An absolutely mind blowing book. I can’t wait for the movie to come out next week. I will fork over the $10 to see this one. Great cast. Great critical reviews. Maybe a few more people will realize how badly Wall Street bankers screwed the country. 

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December 9, 2015 7:53 pm

Admin….you forgot to add: and are still screwing the country with the willful assistance of our Gov’t and the Fed.

December 9, 2015 8:31 pm

Michael Lewis is bar none the business writer going today. Able to describe relatively complex finance scams in layman’s terms. It all started with ‘Liar’s Poker” back in the 80’s. I to cannot wait to see this movie.

December 9, 2015 8:48 pm

Thank you for the tip/sounds good

December 9, 2015 9:16 pm

Enjoyed “Liar’s Poker” a bit better, but Big Short is worthy. Will definitely rent the movie when it comes around to Redbox.

December 9, 2015 9:56 pm

Looks awesome thanks for posting

December 9, 2015 10:03 pm

Just remember that everyone has an angle. Just like the movies about Dan Rather and Trumbo that will both warp reality to influence the young who no longer study any history into a pro left, big government view, those who control media and Hollywood are making this movie and it will have as its raison d’etre manipulating you for the left.

Katze im Sack
Katze im Sack
December 9, 2015 10:21 pm

Thanks for the tip, Admin.

Rollover (1981) and Margin Call (2011) aren’t bad either.

December 9, 2015 10:38 pm

Yes indeed a MIND BLOWING book ! Begs the question “what shenanigans are the banks involved in now?”

December 9, 2015 10:40 pm

Round 2 of the financial crisis is bound to be more cataclysmic than round 1 was.

December 9, 2015 11:46 pm

Wasn’t there some guy who had a hedge fund who personally shorted the entire stock market before the 2007-8 collapse and made over a billion dollars? I seem to recall that he was in Long Island and he hated the Ivy League stuffed shirts of Wall Street, which made his profit even sweeter.

December 10, 2015 8:35 pm

I saw the housing bubble expanding and told my adult kids NOT to borrow against their houses, knew that sub-prime was sub-slime, knew it was ultra-significant when 2 AAA-rated Bear Stearns sub-prime hedge funds blew up in June 2007 (a first), watched the whole sub-prime and Jumbo mortgage biz vaporize over the following year and watched it culminate in the Lehman credit heart attack a bit over a year later. AIG was pure fraud made real by Timothy Geithner, who kissed Goldman-Sachs and made them 100% whole. The rest, not so much.

After a lifetime of working in finance, I never thought I would see total financial corruption here in the US, but it came.

What comes next will be epochal, not ever seen before in the history of money. Fiat money itself, all based on the Dollar the world over, will fail, meaning all will go toward worthless, hyper. All those Dollar “investments” that you hold in your retirement account will lose maybe not all but MOST of their value. Because the Dollar itself will implode. Do not let its current “strength” deceive you, it is ALL relative. The rest of the world’s currencies are also fiat AND based on the Dollar. They will also fail.

“New” money will be required because the old will rightfully not be trusted.

Please listen to Jim Willie and Rob Kirby. And Chris Martenson and Mike Maloney. Jim Willie is a little nuts with his Satanism riff, but he is very, very smart nuts. It’s his protective coloring. He moved to Costa Rica because he was receiving death threats due to his questioning of the party line on 911. Very high IQ, PhD.

So this is for what it’s worth. The Big Short, the book, is Good Stuff. I will not miss the movie. BUT IT IS PRELUDE. I most fervently hope I am wrong. I was, however, NOT wrong about the housing bubble and I am not wrong about this. You may call me Cassandra, or Idiot, whatever pleases, doesn’t matter, but please sensibly prepare.

As a footnote, ALL the ultra-wealthy and the Elite know ALL of this, it is not news to them, and they have already acted accordingly.

December 29, 2015 6:08 pm

I agree and disagree with David. Yes, Hollywood is, no doubt, an instrument of propaganda run by Jewish interests, which may seem liberal to some, at times, but that always aim towards the new trends of power. This is why Tomas Alba Edison, in conjunction of the US President of the time sought out to buy all the movie studio patents and ruin all the European Producers of the time.
In the end this movie is about the process through which Capitalism became stronger, and more flexible by destroying national economies, to gain even more control, through a global one. The characters may have won a big battle and shitload of money, while they were at it, but if you take a good look today, in the aftermath, the left is totally loosing this war.

Dave Doe
Dave Doe
December 29, 2015 6:33 pm

Has anybody read “Flash Boys” yet ?

There are also some very good videos on You Tube of Dr. Burry