Question of the Day, Nov 17

A great comment on an article I saw this morning. Thoughts?

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims’

Think of it:
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem
Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha’is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem
**********SO THIS LED TO *****************
They’re not happy in Gaza
They’re not happy in Egypt
They’re not happy in Libya
They’re not happy in Morocco
They’re not happy in Iran
They’re not happy in Iraq
They’re not happy in Yemen
They’re not happy in Afghanistan
They’re not happy in Pakistan
They’re not happy in Syria
They’re not happy in Lebanon
They’re not happy in Nigeria
They’re not happy in Kenya
They’re not happy in Sudan
******** So, where are they happy? **********
They’re happy in Australia
They’re happy in England
They’re happy in Belgium
They’re happy in France
They’re happy in Italy
They’re happy in Germany
They’re happy in Sweden
They’re happy in the USA & Canada
They’re happy in India
They’re happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame? Not Islam… Not their leadership… Not themselves… THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN!! And they want to change the countries they’re happy in, to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy and finally they will get hammered!!!!
Think about it…….. frown emoticon 20 signs that psychopath Muslims do:
1] Kill any one who insults Islam or Moham-mad. (Koran.33;57-61).
2) Kill all Muslims who leave Islam. (Koran.2;217/4;89/Bukhari.9;84-57).
3) Koran can not be doubted. (Koran.2;1).
4) Islam is the only acceptable religion. (Koran.3;85).
5) Muslims must fight (jihad) to non-Muslims, even if they don’t want to. (Koran.2;216).
6) We the non-Muslims are pigs and apes. (Koran. 2;62-65/Koran.5;59-60/Koran.7;166).
7) We the non-Muslims cannot be friends with Muslims. (Koran.5;51).
😎 We the non-Muslims sworn enemies of Muslims and Islam. (Koran.4;101).
9) We the non-Muslims can be raped as sex slave. (Koran.4;3 & 24/5;89/23;5/33;50/58;3/70;30).
10) We the non-Muslims the vilest of creatures deserving no mercy. (Koran.98;6).
11) Muslim must terrorized us (non-Muslims). (Koran.8;12 &59-60/

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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November 17, 2015 7:11 pm

Stuck – love your Avatar. You did start some shit, you asshole. Nice work.

I hate it when I am sucked in.

SSS is ever astute.

November 17, 2015 7:39 pm


Now that I have defended the honor of all Choctaw Indians living in Australia (heh) against mangy curs such as Mike in PA and Stucky, have you read the book “Empire of the Summer Moon” by S.C. Gwynne?

It is about the Comanches and confirms my long-held belief that this tribe was a collection of the meanest, most dominate Indians that whites ever faced in the continental U.S. The last and greatest chief of the Comanches was Quanah Parker, son of Cynthia Ann Parker, who was kidnapped by the Comanches in Texas at the age of 9 in 1836, and lived with the tribe for 24 years before she was unwillingly recaptured by whites.

The book literally qualifies for a “Believe It or Not” nomination.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 17, 2015 7:58 pm

Mike, I saw this same list–was it a commenter on Kunstler’s blog? Anyway, the 1993 shooting outside the CIA HQ in Langley, Virginia is missing. I remember it well since I live in the area and went to Langley High School.

From Wikipedia:

“An attack took place on January 25, 1993, outside the premises of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters in Langley, Virginia where two CIA employees were killed and three others wounded. The perpetrator, Mir Qazi (also spelled as Kasi or Kansi), shot CIA employees in their cars as they were waiting at a stoplight. He reportedly got angry watching news reports of attacks on Muslims and stated his motive was that he was “angry with the policy of the U.S. government in the Middle East, particularly toward the Palestinian people”.

Kasi fled the country and was placed on the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list, sparking a four-year international manhunt. He was captured by a joint FBI-CIA task force in Pakistan in 1997 and rendered back to the United States to stand trial. He admitted that he shot the victims of the attack, and was subsequently found guilty of capital and first-degree murder, and was executed by lethal injection in 2002.”

November 17, 2015 8:07 pm
Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 17, 2015 8:32 pm

JT III writes:

“There are many good, kind patriotic Muslims who are American citizens.”

