Gator’s question of the day:

Most fans of this site tend to be of the libertarian/minarchist persuasion. Many of you supported Ron Paul during the last presidential election and espouse libertarian viewpoints. But many otherwise libertarian people now support Donald Trump for president, even though, in his own words, he expresses many things that are the antithesis of libertarian viewpoints. My question is… why? Is it simply to give the finger to the republican party and the “establishment”, or is it because you genuinely believe that Trump will actually solve the economic problems that are currently eating us alive?

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December 11, 2015 4:31 pm

WOW! The Donald seems to be quite the lightening rod in the MSM, conservative talk radio, and TBP.

First of all, Gator – thanks for posing your question today.

As I mentioned before, we are a house divided. The awake vs. the asleep. The intelligent vs. those who CAN’T even conjugate an original thought. Lovers of liberty vs. those who have sold their souls.

Whenever I think about the TBP, the dual nature of Andy Griffith and the Patriot Act – I just can’t stop thinking of this 2006 or 2007 foreign film called the “Lives of Others” – that describes East Berlin under the Stasi.

This film rocked my world. It’s subtitled so I had to read it, but it was so worth the effort (my humble opinion).

Here is the wiki link:
(link won’t activate?? so just paste into your browser if you want

Anyway, you probably won’t find it at your nearby video store. I found it at our local library. It’s also available on Amazon.

We now have a 1.5 billion dollar data gathering facility in Utah and they couldn’t stop the San Bernardino shooters or discern their connections to ISIS until after? Either they are wholesale incompetent or they are only watching us monkeys. Call me paranoid, but I tend to think it’s the latter.

So – when I think about all of this, my only hope for us monkeys is the effervescing, ideological freedom of speech (that we are able to enjoy for now) on TBP and select other alternative websites.

Maybe there are some in the NSA, DHS (& other tyrannically twisted alphabetical soup government agencies) that MIGHT be turned and possibly fight the system from within, thus, showing mercy on us monkeys and sparing us from the firing squad or the guillotine, at least for a while.

Can Trump stop it or slow it down? Or, is there the possibility he might make it worse.

I will still vote though. Sorry, Indentured Servant. I still believe there are degrees of separation between candidates and these just MIGHT buy us a little more time.

Regarding any optimism expressed above, I’m not holding my breath.

December 11, 2015 5:53 pm

Jfish said:
“I will still vote though. Sorry, Indentured Servant. I still believe there are degrees of separation between candidates and these just MIGHT buy us a little more time.”

I’m still interested and you seem to be avoiding the question……….Which president during your lifetime deserved your vote and why? (There is no wrong answer so don’t be scared.)

As long as I’m at it? Why do you want to “buy a little more time”? My opinion is fuck it…lets get on with the crash. I’d rather spend the remainder of my life moving in a different direction than continue this interminable slide. I’m 49 years old and it’s going to be 20+ before we shave off enough momentum to get this motherfucker turned around. That doesn’t leave much time for livin’! Of course if I was the temporary, yet benevolent dictator-in-chief, we’d already be building upward momentum starting tonight but no one is stupid enough to give me authoritah!

December 11, 2015 6:39 pm

IS – I hear everything you are saying. MY point is that if we only have a little more time, perhaps TBP ideas could catch fire and maybe wake up some folks. As admin as stated, the hits keep on comin’ and TBP viewership is increasing on a monthly basis. Maybe, just maybe, this could facilitate your dream of expediting things? Maybe? Who knows.

I guess I am desiring a little more time so my kids can grow older, wiser and more mature. Maybe we all could use a few more years to prepare? There are a lot of reasons.

As I mentioned to you before, I believe the elections at the local and state levels can make all of the difference in select areas. Regarding US presidents, who was better in 1980? Carter or Reagan? Be honest. Now – who would be better in 2016? Cruz or Hillary? Which one would buy us more time? Which one try to uphold the constitution more? Please don’t change the subject by telling me how bad, Reagan, Carter, Cruz & Hillary are. Just tell me which one is better that the other(= degrees of separation)

If the “empty pantsuit / head on a stick” wins, be ready, it’s all gonna’ happen pretty flippin’ quick. Fasten your seatbelt.

You may think you want this, but I don’t think you’ll really appreciate what you are saying ’til you (according to Orwell’s vision) feel that jackboot “stomping on your face, forever”.

That’s all I sayin’ my TBP brotha’….

December 11, 2015 8:42 pm

God help us all.

December 11, 2015 9:01 pm

West – nary have such accurate words ever been stated…

December 11, 2015 9:07 pm

@Jfish, I won’t change the subject like you did…….

The question was which president ***D E S E R V E D*** your vote and why? Don’t waffle.

