A Face in the Crowd


Hat tip Left A Comment.

Left A Comment placed this link on the Andy Griffith clip about the time Opie illicitly recorded the prisoners at the Mayberry jail talking about their criminal plans and offered Andy the recording to prove their guilt. While Andy’s lecture to Opie is priceless about the right of any man to feel secure in his private conversations, this 1957 performance by Andy Griffith is stunning.

I’d never seen it before and I’m now very troubled about his ability to change character so quickly and so completely.  Since I know that Andy Griffith was a liberal at heart, which character was closest to his true nature?

But more troubling is that it begs this question: Are all politicians so cunning?

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December 6, 2015 12:00 pm

I’ve seen this Andy Griffith movie two or three times.

Yes, the majority of politicians are this cunning and deceitful.

As they rise up the political food chain, the average politician becomes more and more corrupt.

That is because power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

Lust for power attracts sociopaths and psychopaths like sugar attracts ants.

Just look at Hitlery Clinton. She has the same kind of contempt for ordinary people as the Andy Griffith character. The Hildebeest is utterly unaccomplished. She accomplished nothing as a Watergate Committee lawyer, nothing as First Lady of Arkansas, nothing at the Rose Law Firm, nothing as First Lady of the United States, nothing as a Senator from New York, and she was a complete disaster as Secretary of State.

Yet this power-crazed old harridan could end up as the next President of the United States.

She wouldn’t stand a chance if daring reporters left the microphone on for a few minutes after one of her photo ops.

December 6, 2015 1:36 pm

Some good material here.


December 6, 2015 3:06 pm

Wow admin. I don’t know or fully recall your opinion about the Sandy Hook incident but if you’re this suspicious of Andy Griffith being able to act so convincingly at both ends of the spectrum, SH should set off non-stop air raid claxons in your head.

December 6, 2015 5:08 pm

Thanks for the heads up Maggie. I sometimes miss the contributor line and your intro sounded so much like admins typical attribution when he posts comments of others.

I spent the majority of my life living within blocks of active military runways having both a father and spouse responding to various war game alerts the whole time. It amazes me that I did not see the deceptions sooner in life but then again I was a believer in all things promoted as American by the oligarchs and had no reason to question any of it. Ignorance was truly bliss!

Did you ever fly on any of the Joint STARS or Rivet Joint platforms?

Fred Hayek
Fred Hayek
December 6, 2015 5:22 pm

Regarding Andy Griffith and how quickly he went from saccharine to contemptuous, that wasn’t that unusual a performance, was it?

But director Elia Kazan and writer Budd Shulberg, the same team who made On the Waterfront a few years earlier, supposedly put Griffith through his paces revving him up as much as possible to get the best possible performance out of him and, reportedly, Griffith said that he’d never do that again. And he played nothing but one sided good guys after that.

December 6, 2015 5:43 pm

Maggie – sometime go back to see the final comments on the previous Andy Griffith post (from yesterday). I know the post is getting ancient, but it still going on with El Ciber & me. U might find it interesting . Or not. No big whoop..

December 6, 2015 5:57 pm

Maggie I’m with you on this movie. First time I saw it I couldn’t believe Andy Griffith could play such a fuck. And the way Patricia Neal reveals his true nature is one of the great scenes in film.
But seriously, I think those captioned “laughing their asses off” photos of TPTB aren’t that far from the truth.


December 6, 2015 6:44 pm

@ Maggie…Thanks for a great post. I believe that in order to be a politician one has to be an actor, a con artist and have no morals whatsoever. Being shameless is a plus as well.

Remember those 1990’s ‘family values’ repukes who got caught with everything from larceny, bribery, cheating on their wives and last but not least…getting caught in homosexual affairs? I can’t remember the one who got caught performing sodomy with strangers in a public men’s room, but he was part of that crowd of Holier Then Thou hypocrites.

The dems are no better morally, but at least you expect them to be flagrant queers, pedophiles and just plain rotten to the core. Truth is there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between any of the politicians.

December 6, 2015 7:00 pm

All one has to do is get your hands on an ‘ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY BOOK’ and read the chapter on ‘Anti social personality disorder’. In that chapter you will find that there are 2 sub classes in this diagnosis – The low IQ type that usually ends up prematurely dead or else ends up incarcerated, and the other types – high IQ types that gravitate towards government, political or business endeavors and end up ruling us sheeple – they are too smart and avoid jail / prison, but have no compassion towards their fellow man. Their ‘fellow man’ exists only to be shorn and ‘strip mined’ for the benefit of the higher IQ anti social pathological scum bag. These are the people that run this country.

December 6, 2015 11:06 pm

@ skinbag…(that’s a great handle, btw)…Yes, the anti social personality disorder types do run governments and corporations and are in the military and they are also called psychopaths.

December 7, 2015 12:00 am

A Face in the Crowd is one of the greatest films of its decade. Griffith was Oscar-worthy.

He did later play memorable villains in Pray For the Wildcats and Savages, so it wasn’t all one sided good guys afterward.