True – estimates are that only about 1/4 or less of the Muslim population is considered radical by government standards. The question is with 10’s of thousands of unscreened refugee’s scheduled to arrive shortly how will we know which is which?

“Muslims do not have anywhere near a monopoly on terrorism and violence.”

Also true but they are the only religion/ideology that I am aware of that codifies it and makes it a part of who they are. Anyone can be violent under the right (or wrong) circumstances but Muslims take it a step further and make it a rule of belonging/not belonging to the club. They are essentially a religious gang. A sort of cult where the weak ones will eventually either be radicalized or eaten by the host along with all outsiders. This is more or less an issue of numbers. The higher the concentration of them the more unpredictable and violent the population becomes. That’s a fact jack and if you don’t like it head to Saudi Arabia and announce your Christian faith there and let me know how that goes.

The muslims you know in America are likely such a small minority in the communities they are in that they are more relaxed because they are not under pressure from other Muslims to not associate with an infidel like you. Given enough time they and their offspring would likely assimilate. But where there are many Muslims they cluster together like a pack of hyena’s and threaten anyone or anything that does not conform. Ask a police officer in any major European city what it is like trying to police a Muslim borough. Most will not go near them.

I like your 2nd last reference:

“Atheist Chinese have recently killed many Buddhists in Tibet.”

Or more aptly put – the Chinese gov’t has killed many Buddhists in Tibet.

Big government – making big mistakes (like confusing church with state) and causing big suffering since the dawn of civilization.

As for your examples of “Christians” killing Christians I’d simply state that you will know the tree by its fruit – and leave it at that.

Thanks for stopping by.


November 17, 2015 8:45 pm

Stucky says: …you pussied out and ran off to kangaroo land so, you got no street cred.

LLPOH, who probably has got more scalps hanging in his den than you have balls hanging has got no street cred?

November 17, 2015 8:52 pm

well, seeing as how taking in 10’s of thousands of these people is pretty much the dumbest fucking thing we could possibly do, my guess is we will do just that. Thats kinda our govts M.O., afterall.

November 17, 2015 9:05 pm


Who the fuck asked for your opinion? Stay the fuck out of other peoples shitfests …. unless you want BOTH of us to jump your lame ass.

I can’t fucking believe the Kentsucky Inbreds are beating Duke. I’m grumpy.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 17, 2015 9:07 pm

You mean ‘grumpier’…

November 17, 2015 9:08 pm

Stuck may be the Judge but when SSS has to kick you in the ass to set you straight, you seriously fucked up.

November 17, 2015 9:31 pm

Ok :

Pick any religion and you will find a long history of crimes.
All religions are based on nonsense. Each religions’ God is the only true one.
Stop brainwashing children before the age of reason and watch religions collapse.
Each God has a lifespan greater than the age of the universe, so some 14 billion years+
Is any “God” alone – the only one of its kind, or is it just one of its race of beings.
If so where are the others?
Assuming we were created by such a being why should we worship such an advanced lifeform.
On the evolutionary scale (assuming Gods evolve) it would be like amoeba lining up in a petri dish praying to their human creators.

No – it’s time for mankind to move beyond such nonsense now.

November 17, 2015 9:36 pm

llpoh..I was being sarcastic you nitwit. I don’t want our country to be flooded with immigrants when we can not take care of our own. Unfortunately, engaging in wars assures an increase of immigrants. Thie War on Terror is a fricking joke and you all know it. Time to hold the neocons accountable

November 17, 2015 9:41 pm

SSS – I will look that book up. Comanche were badass. The Seminole were tough sumbitches, too. The Choctaw, not so much. We were lovers, not fighters, which is why the great spirits blessed us with third legs.

November 17, 2015 9:47 pm

“…..the 1993 shooting outside the CIA HQ in Langley, Virginia is missing. I remember it well since I live in the area and went to Langley High School.”
—-Rise Up

I was inside CIA Hqs when it happened. The entire compound was locked down at both entrances at Route 123 (Dolly Madison Highway) and the George Washington Parkway.