I understand the desire to see your kids better prepared but unfortunately IMO most kids under 30 will be sent off to fight another bankers war before too long. I doubt that being enrolled in college will save any of them this time. (yeah, I’m TPB’s little ray of sunshine)

I used to hope for more time to prepare but I’ve been more or less prepared for most of my life and I’ve prepped in earnest since 2007/2008 when I woke to the evil perpetrated in Mordor and Wall St.. What I’ve realized is that even if I had a million dollars and 50 more years I’m never gonna be as prepared as I want to be. That won’t change next week or next year but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life on a downhill trajectory.

Do I really want to see the collapse that’s coming? No, I’m not a masochist but the truth is that like the Titanic, the former USA has already hit the iceberg. This ship is going down. It’s a mathematical certainty. Although we’ve hit the iceberg and are taking on water, the engine order telegraph is still set on All Ahead Half. Even if it could be saved there is no political or financial will to do so.

I actually hope Bernie or Hitlary do get elected just to hasten the collapse. They will move the engine order telegraph to All Ahead Full.

It’s time to make last minute preps/stay prepped, tribe up and brace for impact. There will be no boot stomping on my face because of the withering hail of gun fire I’ll be sending their way. They’ll have to kill me before their boot gets near my face. I will not be getting on the boxcar. Trust me on that.

December 11, 2015 9:08 pm

I won’t be voting for any presidential candidate because I don’t think it does any good. However, I do think the Trump campaign makes the political campaigns worth watching this time.
I normally don’t vote any more, but this election, in my home state of South Carolina, one of the state representatives has managed to put a question on the ballot that I plan to vote for. The question is, (1), should the Confederate flag be put back up on the capitol grounds, or (2), should it be put in the relic room. I plan to vote to put it back up. And based on local surveys, it will go back up. 🙂

December 11, 2015 9:18 pm

Oh yeah Jfish, “which one is better than the other”? In my head that the same asking if I want to die by Ebola or Bullshark attack. Either way I’m dead. None of those candidates give a shit about the Constitution except to preserve the illusion or wipe their ass. The candidates you mention do not offer options. They offer lots more of the same with an even greater potential for outright tyranny as ALWAYS tends to happen as governments age. That reminds me, I need another spool of piano wire!

December 11, 2015 9:28 pm

Vic, the Stars and Bars should go back up. It was a top down agenda that drove that controversy to start with. If people want to be outraged by it, fine! It only reflects their own ignorance. Intelligent people shouldn’t have to suffer the ignorance of fools.

December 11, 2015 9:49 pm

Jeez, IS – you are flipping relentless. I suppose that’s what I like about you tho. OK – I wish I could say Alexander Hamilton because he broke the banks. I wish I could say Abraham Lincoln because he held the nation together. I wish I could say John F Kennedy because he chose to stand up to the secret societies. But U want to know recent presidents. OK! How about Ronald Reagan because his Star Wars initiative broke the economy of the Soviet Union and cause them to fragment

December 11, 2015 9:55 pm

The world inherited it worldwide peace dividend (that Bill Clinton benefited from) for many years based upon the moral courage of Ronald Reagan. George Bush used 911 to kick Saddam Hussein’s ass & the Mullahd in Iran were very afraid, right up until the 2006 midterm elections, when the dems won the house & Senate & Harry Reid announce to the world that ‘we lost the war in Iraq’. Gas soon went 2 $4 a gallon & the mullahs wre afraid no more.

December 11, 2015 10:05 pm

Obama has completely fucked up the Middle East even more, in Syria as well as the Ukraine & now we are on the verge of world war 3. Enter Obamacare, IRS scandels, Benghazi being caused by a YouTube video, etc. Question if Carter won in 1980, or if Gore won in 2000, do you think we would have been better off? Personally, I think she would have unravelled sooner. Again – after Kennedy – all of them have been owned by the banks. But there are still degrees of separation.

December 11, 2015 10:12 pm

Point is – in the end, we are fucked. I’m only interested and holding shit off for as long as possible at this point. Maybe I’m wrong. If I am, it’s probably because I’m “relaxing” tonight ( if you can read between the lines), & I’m a ‘Merican, dammit! Ha, ha! What say U, my friend?

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
December 11, 2015 10:27 pm

Jelyyfish opts for peace in our time. Just hold on a bit longer, easy, easy..
Haven’t you been reading, you freaking rah rah? It’s sunk.

December 11, 2015 10:35 pm

El Ciber – I know! Read my posts above. I am not disagreeing in entirety. Merely the minor details / degrees of separation as applied to buying more time. Thanks all.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
December 11, 2015 11:01 pm

Come back, Stuck. This place is a morgue without you.

December 11, 2015 11:30 pm

Long live the Stuckmeister!

