Radiation from Japan nuclear disaster spreads off U.S. shores

Don’t worry. The government drones say it is safe. Go swimming. Go fishing. What’s the worst that could happen?

Radiation from Japan’s 2011 nuclear disaster has spread off North American shores and contamination is increasing at previously identified sites, although levels are still too low to threaten human or ocean life, scientists said on Thursday.

Tests of hundreds of samples of Pacific Ocean water confirmed that Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant continues to leak radioactive isotopes more than four years after its meltdown, said Ken Buesseler, marine radiochemist with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Trace amounts of cesium-134 have been detected within several hundred miles (km) of the Oregon, Washington and California coasts in recent months, as well as offshore from Canada’s Vancouver Island.

Another isotope, cesium-137, a radioactive legacy of nuclear weapons tests conducted from the 1950s through the 1970s, was found at low levels in nearly every seawater sample tested by Woods Hole, a nonprofit research institution.

“Despite the fact that the levels of contamination off our shores remain well below government-established safety limits for human health or to marine life, the changing values underscore the need to more closely monitor contamination levels across the Pacific,” Buesseler said in an email.

In March 2011, a massive earthquake triggered a tsunami that struck the Fukushima nuclear plant, 130 miles (209 km) northeast of Tokyo, causing triple nuclear meltdowns and forcing more than 160,000 residents to flee from nearby towns. It was the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.

Last year, Woods Hole reported detectable radiation from about 100 miles (160 km) off the coast of northern California, and in April radiation was found off Canada’s shores.

The latest readings measured the highest radiation levels outside Japanese waters to date some 1,600 miles (2,574 km) west of San Francisco.

The figures also confirm that the spread of radiation to North American waters is not isolated to a handful of locations, but can be detected along a stretch of more than 1,000 miles (1,600 km) offshore.
Read more at Reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/us-japan-nuclear-usa-idUSKBN0TM2WT20151203#qZIH3IyAuYCIrXRG.99

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December 5, 2015 7:58 am

This is trivial, nothing but Fear Mongering. Woods Hole must be looking for increased funding. The radiation is contained.

What everybody should get thru their heads is that the most important problem is Climate Change, er Global Warming, er Anthropogenic Global Warming, er Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming. Our Dear Leader has voiced this info many times. Sometimes, I wonder at the intellectual levels of the citizens.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 5, 2015 9:31 am

How come I see huge amounts of chem-trails almost everyday but TPTB and their MSM see nothing? Am I supposed to then believe whatever they say about climate, economics, illegal immigration, peaceful Islam, the goodness of pot, women’s health (abortion murder), Obamacare, low unemployment, vaccines, mandatory secrecy about GMOs and imported food, radiation in Pacific seafood, the brilliant Congress and public school officials, the unspeakable dangers from legal guns and home grown Southern White Male Christian Terrorists, the extra importance of what talking heads and Hollywood actresses say, the efficacy of women and faggot soldiers and Flag officers, Jade Helm, FEMA shelters, DUMBs, UFOs, etc etc.

December 5, 2015 11:35 am

This year I saw few seagulls at the beach. There were record numbers of starving baby sea lions along the coast. Many other alarming indicators of a stressed or dying Pacific are evident. Scientists are invariably “mystified” about what is going on. We should weep.

December 5, 2015 12:25 pm

@rhs jr.

you listed a number of the insults, and assaults we are experiencing.

There are so many more. No, I will not attempt to list them as we all have

our suspicions. What we once thought of as “far out” rantings of the

fringe have been proven to be correct. The new “fringe” are talking about

the coming mass murder, (war), child and human trafficking, and the

people behind the lying politicians. Some in the fringe are former military,

retired bureaucrats, and repentant financial rainmakers. There is more yet.

We are being looted.

December 5, 2015 12:33 pm

Fukushima radiation killed Colma Rising. I tried to tell him to keep his goofy ass out of the Pacific Ocean, but oh no, he just couldn’t help himself! Poor bastard shriveled up and faded to black!

December 5, 2015 1:06 pm

I see 7 BILLION dead people.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 5, 2015 3:21 pm

Wonder why powder milk, canned corn beef, jerky etc are not on the shelves at Sam’s and COSCO (or are expensive) but there is plenty of canned fish and pork Spam? PS: I read that the Seismometers were turned way down and radiation detectors were turned off in the West and government “scientist” were told to keep their mouths shut.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 5, 2015 4:05 pm

Sensetti says: Fukushima radiation killed Colma Rising.

Colma found life unbearable after Smokey exhaled. Let’s just say Colma rose also.

December 5, 2015 6:10 pm

@ robert h siddell jr….You heard right about the .gov monitoring agencies lowering the standards of what’s acceptable radiation. The ‘minimum allowed’ radiation levels have pretty much doubled, and in some cases up ten fold, by those lying bastards.

Apparently, there’s no stopping the disaster at Fukushima or they would’ve done it by now. I read where the Russians offered to help but were ignored.

It’s kinda ironic that as those of you with children and grandchildren are rightfully planning your survival of the coming SHTF event to ensure the survival of your descendants, the radioactive water from Fukushima keeps pouring into the Pacific year after year and will eventually cause a massive die-off of humans. I don’t think all of us will die, just about 90%…….but I always was an optimist!

December 5, 2015 7:04 pm

I believe it’s so horrible but true. At least 3 meltdowns. No containment. Ongoing. This was the stuff off horror/thriller movies just a few decades ago. Now msm/government won’t even discuss it. Northern hemisphere? It’s got to be poisoned. What are we to do…i live by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Beef jerky is available/relatively cheap at Aldi. Also, no msg. Good times…

December 6, 2015 3:45 am

how do you convert the metric radiation levels to roentgens ? im stupid today lol , but it seems they change the standard protocol to keep the masses from understanding?

Im probably asking this question wrong. When Chernoble happened , wasn’t it reported differently , as far as radiation levels?

December 6, 2015 10:13 am

Wood’s Hole? I expect Wood will end up just like poor Farrah…