Fucker got out of his car with a rifle at a stop light in the left-hand turn lane off Dolly Madison into the Hqs and starting shooting people inside stopped cars who had no escape route. These chicken-shit bastards never go head-to-head with military or civilian targets. It is ALWAYS an ambush on innocent and/or defenseless people. Women and children be damned.

Pure outlaw cowards. And that’s just not by “Western” standards. It’s by global, international legal standards. They are ILLEGAL COMBATANTS by lawful definition. They have no right to a trial, to a defense lawyer, and even their life. As such, every single one of them should be summarily executed on capture.

For starters, I’d line up all prisoners at Guantanamo against a wall, mow them down like them down like the human weeds they are, and post a video of the event on every single Muslim terrorist website with the headline, “Who’s Next?”

November 17, 2015 10:04 pm

I think SSS is part Comanche. And that is a very, very, very good thing.

I would put them through a wood chipper myself, as shooting is too good for them in my opinion. Toe-may-toe, tuh-mah-toe. Just a minor quibble.

November 17, 2015 10:05 pm

I would tie a bit of pork to them first, of course – that will keep them out of paradise, or so they think.

November 17, 2015 10:09 pm

B – alright then. We need a sarcasm button. But you need your ass kicked for being able to even be magine such bull. Don’t let it happen again.

November 17, 2015 10:19 pm

the problem with the whole “we destroyed their countries so now we owe it to them to take in refugees” is that I didn’t destroy jackshit. I haven’t voted to support this shit, and I have told my friends and family about why they shouldn’t either ot the point that many of them will no longer discuss anything remotely politcal with me. I don’t want any of this shit. While I confess I was caught up in the hoorah bullshit when we invaded iraq and afghanistan when it happened, I was 18 and stupid at the time, so kiss my ass. I wasn’t the only one who fell for it. Now Im 30 and a goddamn genius.

The people who caused all this shit to happen, the people who lied us into war and who are busy trying to do it again, THEY destroyed these countries. But they won’t be taking any migrants where they live. There will be no syrian refugee camp in the rich suburbs of DC, nor up in the hamptons, etc where all these fuckers live. It will be every day americans like me who will be forced to live with them. And it will be people like all of us who will be hurt or killed when a few of them inevitably do something terrible in a setting with a lot of people. Those pushing that “we owe it to the world” meme can fuck off.

The first step towards ‘solving’ this refugee crisis is to stop making so many. Every single country needs to immediatly withdraw their troops, stop the air strikes, etc. At least russia is there AT THE INVITATION of the syrian government, all the rest of them, not so much.

November 17, 2015 10:20 pm

“Looking more & more like what I said Friday nite; CIA Black Ops”

WTF? A CIA black op? The link to the article you posted declares an eyewitness to one of the Paris attackers states he was “white and clean shaven.” Jesus Christ, did you read what time it was when he witnessed this? Nine fucking thirty PM. It was fucking dark. How the hell can you describe someone’s complexion when it’s dark unless he’s an albino or black as the ace of spades?

As for clean-shaven, well, whoop de-doo. Ever hear of a fucking razor to help mask your identity, genius? Beard today, gone tomorrow. If it were a CIA-sponsored attacker, he would look EXACTLY LIKE A MIDDLE EASTERN MUSLIM, not a white, clean-shaven person.

You’re a special kind of stupid, Westcoaster.

November 17, 2015 10:29 pm

And as far as the all muslims are bad meme, I spent a lot of time in bahrain and kuwait when i was younger, and met some truly kind people there. Even some of the saudis. I had kuwaiti and saudi neighbors who were very friendly, and me and some friends even had a bar tab picked up in a nice hotel by some saudi guy. He wouldn’t tell us who he was, other than “a nice guy” but he had 2 body guards with him who only drank red bull all night. I even had some kuwaitis I used to sit with in the evenings and have coffee with that knocked on my door on my birthday, sang happy birthday to me, and dropped off a shitload of food. More than we could even eat. We had saudis who would stay in villas near us for the weekend, and since they can’t take alcohol to SA, we would find leftover beer and bottles of liquor on our doorstep every now and then. I was standing at a dunkin donuts outside a mall in kuwait city and they would not take the american cash or bahraini dinar I had, only kuwaiti dinar, and some random guy behind us in line bought me and a friend our donuts and coffee and refused to take our money, only told us to enjoy their city. I got in a cab there, told the guy where I lived, and passed out drunk in the back seat, only to have the guy wake me up at my front door. That guy could have taken me out into the desert with some friends and made me an internet start by cutting my head off if he wanted to, several times. Pretty irresponsible on my part, I know, but I was young and stupid.