December 12, 2015 12:28 am

Jfish says:
“Jeez, IS – you are flipping relentless.”

It’s hard to carry on a conversation if we’re talking past each other instead of to each other no?

I asked the question because asking myself the same question is what made me realize none of them DESERVED my vote. They’re all bought and paid for regardless of party. Without exception this country has been on a down hill trajectory regardless of who occupied the White House or who controlled the House or Senate.

The next time I vote for a president, the candidate will have to be a public servant/employee. That won’t happen until after the collapse if at all. None of the current candidates are public servants or employees. They believe themselves to be superior and consider us to be chattel. I accept that and no longer have any use for them. They offer nothing that will benefit my country or me so fuck ’em!

It does help that I have no children by deliberate choice. There were numerous reasons for that but seeing what is happening today and what is likely to come makes me very content with that choice. It’s tough to say how I’d feel if I had kids. Impossible even.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
December 12, 2015 1:03 am
December 12, 2015 1:25 am

2% subconscious, 98% conscious.
The snake in the grass Politico/Bureaucrat caste has led to mediocrity so dense as to be enshrined. And getting denser.
First they have to figure out what ‘enshrined’ means.. (then, ‘denser’)

Anyway, it’s obvious to the subconscious, if not the conscious, Trump is the Alpha Businessman on the stage. He’s no effing lawyer!
Early on, when he gave the nuisance CNN lady presstitute the French wave of dismissal, he won ten million fans.
When Trump (common sense) sided with Putin as per the miscreant Arabs in Syria, he won ten million votes.
When Trump said he’ll get rid of the miscreant illegal alien criminals “so fast it will make your head spin” (haha) he won ten million votes.

It ain’t no mystery. He’s not wearing shoes bought by, (fill in the blank).
As I said .. he ain’t no effing lawyer, or a big bureaucRat! For starters..

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 12, 2015 1:38 am

Wo ist Der Stuckmeister?

December 12, 2015 4:58 am

It’s tough to say how I’d feel if I had kids.

IS – I will tell you. It’s terrifying and sad, all at the same time. I want to protect them from what’s coming, but I can’t. I don’t worry about myself or my wife so much. But I do for my kids. Wish the future was brighter for them. Catch ya’ down the road…

December 12, 2015 5:55 am

Fire or ice. Either will suffice.

I can’t imagine Trump making it until the Republican Convention if he continues to poll like he is doing. If, for some reason he makes it and gets the nomination? I still won’t vote for him.

Not registered and not Mexican. If I was Mexican or Arab I guess I could vote anyway since no one questions illegals rights to do anything.

But I”m not.

December 12, 2015 10:55 am

“if he continues to poll like he is doing”

Maggie, Trump is polling more than double his closest rival.

Hope this helps. It’s from yesterday, 12/11/15

“A new CBS News/New York Times poll shows Trump pulling further ahead of his rivals, with the support of thirty-five per cent of likely voters in the G.O.P. primaries. The survey placed Trump’s nearest challenger, Ted Cruz, almost twenty percentage points behind him.”

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
December 12, 2015 11:24 am

Maggie says: Not registered and not Mexican. If I was Mexican or Arab I guess I could vote anyway since no one questions illegals rights to do anything.

Sometimes a candidate is forced to give back illegal contributions when caught but who is going to give back illegal votes? A vote is a vote, as far as power is concerned.

Nobody questioned dead folk’s right to vote for JFK.

It’s actually the fault of the creeps willing to dig up the dead and put a pen in their hand to have them write in their candidate.

Not defending illegal voters, simply pointing out that the person who gains power is the person who has to share the blame.

EL Cibernetico commenting on his own comment
EL Cibernetico commenting on his own comment
December 12, 2015 11:52 am

I thought about the similarities in the movie snippets I posted: Father Mapple’s sermon in Moby Dick and the final scene in Scarface:
Both have a group of folks arriving at a big house. The congregants are recieved by one standing a level above them. They hear a message from this preacher. At the end of the sermon, the preacher lays down on the ground. We see one prostrate upon the water, at the end of his sermon, though unseen here, Father Mapple falls to his knees and stays there silent.
The differences are minor but significant: one is the congregation of the Lord, the other a synagogue of Satan. In one, the preacher speaks of life and Heaven. In the second, their preacher tells his congregants, ‘ I will send you to hell!’

Father Mapple speaks of Jonah and his service to others, Tony Montana speaks of himself and the debt others owe him.

It is all in accordance with this verse:

I am come in my Father’s name, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive. John 5:43

December 12, 2015 2:39 pm

DAMN! El Ciber – Wow. I know Moby Dick is the opposite of Pulp Fiction but: “Look at the big brain on Brad”. I just viewed both videos again and I am totally picking up what you’re laying down.

Again, wow…