there, yet again, an exercise happening at exactly the same time as the attack? Why was there, yet again, a conveniently placed passport to “prove” that one of the terrorists was something or other?

Why can’t it be that, at a minimum, the government of France knew about the attack ahead of time and did not prevent it because it furthered some plan of TPTB? Or that some government or quasi-governmental organization encouraged or assisted in the planning and execution of the event, yet Islamic terrorists were still involved – at least as patsies?

I think it is more important to try to find out WHY rather than exactly HOW these attacks occurred and I think that there are government and TPTB trolls out there inflaming and directing both “sides” to sidetrack us so we don’t ask the important questions.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 16, 2015 11:02 am

“How exactly does the same girl show up at all these incidents with the same terrified/grieving appearance?”

I’m going with photo shop.

Or else why does’t someone just ask her?

This has been going around since the last major mass killing. Nobody seems to be able to interview this girl about her ‘strange’ appearances. Go figure.

The elites are smart people folks. Above and beyond fucking with demographics they don’t need to do much else. With so many pissed off Muslims living among us now – unprecedented in the west – a crisis or two is bound to happen from time to time. It’s just a matter of being patient enough to capitalize on the inevitable. Simple really.

November 16, 2015 11:59 am

HSF – Just a small quiblle, but I don’t think survival of the fittest plays in here. Survival, as in physiological survival, is never in question for these people, nor for most of us. There is, i believe, a different dynamic at work. There is no biological or natural equivalent of greed or lust for power—only humans show these traits.

In Collapse of Complex Societies, Joseph Tainter speaks more about this process in sociological terms–the larger complex hierarchical systems become, the more desirable it becomes for the masses to join it, thereby the people at the top become more powerful, the system becomes larger still, and still more join. This is the very definition (in engineering terms) of a “positive feedback loop.” This is why there can be no systematic, peaceful dismantling of the system. it can only grow and grow until it inevitably collapses. This has played out time and again throughout history.

Like I say, a small quibble. The exchange between you and Maggie was one of the best, most intelligent discussion I have read in some time.

The idea of the elites leveraging chaos like insurance companies is brilliant, BTW. Since, by definition, chaos cannot be predicted, the ideal way to guarantee success (if you are an oligarch) is to leverage yourself in such a way that you win with any outcome.

November 16, 2015 12:14 pm

@DRUD… thank you for your comment. And HSF, thank YOU for your reasonable debate/discussion. I really learned a lot and have added to my reading list.

Is one of the best parts of stumbling onto this “place.” Finding out that the world isn’t completely overtaken by idiots.

Oh, and I set up a WordPress account and that is actually ME.

November 16, 2015 3:04 pm


You are indeed a gentle man
Command and Control
*the use of crisis actors in drills has been established

Paris? Don’t know

January 21, 2016 10:45 am


Merkel Orders Facebook, Twitter Censorship – Silencing Opposition To Her Islamic Invasion