I realize these are small personal stories that carry little weight in the debate, I only point out that not all of them want to kill you. I will tell you that I felt completely safe walking around in those countries at night. I would MUCH rather be in manama or kuwait city at night, even the bad parts, than pretty much any large american city, thats for damn sure. And no, this most certainly isn’t a call to let in a bunch of syrian refugees, quite the opposite. Its just to point out that there are plenty of good people in that part of the world, and we should stop interfering with their lives.

November 17, 2015 10:49 pm

A kid grows up to be a nuisance.
First, he steals money from his Pop’s pants’ pocket.
Then he starts using weed and takes stuff from the house to build paraphernalia.
And, he steals gas, siphoning from his Pop’s car.
Then, he steals a few thousand from his Pop’s emergency cash stash.
Then, he grabs a rifle from the locked closet. (He found the key)
On and on it goes. Bad kid that. Send him to juvi, where he learns how to be a real good criminal.
Out he comes, a societal menace.
So, how come?
Maybe because he was raised in a one parent family, and that one Poppa parent was a psycho, and treated the poor kid, from age one like a piece of dirt.
Get it, folks. Action and reaction. A law of physics.
Seems to me that almost all of the posters here know nothing of history, and never will. Not allowed to know. History not allowed or hidden.
If you want to learn a bit about geopolitical history, and learn about the situation today-geopolitical action reaction, you could do a lot worse than check into today’s article in by a William Polk, and then take a trip to that man’s website.
You might just be a bit surprised at how much that man can teach you about how, over past time, the self adulating Western World has caused misery, millions of deaths, invasions, genocides for all those stupid brown people who you think don’t deserve to breathe.
And, after that, research the bio of Cassius Clay, later Muhammed Ali, a boxer guy who could whip, with one hand tied to one leg, have whipped half a dozen of your sorry asses, all at once.
Get it??

November 17, 2015 10:50 pm


You’re 30. I’m glad you had a pleasant experience living in Kuwait and Bahrain. My response is sadly ……………… they’re next.

November 17, 2015 11:18 pm

“You are being led to be-lie-ve that Muslims are the culprits,but it is really the Israelis framing Muclims and setting off false Flag attacks across the world. (The False Jews)”



Fruity1 – let me save the readers here some time with this statement from the first paragraph of your War and Peace link.

“Where hard physical evidence may be lacking here or there for every investigator, the author uses his critical thinking skills to skillfully arrive to the most likely criminal scenarios.”

Here and there = everywhere. There is zero evidence in the article. None. Zip. Nada.

November 17, 2015 11:26 pm

SSS – I did have a good experience there, but it was a while ago. when you say “they’re next” you are referring to a kind of shia uprising to overthrow the royal families of those governments, correct? If so, I agree. I don’t give the saudi royal family until 2020. Those that don’t make it to their gulfstreams in time to fly out of the country will have their heads on pikes, IMO. If/when ISIS is finally destroyed, they will have a lot of young men who fought there returning home. the saudis need something like ISIS to send their pissed off young people there to vent, keeping them at home might make them get all revolution-y. Once the house of saud falls, bahrain will not be far behind. The shia there have been pissed off for years. Recently it took saudi tanks rolling across the causeway to put down the uprising, the bahrainis couldn’t handle it themselves. Once thats no longer available, the majority shia in that country will try it again and probably be successful.

As for kuwait, well, they have all that mess in iraq to their north, and are situated very near iran as well. Tiny sunni ruled kuwait will have the full weight of the “shia crescent” sitting right on top of them. That will probably end up riling up their underclass as well.

Im assuming thats sort of what you were referring to, SSS. We will end up, directly or indirectly, destroying that entire region.

