Update on the Boston Marathon Bomb Case

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Movies are used to set official stories in stone, and a movie is going to be made about the heroic capture of a badly wounded 19 year old kid, not old enough to buy a beer, who, despite being shot up and severely wounded, is alleged to have written a confession in the dark on the side of a boat under which he was hiding to escape execution. Apparently, the 10,000 troops who violated the US Constitution and searched the houses of a shutdown Boston without warrants are going to be credited for “saving America from terrorism.”  http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/regionals/south/2016/03/08/crews-preparing-southfield-for-shooting-marathon-bombing-film/iol7OIhjAJR8lvhI74AhqO/story.html?s_campaign=8315  

I find it difficult to believe that a shot-up kid, who had to be put into intensive care when he was discovered, who was hiding from execution under an upturned boat, spent what little energy and life force he had left writing a confession in the dark on the inside of a boat.  What convenient instrument to write with did he happen to have on hand?

Why would we believe assurances of such an unlikely confession from the same lying government that assured the world that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction justifying a multi-trillion dollar invasion that destroyed a county? We know for a fact that Saddam Hussein most certainly did not have weapons of mass destruction as President Bush later admitted, and even if he had, such possession is no justification for illegal US aggression that destroyed a country. Why would we believe  a government that assured the world that Assad used chemical weapons against his own people, which we know for a fact was Washington’s made up excuse for invasion?

Continue reading “Update on the Boston Marathon Bomb Case”

Message to the FBI: “YOU ARE AN IDIOT, HAHAHA!!”

It is now known that the FBI was wrong about North Korea hacking Sony. They are either Liars, Dumbfuks, or likely, both.

You can read one such article here;


But the video below is the reason for this post.  The alleged Sony hackers, #GOP, made a video in response to the FBI’s conclusions about North Korea entitled, “You are an idiot” on December 21st. Openly mocking the FBI buffoons like this …. good lord, I love this video! It should get an Emmy for Best Documentary.


Here is the movie trailer.  It doesn’t appear to be particularly funny, or un-funny. Kind of run-of-the-mill.  Earlier this week Ms Freud watched for the first time “Bad Santa” … the worst comedy I have even seen.  This movie seems better than that.