November 18, 2015 12:13 am

Maggie says: This is a great reference tool. I especially like the Koran references. It reminds me of Ann Barnhardt’s famous bacon bookmarks in the Koran as she burned it on You Tube.

She’s crazy.

November 18, 2015 12:17 am

Writes ZombieDawg: “All religions are based on nonsense. Each religion’s God is the only true one.
Stop brainwashing children before the age of reason and watch religions collapse.
Each God has a lifespan greater than the age of the universe, so some 14 billion years+

Er, but isn’t the inescapable nature of the Great Sky Pixie meme such that whatever each religion’s particular Pixie might be, it / he / she is *ineffable*.

Not only “not known” but “not *knowable* (not in any way ever subject to human understanding by reasoned observation and analysis).

Y’know. Tertullian’s *”prorsus credibile est, quia ineptum est”,* commonly rendered as *”credo quia absurdum*” (“I believe because it is absurd”).

You could look it up.

November 18, 2015 12:38 am

Tucci, what I learned late in life is that the truth makes sense. Nonsense is easily recognizable. Sometimes nonsense is appealing because it sounds just crazy enough to be true. Menwhile, the plain vanilla truth lays there unexamined until we reach a certain age.

Dr Pangloss said, “I gave you the assignment without telling you how to do it, then when you fail at it, you come back with a willingness to learn.”

I believe that is God’s approach as well.

November 18, 2015 7:02 am

via twitter..French tolerance may have just suffered sudden death.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 18, 2015 7:37 am

Well, at least two of those are wrong: “Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem” (think Golden Temple and the blowback that that gave Indira Gandhi) and “Christians living with Jews = No Problem” (think a lot of serious antisemitism, and – very rarely, when circumstances allowed – the reverse), and those are just the ones I know about. And I don’t see one that ought to be there, judging by Ulster, “Christians living with Christians = Problem”. Hey, Britain had to endure Irish terrorist attacks (1920s, 1930s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s …) and Jewish terrorist attacks (1940s) before it ever faced Muslim terrorist attacks.

John Coster
John Coster
November 18, 2015 7:41 am

I am not happy about thousands of refugees entering the US among whom may lurk dedicated jihadists. But I am even more pissed off that the neocon assholes who thought it was such a great idea
to blow up the Middle East are still wining and dining with power brokers in Washington and promoting the American police state. I don’t know whether their agenda is some lunatic form of Zionism, the obliteration of sovereign states in favor global corporate rule or whether or not they are just arrogant, corrupt and stupid, but they are a greater menace to all of us than anyone. The blood of many more innocents is on their hands than the hands of the Islamic fanatics….so far. A couple of well placed nukes could change that.

November 18, 2015 8:17 am

Think about “Sicilians living with Jews” (or, at least, Jews doing both sets of the Sicilians’ books and handling their contract killings as “Murder, Inc.”) = no problem.

We may not get along so well with the *Irlandesi* (who are sort of Roman Catholic, just like we are), but the Jews? I like to consider the relationship a kind of synergy.

November 18, 2015 9:05 am

Get a life, go outside and rake some leaves or cut some firewood and stop believing mainstream media propaganda.

In other words – Dno’t let yourself be fooled into being a tool.

Pepe le Moko
Pepe le Moko
November 18, 2015 10:26 am

What? No quotes from the Talmud, Mike?

* “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)
* “If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)
* “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
* What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
* “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)
* “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)
* “Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)
* “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)
* “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)
* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
* “Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)
* “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)
[’Yashu’ is an acronym for the Jewish curse, ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’]
* Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)
* “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)
* “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)
* “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)
* “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)

Mocking Jesus on Israeli television:

Chris Webb
Chris Webb
November 18, 2015 10:33 am

All of those terrorists were male. Obviously we should blame all men.

November 18, 2015 12:06 pm

Muslim terror attacks this year:

Afghanistan January 5, 2015 – A car packed with explosives drove up to the headquarters of EUPOL Afghanistan, a European police-training organization, in Kabul and detonated. Taliban claimed responsibility. 1 killed 16 wounded.[87]
Iraq January 6, 2015 – Two suicide bombers attacked a mosque in the town of Al-Jubba while Iraqi soldiers were resting, killing 10 soldiers plus the two attackers. Clashes following the bombings left 13 security personnel dead and 21 wounded.[88]
France January 7–9, 2015 – A series of five attacks in and around Paris kill 17 people, plus three attackers, and leave 22 other people injured.
Nigeria January 8, 2015 – 2015 Baga massacre. Boko Haram attacks town of Baga in northern Nigeria killing at least 200 people. Another 2000 are unaccounted for.[89]
Lebanon January 10, 2015 – In the 2015 Jabal Mohsen suicide attacks 9 people died and 30+ were wounded.
Egypt January 29, 2015 – January 2015 Sinai attacks. 44 killed, several wounded.
Pakistan January 30, 2015 – Suicide bomber killed at least 55, injuring at least 59 in a Shiite mosque in southern Pakistan.[90]
Pakistan February 13, 2015 – Heavily armed militants killed at least 19 people and wounded more than 40 after they stormed into a Shiite mosque during Friday Prayer in a suburb of Peshawar.[91]
Denmark February 14–15, 2015 – 2015 Copenhagen attacks. A gunman opened fire at the Krudttoenden café and later at the Great Synagogue in Copenhagen, killing two civilians and injuring five others.[92]
Nigeria March 7, 2015 – Five suicide bomb blasts leave 58 dead and 143 wounded in the 2015 Maiduguri suicide bombing.
Pakistan March 15, 2015 – Suicide bombers kill at least 15 people in attacks on two churches in Lahore.[93]
Tunisia March 18, 2015 – Bardo National Museum attack. Militants linked to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) attack the Bardo National Museum with guns, killing 21 people and injuring around 50.[94]
Yemen March 20, 2015 – 2015 Sana’a mosque bombings. 135 killed in bombings on several mosques by ISIL.[95]
Libya March 25, 2015 – ISIL affiliates, The Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries in Libya carried out suicide bombings in the city of Benghazi. Twelve were killed and 25 wounded. Five additional dead during attacks with a local militia.[96]
Somalia March 27, 2015 – Makka al-Mukarama hotel attack. 20+ dead 28 wounded.
Kenya April 2, 2015 – 148 people — most of them Christian students — killed in Al-Shabaab’s Garissa University College attack.[97]
Saudi Arabia April 8, 2015 – In the city of Riyadh two policemen are shot dead. ISIL is blamed to be behind the attack.[98][99]
Somalia April 14, 2015 – Militants of Al-Shabaab attack a government building in Mogadishu in the 2015 Ministry of Higher Education attack. 17 dead 15 wounded.
Iraq April 17, 2015 – A series of bombings by the ISIL occurred through Baghdad. 40+ killed 59+ injured.[100]
IraqIraqi Kurdistan April 17, 2015 – A car bomb exploded at the entrance of the US consulate in Erbil, Iraq. ISIL took credit for the attack. 3 killed 5 wounded.[101]
Afghanistan April 18, 2015 – A suicide bomb detonated in front of a bank in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. ISIL claims responsibility. 33 killed 100+ injured.[102]
France April 19, 2015 – A 32-year Frenchwoman is murdered by a gunman whose plot to attack a church is foiled shortly after.[103]
Somalia April 20, 2015 – A minivan of UN workers was bombed by Al-Shabaab in the Puntland region of Somalia. 9 dead 4 injured.[104]
Bosnia and Herzegovina April 27, 2015 – At the Zvornik police station terrorist attack in the city of Zvornik, Republika Srpska, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, an armed member of a wahhabist movement opened fire on the police. In the shooting, a police officer was killed, two others were injured, and the attacker was killed by police.[105]
Iraq May 3, 2015 – Two car bombs were detonated ten minutes apart in Baghdad, Iraq. Nineteen were killed and an unknown number wounded. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks.[106]
United States May 3, 2015 – Two gunmen attacked the Curtis Culwell Center during a ‘Draw Muhammad’ cartoon art exhibit in Garland, Texas . 2 dead (perpetrators) 1 injured.[107][108][109][110][111]
Afghanistan May 3, 2015 – Taliban militants overran checkpoints in Warduj, killing 17 policemen.[112]
Afghanistan May 4, 2015 – A government bus was attacked by a suicide bomber in Kabul, killing one person and injuring 15 others.[113]
Iraq May 10, 2015 – Two car bombs were detonated ten minutes apart in Baghdad, Iraq and surrounding towns of Taji and Tarmiyah. ISIS claims responsibility. 14 were killed and wounding 30.[114]
Afghanistan May 10, 2015 – A bus carrying Afghan government employees was attacked in Kabul by a suicide bomber, killing 3 people and injuring 10. Taliban claimed responsibility.[115]
Pakistan May 13, 2015 – A bus carrying Shia Muslims was attacked by six armed gunman who rode up in motorcycles. Several Islamist groups claim responsibility. 45 dead 13 injured.[116]
Afghanistan May 14, 2015 – A hotel that was hosting a cultural event was attacked by Taliban fighters in Kabul leaving 14 dead including an American, an Italian, and 4 Indians.[117]
Afghanistan May 17, 2015 – A Taliban suicide attack near the entrance of Hamid Karzai International Airport targeting a European police training vehicle. 3 dead 18 injured.[118]
Afghanistan May 19, 2015 – A suicide car bombing detonated in the parking lot of a Justice Ministry building in the diplomatic section of Kabul, killing 4 people wounding 42.[119]
Libya May 21, 2015 – A suicide bomber detonated his explosives at a military checkpoint outside of Misrata killing himself and two guards.[120]
Saudi Arabia May 22, 2015 – A suicide bomber attacked a Shia mosque during prayer in the al-Qadeeh village. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. 21 dead +90 injured.[121]
Afghanistan May 25, 2015 – Taliban militants killed 19 policemen and six soldiers during a siege at a police compound in Nawzad District of Afghanistan.[122]
Kenya May 26, 2015 – Al-Shabaab militants attacked two police patrols which turned into a gun battle north of Garissa, 5 police officers were injured but they were able to kill both of the attackers.[123]
Iraq May 28, 2015 – Two car bombs were set off minutes apart targeting the Cristal Grand Ishtar Hotel and the Babylon. 10 killed and 30 wounded.[124]
Saudi Arabia May 29, 2015 – A suicide bomber attacked a Shia mosque in Dammam detonating the bomb in the parking lot. 4killed, unknown injured.[125]
Iraq June 1, 2015 – Three suicide bombers in humvees attacked an Iraqi police station in the Tharthar region in Northern Anbar Province. 41 dead, 63 wounded.[126]
Turkey June 5, 2015 – 2015 Diyarbakır rally bombings – Twin bombing of a Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) rally. 4 dead, over 100 injured.[127][128]
Iraq June 13, 2015 – Four suicide SUV car bombs went off in an Iraqi police station in the Hajjaj near Tikrit and Baiji. 11 dead, 27 injured.[129]
France June 26, 2015 – Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack – Beheading in a factory near Lyon, head marked with Arabic writing and Islamist flags. Gas canisters planted provoked a fire. 1 dead, 11 injured.[130]
Kuwait June 26, 2015 – 2015 Kuwait mosque bombing – 27 people killed in explosion at Shia Imam Sadiq mosque in Kuwait City, medical sources tell Al Jazeera. Claimed by ISIS
Tunisia June 26, 2015 – 2015 Sousse attack – Attack in Tunisia against two tourist hotels, over 28 people died.
Somalia June 26, 2015 – Battle of Leego (2015) Attack on AMISOM base in Somalia with a car bomb, assault rifles and RPGs, causing over 30 military deaths.
Israel June 29, 2015 – 2015 Shuvat Rachel shooting shooting attack on civilian car, 1 death.
Turkey July 20, 2015 – 2015 Suruç bombing Suicide bombing killed 33 people and injured 104 in Kurdish majority city of Suruç. ISIL claims responsibility.[131]
Iraq August 13, 2015 – 2015 Baghdad market truck bombing A truck bomb in a Baghdad market killed more than 70 and injures 200.[132]
France August 21, 2015 – 2015 Thalys train attack Shooting and stabbing in train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris injures 5. The incident is believed by French police to be an Islamist terrorist attack.[133]
Iraq September 17, 2015 – Two suicide bombings in Baghdad killed 10 and injured 55. ISIL claims responsibility.[134]
Germany September 17, 2015 – An Islamist of Iraqi descent attacked and injured a police officer with a knife in Berlin. 1 injured, 1 dead (perpetrator).[135]
Yemen September 24, 2015 – A bomb attack on a Shia mosque in Sana’a killed 25 and injured dozens more during prayers for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. Claimed by ISIL.[136]
Bangladesh September 29, 2015 – Three men on a motorbike shot and killed an Italian aid worker. The attack has been claimed by ISIL.[137]
Nigeria October 1, 2015 – Multiple suicide bombings by Boko Haram in North-East Nigeria killed 14 people (including the bombers) and injured 39.[138]
Israel October 1, 2015 – Gunmen opened fire on a car near Nablus on the northern West Bank, killing a man and woman. 4 of their 6 children were also in the car and witnessed the attack, but were uninjured. The attackers have been praised by Hamas.[139][140]
Australia October 2, 2015 – 2015 Parramatta shooting. A NSW Police Force civilian employee was shot dead outside NSW Police Force headquarters on Charles Street, Parramatta, Sydney by a 15-year old lone gunman. The gunman then engaged with NSW Police Special Constables in a shootout before being killed, 2 dead.[141]
Bangladesh October 3, 2015 – A Japanese man was shot and killed in a similar fashion to an Italian aid worker killed 4 days earlier. The attack has been claimed by ISIL.[142]
Iraq October 3, 2015 – In Baghdad, two suicide bombings in Shiite majority neighbourhoods kill at least 18 people and injure 61. Attack claimed by ISIL.[143]
Afghanistan October 5, 2015 – Two suicide bombings in Kabul targeted an Afghan intelligence centre. 3 people were injured in the attack, claimed by the Taliban.[144][145]
Somalia October 7, 2015 – Militants of Al-Shabaab ambushed and killed the nephew of Somalia’s president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. 2 dead.[146]
Turkey October 10, 2015 – In the 2015 Ankara bombings at least 95 people were killed and 245 injured. According to two high ranked sources in the Turkish security forces ISIL is most likely responsible.[147][148]
Chad October 10, 2015 – Multiple suicide bombings in Chad killed 33 people and injured 51. The attack is believed to be the work of Boko Haram.[149]
AfghanistanUnited Kingdom October 11, 2015 – A bomb attack in Kabul, targeting a British military convoy injured 7 Afghan civilians. The attack has been claimed by the Taliban.[150]
Nigeria October 22, 2015 – 20 people were killed in the northeast state of Borno, Nigeria in a Boko Haram attack.[151]
EgyptRussia October 31, 2015 – Bomb on board a Russian jet brings it down in Sinai, bound for St Petersburg, killing 224 people.[152]
Lebanon November 12, 2015 – Twin suicide bombings kill 42 people in the capital city of Beirut.[153]
France November 13-14, 2015 – Simultaneous terrorist attacks in Paris kill 136, and wound 430. They involved a series of coordinated attacks which consisted of mass shootings and suicide bombings. This incident was the most fatal event on French soil since World War II.[154]
Nigeria November 17, 2015 – A suicide attack at a market in Yola killed more than 30 people and hospitalised more than 80. The attack is thought to be the work of Boko Haram.[155]

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November 18, 2015 12:11 pm

Anon is ma sorry the list is so long, but my haven’t our Muslim friends been busy this year. I will see idf I can find a Christian terror list.


Chris Webb
Chris Webb
November 18, 2015 12:16 pm

You mean besides all the bombs, drones, occupation, etc?

November 18, 2015 1:22 pm

I do not think the American government represent Christianity. They certainly are have done everything they can to excise it from the government domain. While some in the controlling arms of the government may lay claim to be Christian, they certainly do not live by that faith. Not that the Muslims have not done everything in there power to drive out native Christians from the middle east. As I have said before Muslims are a pestilence, and like with any spreading pestilence there needs to be some sort of pest control.